
Treating the calcaneal spur with shock wave therapy( UVT)

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heel spur procedure Heel spur is a violation, caused by bone growth in the sole of the heel bone .

This outgrowth is like a spike or wedge, the size of which varies from 3 to 12 mm. The pointed end of the built-up edge, mainly directed towards the fingers and bent upwards. This causes compression and damage to the tissues of the foot.

The heel spur has a standard clinical picture and is characterized by acute unbearable pain when attacking the heel. Despite the current development of medicine, treatment of lesions is quite an urgent problem.

The use of various physiotherapeutic manipulations and medicines does not always bring relief and often eliminate pain only for a small amount of time.

Breakthrough in the treatment of this deviation was performed by shock wave therapy. To apply UHT with a heel spur began in the 80s in Switzerland and Germany and immediately the method became widespread in the treatment of many abnormalities.

Initially, the technique was used for crushing stones in internal organs, but later it proved to be an effective method for treating lesions of the musculoskeletal system: arthrosis, enthesopathy, trigger points, heel spur.

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Contents of the article

    • Treatment of the calcaneal spur using traditional medicine
  • What is the essence of the
    • method? More about the essence of the
  • method. Using the method with the heel spur
  • . Pros and cons of the
  • procedure. What doctors and patients say about the
  • technique. Conclusions

Treating the calcaneal spur using traditional medicine

Traditional medicine for heel treatment

Treatmentheel spurs folk remedies

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What is the essence of the

method? The effectiveness of the use of shock-wave action in bone growth is associated with high-energy waves that, when ingested into the The essence of UHT tissue, cause splitting of the seals and damaged tissues.

In this , there is also a significant improvement in the blood circulation of at the site of exposure, which is why metabolic processes are restored, and inflammation decreases.

The procedure is not a thermal treatment, and therefore the list of contraindications is less for him than for other physiotherapeutic measures.

However, it should not be used for thrombophlebitis, tumor lesions, infectious inflammation, skin lesions, acute injuries.

More on the essence of the

shock wave therapy of calcaneal spur

method When shock wave therapy is most effective

Shockwave therapy is a method of treating the spine and joints. This is the effect of acoustic waves on the affected area. Waves cause destruction to. ..

Application of the method with a calcaneal spur

Shock wave therapy of the calcaneal spur is one of the most effective ways to eliminate this pathology.

Treatment is aimed primarily at neutralizing the pain senses of .

The procedure is performed using special equipment. The principle of its operation consists in the action of a shock wave on specific sections of tissues. The shock wave favors the blocking of pain signals, which greatly facilitates the patient's condition.

In addition, the wave activates tissue repair in the affected areas, which helps to recover sooner.

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Before performing UHT, the physician by means of palpation determines the site of pain localization, which is mainly in the central part of the lower surface of the heel, but can sometimes be shifted downward.

After this, the procedure is performed directly, with the effect being carried out on the pain localization zone.

Treatment of build-up by wave action includes, basically, 7 sessions of 30 minutes, which are optimal to perform with interruptions of 4 days. If the pain intensifies, the manipulation is transferred until the moment of their subsidence.

shock wave therapy Shockwave therapy is a fairly young technique, but it has already proved its effectiveness in combating many disorders of the skeleton and muscles, including deviations such as heel spurs.

This method of eliminating the calcaneal build-up is an alternative to surgical intervention, but nevertheless, before the doctor prescribes this kind of manipulation, it is necessary that conservative methods of treatment have already been tried.

Treating the heel spur with this method will cost the patient an average of 1000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the

procedure The main advantages of the UHT:

  • efficiency;
  • has almost no side effects;
  • the possibility of treatment without a permanent presence in the hospital;
  • is not invasive;
  • reduces the need for surgery.

The doctor's shortcomings include only the cost of the course of manipulation.

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Osteophytes of the spine. Why they arise and what you need to know about these entities is described in detail here. Also in the article on the prevention of spine diseases.

What physicians and patients say about the

technique Reviews about the use of UHT with heel spurs are mostly positive.

Has got rid of a heel spur. Until that time, I had no idea of ​​such a violation. Constantly worried nojushchaja a pain in a foot, but did not assume the reason before inspection. Several of the procedures of UHT were relieved of pain. I think that for a long time or at all. I advise everyone to go through similar problems. But first - to a competent doctor!

Eugene, Blagoveshchensk

The heel hurt for a long time, my brother forced me to go to the hospital when it was 4 months later, ultrasound revealed heel spur, which is called differently for doctors. In general, he listened to the advice and went to the doctor, namely - to the physiotherapist for shock wave therapy.

Five procedures with a break of 3 days saved the problem. No inconvenience. It's all over. I advise everyone.

Andrey, Vladivostok

Shockwave therapy is a huge step forward. The method helped many of my patients to abandon the operation. He generally has a lot of advantages. Restored metabolic processes, swelling and pain, inflammation. If there are no contraindications, then go through the course, and do not even hesitate.

Physiotherapist, Yakutsk


The effectiveness of treatment of the calcaneal spur with the help of the UVT procedure is extremely high, and the volume of contraindications is minimal. device for UVT

Among other things, the shock-wave effect not only treats the disorder, but also has a pronounced analgesic effect, allows you to refuse or significantly reduce the intake of analgesics during treatment.

As a rule, the first session is somewhat painful, but with each subsequent pain goes away, and in 95% of cases at the end of treatment absolutely passes.

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