Diseases Of The Reproductive System

The use of a beaver spray with prostatitis

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Prostatitis is a disease that requires a careful approach to treatment methods. To get rid of this ailment, sometimes a step-by-step, long-term treatment with the use of a whole complex of therapeutic agents is required. Often, to improve the effectiveness of medicines, treatment is complemented by the use of traditional medicine. A fairly popular remedy for the treatment of prostatitis is considered to be a beaver sprout.

What is this tool?

A beaver jet( castoreum) is a secret that accumulates in the prianal glands of the animal. The name of this remedy does not quite correspond to its content, and looks like moist sand. The value of this secret, as a remedy, is that it contains, in high concentration, nutritious and beneficial substances. An animal accumulates them in its body for emergency cases: wound, illness or hunger.

Investigating this substance, scientists found in its composition a lot of active components( more than 40-ka): acids, phenols, trace elements, natural steroids and others. Since the basic diet of the beaver is medicinal plants( reed, water lily, nettle, horse sorrel, sedge, etc.), then in the glands of the animal there is accumulation of all the beneficial substances from these herbs. Therefore, the secret of the glands has unique healing properties.

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Action of musk

Before starting treatment, it requires a clear understanding that castoreum can not be considered a magic remedy for all diseases. As an exception, it can be called - the prevention of impotence and increased libido. If you have a history of serious illness, then cancel the treatment prescribed by the doctor and go to receive the beaver jet is highly discouraged.

The drug can be used as an additional means to improve the condition and stimulate the defenses of the body, paired with drug treatment.

The effect of castoreum on the body

  • has a strong stimulating effect. The effect will immediately be noticeable in people with decay, fatigue and chronic fatigue.
  • due to complex effects, can be used to treat all systems and organs. Especially often, beaver sprays are used by men and women to improve sexual function.
  • also means is indispensable in cosmetology, for the preparation of creams, masks, lotions, which soften, purify and rejuvenate the skin. And in the fight against wrinkles - it takes first place.
  • has proven the bactericidal effect of musk, coping with many pyogenic infections, even when antibiotics do not help. But you can not substitute antibiotics with a drug. It can be used as an auxiliary treatment.
  • with the use of a beaver jet for the treatment of wounds, quick regeneration of tissues and rapid healing without suppuration are seen.

Treatment of prostatitis

If the cause of prostatitis is a bacterial infection, then the use of a castoreum should be combined with taking antibiotics. It is desirable that before the treatment of the prostate, a bacteriological analysis of the secretion of the prostate gland, as well as an analysis of the sensitivity to antibiotics.

Treatment of prostatitis with a beaver jet, as well as chronic prostatitis, is prolonged outside the exacerbation phase, and it can sometimes last about 1 year. The treatment plan consists of courses: 1 month admission - 2 weeks break.

Tincture of a beaver jet is taken 30 minutes before meals, 2-3 times a day, 5-6 drops. Over a month, more than 100 ml of the drug can not be taken.

You can apply a beaver jet in the form of a powder. The dried iron rubs on a fine grater to a condition of a powder. At one time you can take a grain, not more than the size of the match head. Before taking the powder, you can dissolve it in tea or coffee, or simply drink it with water. A day is taken no more than 3 grains.

Note: Castoreum has a very unpleasant smell and taste. It is recommended before taking the tincture, mix it with a little coffee.


Because this is a natural remedy, there are few contraindications for its use. The main thing is that the dosage should be observed, without increasing the amount of substance taken per day. The curative effect of the beaver jet is so high that it is effective also in small doses.

The sprout should not be taken if there is:

  • allergic reactions to the drug,
  • adrenal disease,
  • venereal disease,
  • pregnancy,
  • age to 12 years.

Where to get the tool?

You can buy a beaver jet in a pharmacy, in the form of tincture, ointment or candles.

You can also buy castoreum in its pure form( dried glands), for self-cooking tinctures, on the Internet or with hunters.

Preparation of tincture

There are several ways to prepare the tincture. It should be noted that only the Russian and Siberian beaver, musk is curative. In Canada there is also a Canadian beaver, the stream of which does not have pronounced therapeutic properties. Accordingly, the price for it is lower.

Step-by-step preparation:

  • inspect the material, remove dust and wool from it with a napkin;
  • the jet is finely grated on a grater, or cut into small pieces with a knife. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves. Otherwise, there will be an unpleasant smell on your hands that can last for several days;
  • the ground iron into a glass jar( jar);
  • contents fill with medical alcohol or vodka. On average, per 100 grams of substance, take 0.5 liters of medical( 96 °) alcohol.
  • bank is closed with a lid and retracts to a dark place for 2 weeks. It is necessary to shake the contents of the can daily. The tincture will be ready after this period and must have a cognac or strong amber color. If the tincture turned out to be too dark, then you can add a little alcohol. In the case of a light solution, add a dry gland substance.

Note: There is not any exact dosage to prepare the tincture. In general, you should focus on the color, depending on the quality of the material.

If you are going to use 70-degree alcohol, then for 100 g of the crushed component, it will already need 600 ml. When infiltrating, precipitation may occur. Therefore, when you take an elixir, it is recommended that it be shaken before each use.

When applying 40-degree vodka for this recipe, the proportions are slightly different: one liter of vodka per 100 g of powder will be required.

In ready-to-use tincture, the iron can be left indefinitely. The quality of the elixir is not affected. It is believed that it is only after 3-4 months that it becomes the most effective.

Preparation of rectal suppositories

A beaver spray with prostatitis can be used in rectal suppositories. In order to cook them at home, you will first need to buy at the pharmacy regular candles with medicinal herbs, for example, with the belladonna extract.

Now it is time to melt the candles in a water bath so that a uniform consistency is obtained. Find out what to make molds for candles and put in each piece of substance. The dose of castoreum, for one candle - a grain, the size of a match head. Pour it melted mass and cool. Candles are used in combination with taking the tincture 1 time per day, before bedtime.

Beaver jet is very well proven for treating many other diseases. In addition, the use of this remedy improves overall well-being, raises mood, promotes rejuvenation of the skin and the whole body as a whole.

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