
Pinworm: symptoms and treatment in adults and children, drugs

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Many diseases in humans are provoked by various kinds of parasites penetrating the body. The most frequent are our "guests", worms( worms) of the family of nematodes, known as the pinworms.

Characterized by parasitism in the lower part of the thin and upper part of the large intestine. Dysfunction is not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also pathological processes in various organs.


  • 1 General information about pinworms
  • 2 What is the effect of the parasite on the body?
  • 3 Paths of infection with pinworms
  • 4 Symptoms of pinworms in adults
  • 5 Symptoms of pinworms in children - features of manifestation
  • 6 Inspection and treatment of pinworms in adults and children
  • 7 Preventive measures

Overview of pinworms

The parasite has a round, spindle-shaped body of milky color. The length of the adult female of the worm can reach up to one and a half centimeters, the male does not exceed 6 cm. The tail part of the female is pointed, due to which the parasite got its name. Male tail is crocheted.

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Pinworm: symptoms and treatment in adults

There is a special suction device on the worm body, which ensures their sucking and fixing on the walls of the intestine. Only individuals of the "female" are contagious.

Male pinworms after the mating process come out with feces outward, and the female begins the period of accumulation and formation of eggs( 10-15 thousand).

Worms do not multiply within the intestinal lumen, as the muscle pulp of the female vagina, without access to oxygen, is in a spasm.

Under the weight of the enlarged uterus, the female is displaced from the suction site and, with the help of peristalsis of the intestine, it descends into the lower part of the large intestine.

During the migration period, females are pinworms, eggs mature in the uterus. Formation of tadpole-like larvae takes place. Usually, during the night sleep, when the valve apparatus( sphincter) of the human colon is relaxed, the female goes out into the folds of the perianal zone and perineum.

Under the influence of oxygen, there is a muscular relaxation of the vagina of the worm and pinworms lay eggs with larvae along the entire crawl path. They reach the infectiousness of the larva already on the host.

Unclean and abnormal thermal homeostasis( moisture) of the skin in the anus zone, can lead to a delay in the clutches."Wandering" of females continues sexually, through the uterus can penetrate into the peritoneum, where they are often found in encapsulated form.

When they have finished the clutch, they die. In the course of movement of the helminth there is an itch, which leads to combs and seeding of the hands. Eggs can wait for the stage of infection under the nails, because they can survive outside the body for up to three weeks.

When the larvae return to the intestine of a human, they ripen within 5 hours and are released into the digestive tract by enzyme action. After a couple of weeks they reach puberty and continue a new cycle of development.

What is the effect of the parasite on the body?

The basis of the pathogenic effect of helminth is due to various mechanisms of factors affecting the surface layer of the digestive tract:

  • irritates its chemoreceptors;
  • enhances mechanoreceptor excitation;
  • violate the secretory function and intestinal motility.

Because of this, the risk of developing various pathologies - inflammatory processes with the mucous membranes of the duodenum, the walls of the stomach and small intestine increases.

The ratio of microflora is changing, which leads to the development of dysbacteriosis. Pinworms in adults are often found in the appendicitis, during surgery.

There are cases of perineal-rectal, intestinal fistula and paraproctitis in infected patients. Due to a long irritating factor, dermatitis, eczema( dry and wetting) on ​​the skin folds of the perianal zone are formed.

Sometimes, the pathology extends far beyond the perineal region. Migrating worms can provoke vaginitis, endometritis or vulvitis.

Paths of infection with pinworms

pinworm infection

The main source of infestation is an infected person. Infection occurs through contact through the hands, toys or contaminated products. The factor of infection by inhaling dust, which contains microscopic eggs of the female helminth, is not excluded.

Studies have shown that eggs can be found on any objects that have been touched by the human's seeded hands. A certain role, in the form of peddlers, is assigned to flies.

On the skin of a person or his underwear, the maturation of helminth eggs before the infectious stage occurs within six hours. At optimal temperature( up to 40 ° С) and air humidity( 70%) eggs develop successfully, but die at high temperature( over 55 ° С), dryness and ultraviolet.

People of any age category can be infected, over the years the susceptibility to invasion does not fall. The main risk group is small children.

Symptoms of pinworms in adults

Symptoms of pinworms in adults

The first clinical signs usually manifest after two, three days of infection, but often go unnoticed. When re-invasion( re-infection), the symptoms of pinworms in adults appear after one and a half, two weeks. During this period, the number of adult worms exceeds thousands.

Symptoms of infection with pinworms in adults are:

  • severe itching in the anal area;
  • bloating and abdominal pain;
  • rumbling in the abdomen and false urge to defecate;
  • by the fastened unformed stool;
  • defecation with blood impurities( sometimes).

The symptoms are especially pronounced in the first week of re-invasion. With chronic infection( 1-2 months), the main sign of infection with pinworms is an itchy symptomatology in the vast area of ​​the perianal region.

In the course of its development, "uninvited guests" are releasing a large number of toxins( a product of metabolism), causing a general poisoning of the whole organism of the infected. Especially hard, it affects the children.

Also see the general symptoms of worms in humans

Symptoms of pinworms in children - features of

Symptoms of pinworms in children manifestation Symptoms of pinworms in children are primarily manifested by changes in the nervous system of the child:

  • by sharp mood swings;
  • tearfulness and nervousness;
  • decreased appetite and fast fatigue;
  • poor sleep and headaches.

With helminthiasis, the overall immunity of the child decreases, it is more prone to infections.

In addition, numerous studies have proven the immunosuppressive effect of pinworms on the baby's body, in particular the suppression of immune functions after antidiphtheria vaccines.

Almost 20% of cases after DTP, antibodies are not formed at all, and in 15% - very small number.

The most unpleasant thing is that the continuous carding of severely irritated places - the genitourinary organs and the anus zone, leads to early sexual attraction, self-satisfaction( masturbation) and dysuria. So, both preventive measures, and treatment of pinworms with symptoms of infection should be immediate.

Inspection and treatment of pinworms in adults and children

treatment of pinworms in adults and children

Diagnostic examination is performed by scraping from the folds of the anal zone. For this purpose, the imprint of the area under investigation is taken with a special sterile adhesive tape.

  1. For the accuracy of the analysis, the procedure is carried out three times - every other day or sequentially. The most reliable data are considered when scrapes taken in the morning before defecation and washing.
  2. A moderate level of leukocytes and an increase in the level of eosinophil cells are observed when examining the blood.

In the feces, pinworm eggs are rarely detected, since the helminth lays them out of the body, so such diagnostics are useless.

As the treatment of pinworms in adults, effective anthelmintic medicines are used.

  1. "Vermox"( "Mebendazole"), interrupting the secretion of glucose in helminths and their death. It is taken once( dose-10 mg.).
  2. The drug "Kombantinrin" and its analogues, which cause the blockade of the musculoskeletal system of helminths. Single application before meals in dosage - 10 mg / 1 kg.weight of the patient.
  3. "Vormil" - the active substance of the drug causes death of both adult parasites and their eggs.
  4. "Piperazine" dosage is determined individually. Even a single dose guarantees the disposal of parasites in 90% of cases.
  5. Effective preparations from pinworms - "Karbendatsin" and "Albendozol".The first acts as a paralyzing factor, depriving helminths of the ability to suck to the intestinal walls, the second - strikingly affects the muscle tissue of the parasite, speeding up its death."Albendozol - a single dose of 400 mg."Carbendacin" - 10 mg.per day for three doses.

To prevent night itching, apply cleansing enema, eluting parasites - baking soda 0.5 tsp / glass of boiled warm water.


Or use an external anesthetic( cream, ointment, gel) overnight to apply around the anal area. To achieve the full effect of treatment, the treatment process should involve all people from his close environment.

For effective treatment of both adults and children, one must be sure of the diagnosis - do not self-medicate, take tests and receive confirmation of the disease.

Preventative measures

To prevent infection with pinworms, strict adherence to a number of preventive measures will help to ensure:

  • thorough hand hygiene;
  • timely cutting of nail plates;
  • frequent change of underwear;
  • thorough washing in the morning and evening;
  • obligatory ironing of bed linen and underwear;
  • disinfecting wet daily cleaning;
  • use of special rectal tampons.

Three weeks after the course of treatment, a follow-up examination should be performed.

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