Mental And Psychological Disorders

Hypomania and hypomanic psychosis - everyday drive or serious deviation?

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hypomania Hypomania and hypomaniacal psychosis: "I am a king - I am a slave - I am a worm - I am a god!" "Go up into the sky - this is work! To rise in the sky - this is work! "

To dream is not harmful. A phrase that is quite remarkable with its malice.

We are kind of blessed: dream! But immediately they teach this dream to betray, inspiring: it is difficult, dangerous, will fall, burn yourself, risky, scary, think about your mother, what people will say. In general, quit this thing. ..


  • Lyrical digression or introduction. ..
  • Caliph for an hour - a countdown to the hypoman
  • What are they in life and how to recognize them?
  • Diagnosis causes doubts - concomitant pathologies
  • Diagnosis of the pathological condition
  • Principles of treatment, as well as their results
  • In a step from schizophrenia

Lyrical digression or entry. ..

And most people, with years not so much growing up as rapidly aging, are getting used to giving uptheir aspirations, obediently convincing themselves to believe in the correctness of someone else's negative experience.

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After being imbued with the poison of the "keep and not to let go" principle, becoming its fierce supporters, they are now embarrassingly professing it as an absolute truth - and, like the plague, spread the tactic of caution in feelings, dreams and actions on others: children, grandchildren,on their distant and near.

There was even a term justifying such cowardly tactics: reasonable caution.

Indeed, what could be easier than banning. And who will punish it if everyone around is like that?

As a result, it turns out not satisfied with anybody's collective irresponsibility and the practice of looking at any situation with tin eyes with a familiar poking finger at your neighbor: let him answer! People robots

But while the majority of humanity pretends to live, strained, fun, smoking hard, surfing the Internet and breaking my head: how could I survive at the expense of my neighbor?- next to them, at the same time and on the same planet with him, there lives a category of people of an absolutely different "cut", in which the child's ability to dream and desire is atrophied to deep gray hair.

These are people woven from a child's admiration of the world and equally of unconditional childlike conviction: miracles exist and not are possible. And there is no such miracle that would not have happened if one wanted to.

They do not even think for a moment the idea of ​​doubting that in life something can not happen that started in their head. It was started in the sense: it appeared, and in the sense: it set in motion.

And where others habitually-easily abandon their, sometimes even the most languid dreams and desires, they are just as easy to take - and implement what they have planned. They work wonders with their heads and hands. To the unspeakable surprise and furious envy of those who always say "yes, but. .."

This is the category of creators and dreamers - never aging children, embodying the impossible, despite the laws of physics and physiology. Those who never put off life for later.

And nothing that they thought of and desired, can not be embodied in real life, research, works of art, in a charming and talented offspring.

These people seem not to suspect that there are words of prohibition, acting on others as an enchantment and compelling obediently to drop their hands. Or do not try to raise them at all. What is their secret?

They do not "dissect" life, in one desiccator folding good, in another - bad and sticking a tag-resolution: to expel from use. They are one with life, they accept the world and themselves in it whole, without reservations and looking back at their neighbor.

For they are creators.

Caliph for an hour is the countdown of the hypoman

But there is another "version" of people capable of realizing the impossible and forbidden, giving freedom to their dreams and fantasies.

Hypoman They are very similar to creators, but their creativity is based on a different principle.

These are also children. Children to gray hair.

But the children are offended. And that's why they climb from the skin to prove their exclusivity, and by and large - the right to exist.

They are ready to move mountains, take on the most hopeless business - and "pull" them at the expense of extraordinary efficiency and mobilization of all reserves of the body.

You can say that these are people-ants, recklessly rushing to carry out any assignment. Either they are desperately and persistently implementing their program. To then proudly say: Look, father! I could.

This deeply gone into the "body" of life - and the subconscious mind - the "splinter" of resentment is the driving force of the pathology, which is called hypomania.

Why is "hypo-"?Because the word means this: under-, below, somewhere near, but not quite.

And the manifestations of hypomania are so insignificantly different from the behavior of a person with ordinary psyche, which makes it possible to place it on the stage of states bordering on mental disorders.

Like mania "large" and "full", this pathology is characterized by unevenness, uneven psychic reactions to what is happening.

Becoming periodically "Caliph" - the omnipotent master of phenomena and objects, the patient with hypomania remains "caliph for an hour."For his intention to create exclusively good and justice is quickly "exhaled".

And then the hysterical stormy accusations of all and all begin in indifference to the execution of the assigned case. And at the same time and reproaches in ingratitude to the titanic efforts made by the person to implement it, and also personally to her, which generally always saves everyone and makes everyone happy. And other similar bitter outpourings.

What began with a blissful smile on your lips and an unshakable faith in the indispensable triumph and success of the performed deeds( a faith completely diverging from the opinions of others) gradually or sharply degenerates into panic and assault. As a result of which the assigned case is carried out on "five with plus", and in case of quenching one's own ambition - deserves a lot of "evocative" signs in social networks.

But then there comes a regular payoff for trying to bestow all mankind, or at least a small part of it, and pull the world out of the swamp of imperfection on a firm shore - on the first step of the ladder to everyone's happiness.

There is a deep disappointment in yourself, in life, in people. The state of decline of forces and depression with a variety of manifestations - from complete, to "stunned," indifference to the previously passionately desired to attempt to leave a black staircase of suicide: could not( did not appreciate), why then live?

A persuad to make the world beautiful, healthy and smiling took all the forces. A stranger, absolutely not required for the fulfillment of life by a truly creative person.

What is hypomania

What are they in life and how to recognize them?

The fact that the habitual environment of the hypoman seems "twists" and whims, although eccentric, personality, the expert eye of the psychoneurologist appears a series of regularly manifesting symptoms that indicate a hypomanic state.

There is it in two diametrically opposite versions.

In the first, it is sharply and unjustifiably enthusiastic( up to absolutely unacceptable in this situation), in the second - "rolling down" to the blackest misanthropy.

Hypoman-"man-lovers" is unreasonably-groundless, to "impropriety" is joyful and even happy. So much that he is ready to share with a person from his environment and even with chance "tucked up" all his available money, invite him to live in his apartment without looking to sign important documents and take similar actions.

To process for a day a whole "wake up" of documents, having slept only 2-3 hours, for a hypoman it is quite usual thing - the service for it is always on the Change of mood first place.

Such an "altruist" is not able to cause concern for any circumstances of life, frightening and depressing a person of a normal personality - the hypoman is always inexplicably joyful and tireless.

Hypomann-misanthrope is characterized by a malicious and quarrelsome character, unjustified "literalism" in the most ordinary situations, often it is the pedant of the highest test, the cause of the "headache" for the colleagues and the grim tyrant within the walls of his own house.

Both types are characterized by a nervous change of activity in an ardent desire to stand out, like, attract attention, often leading to risky sports and unusual hobbies. And, having started abruptly and promising to become "the future of the whole life," the hobbies are drastically abating, leaving the place even more eccentric.

The boasting of his exceptional business and masculine superpowers is an indispensable trait of a person with hypomania of any type, in the case of doubt on the part of another person, rage brings the hypoman to screaming and fighting, and despondency - to suicide.

Constant proof of its rightness - at the cost of public scandal, fights, noisy trial and constant "showdowns" in social networks that attract public attention to the individual, is one of the most common signs of this psychopathology.

And even in a dream the hypoman "fights with windmills", continuing a lively conversation with the daytime opponent, making many restless movements in a restless sleep and often waking up.

Diagnosis causes doubts - concomitant pathologies

If the main risk factor for the manifestation of hypnosis is continuous intense brain activity, the reasons for such a personality warehouse can be covered in an implicitly manifested mental disorder, be associated with birth trauma and head trauma, be a consequence of neuroinfections.

But the main "platform" of pathology is always a "short circuit" in the psyche that occurred in childhood and led to a radical change in the life of this probable patient in the near future of a psychiatric hospital. Changing phases of mania and depression

Because hypomania often flows into:

  • hypomaniacal psychosis;
  • manic-depressive psychosis;
  • schizophrenia.

Signs that hypomaniacal syndrome began to develop into hypomaniacal psychosis are symptoms of loss of control over the psyche with speech disorders and motor movements.

They are manifested:

  • aspiration to constantly move - restlessness, redundancy of facial expressions and gestures;
  • speech, consisting of scattered scraps of several topics of conversation, constantly "kept in mind";
  • excessive physical( including sexual) activity with its high productivity:
  • with short sleep duration, inadequate work done during the day and energy expended on it;
  • excessive appetite;
  • permanent stay in an inappropriate situation high spirits.

The increase in the productivity of activity, coupled with the use of natural and artificial stimulants for even greater effectiveness, leads the patient to develop symptoms of megalomania and regular exhaustion, both emotionally and physically.

In addition to obvious( manifested) hypomania, expressed by excessive verbal and social activity, coupled with an obsession with professional activity and inadequate judgments, there exists a covertly current form, the symptoms of which are almost the same, but they are less intrusive, conflicting and aggressive.

Overestimating its capabilities and closing its eyes to reality without going into the forecasts, the hidden hypoman in the state of internal and external Masks in the hands bliss, feeling inside a constant burst of energy and an eager inner shiver, is taking on the most difficult and responsible work.

And, since it is less prone to fussiness and less distracted during its execution, than the hypoman is explicit, the productivity of his labor is much higher.

But it is as richly endowed with all the costs of the disease as the aggressive hypoman, including shopaholism, hypersexuality and craving for alcohol, pleasures and adventures that are not peculiar to people with a stable psyche.

Difodiagnosis of the pathological condition

Hyponiasis and hypomaniacal psychosis differ from similar psychiatric pathologies by the episodicity of the course, the absence of delirium and hallucinations.

The difference from hyperthyroidism is the absence of hyperthermia, exophthalmos, tremor, Grefte symptom, and in case of "guiding" the hypomaniacal episode with alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines, it manifests as concomitant tremor, pupil diameter and strengthened vegetative.

The course of chronic hypomania is a persistent affective manifestation perceived by the patient as a condition "everything is fine!" Until the somatic disorders begin with vegetative crises, impaired consciousness and the progress of anxiety and constant insomnia to a pronounced fear of death.

This form of deviation should be differentiated from hypertensive diseases and psychopathic pathology, schizophrenia.

In contrast to a similar pathology caused by disorders of cerebral blood supply, endocrine pathology, infectious processes in the body, CT data( MRI) of the brain, blood biochemical, general clinical and infection tests, the hypomaniacal state will not give a positive result.

To diagnose a psychoneurologist it is worthwhile to involve a toxicologist( narcologist), an endocrinologist and an oculist.

Principles of treatment, as well as their results

The general principles of treatment of hypomania are the use of sedatives with lithium salts( Litosan, Lithobide, Sedalit) or small doses of carbamazepine, psychotherapy sessions that reveal the root cause of the disorder and return the patient to normal Sedalite vital signs,and concern about the result of activities that have reached the level of psychopathy.

Competent and timely appointment of antidepressants, as well as multivitamin complexes during mood decay and decrease in behavioral and brain activity, allow to avoid the onset of depression and its sad consequences.

An important strategic issue is the abolition of self-imposed antidepressant medications, which can also significantly help restore health and mentality. An equally important component is the refusal of the hypomania sufferer from excessive consumption of tea, coffee, energy drinks.

Given that hypomaniacal psychosis is a very protracted hypomaniac episode, the approach to treating it will be somewhat different than in the case of the episode. Upon reaching the critical phase, he requires an emergency placement in a psychiatric hospital. For only separation from the habitual workaholic way of life with the restoration of sleep and wakefulness is able to restore the normal work of the brain and body.

transcranial brain stimulation The monitors of pharmacological monotherapy emphasize the homeopathic principle of treatment - the reception on the clock of only one drug selected with the most accurate efficacy at the lowest dose.

Such in-patient treatment is supplemented with biological( psychotherapeutic) feedback sessions, including transcranial magnetic stimulation and conduct of behavioral trainings that form the skills of self-regulation of the affective sphere with the purpose of correcting the activity and behavior.

In the step of schizophrenia

Given the proximity of hypomania and schizophrenia, it is necessary to prevent both conditions, from childhood correctly orienting the child in the world of personal and social values, stopping the manifestations of careerism and workaholism, teaching a competent combination of mental and physical activity.

A hospitable, hospitable home environment with frequent visits from grandparents, allows you to redirect mental effort to a calmer emotional and moral channel, saying: in addition to brainstorming and working to "wear out", there are other forms of life and other values.

Adult hypomana "re-educate" is more difficult, but with a certain perseverance and active involvement of medicine, it is also possible.

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