
Treatment of stroke folk remedies: the best recipes and methods

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treatment of stroke by folk remedies Stroke is one of the serious and dangerous diseases that often occurs in a person unexpectedly.

The disorder can develop in just a few minutes, and the person who was five minutes ago was healthy loses consciousness and lies motionless. With this disease, blood circulation in the brain is disturbed, and it often develops in the elderly.

In order for the treatment of stroke to be effective, it must first of all be complex. Not always in the fight against the disease, expensive drugs are effective, many people managed to improve their health and using traditional medicine methods. In addition, these methods are less harmful to humans.

But it is worth noting that before resorting to folk medicine, you need to consult a doctor and find out whether there are any contraindications to the use of this or that remedy.


  • Recipes based on herbs
    • Treatment of stroke with sage grass
    • Celandine in aid of
    • Decoctions based on other herbs
  • Essential oils
  • insta story viewer
  • Honey and milk are inseparable
  • Citrus fruits - the enemy of stroke number one
  • Using cones
  • People's choice
  • Unconventional methods
  • Featuresnutrition and diet
    • General principles of
    • Best food for strokes
    • What is prohibited by
  • What else can I do at home

Herbal recipes

Phytotearapiya had time to prove itself as an effective treatment against many ailments, including its use for the treatment of stroke.

Herbal preparations can be used not only to treat the disease, but also for its prevention. It is worth noting that a lot of medicinal herbs have been allocated by sorcerers and healers, the most common recipes based on them will be presented below.

Treatment of a stroke of sage grass

In order to restore speech it is necessary to drink tincture based on sage. It is necessary to prepare strong herbal infusion, leave for an hour sage tea to infuse the drink and take it at least three times a day for a few sips.

To improve the condition of a sick person, you can prepare baths based on sage.

To do this, three glasses of dry grass should be poured into 2 liters of boiling water.

Then you need to insist the broth for an hour and pour into a warm bath.

Purity in aid of

Purity is also effective for people who have suffered a stroke. Although it is a poisonous herb, it is effective for many ailments. Cook the broth on the basis of this plant is very simple:

  • in a glass of boiling water add 1 tbsp.a spoonful of grass;
  • infuse the broth for several hours;
  • take three times a day, first for 1 hour.spoon gradually increasing the dosage to 2 tbsp.spoons at a time.

Decoctions based on other herbs

In order to improve the condition of the patient after a stroke, you can prepare a decoction based on the following herbs:

  • plantain;
  • yarrow;
  • wormwood;
  • St. John's wort;
  • calendula;
  • the globe;
  • wild strawberries.

To the mixture of herbs you need to add a pharmacy crust and walnut. All herbs should be taken in the same proportion. The medicine must be boiled, cooled and taken to the destination three times a day for 1/3 cup.

jaundice In order to normalize the heart, you need to take a tincture of jaundice gray. A teaspoon of tincture will require ½ cup of boiling water. After the broth cools down, it can be taken three times a day by a teaspoonful.

If a sick person is paralyzed by limbs, then an ointment cooked at home will help him. This tool should be rubbed into the limbs twice a day, and it is prepared simply.

For its preparation you will need a bay leaf and pine needles. These ingredients must be ground to a powder. They need to be mixed in a ratio of 6: 1.To measure, you need to take 1 tsp. To this mixture add 6 tbsp.spoons of butter.

Essential oils

Essential oils have a positive effect on the person and the body as a whole. It is best to take a bath with the addition of oils. One of the effective recipes is the following:

  • mix a glass of milk with a few drops of essential oil( it is recommended to take ylang-ylang oil -2 drops and melissa oil-3 drops);
  • dial a bath with a temperature of 35-37 degrees;
  • pour the product into the bath;
  • take a bath no more than 25 minutes;The
  • course of this treatment consists of 10 procedures.

Honey and milk are an inseparable pair of

There are other methods for treating stroke. Such a product as honey has proved itself as an effective product. The recipe for the preparation of the remedy is extremely simple.

Mix a glass of lime honey, 5 ml of peppermint infusion and 60 ml of a tea mushroom infusion. All components are well mixed and can be taken.

In order to prevent the development of a stroke, you need to drink a glass of milk before bedtime with the addition of valerian tinctures. It is also recommended for sick people to take tomato juice along with lemon juice.

Citrus fruits - the enemy of stroke number one

Citrus fruits are fruits with which you can quickly bring the patient's condition back to normal. The most effective fruit can be called lemon in stroke lemon.

In order to bring the condition of a sick person back to normal, you need to do the following medicine, which is especially effective after an ischemic stroke, as it cleans the blood vessels:

  • to twist a kilogram of lemons in a meat grinder;
  • add to the weight of a kilogram of sugar;
  • place the product in the refrigerator.

Every day this medicine should be taken by a teaspoon, preferably in the morning. For greater effect, in addition to this mixture, it is recommended to eat a clove of garlic.

Thanks to the lemon, you can also prepare another remedy to improve the patient's condition:

  • ½ lemon peel, remove bones;
  • cut the fruit into small slices;
  • mix the lemon with coniferous broth;
  • give the drink a few hours;
  • take a drink for ½ cup 2 times a day for half an hour before meals.

Use of cones

To treat a stroke, you can use different cones like pine and spruce. In order to make a tincture of pine cones, you need to use the following recipe:

  • to collect a jar of opened cones;
  • wash the bumps;
  • pour them with vodka to the throat cans;
  • remove the remedy to insist in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  • after this time tincture strain through a dense gauze.

Finished tincture will have a red-brown tint. Take a drink should be 1 tsp 2-3 times a day. But if there are no pine cones at hand, then the cones will be effective. Recipe tincture is prepared very simply:

  • cut the cones of spruce into two parts;pine cones in a plate
  • fill them with ½ 3 liter cans;
  • pour the cones with cold boiled water;
  • leave to infuse broth for 10 days;
  • after this time drain the tincture;
  • cones again flood with water;
  • after a week you can take a drink.
Every day you need to take the finished product, not exceeding the volume of 30 ml. Ready tincture tastes good and that is equally useful.

People's Choice

Wizards distinguish the following methods of traditional medicine, effective in the treatment of stroke:

  1. Treatment of with citrus fruits .These fruits, and especially lemon are able to strengthen immunity, improve blood circulation and are used as a natural antioxidant.
  2. Wormwood or celandine together with honey can improve mental development and calm the nervous system of a person.
  3. Ointment, prepared on the basis of bay leaf , is effective for treatment and .
  4. Application of recipes based on pine cones .
  5. Use of herbal infusions and decoctions of .

Nontraditional methods

Several other therapies that were used by grandmothers many years ago are singled out by healers and healers. But many people have forgotten about them today, although these methods are no less effective for treatment and recovery after a stroke at home:

  • attach to the opposite side of the affected hemisphere an ice bubble;the aquarium calms the nerves
  • to pierce the veins in the elbow area on both hands and release the dark blood until then until the blood of a light shade appears;
  • use according to art.a spoonful of kelp after eating, washed down with water;
  • put an aquarium at home, as water inhabitants and algae soothe a person and improve blood circulation;
  • is more likely to look at blue, green and blue colors.

To prevent a stroke, you need to constantly wear a bracelet on your arm. You can also wear diamonds. As experts recommend, you can put on day decorations with such stones: beryl, turquoise, variscite, diotope.

Features of diet and diet

In order to quickly improve the condition of a sick person, you need to revise its diet and make a diet.

Nutrition and dried fruits should be in the diet of a person, which helps to recover faster. These products contain a lot of calcium and vitamins. They can be consumed with milk.

To ensure that the food is healthy and does not affect the person's condition, it should be skimmed, and for this you need to learn how to cook it properly.

General principles of

When preparing menus for a person who has suffered a stroke, the following principles should be adhered to:

  • prepare food only on vegetable, rapeseed, olive or soybean oil;
  • per day eat no more than 120 gr.lean oil;
  • for a week to eat no more than three boiled eggs, and also to limit itself it is necessary and in dairy products;
  • in the diet of a sick person at least twice a week should be seafood;
  • a day to eat at least 400 grams.vegetables and fruits;
  • food should be varied;
  • baking is not worth taking, it is recommended to eat black bread;
  • give up coffee;
  • drink at least two liters of purified water per day;
  • when cooking meat, remove the upper fat layer from it.

Best food for strokes

proper food for strokes In the diet of a person who has suffered a stroke, there must necessarily be fruits and vegetables. Preference should be given to those in which there is fiber and folic acid.

If the patient has a sugar level within the norm, then you can eat one banana. This fruit contains a lot of potassium, and with its regular use, the risk of a second stroke is reduced by 25%.To restore the body is useful bilberry, which contains many antioxidants.

Potatoes and meat are useful for humans only in baked or stewed. But daily use of these products is not recommended, it will be enough 2-3 times a week. For health, legumes are useful, with a lot of folic acid. By regularly eating foods with this microelement, you can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

It is necessary to eat foods enriched with vitamins A, E and C. The list of allowed foods during a stroke is as follows:

  • oats;
  • wheat;
  • bran.

What is prohibited by

It should be noted that the list of prohibited products after a stroke is much greater than the list of allowed products. For food that is not recommended for use after a stroke, the following applies:

  • baking;
  • butter;
  • margarine;
  • alcohol;
  • salt.
It should be noted that with the regular use of fatty foods, the risk of a second attack increases to 30%, all the cholesterol that is contained in these products.

As recommended by many doctors, after a stroke, you can drink natural red wine in a minimal amount.

Dosage should be specified by the treating doctor, with individual intolerance, the doctor may prohibit the reception of alcohol.

Proper nutrition is the first step towards recovery. You also need to give up bad habits, so as not to aggravate your health.

What else can I do at home

In order to recover as soon as possible after a stroke, you need to do gymnastics and massage using ointments, sick person in the family circle cooked at home.

For treatment, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which is completely harmless to humans, as doctors say.

Doctors do not approve of intravenous administration of this drug, although in practice this method proves its effectiveness and due to its implementation, serious consequences can be avoided.

You can also rinse the oral cavity with hydrogen peroxide, diluting it in an equal proportion with water. This procedure can be followed after each meal lasting 1 minute.

Treatment and rehabilitation after a stroke at home by folk remedies, as practice shows, is effective and effective. But self-medication doctors do not recommend, before using a method, you need to consult with a specialist.

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