
Treatment of arthrosis at home: tips, methods and means

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Treatment of arthrosis at home Osteoarthritis is a serious joint disease that can lead to loss of ability to move and to disability.

Its appearance is associated with changes in the tissues surrounding the bones at the sites of their articulation.

Cartilages lose elasticity, gradually wear out. As a result, the bones begin to touch and rub, causing severe pain.

Contents of the article

  • Causes and symptoms
  • Types of the disease
  • Traditional medicine - is it effective?
  • Folk methods and methods of treatment
  • Knee-joint treatment recipes
  • Treating feet and ankles
  • Remedies for the treatment of the shoulder joint
  • Treatment for the hip joint
  • Please note!

Causes and Symptoms of

The causes of arthrosis may be:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • work associated with long standing or vice versa, low mobility;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • is overweight, resulting in increased stress on the locomotor system of the body;
  • physical injuries of the joints( fractures, dislocations, sprains);
  • transferred infectious diseases, etc.
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The first symptom of arthrosis is mild joint pain that occurs with physical activity and quickly settling down at rest.

Subsequently, she worries a person more often, already and without heavy loads. In the mornings, while the joints did not separate, stiffness of movements is observed. The patient's joint begins to "click", crunch, it is accompanied by painful sensations.

With further development, there are frequent periods of acute pain, joints often swell and become inflamed.

Cartilaginous tissue is thinner, osteophytes, which accentuate the situation, begin to form. On the surface of the joint there are solid nodules and cones. He loses mobility, a person becomes disabled.

Types of the disease

The disease can affect any part of the musculoskeletal system, but most often the joints of the legs suffer. This is understandable, because the main burden of maintaining the entire body lies on them. The most common occurrence of gonarthrosis is arthrosis of the knee joints.

More women suffer from this disease, because they have excess weight more often than men, and varicose veins. In addition, age-related hormonal changes also play a role.

Next in frequency is arthrosis of the foot and ankle or deforming arthrosis. In common parlance this disease is known arthrosis of joints under the name "bone".

Strikes first of all the big toes. One of the reasons is wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes, especially high heels.

Coxarthrosis is a hip joint disease characterized by pain in the groin that descends the leg to the middle of the thigh or to the knee.

Its consequence can be different length of legs: the patient's leg is shortened. The muscles of the thigh gradually become atrophied, the leg seems to dry up.

From arthrosis of the shoulder joint, usually elderly people suffer. It is characterized by pain in the shoulder, a reduction in the amplitude of movements. It is difficult for a man to raise his hand, to lead it behind his back.

If you have to work a lot with your hands in the cold, with water or a heavy load on your fingers, you may experience arthrosis of the hands.

Fingers do not fully unbend or bend, thick joints appear on the joints. This disease occurs in people of various professions: milkmaids, typists, programmers, pianists, etc.

Folk medicine - is it effective?

Like any disease, arthrosis is treated in a complex way, using painkillers, anti-inflammatory, cartilage-restoring drugs.

To restore the mobility of joints, physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises are useful.

All these methods of treatment are prescribed by a doctor, self-medication is fraught with dangerous consequences.

To help the body overcome the disease can be, if you supplement the traditional treatment of arthrosis with folk remedies. This allows you to quickly remove the pain and inflammation, improve the patient's well-being.

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And in the period between exacerbations - to maintain the performance of joints.

Some traditional medicine can be used for a long time, unlike medicines. Thus, the body gradually and gently struggles with the causes of the disease.

The naturalness of these products determines their safety, and the small cost compared to medicines makes them affordable for all segments of the population.

It should be borne in mind that most folk remedies require long-term use to achieve a positive effect. Some of them will help to quickly cope with the pain, but completely the disease will not heal.

To get rid of the causes of arthrosis, you need to use traditional methods of treatment for years.

Folk methods and methods of treatment

ethnoscience Traditional medicine offers a variety of means to combat this ailment. The most commonly used are compresses, rubbing, baths, herbal decoctions.

In order to get rid of the pain, simple and accessible means are offered. For example, burdock, cabbage or birch leaves.

Recipes checked by years:

  1. Sore place is wrapped in burdock leaves with the wrong side to the skin, tie with soft warm cloth. Leave it overnight, replace it with fresh leaves in the morning. This plant relieves pain and swelling quite quickly. For greater effect, the leaves can be steamed by putting a pan of hot water on them for a few minutes. And the skin lubricate a thin layer of sunflower oil or honey. Also, for enhanced action, you can grind several sheets in a meat grinder, lay them on a whole sheet and fix it on the body.
  2. Cabbage leaves also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. They can also be applied to the body for a long time - at night or for several hours, irritations will not cause it. If you squeeze out the juice from them, you will get a "two in one" remedy: you can drink it and you can moisten woolen, cotton or linen cloth for a compress.
  3. Birch leaves , especially young, a good remedy for the treatment of inflamed sick joints. The easiest way is to fill the clothes with fresh leaves for the night in the right place: the pajamas on the leg, on the knee, the sleeve on the elbow, and the sock on the arthrosis of the foot. Repeat this procedure is necessary until the disappearance of pain.

Well used in the treatment of arthrosis applications of clay. Apply a thick clay heated to the sun on a diseased joint, wrap it with a food film to protect it from contamination of clothing.

From above you can wrap it with a warm cloth. After two hours, rinse with warm water, get soaked and put on a warm shirt or pants.

Traditional medicine advises that with arthrosis, there is often a cold and other liqueur dishes to help restore cartilaginous tissue of the joints.

With the same purpose, you can drink gelatin solution. Spoon one gelatin spoon in a glass of water at room temperature. Drink it during the day in three to four meals half an hour before meals.

An excellent remedy for joint diseases - hot sand, especially marine. Sun-heated sand on the beach can impose a sore spot or even the entire body.

Hold until it's nice for the body. Clean sand can be kept at home, using it as needed.

Recipes for the treatment of the knee joint

Treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint is especially effective with applications of mud or paraffin.

The paraffin must be melt in a water bath and wait for it to cool down to an acceptable hot state. Put it on the knee, cover with a film, on top with a warm cloth. Keep until the paraffin freezes( 20-25 minutes).Remove the applique, keep the knee warm. paraffin applications

Bottle of dark glass to fill half the flowers of a dandelion, pour to the top with alcohol or triple cologne. After insisting, drain for a month.

Rinse with infusion of the knees several times a day, especially before going to bed. You can store it in the kitchen cupboard. After 3-4 weeks of use, you need a break.

You can make compresses from warm thick oat porridge, cooked on water without the addition of salt. It is spread over a diseased knee, covered with a film and wrapped with a handkerchief. You can keep it all night and wash it off in the morning.

Treat foot and ankle

It is best to make baths with this disease. In the basin pour hot water, which is added to three tablespoons of sea salt and baking soda. Keep your feet to cool water.

As a means for the baths, you can use hay, stems, chamomile, thyme, etc.

After the baths, dry your feet and put on woolen socks. It is desirable to do these procedures at night.

Remedies for the treatment of the shoulder joint

It is not convenient to put compresses on the shoulder joint, so it is better to use different rubbing:

  1. The alcoholic infusion of the lilac flowers has a good effect. In a dark bottle, fall asleep lilac flowers to the top, Aloe for the knee pour vodka. Infuse for three days, after which it can be used to rub before bed.
  2. Grind 400 g of aloe leaves in a meat grinder, add half a bottle of red wine and 10 g of alcohol. Shake well, insist in a dark place for 10 days. The mixture can be used for grinding and compressing.
  3. 100 g fresh birch kidney insist in 0.5 liter of vodka for a week. Apply to rubbing before going to bed.

Treatment of the hip joint

The hip joint is not very convenient for the use of such products as compresses, applications.

In this regard, the treatment of arthrosis of the hip joint folk remedies is based on baths and the means taken inside:

  1. In pleasantly hot water add infusion of needles and pine branches or spruce , crumble several tubers of Jerusalem artichoke. Dilute 3 tablespoons of honey and a spoonful of turpentine in the water. Mix well. Take a bath in the evening for 20-30 minutes. Shredded tubers and branches with Jerusalem artichoke leaves can be used for baths and separately.
  2. Oriental healers are advised with arthrosis every day to eat 10-20 g of ginger in any form of .
  3. Mix in equal quantities Willow bark, nettle leaves, calendula flowers and birch leaves .2 tablespoons mixture pour a liter of boiling water, let it brew for 12 hours. Drink half a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
  4. As prepared a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, Ledum and cones of hops .Drink 100 g 3-4 times daily before meals.

Please note!

The use of folk methods of treatment requires compliance with certain rules:

  1. Before starting treatment, should definitely consult an specialist. He will determine how effective and safe these tools are, how they will be combined with the methods of traditional medicine. Means for joints with arthrosis
  2. Various herbs and other components for folk remedies should be purchased at pharmacies or other reliable locations of .Do not trust the grandmothers at the metro with a bunch of herbs. After all, every medicinal plant must be harvested in ecologically clean places and in due time, properly dried and preserved. And raw materials harvested from a highway, an industrial enterprise or even within the city are capable of harming instead of benefiting.
  3. is required to carefully study the composition of the tool used. If there is even a suspicion of the possibility of an allergic reaction to any component, the use of the drug as a whole should be discarded.
  4. Accurately observe the formulation of to prevent excess concentration of substances, this can be dangerous. Especially if you are advised to use a variety of potent and corrosive substances such as turpentine, mustard, garlic, etc.
If you have any unpleasant reaction to the use of the product( nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, severe redness of the skin, rashes, etc.), stop using it immediately!

Osteoarthritis is a very serious illness. In the absence of proper treatment, he can lead to complete immobility of the joint and turn a person into an invalid.

But modern medicine can prevent the development of the disease and improve the quality of life of the patient.

And folk remedies can become excellent helpers in the fight against the disease.

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