
The causes of unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine. Plan for diagnosis and treatment.

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Unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical Unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine is one of the types of arthrosis at which occurs wear of cartilage of the joint.

Because of this, between the vertebrae, friction occurs on the , causing inflammation of the tissues and deformation of the bones.

The characteristic feature of unco-vertebral arthrosis is the appearance on the vertebrae of pathological bone processes, osteophytes, which form new unco-vertebral articulations between the vertebrae.

The development of this disease leads not only to a decrease in the quality of life due to constant pain and loss of mobility of the neck: uncovertebral arthrosis can cause damage to the blood supply to the brain and all its attendant severe consequences.

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Article Contents

  • Causes unkovertebralnogo arthrosis
  • Symptoms unkovertebralnogo arthrosis
  • insta story viewer
  • Diagnostics and inspection
  • Pharmacotherapy unkovertebralnogo arthrosis
  • Folk treatment unkovertebralnogo arthrosis
  • gymnastics and gymnastics

Causes unkovertebralnogo arthrosis

cause of all degenerative diseases of the joints one - malnutrition articular cartilage,in this case - intervertebral discs, at which their stagnantand the appearance of specific bone growths, with their help, the body tries to reduce the stress on the intervertebral disc.

For joints excessive loads , and an inactive way of life are harmful. Therefore, an increased risk of unco-vertebral arthrosis of the cervical spine leads:

  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle;
  • is overweight, in this case the load on all joints increases, the process of their wear is accelerated;
  • suffered trauma to the cervical spine;
  • flat feet, which also leads to incorrect and uneven load on the joints;
  • congenital anomalies of development of cervical vertebrae;
  • endocrine diseases, especially - diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • strong and prolonged physical activity associated with uneven lifting of weights.
If you enter into one of these categories, if you have pain in the neck, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, then the treatment will be less prolonged and unpleasant.

Symptoms of unco-vertebral arthrosis

The initial stage of the disease can be virtually asymptomatic.

When lifting heavy weights, sharp turns of the head sometimes cause acute pain. It has a local character, extending only to one or more vertebrae, and quickly passes. Often, such pain is not paid attention - and completely vain: if diagnosed with unco-vertebral arthrosis at this stage, it will take only 1-2 weeks to stop the development of the disease at the earliest and safest stage.

Without treatment, the symptoms are gradually exacerbated, the neck begins to react with pain to the load, dampness, changes in atmospheric pressure. There is a constant discomfort in the neck, the mobility of the neck and head is limited. The pain becomes dull, does not stop even at rest. When you turn the head there is a strong specific crunch.

Further development of unco-vertebral arthrosis leads to loss of mobility of the cervical vertebrae.

Additional symptoms may be tingling and numbness in the limbs, dizziness, nausea. Any disease of the cervical spine is very dangerous because it can affect the spinal cord and important nerve endings coming from the brain throughout the body, and therefore often gives certain neurological syndromes.

Diagnosis and examination

MRI with cervical arthrosis At the first admission the doctor finds out the patient's nature of the pain, the presence of additional symptoms. This is necessary in order to put a preliminary diagnosis and know what to look for in the pictures. Further, X-ray or MRI is prescribed.

Unco-vertebral arthrosis is clearly visible on the X-ray and MRI images, which are the main diagnostic methods.

The doctor diagnoses unco-vertebral arthrosis, if the vertebrae of the cervical region are visually enlarged, there are osteophytes and unco-vertebral articulations on the vertebrae, there are signs of a violation of blood supply in the cervical vertebrae.

Medication for unco-vertebral arthrosis

In case of severe pain, non-steroid pain relievers are prescribed first, most often ibuprofen and aspirin.

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The cervical spine is immobilized with the of the special collar, which provides gentle skeletal traction, partially relieving the load from the spine.

Then begins drug therapy and exercise therapy( exercise therapy), most often it is gradually possible to completely restore the mobility of the cervical spine and relieve pain.

Drugs that can eliminate the cause of unco-vertebral arthrosis do not exist, therefore, usually a set of medications is used to slow the progression of the disease.

For the restoration of blood supply prescribe special drugs to improve local blood supply, most often it is actovegin, pentoxifylline and others.

To slow down the process destruction of cartilaginous tissue appointed so-called chondoprotectors, they slow down the degenerative processes, helping to restore cartilaginous tissue. But many experts question their effectiveness.

In severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed, during the operation osteophytes are removed, the intervertebral disc is restored, and the spine returns mobility.

Folk treatment of unco-vertebral arthrosis

Arthrosis has become a frequent problem, probably since the average life expectancy has exceeded 40 years, so folk methods of treating this disease have long appeared.

First of all it's rubbing and compresses. It should be noted that they can effectively relieve pain, but they will not relieve you of its cause and most often do not slow the progression of the disease, so the use of any folk methods should be combined with traditional methods and coordinated with the doctor in charge.

Traditional medicine as components for the preparation of rubbing ointment advises the use of propolis, flaxseed oil, ficus tincture and animal fat.

Here is a popular recipe for ointment: four parts of linseed oil, one part of propolis and one part of turpentine. All components should be mixed into a homogeneous mass, rubbing her neck area.

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LFK and gymnastics

Gymnastics for unco-vertebral arthrosis Are prescribed at all stages of flow of unco-vertebral arthrosis. They allow to restore the mobility of the cervical spine, as for the normal functioning of all the joints of the body requires constant movement. When the joint works, it receives lubrication and nutrition, and restorative processes are started.

But the cervical spine is extremely mobile, so a special sparing set of exercises is selected.

Physiotherapy usually includes therapeutic massage and curative gymnastics .Therapeutic massage can relieve pain and muscle tension, quickly restore mobility to the cervical spine.

Therapeutic gymnastics is a special set of exercises that allow you to gradually give the right load to the neck, restoring mobility and relieving pain, it is carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

It can be classes in the pool, on special simulators, with a gymnastic ball. Benefit from LFU can not be underestimated, the effectiveness of medical treatment of arthrosis is heated debate, and therapeutic gymnastics even in the most severe cases gives a persistent positive result , because it is based on the use of internal mechanisms of recovery of the body.

Like all arthrosis, unco-vertebral arthrosis responds to treatment better than at an earlier stage of the disease.

Do not ignore the pain, even if it is short-lived and seems harmless.

In any case, the pain symptom is the body's signal that everything is not right, so consult a doctor.

The development of unco-vertebral arthrosis in the absence of treatment can lead to loss of mobility of the cervical spine and permanent pain, and this significantly reduces the quality of life.

In addition, in severe cases, neck mobility is not completely restored, and expensive surgical intervention will be necessary, which can be avoided by diagnosing this extremely unpleasant disease on time.

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