Nervous System Infections

Vetryanochny encephalitis: to warn and cure it!

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venous encephalitis Ventricular encephalitis is a serious and dangerous complication of chickenpox, that is, the development of inflammatory processes in the brain.

This disease is caused by a chickenpox virus. This virus belongs to the herpetic group, which is characterized by the ability to affect the human nervous system, because during any disease the protective functions of the immune system decrease.

Chickenpox encephalitis is a rare disease, but if it starts to develop, the symptoms bring a lot of suffering to a person. It is for this reason that it is important to recognize all signs of the disease on time and seek medical help in a timely manner.

Why and who can develop the disease

Veterinary encephalitis is a childhood disease that develops after a year of life. Why after exactly a year? Up to a year all children get sick, but every disease is easily curable and also easily tolerated.

The fact is that in breast milk there is a large number of antibodies. Severe diseases will be tolerated only if the nursing mother did not have chickenpox for her childhood( in this case, the chances of getting a wind-encephalitis in a child are also small, because this is a rare disease).

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It is important to know that it is from the 3rd to the 7th day of the onset of the disease that the most serious symptoms begin, which are manifested by a rash in the body and high fever.

For no apparent reason, vomiting, convulsions may develop. This is how the violation of the acute form occurs, which develops due to the lack of timely treatment.

Clinical picture

Severe effects of chickenpox can begin to develop no earlier than a few days after the first rash. It happens that the chickenpox encephalitis can occur long before the rash or, conversely, in a rather late period.

The disease begins with ordinary symptoms, which will not cause parents any special experiences. It can be an ordinary cough, a sore throat or sneezing. These symptoms will resemble the most common cold, however, it is important to pay special attention to the rash over the body.

the emergence and development of encephalitis

Remember that the rashes with varicella encephalitis are different from chickenpox.

Pustular pustules, which are also a manifestation of encephalitis, can affect extensive areas of the body. Therefore, you need to monitor every new manifestation of even the most common cold, because the symptoms of the disease can be hidden for the first time.

Ventricular encephalitis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • convulsions;chickenpox
  • weakness and apathy;
  • poor appetite and sleep;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • facial asymmetry.

Ignoring symptoms can lead to such complications: cerebral edema, convulsions all over the body, coma.

A child can often lose consciousness due to increased intracranial pressure, and eventually fall into a coma.

What can and should be done?

Acyclovir All manifestations are an excuse to go to the hospital. The physician should suspect the disease on examination and confirm it with a diagnosis( MRI or CT scan).

Acyclovir is considered the main drug in the treatment of the disease. This antiviral drug, which many know, as a remedy for "colds on the lips."For inpatient treatment, the drug will be administered intravenously.

The main therapeutic methods:

  1. Forced diuresis based on potassium preparations. With his help, all the toxins that accumulate in the body and the swelling of the brain are removed.
  2. Cessation of convulsive attacks .
  3. Corticosteroids to relieve inflammation.

In order to improve the blood circulation of the brain, the doctor can prescribe such drugs: Glycine, Cortexin, Aspirin, Clexane.

Dosage is strictly prescribed by a specialist. With the introduction of any of these drugs, it is important to monitor the condition of the child. If suddenly there is an allergic reaction, the doctor should change the course of treatment.

After all the signs of the disease have disappeared( approximately two weeks after treatment), in order to improve the functioning of the brain, drugs based on B group vitamins are prescribed.

Due to the fact that the chickenpox is a neurological disease, during treatment it is necessarywill receive therapeutic interventions from the therapist and neurologist.

Possible consequences of

Ventricular encephalitis can lead to serious consequences. Ignoring the prescribed treatment can worsen a child's condition. There is a severe headache, and with sharp movements of the neck, it only intensifies.

Brain activity is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in muscle tone. In the first days of acute illness in a small child, there may be a delay in the development of speech or its violation.

It is important to understand that if you do not follow the doctor's recommendations, epileptic seizures are possible, sometimes fatal.

Preventative measures

Prevention of the disease must begin with the moment when in the kindergarten or school children develop the first symptoms of chickenpox. In these the child has chickenpox days it is better to leave the child at home so that there is no contact with sick children.

According to the specialists' observations it is proved if in time to pay attention to the first manifestations of a rash and to isolate a child with chickenpox from others( it needs to be given within 2-4 hours after the rash), then infection of other children can be avoided.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is no vaccination that could prevent the disease. Introduction gamma globulin intramuscularly widely used, however, often doctors use the drug during the hospitalization of the baby.

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