
Warts on the legs - how to get rid, treatment, means, reasons, prices for removal, photo

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The viral wart on the toe causes, perhaps, maximum suffering to the person. The fact is that such warts are in constant constriction in the compressed space of shoes, which adds to the person not only moral discomfort, but also real physical suffering.

Special wounds and pains cause a wart on the soles of the feet, as it is on the foot that it is subjected to constant pressure and injury.

An internal wart on the finger( between the fingers) or on the little toe of the leg also causes certain inconveniences, but it certainly is not as prone to injury as a plantar wart.

The wart under the nail on the leg expands the area of ​​its lesion much faster than the warts on other skin surfaces, as it has access to the most light-skinned surface of the skin, which is practically open for microtraction.

Although, of course, every wart on the human body deserves special attention and treatment.

If you have a wart on your leg, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible, who will prescribe the necessary course of treatment for you.

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Causes of the appearance of warts on the legs

As we have already mentioned, the main cause of the appearance of warts is papilomavirus or human papillomavirus.

Papilomavirus is transmitted through general use of household items or during direct contact with other sick people.

The incubation period of the infection is within a few months. 754y

The virus of the papilloma is very aggressive: it grows intensively on the skin of a person, while simultaneously increasing the area of ​​damage to the outer layers of the skin.

The source of the virus can not always be easily detected, since it can itself not have warts or other visual features.

Often the causes of the appearance of warts are microtraumas and microcracks on the skin.

So, for example, warts on the soles of the feet may appear after visiting the public pool.

Often, infection with the papilloma virus occurs during the preparation of micro-trauma to the skin when shaving.

Lowering the level of the immune system also refers to the causes of the appearance of warts on the human body.

The wart of a child on his leg causes suffering not only to the child himself, but also to his parents. They tirelessly run around the different doctors, trying to establish the main source of infection.

What are warts on the legs

The following types of warts can be present on the legs:

  • ordinary;
  • plantar;
  • are flat;Genital warts
  • ;
  • senile.

Ordinary warts are almost painless.

The wart on the leg hurts in the most neglected cases, when it is constantly injured and irritated.

It is only natural that every wart should deserve special attention and treatment.

A dry wart, for example, on the foot requires laser treatment or removal with the help of the radio wave device "Surgitron".

And how else can I remove the warts on my legs?

Treatment of warts on the legs

Treatment of warts involves two main directions:


  • to remove warts on the legs with the help of official medicine;
  • to remove the wart on the legs with the help of traditional medicine.

As you can see, there are only two main ways of removing warts, but there are a great many methods of treatment.

Let's see what means of warts on the feet offers modern official medicine.

1. Cryodestruction - freezing of warts with liquid nitrogen. The whole procedure takes about two weeks, after which instead of a wart there is only a small pink spot.

2. Electrocoagulation. Treatment of a wart on the toe by electrocoagulation takes about one week, after which even a scar does not remain.

3. Laser coagulation. The total time needed to smooth the surface of the skin is two to three weeks.

4. Surgical intervention. Get rid of a wart on your leg in this case right away. But the time needed to restore the skin can also take about two to three weeks.

5. Chemical methods can offer a variety of chemical compounds in order to cure warts on the legs.

All these methods are good or bad in their own way, but each of them has the right to exist.

An amazing medicine for warts on the legs - Isoprinisone, which is marked by particularly high efficiency when used.

To cure plantar warts on the legs, you can use Rimoxol Ointment or Oxolin Ointment.

These ointments have a good antiviral effect.

Any of the recipes we propose will help you get rid of warts.

However, do not forget that to achieve a positive result you must follow a certain consistency and perseverance.

The price of wart removal on the leg is not strictly fixed, but we can say that the average price is about 1000-1500 rubles for the removal of one wart.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy!

Video: How to get rid of warts

Warts on the legs Warts on the legs, like all the other warts on the human body, appear due to the papilloma virus.

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