Diagnosis Of Diseases

The coronography of the heart( vessels of the heart)

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Heart diseases can often be diagnosed in young people of working age.

Quite a common cardiac pathology is ischemic heart disease( CHD), which can lead to more severe complications( myocardial infarction, for example).

Modern medicine has the ability to determine the present state of the cardiac( coronary) blood vessels.

This can be done using the method of coronagraphography of the heart( more correctly the name is the coronary of the vessels of the heart).

This method is based on the production of a series of X-ray photographs taken with the aid of an angiograph with a contrast agent.

There are the following indications for performing the coronary procedure:

  • complications of ischemic heart disease( CHD);
  • postinfarction angina pectoris;Unstable angina.

Conducting coronography takes place in an emergency or planned order.

Before coronagraph, the patient gives some necessary tests:

  • ECG( electrocardiogram);
  • general blood test;
  • blood test for blood group and Rh factor;
  • coagulogram( blood clotting assay);
  • biochemistry.
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If necessary, a standard study can be easily extended or replaced by the attending physician.

Coronary angiography of the heart

The procedure is performed in the operating room, equipped with special X-ray equipment. 278ph

An anesthetist performs local anesthesia and puncture of the femoral( or radial) artery.

Then, a small catheter is inserted into the desired vessel, used to extract surgical instruments and to remove the contrast agent.

Then, the X-ray machine starts working, it performs high-speed large-format shooting.

The obtained photo images are entered into the computer and subjected to a detailed analysis.

The doctor sees before him all the information about the blood flow in the coronary vessels and about the general state of the vessels.

It is clear that the resulting image is displayed not only on the screens of monitors, but also stored in computer memory.

Often, diagnostic coronoraphy can easily be transformed into therapeutic( for example, if a narrowed section of the artery is detected - a possible provoker of myocardial infarction.)

The coronary procedure may well end with the stenting of a narrowing of the coronary artery

The stent is inserted along with the catheter and restores normal blood flow in the affected vessel. Heart bypass or coronary artery bypass grafting( CABG) is a surgical operation, the main purpose of which is to create a bypass( anastomosis)Atherosclerosis of the heart arteries

The patient is under general anesthesia, and his heart, in the meantime, acquires the ability to fully nourish.

This is the whole point of the procedure of coronary angiography of the heart.

Consequences of coronagraphy( allergy to contrast agent, thrombosis,rhythm) can occur very rarely, but, in any case, the doctor-resuscitator-anesthesiologist must constantly be on duty with the patient.

Danger of coronagraphography of the heart

Coronagraphy is a rather complicated operation.

The introduction of a catheter can cause a stroke or a heart attack.

Attention to the patient and the use of special medications can reduce the likelihood of these effects and begin timely treatment.

The cost of coronography

The average price of coronagraphy of the heart vessels, depending on the method of performing the procedure and the type of study, varies between 10 00 - 20 000 rubles.


Irina Matveyevna: 258ph

I this year made a right-sided coronography of the vessels of the heart( through the right hand).

Everything was, in principle, normal, but recently I happened to work in the country( I was carrying buckets of water).

Now I have a swelling on my arm and some kind of irritation.

I'm afraid it would not be a blood clot.

Please reply to me as soon as possible, or else I will completely lose my mind.

Dr. Karasev EI:

The question is normal and familiar.

I would like you, for the future, to advise you to avoid lifting weights and other physical exertion.

At the cottage you go only for rest and walking around fresh air.

It's strange that your doctor did not warn you about it.

Elena Petrovna:

I want to give you useful information about where it is best to undergo coronagraphography of cardiac vessels: in Moscow, Minsk or in another city.

In general, the choice of the clinic and the city where the coronography will take place depends only on the wishes of the relatives of the patient( or the patient himself) and on the thickness of their wallets.

Usually, such studies are conducted on a regional or federal program, that is, you should go to the clinic where they sent you.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy!

Coronary angiography of the heart Cardiac diseases are a huge social and medical problem.

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