
Measles in adults: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention with a photo

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Every person has faced in his life with an infectious disease. In most cases, such diseases do not bring great discomfort and rarely cause serious complications. At present, vaccinations are very common, which help to develop an organism immunity to various pathogens, including measles virus. However, in the 1990s, many people refused this procedure, considering it unsafe, which now leads to outbreaks of the disease among the adult population.

Contents of

  • 1 Description of measles in adults
    • 1.1 Video about measles in Elena Malysheva's program "Live healthy!"
  • 2 Causes and routes of transmission
  • 3 Symptoms and signs
    • 3.1 Video about measles symptoms
  • 4 Diagnosis
  • 5 Treatment of disease
    • 5.1 Video about symptomsand treatment of measles
  • 6 Possible consequences and complications
  • 7 Features of the disease in pregnancy
  • 8 Prevention
    • 8.1 Video about vaccination against measles and disease epidemics on the channel Russia 1
  • 9 ReviewsDescription
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treating measles in adults

Measles is a very serious infectious disease. Causes her special RNA virus, highly infectious and easily penetrating the human body. Even in cold weather, it can travel long distances through the air and infect healthy people. Despite its high contagiousness, it quickly dies because of all sorts of disinfectants.

Every hour around the world, about 15 people die from measles virus infection, which is approximately 165,000 people a year. The highest mortality rate in the countries of Asia and Africa, where the development of medicine is at a very low level. In other countries, the number of diseases has been significantly reduced through routine vaccination.

Rashes at measles in adults

A characteristic symptom in measles is a rash on the whole body of

. Most measles are considered a childish disease, since it is at a younger age that it is registered most often. In older people, the disease is most difficult and is accompanied by severe symptoms. In most cases, after the measles is formed a strong immunity and re-infection occurs extremely rarely and occurs in a smoothened form. Unlike children, the following features are noted in adult patients with measles disease:

  • body temperature reaches critical levels of 40.50C;
  • the patient's condition is very severe, strict bed rest is required;
  • eruptions are more intense, cover almost the entire surface of the body;
  • recovery takes a longer period than in children;
  • adults are more often hospitalized and treated under the supervision of doctors.

A video about measles in the program of Elena Malysheva "Live healthy!"

Causes and ways of transmission

Measles is transmitted by airborne droplets, and it is so easy to get infected that sometimes it is enough to go to the store where an hour ago the patient visited to pick upthis infection. It is because of this, before the invention of the vaccine, measles could cause whole epidemics, leading to a number of deaths.

The measles virus penetrates the body through the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, from where it spreads with the blood stream to the entire body. It reaches the internal organs, settles in them and forms infiltrates, or accumulations of various cellular elements with lymph and blood. Having created for itself a favorable environment, the virus creates multi-core giant cells.

Measles virus

Measles virus is very infectious and transmitted by airborne droplets

Symptoms and signs

The disease has a characteristic symptomatology and it is customary to divide its course into three stages and the incubation period. All patients experience measles differently, in some cases it may resemble ARVI and doctors can not always make the correct diagnosis, in others, the disease manifests itself very sharply and has pronounced signs.

  1. The incubation period in adulthood can last from one to three weeks. At this time, usually there are no signs of disease, but a person can already be very contagious. The patient can transmit the infection to another person in the last days of the incubation period and in the first five days after the onset of the rash.
  2. The catarrhal stage is characterized by acute symptoms. In patients, the fever rises to 400C, they feel weakness, pain in the throat, appetite decreases. Sleep disappears and people complain of attacks of dry cough, profuse purulent runny nose, it is painful to look at the bright light, the face swells up, vomiting appears. When examined, doctors note an increase in lymph nodes, and when listening - a hard breath with wheezing. At this stage, the disease comes in waves. After a few days, the temperature can go to sleep and patients often think that recovery is coming. However, after a day, again comes the fever, sometimes even with greater intensity. On the inner side of the cheeks are formed spots of white with red borders( spots Belsky-Filatov-Koplik).In the most severe course, patients experience seizures and fainting. This stage lasts up to one week.
  3. The stage of rashes is characterized by the appearance of various spots on the patient's body, which are called papular-spotted exanthemes. First they are found behind the ears, then begin to cover the head, neck and thoracic region. Subsequently, the whole body and limbs of a person are covered with a rash. Cough and runny nose also intensify, eyes water.
  4. The stage of convalescence is a period of recovery. Gradually the temperature decreases, the spots begin to disappear and the patient's condition improves. On the site of the rash, areas with scaly skin and small bruises are formed. Photophobia gradually disappears and patients begin to look at the bright light without pain. After about ten days, a full recovery comes.
Symptoms of measles

In patients, the temperature rises, there are rashes all over the body, runny nose and dry cough.

With a light form of measles, the body temperature does not increase more than 38.50C, and the rash covers only minor areas of the body. There is also an atypical course of the disease, which can often lead to an incorrect diagnosis. There are several forms in it that differ in the manifestation of symptoms.

  1. A dilapidated form is usually found in people who have been vaccinated against measles, or have been sick before. The clinical picture is thus stilted, the disease can be confused with ARVI or influenza. The temperature rarely rises above the subfebrile markings, sometimes even no spots appear.
  2. Hemorrhagic form is quite severe, patients have a lot of hemorrhages and bleeding in the internal organs. Blood is also detected in urine and feces. All these manifestations are very dangerous and can lead to death, urgent hospitalization is required with constant monitoring of the patient's condition.
  3. Hypertoxic form is also very dangerous, patients suffer from severe intoxication of the body, internal organs begin to damage. With the course of the disease, this can lead to multiple organ failure and death. It is urgent to hospitalize the patient.

Video about symptoms of measles


If the first signs of measles occur, call an ambulance. In the future, an infectious disease specialist will need to be examined. Usually the diagnosis is based on symptoms. However, some patients may be assigned additional research methods.

  1. ELISA is an enzyme immunoassay. You can conduct it at the initial stages of the disease. This method is quite informative, based on the detection of specific antibodies to the measles-immunoglobulin virus( IgG, IgM).Already after a day, an increased amount of IgM is detected, and approximately on the tenth day of the disease - IgG.
  2. UAC is a general blood test. During the disease of measles, the patients have a decrease in white blood cells, the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation increases. If a secondary infection has joined, then leukocytosis with an increased number of neutrophil fractions is detected.
  3. PCR or polymerase chain reaction is very specific and has almost 100% accuracy. During the study, a DNA sequence is taken from the material taken from the patient, in order to detect the sequence of genes belonging to the infectious agent.

During the catarrhal stage, measles can be confused with other diseases, such as rubella, influenza, whooping cough, scarlet fever, rhinovirus, serum sickness, syphilis, toxic shock syndrome and adenovirus infection. Differentiate this disease at an early stage from others can be based on the presence of conjunctivitis, Belsky-Filatov-Koplik spots and general intoxication of the body.

Treatment of the disease

All patients are assigned bed rest, and in severe cases, hospitalization and treatment under the supervision of doctors may be necessary. As most photophobia develops photophobia, it is necessary to protect the organs of vision from direct sunlight, and also it is better not to include bright lamps in the room, limited to diffuse daylight. Patients are not assigned special diets, but drinking is always followed, at least two liters of clean drinking water per day are consumed. This allows you to accelerate the recovery process and quickly remove the accumulated toxins in the body.

Now scientists are actively developing a special drug against the measles virus, called at the moment ERDRP-0519.He showed positive results in the treatment of animals, but has not yet been tested on humans. It interferes with the replication of viral RNA, which contributes to its destruction.

Video about symptoms and treatment of measles

Drug medications are prescribed by a physician based on the severity of the course of the disease. At the moment there are no specialized medicines, therefore, various medications that support and eliminate unpleasant symptoms are prescribed.

  1. Antibiotics are prescribed when secondary infection is attached. They are selected based on the type of pathogen.
  2. Mucolytics are necessary in the presence of dry cough, they contribute to expectoration( Bromhexin, Ambroxol, ATSTS).
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs are necessary at high temperature, headache, general intoxication( Paracetamol, Ibuprofen).If you have a fever, you should exclude the use of Aspirin.
  4. Antiviral drugs( Cycloferon, Kagocel, Ingavirin).
  5. Antipruritics are prescribed for skin irritation( Delaxin).
  6. With a severe runny nose, vasoconstrictive drugs are taken( Rhinonorm, Vibracil, Tizin).
  7. Disinfectants help to decontaminate the oral cavity with the appearance of Belsky-Filatova-Koplik spots( Chlorhexidine).
  8. For pain in the throat, drugs are used to relieve inflammation( Ingalipt, Miramistin).
  9. Antihistamines are necessary for allergic reactions, swelling( Claritin, Cetirizine).
  10. When conjunctivitis is prescribed, levomitsitinovye drops, Tobrex, Albucid, washing the eyes with a solution of furacilin.
  11. An antitussive immunoglobulin at an early stage of the disease contributes to an easier course of the disease.
  12. Prednisolone and antibiotics are necessary in the formation of measles encephalitis.
  13. Vitamin complexes with a high content of vitamin A, with its daily dose of at least 200,000 thousand units.

Possible consequences and complications of

In the course of a measles illness, immunity is greatly reduced in patients. This promotes secondary infection with other pathogens that easily penetrate into a weakened organism. The following complications can also form:

  1. Various diseases of the ENT organs, such as otitis media, sinusitis, laryngitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis. Some patients may develop a breathing disorder.
  2. Secondary infection often affects the respiratory system, develops bronchitis, pneumonia.
  3. The most dangerous complications are secondary lesions of the central nervous system. Patients may develop myelitis, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis. Inflammation of the brain is accompanied by severe headaches, seizures, a violation of the vital functions of the body and often leads to a fatal outcome.
  4. In some cases, increased liver strain can lead to hepatitis.
  5. With secondary infection affecting the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea and enterocolitis may begin.
  6. Pyelonephritis can develop due to the penetration of bacterial infection into the organs of the genitourinary system.
  7. Bleeding due to blood vessel damage can be extremely dangerous, lead to a critical reduction in blood pressure, anemia, and a decrease in the number of platelets.

Peculiarities of the disease during pregnancy

To be ill with measles during pregnancy is very dangerous. Often this can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stiff pregnancy, death or developmental disorders of the fetus. The child may develop developmental defects of the central nervous system, heart disease and lungs. Unfortunately, ultrasound may not notice these abnormalities. However, termination of pregnancy is indicated in extremely rare cases. Also in early terms, measles can contribute to the violation of the child's mental abilities, the formation of oligophrenia. If the infection occurred before childbirth, then the baby can already be born with the symptoms of this disease, on the mucous membranes and skin integuments, characteristic rashes are found.

Future mothers during the disease are shown not vaccination, but the introduction of serum immunoglobulin, which already contains ready antibodies against measles virus.

Measles during pregnancy

Modern methods of treatment can reduce the number of complications in pregnant women to a minimum


Since measles in adulthood is especially hard on humans, if the vaccine was not made in childhood, it is worth thinking about it now. First of all, it will significantly reduce the risk of catching this unpleasant disease, and even if a person falls ill, the symptomatology and course of the disease will be much softer. The likelihood of serious complications is also significantly reduced. The use of a special vaccine allows the body to artificially develop immunity against measles for about ten, and sometimes even twenty years. This procedure is especially relevant for employees of pre-school and school institutions and hospitals. There are certain contraindications in which this vaccination is not performed:

  • during pregnancy and during lactation, vaccinations with live microorganisms are prohibited;
  • blood transfusion in recent times;
  • treatment with drugs that reduce immunity;
  • Planned or emergency immunizations.

Most often, patients are advised to use a combined MMR vaccine that works against measles, rubella and mumps. The first inoculation is usually done still in the preschool age, there is a special strictly regulated schedule. When planning pregnancy, you should be very careful, you can vaccinate no later than one month before the planned date of conception of the child.


Measles vaccination is recommended to all people without exception and helps to reduce the number of diseases

Some patients may develop various complications after vaccination. Most often there is a high fever, coughing, small rashes, a runny nose.

When treating a patient at home, close people need to limit their communication with him, wear special protective masks and conduct daily airing of the premises. It is best to place the patient in a separate room and be sure to provide him with personal utensils, a towel and toiletries. Remember that any contact with people can lead to infection.

Video about vaccination against measles and disease epidemics on the channel Russia 1

Reviews about the treatment of

Measles is a serious and quite dangerous viral disease that affects people of all ages. High contagiosity contributes to the rapid spread of infection among the population. This disease can be countered by using a special vaccine, which will help develop artificial immunity to measles. Monitor your health, take preventive measures and visit doctors on time.

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