Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What causes and treatment of pain in the shoulder, elbow, when picked up, the load. Folk remedies, ointment simulator. To which the doctor ask for inflammation

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Pain in the joints - a common excuse for seeking medical attention. What if the aching joints of the hands and feet, depending on the underlying cause of the problem.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Various causes of joint pain
  • 2 Arthritis
  • 3 Gout
  • 4 osteoarthritis
  • 5 Psoriasis
  • 6 Osteomyelitis
  • 7 osteophytes
  • 8 Bursitis
  • 9 flatfoot
  • 10 Injury
  • 11 Diet for diseases of the joints
  • 12 Joint pain during pregnancy
  • 13 Methods of home treatment
  • 14 Prevention of diseases of the joints
  • 15 Videos about the pain of the joints of hands and feet

Various causes of joint pain

The most common causes of joint pain associated with the following conditions:

  • arthritis (rheumatoid and infectious);
  • gout;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • psoriasis (psoriatic arthritis);
  • osteomyelitis;
  • osteophytes;
  • bursitis;
  • flat feet;
  • injury.
Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Also, pain may be caused by neurological diseases and disorders of vessels work.


Arthritis - a common disease, often leading to disability. If you have previously set a diagnosis basically only men over 30 years, now face and enough young people with him.

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The most typical symptoms of arthritis refers intense pain in the joints, which initially occurs only at night, and then becomes constant. When arthritis affects the joints of the feet, there is the inconvenience of walking, changing gait. The skin is red, the muscles begin to deteriorate, may slightly increase body temperature.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

After sleeping a feeling of stiffness and pain occurs peak.

Distinguish two forms of the disease:

  1. Rheumatoid arthritis. It may occur as a result of age-related changes, severe hypothermia, injuries, as well as under the influence of hereditary factors.
  2. Infectious arthritis. It develops on the background of various kinds of infectious diseases.

When exposed arthritis occurs complete destruction of articular cartilage, accompanied by severe pain. Pain in the toes can be given in the kneecaps or groin area. The most reliable way of diagnosing any form of arthritis - radiography.

There are the following methods for the treatment of this disease:

  1. Antibiotics. Appointed by the detection of infectious diseased tissue and help repair joints.
  2. Ointments and gels for removal of edema, analgesia and reduce the redness.
    Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug
  3. Biologically active additives. Used to stimulate connective tissue, are useful in the early stages of the disease, because they can prevent the need for more serious treatment.
  4. corticosteroids. Are introduced in the most affected joints, and can be used for many months, if there is a pronounced positive effect.

Drug treatment is effectively combined with physical therapy, physiotherapy, massage.


Gout most often affects the joints of fingers and toes, in particular - thumbs. Thus there is accumulation of uric acid salts in crystalline form.

Recognize the disease can be on the following grounds:

  1. Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do in this case, can tell only a specialist, but a vivid sign of gout are sudden attacks of pain in the fingers. Most often they reveal themselves at night and during the day blunted.
  2. there are intervals between exacerbations, sometimes very long. They can create a false impression about the absence of health problems.
  3. Deterioration of general condition.
  4. An increase in temperature in the area of ​​the patient's joint.
  5. Swelling of varying severity.
  6. The occurrence of tophi - "knot" under the skin, which consist of urate.
Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

On the occurrence of gout can affect the following factors:

  • overweight;
  • regular consumption of strong coffee and alcohol;
  • kidney disease;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • improper diet;
  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes.

To diagnose the disease studied blood and urine, it is sometimes necessary to take samples of synovial fluid.

The main measure of treatment is in compliance with a strict diet, implying a rejection of oily fish and meat, offal, soups, canned food, sausages, salt and spices. Maximize limited use of coffee, tea and cocoa, are completely excluded alcoholic beverages. full recovery is not possible without respect for the doctor prescribed diet.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Drug therapy is chosen individually, depending on the characteristics of the disease and the patient's condition. Useful drugs reduce the production of uric acid, accelerates its output, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Also apply compresses, lotions and body wraps.


Osteoarthritis - a serious disease that causes inflammation and swelling. Progresses, it leads to serious disruption of the mobility of the joint and irreversible degradation. The first signs of the disease are expressed in the numbness of the fingers and unusual, severe tiredness.

In the early stages it is difficult to recognize the pain in small joints, so the most common complaint of patients is unpleasant sensations at the base of the fingers. If you try to bend them, the pain becomes even stronger. In most cases, osteoarthritis affects multiple joints. Diagnose the problem, you can use X-rays.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Affect the development of the following factors may be the disease:

  • hormonal changes, which leads to fluid retention in the body;
  • atherosclerosis of the extremities;
  • gout and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • effect of streptococcus and staphylococcus;
  • caries.

Osteoarthritis of the joints of the toes can develop on the background of an incorrect statement of the foot, wearing bad shoes, excess weight, low mobility and other aggravating factors.

Aching joints of the hands and feet, what to do in osteoarthritis, can respond only by a specialist.

But today is almost impossible to cure a disease by conservative methods. Performance of intra-articular injection possible, but quite difficult and risky. Gels, ointments, compresses and lotions are able to provide anti-inflammatory effect and relieve a little pain.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

To help in this situation help of modern and classical techniques of manual therapy. Visible results can be achieved already for a few sessions, but to achieve long-term remission is possible only at those stages of the disease, when the destructive processes have not touched the bone.


Psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis joints sometimes affects people with psoriasis - a complex disease of the skin. It leads to pain and stiffness in the affected joints, which are chronic.

Psoriatic arthritis can start as a sudden and develop gradually, so it is important to inform the doctor in time of onset of symptoms. At this point it is not known why there is psoriasis, but doctors suggest that influence its development are factors of heredity and negative environmental effects.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Specific treatment of the disease does not exist, so in most cases therapy It aimed at reducing inflammation, preventing pain and loss of function joints. In rare cases resort to surgery.


Osteomyelitis - purulent inflammation of the bone marrow, periosteum and bone. Its development often lead microorganisms such as E. coli, salmonella, streptococcus and staphylococcus. In rare situations, it is a complication of other diseases.

The disease affects the human overall body weakness, aches in the joints, muscle soreness.

Then there is a rapid increase in body temperature, pain is clearly localized to the affected area, increasing with every movement. Further purulent process begins very quickly spread to surrounding tissue, sepsis can occur. It is necessary to take urgent measures at the slightest suspicion of the presence of this disease, otherwise the patient will not be able to save.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Treatment is performed with the use of antibiotics, which are selected in accordance with the detected bacteria. Widely used surgical therapy.


Osteophytes are growths that develop in violation of nutrient loads to the articular cartilage.

Reveal their presence can be on the following grounds:

  • Crunch in the joints;
  • discomfort in the joints when weather changes;
  • difficulty in straightening the legs or arms after a night's sleep;
  • pain.
Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Depending on the stage, as the treatment may be conservative in nature, and involve surgery. Drug therapy involves the appointment of NSAIDs chondroprotectors, as well as means for promoting better nutrition tissues.

Often used intraarticular administration of hyaluronic acid. The positive effect of providing physiotherapy and massages.


Bursitis - inflammation of mucous bag located near the joints. Most often it occurs in the shoulder joint, but is also found in the knee, hip and elbow. The causative agent of the disease can be an infection, injury, damage of mechanical nature, but often it appears for no apparent reason.

Aching joints of the hands and feet that do bursitis:

  • provided idle mode;
  • appointed antibiotics or corticosteroids;
  • compresses;
  • used painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

In some cases, surgery is necessary.


By painful sensations flat feet can result in leg joints. It may not manifest themselves for a long time, so it is especially important to pay attention to its signs.

They are as follows:

  • hard to keep his balance on his heels;
  • shoes tread down with just one hand;
  • walking and standing legs tire quickly;
  • by the end of the day the foot swell, become heavy;
  • leg cramps;
  • pain in the back;
  • old shoes becomes small.
Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Can diagnose the disease with the help of X-rays. Treatment directly determined by the stage of disease, the patient's lifestyle, the presence of concomitant diseases. In the early stages performed exercise, therapeutic massage, physiotherapy. If the problem is more pronounced, appointed special shoes, which simulates the right arch of the foot.


Injuries to joints include damage to ligaments, sprains, contusions, intraarticular fractures. To clarify the diagnosis resorting to a number of studies, including CT, X-ray, MRI and ultrasound. The main symptoms - pain, swelling and limitation of movement.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

Aching joints of the hands and feet, what to do when injury:

  • consult a specialist to determine the nature of the injury;
  • ensure that the damaged joint complete rest;
  • use cooling compress.

Diet for diseases of the joints

Improper diet can not only aggravate the condition of the joints, but also to become a major cause of many serious diseases. Therefore, in the treatment of any problems associated with the cartilage and connective tissue, it is recommended to follow a balanced diet.

Specific power system is appointed in accordance with a particular disease, but there are some general guidelines:

  • limit the use of fast carbohydrates;
  • reduce the amount of salt in the diet;
  • abandon pungent foods, smoked and canned goods;
  • give preference to baking and fire, avoid fried foods.

Joint pain during pregnancy

What to do when stiff joints of hands and feet during pregnancy, can respond only by a specialist. The fact that we can speak as one of the pathological conditions, as well as on standards version. When the child-bearing woman's hormonal changes, which often has a negative impact on the joints. In addition, increased body weight, inevitably increasing the load on the legs.

Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug

The joints are not always able to quickly adapt to this. For the third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by swelling, which is often exposed to foot and hand. In turn, this causes pain and tightness. In the first trimester it is recommended to take more time to rest, so that the body is easier to adapt to changes.

After consultation with the doctor, and in the absence of contraindications is very useful to be special gymnastics or yoga for pregnant women. Cope with discomfort in the joints help complete diet and drinking enough fluids.

To alleviate the condition it is recommended to carry out the following tips:

  • take in foods rich in calcium and vitamin D;
  • wear comfortable quality shoes without heels;
  • control weight gain, prevent it from surges;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • take special facilities for pregnant women (after consultation with a specialist);
  • abandon the monotonous physical work;
  • practicing yoga, gymnastics or swimming (in the absence of contraindications);
  • maintain stable psycho-emotional state;
  • perform self-massage of the hands and the knees soft rubbing and patting movements.
Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug
Aching joints of the hands and feet during pregnancy. What to do? Self-massage the knees and hands to help reduce pain.

When pregnancy is very important time to pay attention to any pain, including the joints. Childbearing can have a negative impact on the course of any disease process, aggravating it and accelerating the development of the disease.

Methods of home treatment

The use of folk remedies - one of the good ways to speed up the process of treating diseases of the joints, relieve symptoms and relieve the patient's condition.

Of all the methods of home treatment are the most popular are:

  • hot compress on the basis of paraffin, salts, clay, or potato;
  • lotions and ointments alcoholic infusions;
  • baths, lotions and compresses of decoctions of plants;
  • packs with honey.

Depending on the purpose, you can use the following procedures:

  1. To get rid of the pain the most useful tools on basis of honey, alcohol, turpentine, beekeeping products. Even a single application of a compress greatly facilitates condition, if the pain is moderate.
    Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug
  2. packs of potatoes are widely used for heating the joints. Warm mashed potatoes superimposed on the joint area is covered with a film and a scarf wrapped. Compress hold until cool potatoes.
  3. Good analgesic and antiinflammatory properties are compositions based on alcohol. To prepare the simplest of them enough vodka soaked gauze and apply as a compress for the night.
  4. To remove edema advised to drink fruit drinks cranberry and cranberry leafs broths and lingonberry leaf and pharmaceutic diuretics charges.

Most are safe (including pregnancy), the following recipes:

  • bath for the feet and hands with birch leaves or needles;
  • packs of honey with salt;
  • application of visceral fat as an ointment on the leg joints;
  • lotions of pine buds with sugar.

Prevention of diseases of the joints

With age, the risk of pain in the joints increases, so it is recommended to start prevention at a young age.

recommended for the prevention of diseases of the joints:

  • to lift weights properly, avoiding excessive loads on the joints;
  • avoid unhealthy weight gain;
  • maximum balanced feed, providing the body with a sufficient amount of calcium, magnesium, collagen, fatty acids;
  • not neglect physical exercise as a strong muscular system significantly reduces the load on the joints;
  • maintain good posture;
    Aching joints of the hands and feet. What to do, to what doctor? Causes, symptoms, treatment of folk and drug
  • reduce the amount of sugar;
  • possible to get rid of bad habits (smoking and drinking);
  • take the time to correct organization of a workplace that does not have to strain your back and neck, throw his head, lean forward;
  • timely interrupted during the execution of professional activity if it is associated with a prolonged static position, to do the workout.

A common myth is that the joints can only hurt the elderly, leading to what Many people ignore the first symptoms of serious illness, turning to a specialist only as a last resort case. In fact, many of the diseases may overtake and very young people. D

Even arthritis for many years was considered the age problem is increasingly overtaken by the men and women who have not attained the age of thirty.

What to do when your joints are sore feet and hands, in every situation can prompt a doctor, who in a short time to establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. When the pain is not recommended to immediately resort to self-medication and national methods, as we can talk about serious degenerative processes, which are often irreversible and lead to complications.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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