
Treatment of hyperhidrosis with botox: price, reviews

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Botox is a medicament for the treatment of hyperhidrosis( sweating).

This medicine is created from the most powerful biological poison in the world - botulinum toxin. This toxin secretes the bacterium botulobacterium( botulism) and only a few milligrams it is enough for human death.

Botulinum toxin itself refers to neurotoxins, that is, it damages the selectively nerve tissue, as a result of which it loses the ability to carry out signals. When a toxin blocks the impulses from the respiratory and cardiovascular center, the patient dies.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis by Botox

Feet But any substance can be both a poison and a medicine. It all depends on its concentration and the route of administration. Scientists have learned to use the properties of botulinum toxin for their therapeutic purposes. This drug in very low concentrations is administered intradermally in the area of ​​increased sweating. In consequence of this, the sympathetic innervation of sweat glands is broken and they cease to function( sweating ceases).

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This procedure is performed several times. Thanks to the use of the thinnest needles, soreness with this manipulation is minimized. However, with high morbidity, doctors can stop it with the help of application anesthetics.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis by Botox does not interfere with general sweating, and therefore does not lead to such side effects as a violation of thermoregulation and regulation of the water-electrolyte balance.

Sweating in the puncture areas stops after 3-4 days and lasts up to 4-11 months. After this, the nerve endings in the skin are restored and begin to function again.

Price for the treatment of hyperhidrosis Botox

The cost of treatment of hyperhidrosis Botox amounts to an average of 20 to 30 thousand rubles, depending on the clinic and the amount of used drug ( 1T Botox costs about 200 rubles).

This type of treatment of hyperhidrosis also has contraindications, such as:

  • pregnancy;
  • myosthenia;
  • hemophilia;
  • is allergic to Botox and others.

Reviews of the treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox

Maria: I have had increased palms sweating since my childhood. Sometimes it caused great discomfort. When I found out what is being treated, I decided to try it. I was given several injections of Botox's palm, almost painless, and after 2 days the sweating went away. It became easier to live. It is a pity that the effect is not as long as we would like. But it's better than walking with sweaty hands)

Nicholas: Sweaty armpits prevented me from living. Sometimes it seemed that from there the sweat flowed by the river. I had to change clothes every day. Deodorants and antiperspirants helped for the first few hours, and then everything started again. Has not regretted money and has spent course of treatment Botoksom. Everything passed. If sweating appears again, I will repeat the therapy. It's worth it.

Video: Increased sweating - hyperhidrosis

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Treatment of hyperhidrosis with botox: price, reviews

Treatment of hyperhidrosis with botox: price, reviews

Botox is a medicament for the treatment of hyperhidrosis( sweating). This medicine is created from the most powerful biological po...