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Sage with infertility: reviews, application, how to drink

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However, one can not say with certainty that the appointment of phytohormones has been fully studied today.

Nevertheless, it is known that phytohormones in the body are assigned the role of a catalyst. They are very similar to female sex hormones - estrogens.

Salvia in infertility in the form of infusion is used by women over 35 years of age.

This infusion has a strong rejuvenating effect. Prepare it very simply: in a glass of boiling water a teaspoon of sage grass is brewed. Sage infertility should be taken slowly, in small sips, three times daily before meals( about half an hour before meals).You can drink sage infusion twice a day: in the morning, before the first meal, and in the evening, before going to bed.

It is justifiably believed that the infusion of sage seeds has a powerful means of facilitating rapid conception. And, this infusion can help not only childless women who want to have a child, but also to men suffering from some diseases.

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Sage leaves with infertility, prepared in the form of infusion, should be drunk only in fresh form: every day a new portion should be brewed.

How to take sage with infertility

Take sage with infertility should be starting from the fifth day from the beginning of the menstrual period until the beginning of ovulation( approximately ten days).

The full course of treatment is three months.

In case the pregnancy does not come, in a month this course of treatment can be repeated.

Application of sage infertility requires increased accuracy and a full understanding of the processes occurring in the body.

Sage can be consumed only by women who have a shortage of their own estrogen.

Contraindications to the use of sage

Sage is contraindicated in:

  • endometriosis;
  • uterine myoma;
  • feeling unwell;
  • in early pregnancy( excess estrogen contributes to rupture of the follicle).

If sage is used correctly during pregnancy, then an excellent result will not take long. Many women, after the course of treatment with sage, became happy and happy moms.

To combat infertility, you can prepare a highly effective tincture using sage.

The correct preparation consists in mixing ready-made tinctures:

  • sage herbs( one tablespoon);
  • cones of hops( one tablespoon);
  • calendula( one teaspoonful);
  • hawthorn( one tsp);
  • roots of cyanosis( one tsp).

The resulting complex tincture should be taken as follows: add 30 drops of the mixture to a spoonful of fresh, clean water.

The drug should be taken before meals( about half an hour).The full course of treatment is one year.

Reviews of the application of sage for infertility


Once I made myself a sage mask for the face, and in parallel I got carried away by studying this very sage. On the Internet you can find a lot of interesting things on this topic. So, sage - a universal drug for those who remained dissatisfied with official medicine( especially in the issue of infertility).Since ancient times, it is known that sage helps to improve memory, cleanse blood vessels, has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates frigidity. .. To do this, it should be for one month, on an empty stomach, in the morning to drink one glass of infusion( in a glass of boiling water to make one teaspoon of sage).It is known that with the help of sage, the population was rapidly restored after conducting bloody wars. My mother and I consulted about the sage from our gynecologist. Now my mother regularly holds a sage course( in the fall and spring).It looks( tuk-tuk-tuk) is very beautiful, much younger than their peers. Sage is very easily available: it is sold in any pharmacy. One bundle costs about fifty rubles. And health is given to a person once, so do not forget to store it. I really hope that my review will be useful to you!

Stay healthy!

sage with infertility Sage has long been considered a magical medical drug, a real store of phytohormones.

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