Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Can I eat oatmeal cookies for pancreatitis?

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Inflammation of the pancreas is treated with special medications, but without a proper diet and a strict diet, no medicine will not give the desired effect. Thanks to the diet, the patient manages to maintain the state of health in a norm and avoid exacerbations. Therefore, many patients are interested in whether they can eat cookies? About sweets and other desserts, of course, the speech can not go.

Oatmeal cookies

This treat is well known to everyone - in the childhood they were spoiled by mothers, it could be taken with them to school. Oatmeal cookies are considered a useful treat, since the main product included in it are oat flakes or oat flour. In most cases, wheat flour is added to it, so that the cookie will keep its shape. The list of useful ingredients is not limited to this: modern producers add honey, nuts, pumpkin, candied fruits, cocoa, etc. to the structure.

Treatment for the acute phase of the disease

Despite the many nutrients and general benefits of the product, oatmeal cookies in pancreatitis at the time of exacerbationrecommended for use. And there are reasons:

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  • cookies are prepared with the addition of vegetable oil. If the cost of delicacy is low, then most likely, it added a vegetable spread or margarine. In both cases, fats are present that can lead the inflamed gland to the edema;
  • dietary fiber, and for 100 grams of the product contains 2.5 grams of fiber, can lead to stimulation of the intestine. In the acute phase of the disease, this process is accompanied by increased gas formation, which leads to dilution of the stool and painful sensations;
  • the presence of sugar, which causes the production of the pancreas, which is already inflamed, the hormone insulin.

If the disease passes in a mild form, the patient feels great, his tests get better, doctors allow you to add oatmeal cookies to your diet. Only to start it is necessary with ½ or 1 pieces, and at a deterioration of a condition at once to take measures.

The phase of remission of

At the stage of recovery and entry into a state of remission, patients are allowed to eat oatmeal cookies in small amounts. However, this does not apply to those patients whose inflammation has turned into a serious complication - diabetes. In this case, the product prepared on sweeteners should be preferred. Such cookies are sold in diabetic departments and pharmacies.

Oat biscuits are useful for the body, thanks to the contents of the cereal it:

  • normalizes the stool, eliminates the occurrence of constipation;
  • removes cholesterol from the body;
  • is the source of life-important amino acids;
  • fights well against cancer cells, because it has a lot of antioxidants.

Composition of

Oatmeal is quite high-calorie - 390 kcal per 100 g of product. High and the content of carbohydrates and fats, 50 grams and 20 grams, respectively, per 100 grams of biscuits. These indicators are the reason for the moderate consumption of delicacies by sick people.

However, oatmeal has a huge amount of vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, A, B12, E, beta-carotene, PP.Also, the biscuit contains an impressive amount of minerals necessary for normal functioning - silicon, potassium, manganese, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, selenium, zinc, sodium.

Home or shop?

That cookie, which is easy to find on the shelves of the store, can hardly be called curative and harmless. Even if the producer does not use spread and margarine in the recipe, he still adds a generous portion of preservatives. The shelf life of cookies is at least six months, and this result is achieved through additives. The same can be said about the amount of sugar - the buyer can not know how much it was added to the cookies.

Choosing between prepared and personally prepared dessert, it is reasonable to give preference to the second option. Moreover, it's not difficult to bake a useful oatmeal cookie. But you can eat it without fear of consequences. For cooking, you will need:

  • Hercules - 1 glass;
  • sugar substitute or sugar - 1/3 cup;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.spoons;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • salt - pinch;
  • vanillin, cinnamon and baking powder for dough - by pinch.

The oil combines with sugar, it is well rubbed. Then add the egg and whisk the mass until the foam forms. Next, pour the baking powder, salt, vanillin and cinnamon into the dough, then the oat-flakes. Stir the mixture, add raisins and flour and knead the dough. It should be soft and elastic. It remains only to cut it into small pieces, form balls from them and arrange them on a baking sheet, oiled, slightly flattened. Bake for no more than 15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Agree, there is nothing easier, but for the dessert, the patient will have a freshly useful treat, and he will not have to be in the hospital or sit in line for medical advice. Do not forget about moderation, even if the cookie is homemade!


Can I eat oatmeal cookies? Is at pancreatitis it is possible, but with observance of recommendations of the doctor. In the phase of exacerbation, it is better to refrain from using it, thus reducing the duration of the disease. At the stage of persistent remission, it is possible, but taking into account individual characteristics. If the patient is obese, he is allowed 1 piece, in other cases, 2-3 pieces per day. The diagnosis of acute pancreatitis does not allow the use of delicacies.

What kind of biscuits is strictly prohibited

When inflammation of the pancreas, even in the phase of remission, in no case should you eat shortbread cookies. Under the ban and all beautiful externally desserts containing a large number of trans fats and sugars. Cookies in the glaze and with the addition of dyes and fragrances are also not intended for patients with pancreatitis. And, of course, the use of cookies with creamy interlayers is unacceptable.

Pancreatitis is a very serious disease that can lead to a number of serious complications, so do not take risks, allowing yourself a momentary weakness. If you cook oatmeal cookies yourself, fantasizing with additives( with lemon, orange, pumpkin, apples, etc.), its taste will never suck.

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