Diseases Of The Reproductive System

Two-sided adnexitis

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Inflammation of the appendages is the most common disease of the female reproductive system. In gynecology, this phenomenon is called adnexitis or salpingoophoritis. Bilateral tubal lesion requires immediate treatment, as the consequences of the disease can be unpredictable. According to statistics, every fifth woman who has suffered an inflammatory process, loses the ability to conceive, so the question of negative consequences is most relevant for those who are going to have a child.

The cause of the disease

Bilateral adnexitis is an inflammatory process caused by the defeat of the genital system by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common pathogens are E. coli, chlamydia, trichomonads, streptococci, mycoplasma. With unprotected intercourse, these microorganisms freely enter the body of a woman and begin to multiply rapidly in a favorable environment. Most often from such a problem girls from 18 to 35 years old suffer. Also, the inflammatory process can be a consequence of another disease, for example, appendicitis.

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This contraceptive, like the intrauterine device, can also become a cause of infection, since this type of contraception contributes to an unhindered infection in the fallopian tubes, resulting in a purulent inflammation of not only the appendages but also the ovaries.

Quite often bilateral adnexitis appears after surgical intervention - scraping, abortion. In addition, the following factors can provoke the spread of infection:

  • Sexual intercourse during menstruation;
  • Chronic diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • Frequent change of partners;
  • Subcooling and lowering of immunity.

The spread of infection is often promoted by spermatozoa, so treatment should cover both partners.

The most striking symptoms of the disease

Depending on the prevalence of the disease, the severity of the symptoms may be different. Also, the clinical signs depend on which virus entered the body. In medicine, this disease is divided into several types: bilateral, chronic, subacute.

  • Acute bilateral adnexitis begins with fever, general malaise, headache. These symptoms are very reminiscent of a cold, so it is quite difficult to determine the real cause of the deterioration of well-being. Over time, with adnexitis appear more pronounced signs. Pain in the genital area becomes permanent. In addition, the woman appears unreasonable nervousness, insomnia and signs of depression. The inflammatory process provokes serous discharge from the genital organs, accompanied by itching and irritation.
  • Prolonged course of adnexitis with time passes into a chronic stage. Such a nuisance can occur if the course of treatment has not been completed completely.

During the period of exacerbation of a chronic illness, the temperature rises and overall health worsens. The woman has a decreased sexual desire, there are problems with the urinary system, back in the lumbar region may hurt. The pain becomes blunt, it can increase with physical activity and sexual intercourse. Against the background of chronic adnexitis, there is a malfunction of the menstrual cycle, there is a risk of infertility.

  • Subacute adnexitis is characterized by symptoms that have a short-term effect. This stage is dangerous because a woman may simply not notice the alarming signals.

The inflammatory process, which disrupts the normal functioning of the ovaries, leads to the formation of various pathologies that hinder the conception of the child. Therefore, a woman should listen attentively to her body and, with the slightest doubt, consult a doctor.

Methods of treatment

The outcome of any disease depends on how correctly the diagnosis is made and the treatment is prescribed. Quite often in the diagnosis of bilateral adnexitis, you need to stay in the hospital, but if the disease is at an early stage, then the treatment can be done at home. In this case, you will need to comply with bed rest, and avoid stressful situations.

After the diagnosis, the treating doctor prescribes antiviral drugs and antibiotics. Their course should last about two weeks. To be engaged in a selftreatment at such disease is categorically contraindicated.

By focusing on suppressing an infection that can cause irreparable damage to the female reproductive system, do not forget about immunity. The composition of complex therapy must necessarily include vitamins, probiotics and immunostimulating drugs.

In the form of additional recovery procedures, the following methods can be used:

  • Physeo procedures, including vibromassage or electrophoresis;
  • Gynecological massage;
  • Sanatorium treatment;
  • Ultrasound examination.

All these procedures are aimed at preventing relapse, eliminating adhesions in the fallopian tubes and normalizing the menstrual cycle.

In the case of purulent adnexitis, surgical intervention, which is performed by the laparoscopic technique, may be required. Doctors resort to radical methods only in extreme cases, as they try to inflict minimal harm to the reproductive system. To prevent ectopic pregnancy during the treatment, oral contraceptives are prescribed.

Is it possible to treat adnexitis with folk remedies

You can talk about folk methods of adnexitis treatment only when the disease has an easy form. It is also advisable to use folk techniques in the rehabilitation of the patient. In any case, before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to consult the attending physician about the appropriateness of the procedures.

The complex of traditional medicine includes douching, soothing baths, phototherapy. Such techniques will help to strengthen the action of drugs and speed up their removal. In addition, many plants have high immunostimulating properties that will help strengthen the body's resistance and shorten the recovery period after a course of antibiotics.

Of great importance are folk remedies when applied locally. For example, syringing with herbal decoctions restores the natural flora of the external genital organs, has a soothing effect, relieves itching. Also a good result shows the application of bee products. Propolis and natural honey have long been used as immuno-restoratives, which are applied locally and internally. Not less often in folk medicine, dairy products and natural plant juices are used.

Preventive measures

Two-way adnexitis is used to return, in order for it not to happen, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules in daily life:

  • Attentively to casual sexual relations, it is obligatory to use contraceptives. If, after sexual intercourse, doubts have arisen in the purity of the partner, it is necessary as soon as possible to urinate, carefully wash, treat the external genitalia with miramistin.
  • Visit a gynecologist twice a year and conduct the necessary studies. Such a measure will help in a timely manner to detect not only the onset of adnexitis, but also other violations of the reproductive system.
  • Everyday personal hygiene should be carefully monitored. In time, change the underwear, properly wash and take a meticulous attitude to all the secretions.
  • In the winter-spring period it is necessary to maintain immunity at the proper level. To do this, you can drink a course of fortifying vitamins, and tighten the body with physical exercises.

A woman should take care of her health regardless of age and the presence of anxiety symptoms. Prevention is the best treatment, eliminating the problem at an early stage of development is much easier. Regular visits to the gynecologist will help to maintain the reproductive system, which is so necessary for conception and gestation of a healthy child.

Can conception occur with bilateral adnexitis

Planning pregnancy during the inflammatory process is not the best option. Spikes, which are formed as a result of the negative action of pathogenic organisms, can become an obstacle to normal conception. As a result of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, there is a risk of ectopic pregnancy, and this phenomenon is very dangerous for the female reproductive system.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, the conception issue should be postponed until the disease is completely cured. In addition, during the period of the inflammatory process, it is better to insure yourself by taking oral contraceptives. This scheme of pregnancy planning will increase the chances of successful conception and exclude infection of the fetus.

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