Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Folk remedies for the treatment of pancreas

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The pancreas can affect several diseases. The main ones are:

  • pancreatitis;
  • cyst;
  • cancer;
  • stones in the pancreas.



Pancreatitis manifests itself as follows:

  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting.

Especially bright symptoms are exacerbated almost immediately after the end of the meal. To get rid of the disease, you can conduct pancreas treatment at home. Remove the inflammation and cure the disease will help people's funds.

To relieve pancreatic inflammation, instead of tea in the morning brew and drink the collection of herbs: mix in equal parts:

  • coriander;
  • cudweed;
  • elecampane;
  • St. John's wort;
  • the seed of dill;
  • mint.

The spoon of the collection is insisted in a cup of boiling water for 1 hour, wrapped in a towel.

Oat milk

In the fight against pancreatitis from folk methods, oat milk helps. To prepare a drink to treat the disease, you need a pure whole unpeeled oats, which can be purchased on the market.

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  • the grain washed in a colander is placed in an enameled container, add 1.5 liters of cold water;
  • under the boiled oats strongly reduce the fire and leave it under the lid for 40 minutes;
  • with a wooden swapping munch the grain in a container and cook for 20 minutes;
  • a cool decoction filter through capron. The output is a white liquid, similar to milk;
  • drink it 4 / d on the coffee cup;
  • stored oat milk for 2 days, then prepare a new serving.



  • buckwheat grind to flour and pour kefir;
  • standing out for the night is gobbled up for breakfast.

Pancreas cyst

Sometimes a small inflamed seal of the cyst can form on the pancreas. When a cyst occurs in the area of ​​the gland, there is often a pain that worsens at night. Symptoms of the cyst are expressed:

  • aversion to food;
  • with permanent weakness;
  • loss of appetite.

When the doctor confirms such a disease as a cyst, the treatment starts immediately. Depending on the condition of a person, medicine can offer surgical intervention. Not too neglected disease can be cured by folk methods, provided that a special diet is observed.

Herbal infusions

  • The presence of cysts involves the use of herbal teas, where the most important ingredient is calendula. It can be brewed and separately, but much more effective its effect is manifested in collections with yarrow and celandine, which must be treated fairly accurately, accurately maintaining the dosage, so that the cyst treatment does not turn into poisoning.
  • Taking advantage of folk remedies, you can stop the growth of cysts with a composition of leaves of cowberry, currant, blueberry. A spoon of raw material is steamed in a thermos for the night with a cup of boiling water. Drink a day.
  • Will help get rid of cysts and chicory. A drink made from it resembles coffee and is pleasantly drunk. To get rid of the cystic disease of the pancreas, it is enough to drink aromatic useful coffee from chicory daily.

Pancreatic cancer

Very strong specific symptoms are cancer of the gland:

  • of the patient's urine acquires a dark red color;
  • feces discolored;
  • over the skin spreads itching;
  • patient has a feeling of constant overeating, even when eating a limited amount of food;
  • vomiting black masses;
  • appear thrombocytopenia, anemia;
  • there is an increase in the spleen;
  • sometimes the symptoms of cancer can have a similarity with diabetes.

Official medicine recognizes pancreatic cancer as virtually incurable. However, the sick often think about how to treat the pancreas at home using folk remedies.

Treatment according to the prescriptions of folk medicine of pancreatic cancer will help:

  • relieve pain;
  • remove toxins;
  • will give strength.

Basically, when treating a disease such as cancer, folk healers use poisonous plants. Their compounds are capable of destroying cancer cells. Making up recipes, the fees included wormwood, the color of potatoes, hemlock, bleached, celandine.


  • Decoction of potato is drunk before meals, three times a day. Every 2 weeks, you should definitely take a break. To prepare a decoction for the treatment of cancer, the proportion is used: 1 scoop of raw material per cup of boiling water.
  • Pancreatic cancer is accompanied by acute pain. Strong means to relieve pain, is considered tincture hemlock with bleached. Equal proportions of herbs are mixed and insist on alcohol. The ratio of alcohol and raw materials is 5: 2.Having sustained in the heat for 2 weeks, tincture is drunk, strictly considering each drop.

Earlier, the cancer was treated with colostrum colostrum. A modern unique drug for the treatment of cancer has an amino acid colostrum.

Stones in the pancreas

Symptoms of the presence of stones in the gland are expressed, first of all, by pain. It can be acute, colicky, blunt. Quite often the pain affects the lumbar region. Attacks, as a rule, end with vomiting.

Prevention of

Any pancreatic disease should begin with viewing and changing the menu. It must be porridge. Taking advantage of folk remedies, it is desirable to clean the gland.

  • Bay leaf will well relieve inflammation and cleanse the body. It is used with a weakened gland function. In the thermos, put 10 medium leaves of laurel and pour a cup of boiling water. Insist 24 hours, drink before a meal on a glass. After 2 weeks of testing.
  • The pancreatic can be cleaned with buckwheat .In the evening, a glass of cores is thoroughly washed and poured into 0.5 kefir. For breakfast you need to eat half of the porridge, and leave the second for dinner. After 10 days, the porridge is stopped eating, taking a break for 10 days. In this period, you need to eat 5 nucleoli from apricot kernels daily. The last 10 days again eat buckwheat porridge. The course should be repeated every six months.
  • With pancreatic disease, it is well cleansed by a folk remedy like cooked parsley in milk. Per kilogram of parsley root, you need 2 liters of milk. Parsley is ground, poured with milk and cooked. Muffle porridge should be 1.5 hours. Three days apart from her nothing to eat. You should know that such an organism is highly desalinated by such an organism. After the course, it is necessary to drink mineral water, enriched with salts, but after using the remedy.
  • Pancreatic cleansing during her illness will help dates .To eat them it is necessary on one and a half ten daily, since the morning. Chew the fruit long, carefully, washed down with clean water. After half an hour you can start breakfast. Such delicious folk remedies as dates and chicory can partially restore the cells of the gland.

Pancreas exacerbations

During pancreatic disease, there are sometimes exacerbations that can be managed using folk remedies.

  • Japanese Sophora will perfectly cope with the pain threshold, and its enzymes will accelerate the recovery processes. Infused with boiling water, the grass is kept in the thermos for about 8 hours. Drink the infusion only before eating 1 week. Then there should be a mandatory break.
  • When the disease of the gland is brewed blueberry berries .A two-week course alternates with a one-week break.
  • During an exacerbation of the pancreatic disease, it will be well supported by Hercules .Liquid cereal is prepared without salt and oil. Such a meal should replace the menu for a few days.
  • Positive effect for exacerbations of the pancreas is provided by such tools as Jerusalem artichoke , which you need to eat daily, rhodiola rosea .Her tincture can be purchased at the pharmacy and drunk before meals
  • Very helpful for diseases of the pancreas decoction of aspen .To prepare the broth requires a very young tree bark, collected in early spring. Having collected 300 g of raw materials, it is necessary to place it in an enameled container and fill it with water so that the crust only disappears. Cook the aspen half an hour, remove, wrap, put infused for 12 hours. Drink the drug before meals, twice a day. During the treatment period, you can not eat canned food, spicy, spicy or smoked dishes.
  • Treatment of the pancreas is performed by with a decoction of sage, marigold and iron ore .Also, folk remedies from immortelle, echinacea, clover, blackberry, dandelion, cumin, burdock, marigold, grasshopper are also helping.
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