Violation Of Speech

Wiped and severe dysarthria in children - treatment methods, advice and feedback

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conversation with the child Dysarthria in children is one of the types of speech disorder that occurs due to damage to the central nervous system.

The most obvious violations of this disease are the alteration of the intonation, pace and rhythm of speech, as well as a violation of voice formation and a disorder of articulation of sounds.

Children who suffer from dysarthria are very difficult to chew and swallow.

It is sometimes difficult for them to button their clothes on buttons, jump on one leg or cut them with scissors. It is also difficult for them to give a written speech, so they are trained in specialized schools.

How to treat dysarthria in a child

Due to the fact that the disease of dysarthria is not independent and can be observed in various manifestations of disorders of the nervous system , the content and order of all treatment measures will be established after the doctor has made a clinical diagnosis, given the age and condition of the patient.

Treatment of dysarthria in children is carried out

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complex. Depending on the stage of the disease, the following measures are applied:

  • speech therapy correction;
  • medication treatment;
  • massage;
  • breathing exercises;
  • exercise therapy.

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No less serious speech disorder in the child - sensorimotor alalia. Treatment of this disease should go in several directions. Only then it will be quite successful.

Drugs are prescribed by a psychoneurologist. As such, there is no medication for the disease.

The doctor prescribes medicines that only take away the symptoms of the disease and facilitate the general condition of the patient.

Drug treatment of dysarthria in children includes preparations:

  • Pantogam and vasoconstrictor medication;
  • Magne B6.

Of serious drugs, can be prescribed:

  1. Vascular: Cavinton, Cinnarizine, Stugeron, Gliatilin and Instenon.
  2. Nootropics: Pantokaltsin, Encephabol, Pikamilon.
  3. Metabolic: Cerebrolysin, Actovegin, Cerebrosolate.
  4. Sedative: Persen, Novo-Passit, Tenoten.

Good results were shown by the following medications: Piracetam, Finlepsin and Cerebrokurin.

It is easier to treat erased dysarthria in children.

In such cases, often used acupuncture( reflexotherapy), physiotherapy and even hirudotherapy( therapeutic leeches).These methods of treatment are auxiliary.

Logopedic practice in a child is based on the general development of of all aspects of speech: grammatical structure, vocabulary, phonemic records. reception at the speech therapist

Exercises and gymnastics are aimed at the development of auditory perception, breathing, attention and memory, as well as stimulation of articulation and general motor skills. This is important, since such children often experience difficulties in teaching written language.

Parents' reviews indicate that among other methods of treating dysarthria in children, also provides training for children in the speech therapy groups of the kindergarten .

A popular method of treatment is the respiratory gymnastics Alexandra Strelnikova , which allows you to adjust speech breathing and establish fluency of speech.

The essence of the gymnastics is a sharp breath in the nose, on which the attention of the child will be accentuated.

Breathing should be done arbitrarily and naturally. Exercises include the process of charging all parts of the body, causing a general physiological response of the body as a whole and increasing the need for oxygen.

Depending on the degree and form of the dysarthria, breathing exercises are selected individually.

Usually treatment is carried out in a hospital, then outpatient. The main goal of treatment of the dysarthria is to eliminate the root cause of its appearance, that is, the underlying disease. The full course of therapy is 4-5 months.

No less important is the therapeutic exercise. All kinds of exercises - development of general motor skills. It is better to hold them before the gymnastics for the organs of speech, barefoot without shoes.

Conduct and massage courses. Each massage technique is performed carefully, effortlessly, with gentle kneading to avoid spasm.

Complications and consequences of

Dysarthria can lead to the following complications:

  • problems with social communication, the ability to communicate normally;
  • social problems affecting relationships in the family and friends;
  • depression and social isolation.

Reviews of parents and doctors about the methods of treatment

Treatment of dysarthria in children worries many parents and specialists, we will study the responses they leave according to the results of treatment:

  1. Elena. My son was diagnosed for 5 years - dysarthria and grade 3 OSR.For more than a year we have been working with a private speech therapist and as a result we have very good results, especially those who have not seen my son for a long time. Of course, the ideal is still far away, but we are working and we are not going to retreat. In September, they were already going to go to the speech therapy kindergarten, we hope that it will become even better.
  2. Marina. My son also had a dysarthria. Now he is 14 years old - there is nothing practically obvious from this disease. He studies in the Anglo-German grammar school and has the highest marks in English and Russian. Long worked with a speech therapist privately. He was given special massage, physiotherapy and physical exercises.
  3. Victor Petrovich, doctor. Inaction is the enemy in achieving a positive effect in treatment, so it is very important to begin treatment as early as possible. And yet, dear parents, no specialist will save the child from dysarthria without your help.


Methods of treatment The timely treatment and systematic work with a speech therapist to eliminate dysarthria in children can give a positive result and a prediction.

And plays the key role of in the treatment of key disease, the zeal of the patient and his parents.

For almost complete normalization, the speech function can be calculated in the case of a dysarthria erased.

Such children, mastering the skills of correct speech, can fully study in a regular school, and receive logopedic help in a polyclinic or school logopuncture.

In cases of severe , only improvement in the state of speech is possible. An integrated approach that includes working with a speech therapist, masseur, neurologist, psychoneurologist and physiotherapy specialist will help to achieve the optimal result.

Prevention of dysarthria is to prevent neuroinfections in the child, as well as brain injuries, toxic effects.


Since the dysarthria is provoked by the disruption of the child's brain, it is very difficult to predict the outcome of the treatment.

But if you approach the treatment in a comprehensive way and start timely therapy, it will help to achieve excellent results. Many children attend general education establishments and almost imperceptibly lag behind their classmates and friends in development.

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