Violation Of Speech

Bradily: detection and correction of a disorder

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brady Braadylia is a violation of the rhythmic rhythm of speech, associated with persistent difficulties in the reproduction of dismembered sounds. This pathology belongs to the category of disorders of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech of a non-road character. In severe cases, stuttering may occur.

With braidylia, the pace of internal and external speech, the process of reading and writing, slows down. Also there are some changes in the voice, it loses its expressiveness, emotional coloring, articulation is fuzzy. A person with such a violation speech is slowed down, but at the same time coordinated.

The weak and moderate degree of impairment is almost invisible to the child and to outsiders. At a severe degree, there may be a violation of the communicative function, and in this case the disorder is considered pathological.

bradily definition

About the causes of serious disruption

The causes of the violation can be both neurological and psychological factors. Among the neurological causes of bradilia, the following can be identified:

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  1. Heredity .Parkinson
  2. CNS infection , intoxication of the embryo in the womb, borne trauma.
  3. Development of bradilalia along with with various mental dysfunctions or neurological pathologies of , for example, oligophrenia - mental retardation. In this case, the signs appear along with the leading pathology, which is accompanied by general slowness and inhibition.
  4. The disorder may accompany of Parkinson's disease .
  5. Very often occurs as a result of brain tumors, head injuries, meningitis, encephalitis and even depression .

Psychological factors can be:

  • incorrect formation of the pronunciation of the child in the family, as well as imitation of the slowed-down style of reprimand of others;
  • emergence of bradilalia as an independent phenomenon of in individuals having a phlegmatic and melancholic type of temperament .
As medical research shows, the mechanism of development is associated with the disorder of neurodynamics, that is, the domination of inhibition processes over excitation processes.

Characteristic features of

Braadylia is accompanied by verbal and non-verbal symptoms. Among the verbal signs are such signs:

  • slowed down rate of external speech, internal dialogue, the process of reading and writing;slowed-down speech
  • during the conversation, long pauses are formed not only between words, but also between sounds, letters, in particular, vowels, stretch, the speech is intermittent;
  • the voice becomes monotonous, fuzzy, in some cases, the pronunciation of "in the nose" is noted;
  • interpretation of sounds and syllables is preserved, pronunciation is very slow, but correct;
  • slowness during reading and writing.

Non-verbal symptoms:

  • motor disorders and facial manifestations;
  • some inhibition, absent-mindedness, inadequate coordination of movements;
  • slowing cognitive processes of mental activity - thinking, memory, perception, attention;
  • difficulties in switching from one field of activity to another, in other words - jamming, sometimes unconscious repetition of movements;
  • the child with such pathology is closed, tries to talk as little as possible, experiences stable psychological discomfort because of the impossibility of full communication.

Professional view on diagnostics

Diagnostics will be a complex of measures and conducted by a number of specialists - neurologist, psychologist, speech therapist, psychiatrist.


  1. A history of with the purpose of studying the transferred diseases, traumas and damages of the brain, the presence of bradilalia from relatives.
  2. To determine the organic nature of the disease , procedures for MRI, EEG, REG, PET, lumbar puncture are performed.
  3. Oral speech is diagnosed by by examining the structure of the articulatory apparatus, the state of speech motor skills, the emotional coloring of speech, sound reproduction, muscle tone and muscle contraction, tempo rhythmics, individual voice characteristics, and involuntary and voluntary movements.
  4. For writing , a number of exercises are performed on text rewriting, dictation writing, reading aloud.

at the speech therapist on survey In addition to a general speech survey, the analysis of general and manual motility, mimic reactions, sensory functions, and intelligence level is performed.

When diagnosed, pathology is differentiated from dysarthria and stuttering.

Dysarthria occurs due to a lesion of the nervous system, which leads to a violation of the innervation of the speech apparatus.

Stammering is a disorder of rhythm and smoothness of speech due to muscular cramps of the articulatory apparatus, which is accompanied by a violation of breathing, a change in the height and strength of sound.

Correction of a violation of

The purpose of therapy in this case is to produce quick and correct speech reactions, development of the prosodic side of speech, ie, the unity of interrelated components that affect the intelligibility and emotional coloring.

Braidilia treatment is applied:

  1. Special sessions of for speech generation, expressive speech, are conducted with speech acceleration, the rate of which speech therapy massage is set by the speech therapist and supports by conducting and clapping. In the future, exercises gradually become more complicated from pronouncing syllables, words, sentences to reading the text in roles, reciting poems and tongue twisters.
  2. To normalize the general and speech motor skills of the , you need a speech therapy massage, mobile games that include elements of sport, manual work, music therapy, dance therapy, singing. The pace of speech is effectively accelerated thanks to regular classes, the course of which can last from half a year to a year.
  3. For the normalization of the nervous system , medicamental treatment is used, for example, glutamic acid preparations, vitamins B, C are prescribed. Also, good results can be achieved with the help of physiotherapy procedures, manual therapy, water therapy, and physical therapy.
  4. To stimulate the speech activity of , work is carried out with a psychotherapist, autogenic training.
  5. In order to give the emotionality of the speech, developmental games with guessing of riddles, descriptions of drawings in books, and participation in theatrical scenes are also very useful. Very good, when such classes have a group form.

What you need to do to the parents of the child

Many of the speech defects can be adjusted at home, but you need to know which aspects to attach the greatest importance in communicating with the baby:

  1. Specialists say that should be extremely careful with phlegmatic children and, on the contrary, with communication in the family is important hyperactive children .In no case should you frighten a child with evil and scary characters.
  2. Do not resort to "pendulum upbringing" , when the child is punished for everything in succession or vice versa, everything is allowed and encouraged.
  3. If an nanny is selected for the child , you should pay attention to this person's speech. It should not be very fast, or vice versa, slow.
  4. The child very much copies adults, including in the manner of conversation. Therefore, should not allow "lisping" or deliberate distortion of the affectionate words of .The speech of parents should be clear and legible.

Forecast and Prevention

The prognosis in this case will directly depend on the timeliness of the detection of the speech defect and the prompt start of therapy. Very important is the fact that even after mastering the skills of normal speech, continuous monitoring of the pace of speech on the part of parents is necessary, and at the older age - self-control, as well as systematic examination of the speech therapist.

In order to prevent violations it is necessary to adhere to such norms:

  • to prevent perinatal, natal and postnatal CNS lesions of the baby;
  • not to allow head injuries and neuroinfections;
  • to carry out activities to prevent the occurrence of asthenic syndrome, ie, adhere to the correct regime of the day and a balanced diet;
  • closely monitor how the child's speech develops;
  • communicate in the family correctly;
  • not allow a child to have a lack of communication.
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