
Treatment of joint rheumatism with folk and medicamentous agents

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Inflammation of the joints Joint rheumatism is an inflammatory disease that occurs against a background of many infections. His treatment is based on the elimination of the pathogen and the return of motor activity to the person.

It is difficult to imagine the life without the movement of - a phenomenon that not only allows you to maintain good physical shape, lead an active lifestyle, but also exerts a considerable strain on our joints.

The motor capacity of a person of any age category depends entirely on their condition. Severe joint damage caused by injuries and diseases contributes to approaching the moment when no step, not even the slightest movement, will be possible without pain.

In order to maintain the locomotor activity of , it is necessary to take proper care of joint health : take preventive measures to prevent the development of various diseases, in particular inflammatory ones, to avoid injuries, bumps or falls whenever possible.

To date, joint pathology, known worldwide, as "rheumatic disease"

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or " joint rheumatism" has become widespread. To a greater extent, it affects women and adolescents, whose age ranges from 7 to 15 years. The results of a recent survey showed that over 80% of patients with rheumatism are people under 40 years of age, so the everyday belief that joint rheumatism is an age-related disease is just a delusion.

Every year more and more young people are faced with rheumatic fever, so it is very important to know the features of its course and treatment.

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Contents of the article

  • What is the specificity of the disease?
  • Symptomatic for
  • Disease Diagnostic measures to identify the symptoms of
  • Diseases that will help cure the disease
    • Drug treatment is the first and most important stage of
    • Folk methods of treating
  • disease Prevention is an integral part of the treatment of rheumatism
  • Video: Complex of health exercises for leg joints

What is the specificity of the disease?

Rheumatism is an infectious-allergic disease , which contributes to the destruction of the connective tissue of both the cardiovascular system and internal organs, muscles and joints.

As a rule, its first signs are observed even in adolescence and begin with a crunch, minor unpleasant sensations in the joints, which few people pay attention to. Over time, manifestations of rheumatism are aggravated, often exacerbating the onset of the cold season, as hypothermia is one of the factors that provoke the disease.

Rheumatism is characterized by a symmetrical lesion of large joints: knee, ankle and elbow. In the development of this pathological disease, a crucial role is played by genetic predisposition and streptococcal infections. Most often, people with rheumatism are ill, in the body of which there is a special protein from group B and those who are prone to infectious diseases.

Numerous studies in the field of rheumatic fever have made it possible to give one more definition of this disease. According to him rheumatism of the joints is a kind of allergic reaction to infection with one of the beta-hemolytic streptococci from group A. About 2.5% of people who have suffered a streptococcal infection within a month face its complication - acute rheumatism of the joints.

Angina, maternity fever, scarlet fever, erysipelas, acute middle ear inflammation, chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis - are the most common precursor diseases of this pathology.

Symptoms typical of


The main symptom of , indicative of the development of joint rheumatism in the human body, is a sudden rise in body temperature to 39 ° C, The difference between healthy and sore joints accompanied by weakness and sweating, as well as the appearance of pain in the joints. In some cases, patients mark localized, variable pains, passing from one affected joint to another. With rheumatism, the skin over them blushes, puffiness appears, and movements become more difficult.

We list general symptoms of , characteristic of rheumatic disease:

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  • elevated body temperature;
  • joint pain, worse in the morning and at night;
  • stiffness of movements;
  • swelling of the joints, redness of the skin above them;
  • fever;
  • heart pain;
  • formation of rheumatoid nodules in the area of ​​the elbow joints;
  • asthenic manifestations: lethargy, apathy, weakness;
  • in some cases deformation and lesion of small joints of the hands.

Diagnostic measures to identify signs of the disease

The basis for the diagnosis of joint rheumatism is the results of laboratory tests and clinical signs of , indicating the malfunctioning of certain organs. It is very important to identify the causative agent of streptococcal infection no later than 6 to 7 weeks before the onset of joint damage.

It is believed that rapid identification of the pathogen is the key to timely and proper treatment. In order to identify it and confirm the diagnosis of "rheumatism of the joints", it is first necessary to carry out such procedures as tonsillol and blood test.

You yourself can help the doctor put the right diagnosis! For this, try to accurately and in detail tell the specialist about the pains and other unpleasant sensations that you are experiencing. Do not underestimate the importance of this information. It is the key diagnostic method on the basis of which the doctor prescribes other methods of investigation.

A huge role in diagnosis is played by the time of the onset of pain, their duration and localization, as well as additional phenomena accompanying painful sensations.

A decrease in hemoglobin level, manifestation of anemia, an increase in the number of neutrophils in the blood indicate the course of this inflammatory disease. As the final stage of the diagnosis, an electrocardiogram, ultrasound and X-ray examination of the affected joints is used.

Recommendations that will help cure the disease

Rheumatism is a serious and dangerous disease, therefore its treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision. It is extremely important to immediately consult a doctor if the first signs of joint rheumatism are found. On how quickly you begin treatment, depends its effectiveness.

Note the following recommendations of that will help you cope with this inflammatory disease:

  1. follow all of your doctor's prescriptions;
  2. is in a well-ventilated and clean room;
  3. observe rest and bed rest for the duration of treatment;
  4. adhere to a special diet based on reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed and increasing the number of proteins.

rheumatoid nodules Depending on the degree of progression of the disease, its treatment can be carried out both in a hospital and on a dispensary observation in a polyclinic.

Treatment of joint rheumatism in hospital has several advantages, as it is based on the complex therapy of , which includes measures to suppress streptococcal infection, reduce the activity of inflammatory processes, prevent the development of heart disease.

Clinical dispensary in the polyclinic is used to stabilize the patient. It is the most common form of treatment for rheumatism, since its main part occurs at home.

Drug treatment is the very first and most important stage of

Treatment of joint rheumatism is based on the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, broad-spectrum antibiotics, vitamins, desensitizing drugs, and severe cases - steroid hormones.

As a rule, antibiotics of penicillin series ( Amoxicillin, Carfecillin, Carbenicillin and Piperacillin) or macrolides( Binoklar, Vilprafen, Grunamycin, etc.) are usually prescribed to cure the infectious agent. It is believed that within 5 years after the disease with rheumatism, the patient should periodically take broad-spectrum antibiotics.

is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug : Diclofenac, Ibuprofen and others are an equally important part of the drug treatment. They help reduce the activity of inflammatory processes.

If a liquid is retained in the body of the patient, then diuretics are prescribed for it - diuretics : Acrypamide, Diazide, Bufenox and others.

In the presence of heart problems, treatment is established depending on the degree of their severity, damage to the valves, etc. In most cases, diuretics, nitrates, and anti-arrhythmic drugs are prescribed, which prevent or eliminate heart rhythm disturbances. In serious situations, when drug treatment is powerless, heart valve operations are performed.

Duration of use, dosage of medicines is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the disease, the patient's health status and in each case will be individual.

After prescribing drug therapy, the patient can recommend a number of additional procedures for :

  • Paraffin applications. They contribute to the heating of affected joints, and also remove toxins and purify the pores. This nontraditional method of treatment is used after the acute phase of the disease subsides, normalization of body temperature and improvement of the patient's condition.
  • Warming with an infrared lamp. The lamp is used for general warming up of body parts, on which a surface effect is required.
  • UHF therapy. The electric field of UHF enhances the blood flow, selectively affects the permeability of the vessel walls, thereby eliminating residual edema of the joint tissues and reducing inflammation foci.
  • Electrophoresis. This therapeutic complex is characterized by the effect on the body of direct current and the introduction with it of the necessary parts of the body of medicinal substances.

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment allow to fix the result from the main therapy, improve the patient's motor activity and eliminate the pain syndrome. To achieve maximum effect, physicians are advised to follow each course with the course.

How and what to treat the rheumatism of the joints should be determined exclusively by the doctor in charge! Self-medication is dangerous to health and can lead to serious consequences.

Folk remedies for the treatment of

The treatment of joint rheumatism with folk remedies contributes to the consolidation of the positive effect of the main treatment, relieves swelling and eliminates pain. ethnoscience

  1. Recipe # 1. For this recipe you will need dried leaves of a saber. Put them in a glass dish, pour half vodka and put it for three weeks in a dark place. The resulting infusion can be drunk 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, and can be used as lotions, daily rubbing them with aching joints.
  2. Recipe # 2. To prepare this recipe, take 1 kilogram of raw potatoes and a small piece of cloth. Peel potatoes and grate them on a fine grater. The resulting gruel lay on the fabric, and wrap it with a sick joint. Such a compress is recommended to be done every other day for 1 month.
  3. Recipe # 3. To complete this recipe you will need 3 peeled bulbs. Put them in a saucepan, pour 1 liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. After the onion water has cooled, it will be ready for use. It is recommended to drink 1 glass of broth every morning on an empty stomach.

Prevention is an integral part of the treatment of rheumatism

In order for to prevent the repeated development of attacks of joint rheumatism the following preventive measures are applied: primary and secondary.

  • Primary prevention. It includes measures to improve immunity. For this, the patient needs to practice hardening, correctly form the regime of the day, eat healthy food. With a deterioration of well-being, such people should immediately seek medical help, especially if symptoms of an infectious disease are detected.
  • Secondary prevention. Secondary prevention measures are aimed at preventing recurrences of the disease, as well as its progression in patients on dispensary registration.

Considerable attention is paid to the maintenance of cardiovascular functions in the prevention of rheumatism. Activities aimed at normalizing the heart rate, monitoring the heart condition includes such a thing as "cardio-prophylaxis" .

It is an obligatory part of the final stage of treatment of joint rheumatism and is characterized by regular medical examination, sanatorium treatment and intake of vitamin complexes rich in magnesium and calcium.

Treatment of rheumatism is a long and complex process, including medical and physiotherapy methods. Its main goal is to keep the joints healthy, improve the patient's condition and prevent relapse of the disease.

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