Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Cross-flat. Symptoms and treatment, gymnastics, insoles, folk remedies, exercises at home

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When driving on the road, the springs compensate for vehicle impacts and jolting, as well human foot when movement absorbs impacts to the joints of the feet and allows to keep the balance at movement.

Reduced arc transverse arch of the foot provides the appearance of cross flatfoot. In this article, the symptoms of the disease will be discussed and ways of treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The reasons for the development of cross flatfoot
  • 2 symptomatology
  • 3 Physical therapy and exercise therapy
  • 4 Complex effective exercise
  • 5 Traditional recipes
  • 6 Massage feet and legs
  • 7 orthopedic appliances
  • 8 operative intervention
  • 9 disease prevention
  • 10 Video of flatfoot

The reasons for the development of cross flatfoot

The foot consists of the bone structure, which forms a transverse arch (arch) and a longitudinal arch (arch) vaults.

On the inside of the foot is the longitudinal arch, forming an arc along its long side, and a cross vault It is at 90 degrees to the longitudinal arch on the interval between the thumb and little finger, forming a vault at the beginning fingers.

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arc violation of codes, their decline and a flattening of the foot leads to diseases of the musculoskeletal system of the person under the name of the flat. Accordingly, if it becomes flat longitudinal arch of the foot, a longitudinal flat formed if the transverse cross is formed flat.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

Orthopedist share the causes of the disease into 2 groups:

  • Sources of external disease properties.
  • Diseases of inner character.

External factors that trigger the appearance of flat feet:

  • human foot is subjected to intense physical stress. Sick people spend most of their time standing on their feet (hairdressers, working at the bench, shop assistants).
  • Individuals with a large overweight, pregnant women, porters overload the muscles and ligaments of the foot.
  • Bone fracture of the foot, which makes the flat arch of the foot.
  • People wearing shoes with heels 4 cm long, which move the place of the person's center of gravity at a front region of the foot and its overload. The woman develops leg disease called transverse flatfoot. Optimum heel height in mature, formed of people should not be higher than 3-4 cm, and the younger generation of 1-1.5 cm.

Children under the age of 6 years who have not yet formed bone and muscle structure of the foot, can not wear shoes with flat soles. Constant wearing sneakers because of their strong cushioning properties leads to degradation of the muscles and ligaments of the foot, which also leads to the disease.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

Internal causes of flat feet are associated with the specific formation of the skeleton and muscles of the person:

  • Weak connective tissue.
  • Genetic inheritance.
  • Diseases ligaments and muscle tissue (poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, rickets).
  • Low muscle tone as a result of the inert lifestyle.


The occurrence of pain in the lower extremities of human signals the emergence of a problematic situation in the body:

  • Feeling the pain appears gradually accruing during the working day and in the evening there is in the muscles, knees and ankles. Especially brightly this pattern occurs when a person spent the whole day on their feet, a lot of moving or standing. At the initial stage of the disease, after the man rest, pain pass.
  • Most often it starts to hurt foot near the heel and arch. There is discomfort in the calf muscles. With further development of the disease begins to manifest pain in the thigh muscle, knee and hip joints in the lower back.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

The first symptoms of flat feet:

  • Very quickly, there is a feeling that the legs are tired. In further such fatigue can develop in common to the whole organism. Next, create a state of chronic fatigue.
  • When the squat is very difficult to keep the balance.
  • The occurrence of seizures and the surge in the gastrocnemius muscle.
  • In the lower extremities is formed feeling of heaviness.
  • Manifestation of edema feet.
  • Skin at the beginning of the big toe is thickened and inconvenience while driving, hard corn.
  • The emergence in the calf and thigh muscles feel pain. Loin in the evening, too, starts to hurt. In the morning after a good rest, everything comes back to normal, the pain disappears.
  • Difficult to find comfortable shoes on the leg.
  • The sole of the shoe wear out unevenly, much wear the inner regions of the heels and soles on shoes.
  • Foot increases its size, the width of the hardest changes. Classical shoe shoe does not fit, so we have to choose shoes one size larger.
  • When wearing shoes with high heels, there is a strong discomfort.
  • A person changes posture and gait, the foot no longer properly absorb the movement, so the gait becomes clumsy.
  • On the surface of the big toe begins to grow "bone".

Symptoms cross flatfoot, methods of treatment and prevention require initial diagnosis.

To this end, it is your responsibility to do a simple test:

  • Should wet the soles of the feet with water or cream to put on them.
  • Carefully stand on a white sheet of paper and leave it clear imprint of the foot.
  • Get up to the desired paper naturally, so that the load is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the foot.
  • You need to circle the mark graphite pencil, then draw a straight line from the inside of the heel to the inside of the foot at the beginning of his fingers.
  • Further should be deleted from the line perpendicular to the outer region of the foot at the widest part cuttings formed by the arch of the foot.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

In the event that the printed region of the foot at this point occupies 50% or more from the perpendicular, it is possible to diagnose pre flat.

In an age when children grow up, and until the foot is formed, the rules are different from the criteria for diagnosis of the disease in adults. If there is a match the rate of its formation in this age of the fingerprint formed man can say that he has flat feet, the child under the same terms of the foot.

Physical therapy and exercise therapy

Cross flat (symptoms and treatment of this disease are shown below in the text) is fully cured only a child during the formation and growth of the foot. Once the foot has formed, you can use the comprehensive treatment to stop the pain and stop the progression of the disease.

The use of physical treatments will return normal joint mobility, increase metabolism and microcirculation in the muscles.

The use of shock-wave therapy allows destroying microcrystals of calcium salts that are deposited in the joints, tendons, ligaments, launch and recovery mechanisms rejuvenating cells. This procedure is very good effect on bone and cartilage, causing no damage to the muscles, increase blood flowThereby helping to recover cords for holding loads.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

During calcium electrophoresis procedure the delivery of the required amount of valuable trace element to the bones of the foot. This procedure shall be appointed by the fact that taking calcium in pill form or injections it is not always well absorbed by the body.

When using the paraffin-ozokerite applications which relate to methods of heat therapy, there is a local warming of the affected part, stopped by pain, speed up metabolism and increases the body's immunity person.

The use of effective methods of physical therapy helps to strengthen muscle tone and normalize blood flow in the feet of man. Training complex should include exercises that affect multiple muscle groups at once. It includes exercises while sitting, lying down, standing up, using a variety of small items, ramps and gymnastic stick.

Complex effective exercise

exercise system for treatment of the disease is determined individually for each person based on the type and level of disease severity. Start doing the exercises should be only after consultation with an orthopedic surgeon, who will pick up an effective system for the development of muscles of feet and ankle ligaments.

To achieve the maximum effect from the sessions should perform them in the morning, until the tired muscles of the foot. You should begin with small loads, gradually increasing them. It is necessary to try to perform a set of exercises for the feet 2-4 times a day.

Cross-flat (the symptoms and treatment of disease may differ in each patient) can be cured by regularly performing a set of physical exercises.

Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises
To prevent cross-flatfoot and when the first symptoms can be used LFK. Treatment at later stages requires an integrated approach

Starting position - lie on the floor:

  1. Legs slightly apart, takes about 2 minutes. open and close the fingers of the feet.
  2. Legs as well as in the previous position slightly apart. To do rotational movements feet in a clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  3. It is necessary to carefully pull the toes of the feet to yourself, you can immediately make two stops or turns.
  4. Legs should push and bend at the knees, the feet are in contact with their surfaces to each other. Not spreading toes, relying on them to perform flapping motion heels.

Start position - to sit in a comfortable chair:

  1. Right hand, clenched into a fist, strongly clamped between the knee joint. Put a foot on the edge of lifting up the inner parts and the outer strongly pressed to the floor surface.
  2. Put your hands on your knees, raise the heel up, leaning on the forefoot. First, perform a movement two feet, then one by one.
  3. The motion that is similar to the previous one, only the toes are raised stop abutment surface to make the heels.
  4. It is spread out in front of small objects, fingers feet need to take them and hold on the weight transfer to your hand. It is necessary to collect all the items.
  5. the feet should mimic the movement of the caterpillar forward. Bend your toes resting on the floor area, move the foot forward.

Starting position - stand exactly:

  1. Climb the maximum possible amount of time on your toes, then in turn be separated from the surface of the floor left and right heel.
  2. Taking your toes off the floor, stand on his heels. Make a move the maximum number of times.
  3. Stand on feet socks, make poluprisedaniya, holding the balance.

Traditional recipes

Cross flatfoot (symptoms and treatment of traditional medicine by means described below) causes aches and pain in the legs, which can be cut short using various tinctures and decoctions.

Traditional recipes of various tinctures and decoctions help to relieve pain and speed up recovery time overloaded muscles and ligaments. Very effective use of them in the complex treatment of flatfoot.

  • If you experience aches in the joints helps to relieve pain wormwood, it is necessary to wash, lock on the feet, wrapped a warm cloth.
  • Use lotion from one to one mixture solution of iodine and citric acid:
  1. Mix the solution thoroughly and add 2 tablets of aspirin.
  2. The mixture was applied to the joint of the patient and closing the warm tissue.
  3. In the manufacture of the mixture is necessary to apply a solution of 3% of iodine. A more concentrated solution will burn the skin.
  4. The procedure is done in three days every day, then the daily needs 7 break.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises
  • Regular use of lotions or herbal baths with sea salt relieves pain and relaxes the muscles of the feet.
  • In 1 liter of warm water to dissolve 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt, dipped in solution and a foot stand 10-20 minutes.
  • Salt can be replaced by herbal infusion of chamomile, linden, oak bark, mint and sage.
  • When the time will end the procedure, you must wipe the soles of your feet and put on them a massage cream, to conduct a massage.

Contrast showers or baths tone the muscles and harden the body. For the procedure with trays need to have two containers with hot and cold water, alternately diving stop in the bath, will improve the blood flow, raise the tone of the muscles and the entire body in whole.

When receiving the contrast shower mixer with hot water should be switched to cold and vice versa. About the procedure 3-7 times.

Women should refrain from these procedures during menstruation.

In severe cases of the disease, when the pain is impossible to stop or massage, no rest, no bells and whistles necessary to use drug therapy:

  • Systemic analgesics such as paracetamol, aspirin, indomethacin, ibuprofen and Flugalin allow alleviate the problem.
  • Carrying special ointments (long, indometacin ointment. Gel voltarenovy) also relieves pain.

Massage feet and legs

Using massage techniques will remove foot swelling, pain, inflammation, improve blood flow and accelerate the movement of lymphatic fluid return muscle tone.

Only regular massage (about 15 procedures a month, lasting no less than 12-15 min.) Will provide a positive dynamics in the course of the disease.

Cross flatfoot (symptoms and treatment of this disease with the help of massage Foot described below) leads to deformation of the shape of the foot that can be recovered through regular massage procedure.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

Before the massage of the feet is necessary to steam the legs in a bath with sea salt or infusion of herbs.

Stages breaching massage techniques in the treatment of flatfoot:

  • Using the method stroking and rubbing warm up the skin and muscles of the foot and lower leg.
  • Carefully promassirovat muscles of the lower leg with the help of methods of squeezing, kneading and tapping.
  • Then you need a good promassirovat sole of the foot.
  • Massage procedure ends the active study of the big toe.

Massage the surface of the foot and the lower leg is not only removes the strain of the foot, but also has a positive effect on biologically active points.

orthopedic appliances

For the purpose of effective prevention of disease and for quality treatment used orthopedic insole. They are made individually for each patient. There are three ways of production of insoles.

Preparation method Description of the process
Modeling of orthopedic insoles using the computer. The patient stands on a digital scanner, which measures and records the force exerted on different parts of the foot, and sends the data to a computer. Special program processes the results and produces a simulation of the insole
Obtaining foot models using plaster cast of the foot. During the thermoforming of insoles plaster cast is made of a special material
Manufacture of special model foot Biop. Production of the insole according to the model of Biop

For the production of insoles used natural or synthetic materials such as animal dressed leather, foamed polyethylene, flexible plastic, microporous rubber. If a person has a large overweight can be used more durable materials such as steel, graphite.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

The use of orthopedic insoles in the shoe makes it possible to stop the process of deformation of the bone structure of the foot and ligament. It produces a preventive effect, which does not allow to develop pain in the joints of the lower limbs and lumbar spine. Doctors recommend the use of the insole constantly in slippers and outdoor footwear.

Also use orthopedic shoes for the prevention of flatfoot. It does not allow the foot to deform, does not form the heel spur and toes tough calluses.

The use of such shoes greatly reduces the load on the knee and hip joints and the spine of man. It is made from natural materials. Hard shoe heel and the upper stabilizer tightly fixed middle part of the foot and the heel, arch supports provide special vaults maintaining the foot.

operative intervention

If conservative treatment fails to achieve positive results, and the disease continues progress, moving a heavy phase with various complications, prescribe operative surgical intervention.Cross-flat. Symptoms and Treatment at home: the insole, folk remedies, exercises

disease prevention

In order to prevent the development of disease in humans must take actions that contribute to the prevention of this disease:

  • Moving on foot, you need to properly distribute the weight of the body on the surface of the foot, pushing off the ground area is not the thumb of the foot, and the whole area of ​​its upper part. Testing of the normal gait does not allow the disease to develop.
  • People who are genetically predisposed to flat feet, you should find a job where there is no undue stress on the lower limbs.
  • Use comfortable shoes with a heel height of no more than 4 cm.
  • Regularly to rest your feet, at least 5 times a day to put your feet on the outer edges.
  • With strong and lasting impact on the foot, wearing insoles insoles.
  • It is useful to walk barefoot on the small pebbles, sand or other uneven surfaces. At least once a day walk on his toes, heels, outer sides of the feet.
  • We participate in outdoor games.
  • In the evening, do a warm foot bath and massage.
  • Should avoid heavy congestion.
  • Proper nutrition food with vitamins and microelements.

The ability to walk properly will help get rid of the disease and not feel pain in the foot joints. People with healthy feet when walking repelled from the surface of the earth is not the pads of your toes and the top of the foot and only at the end of motion involve fingers.

It should concentrate on the movement - on the heels, evenly distribute the load on the foot, push the upper part of it, relegating fingers slightly back, then tap your toes.

Doctors developed about 500 types of different methods to eliminate deformations of the foot. The methods are divided into operational effect on the muscles and ligaments to the bone apparatus and combined. Regular massage and exercise will help cure the cross-flat, and knowledge of the symptoms will prevent the risk of its occurrence.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of flatfoot

Treatment and causes of flat feet:

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