Male Infertility
Male Infertility

IVF in male infertility

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IVF in male infertility In vitro fertilization( IVF) helps single, childless couples to learn the happiness of having their own child.

For the successful fertilization of one ovule, the participation of millions of spermatozoa is necessary, otherwise nothing will work out. True, in the final love affair there are always only two cells - one male, and the second female.

Where do the remaining millions of sperm go? Maybe they do not really need?

However, not everything is so simple: in nature every action is advisable.

Nature just arranges the race for the title of champion - the future person, and as a result chooses the best. Friends help the lucky guy reach the finish-egg, in every possible way supporting him and giving him the last drops of his energy.

This is an ideal option, but what if there are very few spermatozoa and are not enough for simple fertilization?

In this case, IVF can always help, overcoming the violation of the functions of normal fertilization.

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For this, the selected sperm is carefully processed, leaving mobile, healthy cells, and pathological, immobile cells screening out.

If effective, active spermatozoa turn out to be small, then fertilization should be carried out in a small volume. In this case, we can talk about the number of active spermatozoa, many times less than the required number. With IVF these spermatozoa are simply applied to the shell of the egg itself, they do not need to overcome a difficult path. They only need to overcome the last barrier - the wall of the female cell.

If the spermatozoids are catastrophically small, then we can talk about ICSI - the finest microsurgical operation: using a needle in the ovum, a single sperm is introduced, which is destined to become the father of the unborn child.

212y However, the realities of life are able to bring their surprises: sometimes even a single specimen of a spermatozoon can be a rarity.

The stored spermatozoon must be stored frozen. This technology has appeared for a long time: more than half a century ago. There are even sperm banks, where the selected seed can retain its qualities for years, and sometimes even decades.

During thawing, about 30% of the "asleep" spermatozoa are screened, and they can not be awakened after a long icy sleep.

New special containers for storing selected samples of sperm have been developed today. The micro-container is able to store even single specimens of spermatozoa in complete safety, as in cryopreservation.

You can go through the full cycle of IVF in Moscow today at the "For Birth" medical center.

Address of the center: Kochnovsky fare, house 4, building1.

Metro station: "Airport".

Telephone( multi-channel): 8( 499) 558 07 66.

The cost of IVF( excluding medicines and a complete examination) is 121 000 rubles.

Video: Ixi

( in vitro fertilization with a single sperm)

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