
Time between feedings

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time between feedings Once a woman has a baby, she becomes confronted with a choice - breastfeeding or artificial feeding.

At the present time, all doctors and specialists say: that a child receives the necessary portion of vitamins, it must be nourished naturally. Since the first month in a child's life is the main period of adaptation to a new area of ​​life, it is best to breastfeed.

The time between feedings is usually divided not by the hour, but according to the baby's need for feeding. But, nevertheless, in order not to exaggerate the dose and not to overfeed the baby try to stick to at least a 2-hour interval between feeding.

This interval is very easy to explain:

  • if feeding a child too often and abundantly in a short period of time the food will not have time to digest and assimilate
  • because of frequent overfeeding the child may have various problems, for example, bloating, or regurgitation of not digested food.

If your child prefers to sleep long and thus misses the next feeding, do not wake him, except when your baby's dream is more than 5 hours. The first time after birth, children often ask for food even at night, but usually, after they turn 7 weeks old, they can already sleep through the night.

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Most often, a child is fed on average 8 times with a break between one feeding and another at 3 o'clock.

Over time, when the child has been performing for several months( 2-3), the feeding time of the newborn changes slightly, the intervals need to be gradually increased to 4 hours, as the baby begins to consume more milk.

Now many companies and corporations that deal with baby food have produced a lot of products that could replace the baby with breastmilk. Therefore, if your child does not eat up and you have to constantly supplement him, you can use special mixtures.

All mixtures are divided into two main types:

  • sweet;
  • are dairy.

Specialists insist that in the early periods of feeding, it is best for children to give milk-based mixtures, since they contain more useful and necessary substances.

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Time between feedings

Time between feedings

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