
Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment at home. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

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Numbness of the fingers - a symptom, which occurs in many people. Its importance is often underestimated. Discomfort may cover only a part of one finger, and can be present throughout the palm and even upper extremity reaching to the elbow, and sometimes, capturing and shoulder.

Numbness of the fingers may be the cause of serious diseases, sometimes requiring urgent treatment. If the symptom does not stop for more than 30 min., It is essential to understand its nature.

The content of the article:

  • 1 It causes numbness in the fingers, which are not related to the disease
  • 2 Pathological causes numbness and associated symptoms
    • 2.1 Carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome)
    • 2.2 Cubital tunnel syndrome
    • 2.3 Raynaud's disease
    • 2.4 Anemia
    • 2.5 scleroderma
    • 2.6 Guillain-Barré syndrome
    • 2.7 The effects of alcohol
  • 3 Poisoning by chemicals and heavy metals
  • 4 Side effects of medications
  • 5 Diabetes
  • 6 Deficiency of vitamin B1
  • 7 diphtheria polyneuropathy
  • 8 spondylosis
  • 9 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
  • 10 Why can even numb fingers of the left hand?
  • insta story viewer
  • 11 With what may be due to numbness in his right hand?
  • 12 Diagnostics
  • 13 Drug treatment of numbness of hands. Groups used drugs
    • 13.1 effective tablet
    • 13.2 Top ointment from numbness of fingers
  • 14 Treatment of folk remedies numbness of hands
    • 14.1 Milk-honey bath
    • 14.2 Eggshell
    • 14.3 Ledum palustre and apple cider vinegar
    • 14.4 Black pepper and sunflower oil
  • 15 Exercises with numbness of fingers
  • 16 Treatment numbness of hands in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • 17 Treatment of hand numbness of limbs with osteochondrosis
  • 18 diet therapy
  • 19 Video of numbness of fingers

It causes numbness in the fingers, which are not related to the disease

Often numbness occurs physiologically is not a pathology.

It is accompanied by the following factors:

  • uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • long stay in the same position;
  • compressive bracelets;
  • supercooling
  • Hand swelling during pregnancy;
  • monotonous work with his hands.
Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Symptoms quickly diminish and even disappear without a trace. This occurs due to the incorrect position of the body that accompanies poor circulation in the body. Innervation this portion suffers and there are unpleasant sensations that are not pathological, but only by reaction of the unfavorable conditions for the organism.

Pathological causes numbness and associated symptoms

Table of reasons:

Causes The mechanism of development of numbness Associated symptoms
Osteocondritis of the spine When osteochondrosis occurs degenerative changes of the vertebrae, and therefore, they subside, and put pressure on the roots, irritating them. Numbness of the fingers of one hand, dizziness, frequent headaches, back pain, especially when driving.
Offset vertebrae Violation of the ratio between the vertebrae leads to narrowing of the intervertebral foramina, causing radicular syndrome. Numbness of the fingers, wrist, shoulder, sharp pain in a specific area of ​​the spine (sciatica), especially when driving.
Intervertebral hernia Because of the abnormal protrusions occur squeezing the nerve tissue, causing numbness. Dizziness, headache, and sometimes blurred vision or hearing problems, fainting, severe back pain, numbness in the fingers of one or both hands.
frozen shoulder Inflammation of the brachial plexus causes numbness of the fingers and the violation of their mobility. Heaviness in the upper limbs, impaired motor function and its sensitivity, numbness.
Arthrosis, arthritis or bursitis upper limb joints Inflammation of the joints enlarge and put pressure on the ulnar or radial nerves. Numbness in some fingers and half of the palm.
Hygroma on the palmar surface Due to the pathological formation which increases in size, the next compressed nerves. Numbness predetermined range of the palm that is innervated by nerve entrapment.

Carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome)

Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs due to entrapment in the channel, which constitute the bone wall and the lateral ligament of the brush. The inflammatory process in this area can cause swelling of surrounding tissues, leading to pressure on the nerve.

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Therefore, there are symptoms of nervous disorders area, which is the responsibility median nerve, are:

  • pain in the fingertips;
  • tingling of the fingers;
  • violation of wrist flexion;
  • attenuation of motor function I-II of the fingers;
  • desensitization palmar surface of the fingers I-II.

Numbness occurs in I-III, and sometimes I-IV fingers brush. First symptoms appear in the working arm, and later in the other. They are most pronounced during sleep. For the diagnosis of disease used Tinel test (percussion passage in the medial nerve) and Falena test (maximum bending of the wrist 3 min.).

The test is considered positive if there are characteristic symptoms of the syndrome.

Most often it occurs in musicians, butchers, lumberjacks, people with persistent high load on the brush.

Cubital tunnel syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome occurs due to compression of the ulnar nerve in the narrowed channel. Its restriction occurs in consequence of inflammation, injury or degenerative changes.

By the manifestations of the ulnar tunnel syndrome include:

  • paresthesia IV-V fingers after folding arm at the elbow;
  • positive Tinel symptom (numbness in the fingers after percussion over the ulnar nerve);
  • the inability to touch the thumb to the little finger of the gun;
  • to weakness IV-V fingers;
  • atrophy of the muscles in the palm of your hand little finger and ring finger.

Raynaud's disease

Raynaud's disease is a circulatory disturbances and toes peripheral vascular spasm.

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
Numbness of fingers. The reasons may be different, such as Raynaud's disease. Therefore, the treatment will be different.

This is facilitated by the following factors:

  1. hypothermia;
  2. frequent stress;
  3. tight gloves.

Numbness of fingers with Raynaud's disease are also accompanied by symptoms such as discoloration of one or more fingers, numbness in them, pain, tingling, cooling.

Recognize three stages of the disease, which respectively ischemia of the affected area increases and can even cause its necrosis. To determine disease method is used with hands immersion in cold water for a few minutes. This causes a spasm of blood vessels and stimulates the characteristic symptoms.


Numbness of the fingers, causes and treatment of which are interrelated, may be a consequence of anemia. This disease is characterized by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin, which carry oxygen to all organs. It accompanies many diseases, but may be an independent unit.

At risk are pregnant women, chronic patients, vegetarians, patients with peptic ulcer, chronic blood loss. Shortage of oxygen and iron, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body, leads to the appearance of "anemic syndrome".

It consists of these symptoms:

  • general weakness, malaise;
  • dizziness;
  • tachycardia;
  • flicker flies before his eyes;

Also characteristic of anemia "sideropenic syndrome":

  • dryness of skin and mucous membranes;
  • atrophic changes;
  • brittle nails;
  • hair loss.
Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

In connection with the atrophic changes of the skin, lack of iron, vitamin B12 and oxygen occurs, and numbness in the fingers.


Scleroderma - a systemic disease characterized by changes in the connective tissue, skin fibrosis, morphological and functional disorders of blood vessels and reduction Immunity.

Skin lesions in scleroderma extends step 3:

  1. tissue swelling;
  2. sclerosis;
  3. atrophy.

First fingers swell, there is a periodic numbness, limited flexion.

Later, the pain appears, the fingertips are covered with ulcers that are difficult to heal. Then there is atrophy of the fingertips, nails, shortening of the distal phalanges. When this disease suffer not only the skin but also the entire body.

Guillain-Barré syndrome

Numbness with Guillain-Barré syndrome has some special features:

  • It comes on suddenly;
  • It progresses rapidly (within a few days);
  • manifestations symmetrical.
Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

The clinical picture is deteriorating rapidly, limb reflexes are reduced, and then disappear altogether. Develops symmetrical motor paralysis. Also often join sensory and autonomic dysfunction. Diseases facilitates OCR and decreased immunity.

The effects of alcohol

There are several causes of numbness of fingers during use of alcohol:

  1. Alcoholic toxins affect the nervous system, causing the thinning of membranes of nerve fibers. The result is a reduction in transmission of nerve impulse to the spinal cord to the hands and feet, as well as in the opposite direction. This leads to polyneuropathy. Condition is reversible, but because of lower sensitivity, it becomes a threat to frostbite.
  2. Alcohol causes fluid retention, leading to swelling of the limbs. Excess fluid contributes compressed nerves and blood vessels, causing circulatory disorders, and nerve impulse transmission.
  3. Alcohol has the ability to break down fat. Red blood cells coated with a lipid envelope, without which they stick together, forming clots. Blood clots can block the small vessels, and if they are large - even provoke heart attacks and strokes. Blockage of the vessel is causing numbness and loss of sensation.

Also in chronic alcoholism develops Raynaud's disease.

Poisoning by chemicals and heavy metals

hands numb may cause disorders of the peripheral nervous system, which is triggered by the influence of heavy metals (mercury, lead, zinc, cadmium, arsenic, copper). Acute poisoning by these substances is very dangerous, the development of its rapid and often ends in death.

Chronic toxicity is less pronounced, and sometimes ignore the symptoms because they resemble acute respiratory or other viral diseases.

General weakness, constant fatigue, malaise, nausea, loss of sensation in the fingertips, stinging them, sometimes convulsions individual muscles - it can be a manifestation of the action of toxins.

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

We must take into account the kind of activity of the patient, who has these complaints. If the work is connected with industrial chemicals or heavy metals, then poisoning them should be ruled out first.

Side effects of medications

All drugs are toxic to some degree. Acting on a body positively, medicine adversely affect the other. It is therefore very important dose allowable to use.

numbness of the fingers can be a side effect of many drugs:

  • diuretics;
  • soothing;
  • neuroleptics;
  • tranquilizers;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • inhaled hormones;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • opiates.

Paresthesia can also occur after ingestion of salt or salt solution in a large amount, since this leads to disruption of water and salt exchange. Fluid retention provokes edemas which affect the transmission of nerve impulses. Also often unpleasant sensations in the fingers appear after anesthesia.


One of the most common causes of neuropathy are numbness. Rise in blood sugar leads to angiopathies. vascular pathology begins with proximal and slowly moves upwards.

There is an infringement of blood circulation in the extremities, the consequences of which have tingling and numbness in the fingers and toes. Characteristic in this case are two-sided displays, which are developed through several years of illness. With proper treatment and correcting blood sugar, angiopathy can be avoided.

Deficiency of vitamin B1

Deficiency of vitamin B1 quite common. In the body it enters with food, and a small amount of it is synthesized in the intestine. But thiamine very easily destroyed under the influence of external factors, causing it to vitamin deficiencies. Sometimes it is not possible to fill up only at the expense of food, as the high temperature and salt may destroy it.

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Deficiency symptoms may occur under such conditions:

  • starvation;
  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • prolonged use of diuretics;
  • receiving antituberculosis drugs;
  • endocrine system diseases.

Thiamin is involved in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is necessary for normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. He contributes to the improvement of cerebral circulation and has antioxidant properties.

If hypovitaminosis of vitamin B1 It noted numbness of fingers, skin itching, tingling fingertips, nausea, shortness of breath, constant fatigue.

diphtheria polyneuropathy

Diphtheria polyneuropathy - a microbe-toxic disease is characterized by lesions of the nerve trunks. The disintegration of the myelin occurs in the final ramifications of the nerve in the muscle. In these places, there comes a momentary atrophy of the muscle fibers. Therefore, when diphtheria neuropathy with numbness of the fingers and there is a violation of their motor function.

are characteristic features:

  • paresis of smooth muscles of the eye (paralysis of accommodation);
  • violation of the innervation of the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (swallowing disorder, conversation, heart).


Changing the structure of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs are a consequence of spondylosis. Dystrophic lesions of the vertebral bodies leads to their subsidence and compression of the nerve roots.

This causes paresthesias in the upper and lower extremities, back pain, especially when driving.

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Spondylosis can lead to pathological fractures of vertebral bodies, so do not ignore these symptoms.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Because motor neuron lesion amyotrophic lateral sclerosis leads to movement disorders. Painting disease may extend to different symptoms. First, there is weakness in the muscles, sometimes joined convulsions individual muscle fibers. Paresthesias and muscle atrophy may become paralyzed.

When the upper motor neuron lesion reflexes amplified and appear abnormal. The defeat of the lower motor neuron leads to a decrease in reflexes and muscle tone.

Why can even numb fingers of the left hand?

Numbness of fingers, causes and treatments which are interconnected and varied may be a manifestation of a variety of diseases.

If feelings are recorded only in the left arm, it can be judged on several factors:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic;
  • scoliosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The most dangerous disease in this case may be a myocardial infarction. When it develops necrosis of the heart muscle that causes severe acute pain. For pain during a heart attack is characterized by radiating to the left shoulder, the left side of the neck, left hand, so you should consult a doctor.

With what may be due to numbness in his right hand?

If the fingers are numb on his right hand, then, most likely, this is due to pressure on the nerve roots.

Possible diseases that cause paresthesia in the right hand, there is the following:

  • osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • neck injury;
  • spondylosis;
  • Reynaud's syndrome;
  • polyneuropathy;
    Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
  • carpal tunnel syndrome.


Numbness in the fingers may be associated with many diseases, and to determine the cause and further treatment should be carried out a number of surveys.

They are as follows:

  • Doppler neck vessels;
  • tomography of the head and neck;
  • electroencephalography;
  • echo encephalography;
  • X-rays of the cervical and thoracic spine.

Additional methods have an electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, laboratory blood tests (complete blood count, blood sugar levels), blood chemistry, blood troponin, myoglobin, creatine kinase, which help to eliminate some of the disease.

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Also in the diagnosis plays an important role consultation of experts:

  • cardiologist;
  • neurologist;
  • trauma;
  • surgeon.

Drug treatment of numbness of hands. Groups used drugs

After diagnosing selected treatment corresponding to cause this disease.

Treatment should be comprehensive and include the following types:

  1. medication;
  2. folk remedies;
  3. gymnastics.

Drug treatment includes drugs for relief of inflammation, pain, edema, decrease in muscle spasm and resumption of blood supply to the upper extremity.

Use of drugs such group:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • pain relievers;
  • vasodilators;
  • drugs to reduce blood viscosity;
  • improving microcirculation;
  • vitamins;
  • outer antiinflammatory gels, ointments;
  • magnesium, potassium.

effective tablet

Effective against numbness vasodilators tablets:

  • nifedipine;
  • Corinfar.

They are used for Raynaud's syndrome and peripheral circulatory disturbance.

Also in this case, to help the tablets, improves blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen:

  • pentoksifilin;
    Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
  • vazonat.

To remove the symptoms of inflammation apply:

  • diclofenac;
  • ibuprofen;
  • nimesil.

They help to reduce swelling, pain and numbness.

To improve the nerve conduction is recommended to take vitamin complexes Group B:

  • vitakson;
  • neurobeks;
  • neyrobion.

Top ointment from numbness of fingers

Remove unpleasant tingling in your fingers, you can use external ointments. They reduce swelling, pain killers and anti-inflammatory effect.

The most effective ointments include these:

  • Fastum gel;
  • voltaren;
    Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
  • nimid gel.

Treatment of folk remedies numbness of hands

Folk remedies are very effective in dealing with paresthesias. Use a bath to relieve swelling of the hands, rubbing irritants to improve blood circulation, as well as the ingestion of infusions, decoctions and teas to boost the immune system.

Milk-honey bath

To prepare the milk-honey baths should:

  • take 2 liters of milk and 1 liter of water and mix them;
  • Add 0.5 kg of salt and 5, Art. l. honey;
  • Stir the mixture and put it on fire;
  • the solution should be hot, but not boil.

Float arm in the solution for 20-30 minutes. The course of treatment - 2 weeks.


Acceptance of the eggshell is useful for people with numbness of the fingers. This is explained by the fact that egg shells rich in calcium and other micronutrients that are lacking body. But it is useless when numbness cardiovascular or endocrine origin.

To remove the numbness symptoms should:

  • 10 shell eggs grind into powder;
    Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
  • take 1 hour. l. every day with 1 cup of water.

Ledum palustre and apple cider vinegar

There is a recipe for infusion of rosemary and vinegar, which is effective for the treatment of paresthesias.

For its preparation is necessary:

  • take 1 part dried herb rosemary;
  • pour it 3 parts of apple cider vinegar;
  • mixture insist week, then strain.

Infusion to rub your fingers 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment - 2 weeks.

Black pepper and sunflower oil

A mixture of black pepper with sunflower oil has distracting and irritating. In this regard, blood circulation improves and her thinning occurs.

To prepare the tool, you must:

  • take 750 mL of sunflower oil;
  • 60 g of black pepper to pour oil;
  • mixture put on fire and cook for 45 min .;
  • strain and the solution cooled.

Fluid rubbed into the hands and fingers 2-3 times a day for 2 weeks. It can not be used for skin lesions, ulcers and allergic reactions to the components.

Exercises with numbness of fingers

Numbness of the fingers, causes and treatment of which are already defined, can also be reduced with the help of special exercises:

  1. In the morning, after waking up, raise your arms above your head, not getting out of bed, to compress and decompress them 50-60 times.
  2. Put your hands along the body and alternately compress and decompress them about 60 times.
  3. In a standing position, do 20 tilt your head forward, 20 back, and the same number of turns left and right.
    Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
  4. Hands to close the castle behind. Stand a minute, and then relax. The procedure is repeated 5-6 times.

Treatment numbness of hands in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Cervical osteochondrosis - common disease. For its treatment using pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy treatments. Physiotherapy helps to improve blood flow to the extremities and relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Apply these procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • back massage and cervical spine;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • acupuncture.

It is also a very effective method is, gymnastics, exercises on the horizontal bar and the wall bars.

Treatment of hand numbness of limbs with osteochondrosis

When osteochondrosis limb is recommended:

  • electrophoresis with hydrocortisone and Lydasum on the joints;
  • Amplipuls;
  • massage your arms and back;
    Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures
  • laser treatment and sonication.

diet therapy

Numbness of the fingers, causes and treatment are established, also depends on the consumed food. For the full treatment necessary to maintain a balanced balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals. The food should contain vitamins A, B1, AT12E, as well as potassium and magnesium. Therefore, the diet must include fish, dairy products, eggs, liver.

Numbness of the fingers may be a signal of many serious diseases of determining the cause of which depends on the subsequent treatments. It must be comprehensive and include both medication and exercises, and folk remedies. It must be remembered about the possible consequences and do not ignore your body.

Author of the article: Christina Schudlik

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of numbness of fingers

3 most common causes of numbness in fingers:

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Numb fingers: the reason and what to do treatment. Why numb tips: big, little finger, the ring, the index on the left and right hand. What diseases are associated

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Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment at home. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Numbness of fingers. Causes and treatment at home. Folk remedies, drugs in tablets, ointments, procedures

Numbness of the fingers - a symptom, which occurs in many people. Its importance is often underestimated. Discomfort may cover only a part of one f...