
Vertebroplasty will restore the supporting functions of the spine

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Vertebroplasty of the spine To strengthen the vertebral body that is damaged, perform the procedure for the introduction of bone cement.

This surgical procedure is called vertebroplasty of the spine.

Most often it is used to squeeze the nerve endings, compression fractures of the vertebrae, which are the result of osteoporosis, back injuries, hemangiomas.

Contents of the article

  • What is the operation of
  • When is the procedure assigned?
  • When do not use the technique?
  • Operation efficiency
  • Advantages and disadvantages of operation
  • How is operation
  • Possible complications of
  • How is the situation in practice?
  • Price bites, but it's worth it

What is the operation of

In order to introduce bone cement, a special needle is used, while the radiography controls the process. To date, many people are leaning towards surgical operations using bone cement.

They are used for various pathologies that are associated with the spine.

There was a similar method back in 1984.Then in such a way they offered to treat an aggressive hemangioma of the vertebrae. But over time, the procedure was improved and began to be used for different purposes. It is able to return the mobility of the back to the patient.

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During the operation, a metal needle is inserted into the damaged vertebra, into which a special mixture enters.

It includes:

  • bone cement;
  • antibiotic;
  • contrasting material.

The route of administration depends on the affected area. For example, with cervical disorders, side access is used.

Bone cement has a high rate of solidification. The surgeon is given 6-11 minutes to inject the mixture and fill the cavity where a fracture or other pathology occurred.

On the damaged cells the substance has a cytotoxic effect. Subsequently, the vertebra is strengthened, pain is eliminated.

When is the procedure assigned?

Vertebroplasty is performed most often with vertebral hemangiomas, which are in an aggressive stage. fracture of the vertebrae

It takes into account the intensity of pain with an increase in the load on the back, an MRI is performed, with which the level of lesion of the vertebral body is revealed.

The most important indication for the procedure is a feeling of pain in the place where the defeat occurred.

The operation is performed in cases of vertebral fractures, with the threat of squeezing the nerve endings of the spinal cord, which can cause metastases, osteoporosis.

This procedure will restore the support functions, relieve pain, will produce a cytotoxic effect.

When not using the technique?

Vertebroplasty has some contraindications.

They are divided into relative and absolute.

To the first include:

  • inflammation, which affected the bones of the vertebrae;
  • asymptomatic fracture;
  • in the presence of violations associated with blood clotting;
  • patient's intolerance to the cementitious element, contrast agents, a person may have an allergy.

There are such relative contraindications:

  • myelopathy in the area of ​​compression fracture;
  • if the central canal severely narrowed, epidural tumors, retropulation of the bone fragment, could cause such a phenomenon;
  • is an infection that progresses.

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The effectiveness of the operation

In medical practice, the procedure showed high efficiency:

  1. Studies have been conducted that have shown that in most patients with aggressive hemangiomas after vertebroplasty there was improvement, 90% regression of pain syndrome .
  2. People with metastatic spinal cord injury were also observed. Regression was observed in in 80% of patients who underwent treatment through the skin.

During this procedure, local anesthesia is used, it has a small invasiveness. After 2 hours after the operation, the patient can safely move, so stay in the hospital he needs only one day.

After the procedure, his pain decreases, the activity remains. From this, the quality of life improves significantly.

In connection with such an excellent result, an increasing number of people are inclined to vertebroplasty, who received a compression fracture in the spine.

Pros and Cons of Operation

Speaking of vertebroplasty, you can name such advantages:

  1. The procedure is very effective .Bone cement is injected into the site of the lesion. The process is controlled by special equipment. As a result, bone is restored and strengthened.
  2. Low invasiveness of .The procedure will not provide injuries to the patient, as in the process of its implementation, do not cut.
  3. Application of local anesthesia .Allows to make the operation accessible to all people, regardless of health and age. vertebrae before and after Such anesthesia does not burden the body, unlike general anesthesia.
  4. The number of complications is minimized .During the operation, modern instruments are used, new techniques are used, so the needle that is inserted does not damage adjacent tissues and structures near the vertebra. A cut of a few millimeters is carried out. This gives a guarantee to the patient that he does not get infection, does not lose blood, does not damage muscles, tissues.
  5. Fast patient activity .After vertebroplasty, the patient is easily able to move after several hours. The injected drug hardens in a matter of minutes, which does not require limiting the mobility of the patient. He does not need to stay in the hospital for a long time, only one day is enough for this. The procedure is most often performed with sutra, while the person must come to the hospital on an empty stomach, and after some time after the operation, he can go home, lead a former life.
Special disadvantages were not revealed in the procedure, only that it has some contraindications. But complications after it are rarely manifested.

How is the operation performed?

For the operation, local anesthesia is done, which allows the patient to be conscious. The risk of getting infectious complications is reduced due to antibiotics.

operation of vertebroplasty During the procedure, the patient lies on his stomach, a small incision is made through which the needle is inserted. The whole process is controlled by radiography. Next, a piece of tissue is taken for examination, after which the vertebroplasty itself is performed, and the fracture is filled with a cementing substance.

A small wound is sutured and bandaged. The patient will need to lie down for several hours in a calm state. When local anesthesia passes, pain may appear, so the patient is prescribed analgesics.

If a fracture occurred through osteoporosis, a person should begin to treat this pathology. Otherwise, repeated defeat is guaranteed.

Possible complications of

In most cases, after the intervention, complications do not appear. They are observed only in 1% of patients.

It can be:

  1. Allergy to preparations, which were used for anesthesia.
  2. Infectious complications of .This is a rare phenomenon, since the substance that is used has antibacterial properties.
  3. The pain did not pass .After the procedure, the patient has no pain. If this does not happen, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  4. The leakage of the substance used. A certain pressure is applied when the liquid cement is introduced. Sometimes its part is capable of seeping. Rarely does this lead to compression of the nerve endings. In this case, additional surgical intervention is required.

How is the situation in practice?

Reviews of patients who had vertebroplasty of the spine, indicate that many of them after the operation felt a noticeable relief and reduction of the pain syndrome.

Last June my daughter was diagnosed with a fracture. The doctor advised the procedure for vertebroplasty. We decided to hold it.

I was surprised, since my daughter was able to go home in the evening, did not need a corset, she could normally move.

Took the first time painkillers, because there were unpleasant sensations that quickly passed. This year, my daughter was examined, the condition is normal. A really effective method that does not cause any inconvenience.


I am 67 years old and received a compression fracture of two vertebrae. I went to the vertebroplasty. The operation passed quickly.

The state has improved significantly. Of course, a full recovery of the back did not happen, fatigue is felt, but, probably, the age is affected. After some time she went to the sanatorium and went to massage. These procedures in the complex gave an excellent result.


I was operated on only a month ago. Now I feel great, and the pain is no longer excruciating. I'm glad that I was not afraid to go to this procedure.


The price bites, but it's worth it

The service costs differently. doctor makes vertebroplasty

Depends on the clinic to be treated, on the number of vertebrae to be treated.

On average, the price of vertebroplasty varies from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles .

But in some hospitals for this operation require up to 150 thousand rubles.

Vertebroplasty is a modern procedure.

With its help get rid of fractures, pains that they cause.

Operation has a lot of advantages, so now it is gaining popularity.

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