
Diet for gout: how to organize food and choose a menu

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products for gout Gout is a disease characterized by impaired metabolism. With it, salts of uric acid are deposited in the joints.

Gout - a fairly rare disease - for a thousand people have three cases.

Diseases are susceptible to men over forty years of age, in women it manifests a climacteric period.

All gums suffer from gout, starting with the joints of the hands and ending with the joints on the legs.

Excess amount of urea in the body happens for two reasons: healthy kidneys can not withstand large volumes of acid, or when urea is released in acceptable amounts, but the kidneys are unable to withdraw it.

The increase in the number of patients with gout is associated with the consumption of foods containing purines( meat, fatty fish) and alcohol abuse.

The main symptom of gout is the inflammation of any joint. An attack of the disease occurs in the early morning or at night, expressed as intense pain in the affected area. The temperature in the area of ​​the joint rises, the skin begins to turn red and glossy.

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The content of the article

  • The role of proper nutrition
  • The principles of nutrition
    • The diet № 6
    • The rules of nutrition that will accelerate the recovery
  • Deny-restrict-resolve
  • What is the diet
  • The main types of diets used
    • Number 6
    • Diet for obesity
    • Menu with sick hands
    • Sample menu for the week

The role of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition with gout is an issue that needs to be paid special attention, since the main reason for the increase in urinary acidityIt is found in the excessive use of products containing purines.

A special role should be given to a therapeutic diet for gout on the legs.

To prevent the disease from escalating and progressing, it is important to build a special food system with a limited consumption of purines.

Special attention is paid to a diet for gout during an exacerbation.exacerbation of gout

Menu and recipes for gout are developed by nutritionists based on the form of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Therapeutic diet can reduce the dose of medications taken. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that diet alone can not completely relieve the ailment, although this will make seizures more rare.

Principles of nutrition

The right diet is a key moment in the treatment of the disease.

Specificity of therapeutic nutrition is limited consumption of products containing purines, salt, oxalic acid and in sufficient consumption of acidifying products( vegetables, fruits and milk).

Thus, the main prohibited products, the use of which is excluded with gout:

  • meat,
  • offal( liver, tongue, kidney),
  • fish,
  • canned food,
  • caviar.
  • from plant food purines are part of legumes, peanuts, cauliflower;
  • plenty of purines in chocolate.

Purines are practically absent in milk, eggs, vegetables, fruits and many berries.

Diet № 6

The most common dietary system for gout is diet number 6.

It reduces protein intake by sharply restricting fish, meat and beans.

With such a diet, animal proteins should not be more than 50% of the total number of proteins. Also it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fats: pork, beef and lamb fat, culinary fat.

Nutrition rules that will accelerate the recovery

Among the basic principles of nutrition can be identified as follows:

  1. Fish can be eaten no more than two or three times a week - strictly in boiled or brewed form.
  2. When heat-treating meat, fish and mushrooms, it should be remembered that most of the purines entering into their composition go into broth. For this reason, the is not allowed to consume any soups other than vegetable.
  3. Each day should drink about two liters of plain water .During the diet, you can drink vegetable and fruit juices, mineral water, milk, herbal teas, sour-milk drinks. From strong tea or coffee should be discarded.
  4. During the diet of , excessive salt intake of is contraindicated. Its excess leads to precipitation of urate in the sediment and deposition of them in the tissues of the body. Salt should be reduced to 6 g per day. Ideally, food should be slightly salty or completely fresh.
  5. It is recommended that enrich the diet with products that include vitamins C and B1.
  6. Beneficial effect on the body of unloading days on dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Fasting is contraindicated by , since protein breakdown leads to an increase in urea levels.
  7. You can not overeat. It is better to keep fractional food in small portions( up to five to six times a day).
  8. It is prohibited to consume purine-containing foods and alcohol at the same time.


We offer a table of products that will help to make a correct diet and menu for gout.

prohibited products

Prohibited products:

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  • by-products;
  • fatty meat;
  • all broths, except vegetable;
  • broth cubes, instant soups;
  • smoked food;
  • oily fish;
  • canned food;
  • caviar;
  • sharp and salty cheeses;
  • beans;
  • sorrel;
  • raspberry;
  • grapes;
  • fig tree;
  • seasonings and spices( cromme of bay leaves);
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • Chocolates;
  • alcoholic beverages.

List of products whose consumption should be restricted:

  • salt;
  • cooked meat and fish( preference to squeeze low-fat bird, salmon, trout, salmon);
  • sausages( sometimes you can eat milk sausages and doctor sausage);
  • cauliflower;
  • spinach;
  • tomatoes;
  • radish;
  • mushrooms;
  • butter.
anomaly of a feil clip Rare anomaly of the cervicothoracic spine of the Klippel-Feil syndrome is a danger and treatment of the disease.

As it manifests itself at different stages of gout - the symptoms and characteristics of the disease. Which approach to treatment is used in addition to nutrition correction.

List of permitted products:

  • vegetable soups;
  • rabbit( in small quantities);
  • chicken, turkey( in small quantities);
  • low-fat fish( up to three times a week);
  • seafood( shrimp, squid);
  • fermented milk products( kefir, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt, sour cream);
  • eggs;
  • cereals;
  • pasta;
  • bread;
  • vegetables( cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, potatoes);Onion, garlic;
  • dill;
  • fruits( pears, apples, citrus fruits);
  • watermelon;
  • berries( cherry, cherry, strawberry);
  • dried fruits( excluding raisins);
  • sweet( honey, marmalade, marshmallow, pastille);
  • seeds, pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts;
  • natural juices, compotes, fruit drinks, kvass;
  • wild rose tea;
  • vegetable oils;
  • mineral water.

What is the essence of the


The main essence of the diet for gout is control over the production and removal of uric acid. purine content

Such a nutrition system contributes to better health and reduces pain, resulting in the disease receding.

It should be noted that this diet does not heal, but only promotes the accelerated release of acid and salts with exacerbation of arthrosis.

It also significantly reduces body weight, which plays an important role in the recovery of the body after severe medication.

The main types of diets used

Food for gout is usually organized for several major diets.

Number 6

Most often with gout prescribed therapeutic diet stop number 6. It is also used to treat diseases of the urinary system, diathesis, cystinuria.

The nutrition system is based on the normalization of urea production and restoration of the permissible environment of urine.

The benefit of diet # 6 is in limiting the intake of purine-containing foods, ethanedioic acid and the prevalence of products promoting the restoration of the metabolism of .

Cooking food for this menu is very simple: meat and fish need to cook or cook for a couple. Based on cooked foods, you can prepare a second course. The main thing is to observe the periodicity of meat consumption( up to two or three times a week).

The full menu of diet number 6 for gout should include:

  • daily intake of proteins - up to 90 g;
  • daily fat intake - up to 90 g;
  • daily intake of carbohydrates - 400 g;
  • total daily caloric value - up to 2900 kilocalories.

Diet for obesity

Another type of therapeutic nutrition for gout is diet number 8. It is prescribed if the patient suffers from obesity of any degree.

Obesity is the result of overeating, it gives an additional strain on the body and exacerbates the current disease. The essence of the diet is to reduce excess fat in the tissues.

Caloric content is supported by proteins and a reduction in the percentage of fats, carbohydrates are virtually excluded:

  • up to 130 g of proteins;
  • up to 80 g of fat;
  • about 120 g of carbohydrates;
  • up to 2000 kilocalories per day.

The diet menu № 8 assumes:

  1. Consumption of rye or otrubnogo bread, vegetable soups, occasionally - low-fat beef, second courses from chicken, low-fat fish.
  2. Fish and meat can be cooked, stewed or baked.
  3. Cereals and pasta are almost excluded. From dairy products it is allowed to use kefir and low-interest cottage cheese.
  4. You can eat no more than two eggs a day.

Menu with sick hands

A diet with gout on the hands assumes normalization of the percentage of urea in the body, as well as improving the exchange of menu for gout substances in general.

The daily diet excludes food containing many purines.

This allows the consumption of eggs, fruits, vegetables, cheese and milk. When the disease is exacerbated and severe pain in the hands, meat, fish, broths, smoked products, canned food, spices, cakes, chocolate and alcohol should be completely ruled out.

Everyday menu can contain products such as squid, shrimp, vegetable soups, low-fat cottage cheese, cereals, pasta, citrus fruits and vegetables.

With strict adherence to the menu of pain suggested by the doctor, pain will gradually decrease with the brushes.

Sample menu for the week

First day:

  • breakfast: a sandwich with bran bread and cheese, corn flakes, orange juice;
  • lunch: vegetable salad, a slice of lean ham, baked potatoes;
  • dinner: baked fish, vegetable pilaf.

Second day:

  • breakfast: low-fat milk, oat flakes with yoghurt and pieces of fruit, bran;
  • lunch: braised beef with vegetables, vegetable juice, uncooked caviar caviar;
  • dinner: boiled vegetables, lean meat, cheese with a bran loaf.

Third day:

  • breakfast: two eggs, bran loaf, low-fat milk;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, tomato juice, vegetable salad;
  • dinner: 110 grams of salmon, vegetable stew, milk.

Fourth day:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, low-fat milk;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled rice, a sandwich with cheese;
  • dinner: baked potatoes, steam fish, vegetable juice.

Fifth day:

  • breakfast: a sandwich with butter and cheese, fruit juice;
  • lunch: risotto, yoghurt, fruit juice;
  • dinner: soup with cereal, cheese, low-fat milk.

Sixth day:

  • breakfast: a sandwich with butter, cheese and a slice of tomato, a slice of lean ham, juice;
  • lunch: braised potatoes with vegetables, a slice of melon, low-fat milk;
  • dinner: vegetable soup with croutons, vegetable stew, kefir.

Seventh day:

  • breakfast: buckwheat porridge, a slice of cheese, green tea;
  • lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish, low-fat milk;
  • dinner: chicken steamed, stewed vegetables, a slice of cheese, kefir;
  • snack can be nuts, apples, dried fruits( except raisins).

therapeutic diet The therapeutic diet for gout reduces the risk of recurrence of the disease, relieves pain, normalizes the urinary system.

In addition, such a nutrition system contributes to the normalization of body weight and is one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Diet for gout has a general strengthening effect, rejuvenates the body.

Non-compliance with the diet threatens the development of renal failure, the defeat of the cardiovascular system and internal organs with the formation of gouty nodes in them, the formation of erosive arthritis.
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