
Cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen - consequences, reviews, prices, rehabilitation, photo

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However, not everyone knows that besides cosmetic defects, warts can bring many more, more serious, problems.

In any case, if you have formed warts, you should not immediately panic.

It is best to pay attention to various modern methods of treatment of warts:

  • moxibustion of warts by laser;
  • moxibustion warts celandine.

Good results can boast, for example, such a means for cauterizing warts, like liquid nitrogen.

Each patient with warts on the skin should be well aware that the warts indicate significant disturbances in the human immune system.

Moxibustion of warts with liquid nitrogen

Today we have a lot of techniques for treating warts. These methods differ in their tolerability and morbidity for the organism, as well as in the various amounts of money required to pay for the full course of treatment.

Considerable attention from physicians is given to the localization of warts on the skin and the age of the patient.

Sometimes, before the warts are removed or after the warts are removed, their histological examination may be required, since the patient may be in a precancerous condition, in which the skin shows malignant tumors. Cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen scientifically is called cryotherapy.

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This is today - one of the most popular methods of removing warts. 758th

The main advantage of this procedure is its speed and efficiency.

It can be added that this method avoids painful sensations and the appearance of noticeable scars. These unpleasant consequences are completely uncharacteristic for this procedure.

Let's look at the procedure for burning warts with liquid nitrogen.

First local anesthesia of the prepared skin area is performed.

The doctor takes a liquid nitrogen with a special spatula and applies it to the treated area of ​​the skin. Touch the applicator to the skin with a slight pressure.

After burning with nitrogen, the wart gets white( or almost white) color.

A little later, a blister can form on this skin area, which is a normal reaction of the patient's skin to the resulting burn. The appearance of the blister shows that the necessary effect has been achieved.

The complete healing can take about two weeks, depending on the size of the skin formation.

Consequences of removal of warts with liquid nitrogen

After cauterization of the wart with liquid nitrogen, a slight excretion of the sac is possible. And with improper care, small inflammatory skin reactions at the site of treated warts are possible.

Rehabilitation of the patient after moxibustion with liquid nitrogen is the correct treatment of skin areas subjected to a medical procedure.

A few days there may be pain, which after a while usually pass.

Sometimes, a bubble of pinkish white may appear.

Treatment of a wart after burning with liquid nitrogen is most often:

  • puncturing this bladder with a sterile needle;
  • is applied to the skin with antiseptic.

Then, on this place appears a crust, which can not be removed, but it is better to wait, when, in due course, it will disappear.

Moxibustion of warts at home

759th Most popular products for home use:

  • acetic acid;
  • celandine juice.

Juice celandine should be lubricated with a wart up to four times a day.

However, due to the complexity of obtaining fresh juice, many people prefer to use acetic acid for moxibustion of warts.

Acetic acid can successfully replace all other methods of curing warts, but this method, like the others, requires certain caution.

Acetic acid is much stronger than table vinegar, and therefore the surface of the skin around the wart should be protected from getting burned.

In this case, it is recommended to cut a hole in the adhesive plaster so that the wart itself is exposed, and the surrounding skin of the wart remains covered.

Then, in acetic acid, a little flour is bred, until a creamy mass is obtained.

A piece of this test mass is applied to the wart and fixed with a bandage.

This procedure should be carried out daily for 2-4 weeks.

The procedure is rather painful, and after it scar formation is possible.

It is much faster and easier to remove the wart in a special medical center, where it is removed in two to three minutes with liquid nitrogen.

Reviews of cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen


I struggled for a long time with warts. I tried a lot of different methods.

Nothing helped me.

And now, one day, I accidentally learned about the magical method of removing warts with liquid nitrogen.

The main thing that I remember is the speed of the procedure and its painlessness( relative).

The duration of the procedure is only a few seconds.

Doctor applies, moistened in liquid nitrogen, a wand to the wart, and then. .. all! !!

However, after this you can not wet and glue this place, but I and it endured.

Then I waited a few days for the crust to disappear on the site of the former wart.

Now I remember the time as an annoying oversight of my youth.


I have been suffering for a long time with warts.

Finally, I decided to treat them with liquid nitrogen.

The whole procedure flashed in a few seconds.

The doctor just touched the wart with his magic wand dipped in liquid nitrogen, and my agony immediately ended.

After the procedure, I was forbidden to wet the place where it was held.

For several days I experienced unpleasant sensations on the site of a remote wart.

However, a few days later the small wound dried and fell off.

Terrible warts were no more, and, I hope, will never be.

In Moscow the price of for moxibustion of viral warts with liquid nitrogen is of about 500 rubles.

Take care of yourself.

Be Healthy!

Video: Burning warts with liquid nitrogen

Cauterization of warts with liquid nitrogen All people, no doubt, are well aware of what warts are.

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