Diseases Of The Pancreas
Diseases Of The Pancreas

Is it possible to drink milk thistle in pancreatitis?

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Pancreatitis is an inflammatory process of the pancreas, which causes considerable discomfort during the exacerbation. To combat it, special medicines are prescribed. But in addition to them you can use and folk remedies. The milk thistle helps patients with pancreatitis, also called milk thistle.

What is the healing power of a plant?

Milk thistle has in its composition a huge number of different useful microelements. Thanks to them, the use of this herb produces an excellent effect on the body. It is used in any form, for example, in raw form, in the form of a meal or butter.

Whatever form of folk remedy is not used, the herb has a therapeutic effect on the body, forcing to actively remove urine and all harmful substances, get rid of problems with stools, prevent many pathologies.

By acting on the pancreas, the plant helps it to recover faster and normalizes its activity. The components contained in the milk thistle facilitate the work of the digestive organs and stimulate the production of their own enzymes.

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Thanks to the folk remedy, the body is cleansed of toxins and other harmful substances. Significantly reduces the likelihood of diabetes, which often accompanies pancreatitis. The risk decreases, because the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, in particular insulin, comes back to normal.

In addition, the herb allows the body to recover much quicker after taking courses of therapy, during which drugs with strong effects were applied, and also after sessions of chemical or radiation therapy.

Also, the milk thistle helps to get rid of the clinical manifestations of pancreatitis, to normalize the pancreas and protect it in the future. In addition, the medicinal herb copes well with pathogenic microorganisms, strengthens the immune system, promotes wound healing, strengthens the walls of tissue cells.

How to consume a plant?

In order to make the maximum use of milk thistle, you need to know how you can apply it. The plant can be used both separately and together with other herbs. But it is necessary to take into account when applying the collection that all components must be compatible. Otherwise, the body can react negatively.

  • You can prepare folk remedies with any parts of this herb. If you prefer the roots, they can be added to salads in any form: raw, fried or boiled.
  • Also actively used in the treatment of pancreatitis with meal thistle. It should be taken before eating, while it is very good to chew and drink with water. In addition, such a product can be added to some dishes as a seasoning.
  • It is recommended to drink a decoction of milk thistle. For its preparation, it is necessary to take well-dried leaves and roots, brew them with boiling water, leave to stand for 12 hours, then strain and consume thrice a day 1/3 cup on an empty stomach.

In pharmacies, you can buy ready-made products based on milk thistle, which includes extracts and extracts of this plant. But they still do not have such a strong effect, which can give grass in its pure form. After all, natural ingredients that were not subject to special treatment, bring much more benefit.

One treatment course by this plant of treatment takes approximately 1 to 2 months, until the patient's condition is normalized. After this, a pause is required for several weeks. Milk thistle can also be used for preventive purposes, then it is necessary to take it a month, then to stop receiving the same number, and then use the month again.

Butter herb

In addition to other traditional medicine recipes, milk thistle can also be used as an oil. It is produced by means of cold pressing. Use the medicine is allowed both inside and local way to treat the skin.

Oil has a good effect, eliminating the process of inflammation in the body. When it is drunk, it envelops the walls of the pancreas and stomach, producing a softening effect. Use it 3 times a day for 10 minutes before meals.

Specialists note that thanks to the oil intake of milk thistle, most patients took the path of recovery. They had a positive dynamics, the pain syndrome eventually disappeared, the tumor in the pancreas became smaller, there was a desire to eat, increased body weight.

All this is achieved, because this tool has many useful components, not less than the plants in raw form. These include various groups of vitamins, amino acids, micro and macro elements, enzymes that improve the functioning of the pancreas.

All these substances help to strengthen the walls of tissue cells and develop their resistance to harmful elements. In this regard, the use of this healing plant in pancreatitis has a very good effect and promotes rapid recovery.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Due to the fact that often pancreatitis is accompanied by other pathologies, not all patients can use milk thistle. Even for such a useful plant, there are some contraindications to

You can not use folk remedies with the addition of this herb to people suffering from the following disorders:

  • Failure in the work of the nervous system, which causes depression and epilepsy.
  • Asthma. During use of the plant, shortness of breath may occur.
  • Gallstone pathology. The grass has a strong choleretic effect.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis or appendicitis.

It is also not recommended to use milk thistle if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components that make up her. This plant can lead to an allergic reaction, in which the body is covered with skin rashes, vomiting and diarrhea occur.

Do not use milk thistle to people who have excessive amounts of phosphorus and potassium in the body, as well as children under 12 years of age.

In order to take traditional medicine without harming one's health, it is necessary to consult a specialist. After all, the patient may not even know that he develops some disease, which is a contraindication to the use of milk thistle.

In any case, rely only on one such recipes and refuse basic therapy and dietary nutrition can not. If there are even the slightest suspicions of pancreatitis, you should immediately consult a doctor, go through all the necessary diagnostic methods and, if necessary, immediately begin treatment.

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