Hormones And Biochemistry

AMG with IVF

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Each woman who wants to undergo an IVF procedure needs to pass a number of tests. Among them, the analysis for the level of AMG - antimulylerov hormone. According to his result, doctors will be able to determine the number of eggs that are suitable for fertilization. This is necessary to select a specific program that will be used for the patient.

  • The procedure can be carried out at the rate of this hormone - not less than 0.8 nanograms per milliliter ( ng / ml).
  • With a lower value, the process is not possible because the quality of the eggs will not be due.
  • A high level of this hormone in the blood also will not allow for IVF, as this may lead to the appearance of the ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Currently, a woman can use the means of CHI for IVF.But in the organs of OMS, not all can send for the procedure. It all depends on the woman's health status.

IVF with a low level of AMG

AMG with IVF The long-term practice of IVF has shown that AMG below the norm does not affect whether the embryo will survive or not. But to conduct stimulation and fertilization in this case is difficult, since too few ovules are formed, and their quality leaves much to be desired.

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Fertilization with a low index of AMH is carried out using the same technology as with its norm in the blood. But in this case a woman is prescribed a more significant intake of hormonal drugs. Such therapy promotes egg production.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed to the patient in an increased dose. But do not worry about this. The antimulylerovoy hormone lower than normal does not lead to a syndrome of ovarian hyperstimulation or any other complication of health. Moreover, during this period, women are under constant medical supervision.

If the stimulation of the ovaries does not result in the result, then the treatment is revised.

If this phase is successful, then the doctors proceed to the following cycles:

  • puncture of the ovary;
  • fertilization of the ovum;
  • transplant the embryo into the uterus of the patient.

ECO in the natural cycle

This kind of IVF for the female body is more sparing. It is carried out without the use of hormone therapy. The whole process of maturation of the egg is controlled only by ultrasound. Since ovulation occurs naturally, no more than 2 eggs per cycle are obtained.

If the level of AMH is lowered, then in vitro fertilization can be carried out in a natural cycle. The doctor solves this question individually, relying on the patient's state of health.

The advantages of the natural cycle include the following:

  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure for several months;
  • a multiple pregnancy will not occur;
  • side effects of hormones are excluded;The
  • procedure conducted in this way has a lower cost.

The disadvantages are as follows:

  • risk of missing the maturation of the egg;
  • not all women can perform this procedure;
  • Often an ovum is obtained not of the quality that is needed for fertilization.

If the patient is more than 40 years old, IVF in the natural cycle is undesirable. The older the woman, the worse the quality of the eggs. You can spend a lot of precious time and do not wait for the results. It is much more reliable to use a guaranteed procedure.

High level of FSH and low level of AMH - is it possible ECO


Often the lowered level of antimulylerovoy hormone is observed simultaneously with an increased content of follicle-stimulating hormone - FSH.This is a serious obstacle to IVF.FSG is responsible for the growth of follicles in the female ovaries.

Doctors claim that it is possible to get pregnant with in vitro fertilization in almost all cases. Of course, there are some problems that create obstacles to the procedure. And FSH is above the norm - one of them. This can serve as a refusal for the procedure to be carried out at the expense of MHI funds.

But experts do not advise a woman to give up and refuse to become a mother. In such a situation it is recommended to use donor material.

If the level of FSH is elevated insignificantly, it is possible to get an egg that can be used for IVF.But the probability of a positive result remains too small.

If the level of the hormone is too high, then there is no hope for own ovulation. Do not expect a ripening of a sufficient number of follicles. Therefore without a donor egg can not do .

It depends on the level of both hormones whether it is possible to use the MHI policy for IVF.For this, the AMG should be between 0.5 and 7 ng / ml. And the FSH index is not higher than 15 IU( international units).Otherwise, the patient will be refused the procedure at the expense of MHI funds.

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