Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics, exercise

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Osteochondrosis - one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The root cause of the disease are considered disruptive changes in the intervertebral discs. In the incidence of thoracic lesion is exposed less than the cervical or lumbar, but the main symptoms of the disease and treatment guidelines apply to the entire spine

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of thoracic osteochondrosis
  • 2 Risk factors
  • 3 The degree of development of the disease and its symptoms
  • 4 pathology diagnostics
  • 5 What an exacerbation of osteochondrosis
  • 6 Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic
    • 6.1 Treatment with drugs for external applications
    • 6.2 therapy with oral
    • 6.3 Physiotherapy
    • 6.4 Massage
    • 6.5 Gymnastics: an exercise
    • 6.6 Folk remedies
    • 6.7 manual therapy
    • 6.8 acupuncture
  • 7 The correct position of the back during sleep
  • 8 How to sit in osteochondrosis
  • 9 Nutrition in breast osteochondrosis
  • 10 Prognosis and complications
  • 11 Videos about breast osteochondrosis

Causes of thoracic osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the symptoms and treatment of which differ in the degree of development dystrophic process, refers to polyetiological disease, that is caused by the influence various factors. This is due to genetic circumstances and complications from vascular and metabolic disorders.

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The disease starts with dehydration of the nucleus pulposus. Gradually decreasing, it disappears. This leads to a loss of strength of the fibrous ring, forcing aside, it contributes to convergence of the top adjacent vertebrae.

The vertical size of the disk is reduced, its depreciation is eroding. Loosened disc tissues become over mobile, while the entire spine loses its elasticity.

Staying constantly in a state of trauma, on adjacent vertebral bony growths appear. Intervertebral joints are affected by arthrosis, which reduces the compression of the intervertebral foramen and nerve roots.

The causes of such destructive changes somewhat. It can be any injury, heredity, hormonal failure.

Risk factors

The disease begins to disturb the person after 40 years.

Risks of due to several factors:

  • flat congenital and acquired;
  • long wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • physical activities associated with the wearing of goods;
    thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics
    Loaders most susceptible osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine
  • overweight;
  • lifestyle associated with sedentary;
  • malnutrition, the presence of stress;
  • sleep on the high pillows and soft mattresses.

The degree of development of the disease and its symptoms

Symptom of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic spine acts primarily soreness in the chest after a night's sleep or numbness, tingling in the shoulder girdle. Upon detection of the first signs should immediately visit a specialist and start treatment. The disease grows progressively as the lesion vertebral discs.

Compression of the first thoracic vertebra causes pain under the shoulder blade, extending in the armpit to the elbow. There is an impression of presence of a foreign body in the throat.

With the transfer of destructive changes in the second - the sixth vertebrae, discomfort between the shoulder blades covers the whole of the breast in a circle, it is transmitted to the intercostal space. At night, come aching pain in the stomach area.

7-8 defeat of the vertebral spine causes pain in the direction of the blade - epigastric.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

9-10 - covers the bottom of the chest of the back, and reaches the navel region. Sometimes the pain is felt in the right upper quadrant in the area of ​​the gall bladder, with the beginning of the movement is growing. Sometimes discomfort is felt in the middle of the abdomen, but eating is not associated.
Compression of the spine 11-12 transmits pain from the sternum to the groin.

Movement in the thoracic region is limited, which creates a patient specific posture. Visceral symptoms as pain in the region of the heart, abdomen and right upper quadrant. This provokes misdiagnosis and incorrect surgical procedures in the abdominal cavity.

pathology diagnostics

Make an accurate diagnosis on the basis of X-ray and computed tomography. At the initial stage of the disease (chondrosis) shows a decrease in disc height standing side by side.

Bulging disc in X-rays at the very beginning of the pathological process is not noticeable. Therefore it is recommended to do an MRI. With the development of the disease in the pictures in the other projection can be seen in the deepening of the vertebrae from the hernia nodes.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

On the stage of osteoarthritis are well looked bony growths in interdisk space. They become larger sizes vertebral surfaces.

What an exacerbation of osteochondrosis

Typical aggravation of osteochondrosis - radicular syndrome or the more familiar name of sciatica. Pinching the end of the spinal nerve serves the root cause of this condition.

Aggravation is manifested, first of all, sharp pains in the affected location. This may be due to excessive load or single supercooling.

What if a sudden pain permeates the entire thorax. Until mandatory in such cases, visits to the doctor to avoid overloading the spine. When severe pain take any analgesic. The specialist will determine the cause of relapse and develop a treatment regimen.

They tend to act in two directions:

  • Installing the blockade to relieve muscle spasm and pain relief. Complete rest and bed rest. The duration is 7-10 days.
  • Regenerative therapy. Therapeutic massage, physiotherapy, physical education. Rehabilitation is 3-4 months.

Treatment of degenerative disc disease of the thoracic

Treatment should be initiated only by being absolutely sure that the pain is not caused by a heart attack, in which the need for urgent hospitalization. Therapies used in this disease, is unacceptable in the acute phase of heart pathologies.

Treatment with drugs for external applications

For this type of therapy include ointments, gels and patches, which have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Demand medication group of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

They are divided into derivatives:

  • salicylic acid (Bom-Beng ointment);thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics
  • pyrazolone derivatives (Phenylbutazone);
  • propionic acid (ibuprofen, Long, bystrumgel, febrofid, artrozilen).

The main task of the external preparation application - analgesic effect.

If the softening state does not occur, the drug may be a change or an increase in dose and concentration.

Unequivocal opinion about the usefulness of NSAIDs to no cartilage. Ibuprofen actively removes the pain, but the "old" cartilage. Most often, after the elimination of pain resort to the regenerative therapy with disks using hondoprotektorov. The latter include KONDROnova ointment containing glucosamine sulfate, which provides firmness cartilage disc.

For instant relief of acute pain administered novocaine blockade. Determine a point where there was nerve entrapment, novocaine drug administered hormone. The pain goes away after a few minutes and does not appear about 2-3 weeks. Without the effects of this type of therapy does not work. Novocaine in combination with corticosteroid agents greatly affects the organs.

therapy with oral

Means, used in, is also aimed at easing pain. It is usually prescribed drugs of analgesics: Sedalgin, tempalgin, pentalgin. Indole derivatives or indomethacin capsules.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

Tablets based on propionic acid (ketanov, ketonal, ketorolac) are designed for short-term elimination of pain. They are rapidly removed from the body, it is recommended for the elderly.

It should be remembered that medical therapy has a number of contraindications. The tablets can not be used for stomach ulcers, colitis and gastritis. For patients suffering from hemorrhoids, polyps or the anus, it is necessary to avoid the use of drugs in the form of suppositories.


Physiotherapy can not be regarded as a fundamental treatment for degenerative disc disease, but as a complement to rehabilitation therapy is used very widely.

The main techniques include:

  • Laser therapy - operates by analogy with the stimulus, the penetration depth is not more than a few millimeters. The beam is directed at the disease focus and individual dots.
  • electrophoresis - with the help of a small DC power through the skin to administer the drug directly to the sore spot.
  • pulse electrotherapy - a method based on a cart to the energy of the body in small portions to stimulate metabolic processes. Surface electric irritation turned on nerve cells in the skin, removing uncomfortable syndrome destroyed vertebral portion. The reduction is not muscle, which affects favorably with osteochondrosis.
  • Cryotherapy - the use of very low temperatures, which increases blood circulation and metabolism.
  • Ultrasound - penetration waves at a depth of 5 cm in order to stimulate metabolic processes.
  • mud treatment - applying preheated to 60 degrees therapeutic mud as a compress.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics
  • Extension (traction) - removal mezhpozvonkov voltage occurs due to stretching of ligaments and muscles. This process helps to eliminate compression of the nerve root.

Traction is carried out by special machinery or manually. The procedure is performed on the inclined surface with raised head. Patient is placed on his back, fasten belts for underarms and stretch. In the prone position, pull by the legs, fixing them with a soft loops for ankles.

Available stretch corsets, placed in the thoracic and pelvic area. Devices secured to the brackets with the specific block system. The course lasts for 3-4 hours. The meaning of these measures - to reduce pain. If this does not occur within 4 days, spinal traction ceases.


osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the symptoms and treatment of eastern medicine which have been extensively studied for a long time, perfectly amenable to therapy in the form of therapeutic massage.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

It improves metabolism, reduces inflammation, pain and muscle tension. It allows to recover after a prolonged restrictions in movement. massaging equipment includes a wide variety of techniques. Among them, tapping, rubbing, effleurage.

Gymnastics: an exercise

Therapeutic exercise allows you to evenly distribute the load on the spine, strengthen the muscles, correct posture disorder. Restoration of blood supply and nutrition of intervertebral discs contribute to the normalization of the spine in relation to physical activity.

The complex, designed to strengthen the skeletal system, includes exercises:

  • a load;
  • optimal intensity;
  • power;
  • on balance and flexibility.

Exercises designed to strengthen bone tissue include the use of gymnastic tap. Lifting up a notch is the most effective for your bones and joints. Power will be useful classes with dumbbells weighing up to 1.5 kg. Flexion and extension arms at the elbows, slowly raise them before the head together with the load to shoulder level, help to strengthen the muscles of the thoracic.

It is necessary to carry out complex exercise daily for 20-25 minutes:

  • bending and unbending of the chest in a sitting position;
  • mixing vanes on the back;
  • rowing motion arms with the dumbbell or gymnastic tapes.

You can not use physical activity during the period of acute illness and persistent feeling of discomfort.

Folk remedies

The most common folk remedies for degenerative disc disease - a bath and dressing. This will help to restore back the old mobility.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

Training on the procedure I.A.Vasilevoy recommends doing at least 100 times sit-ups a day, up to 20 push-ups floor and compulsory hovering on the bar with the chin pulling knees -15 to 10 times.

spine stretching while standing on his knees and elbows with variable arc arching back up - down, allowing discs to straighten naturally.

Multi-component plants fees may replace some synthetic drugs. The most affordable herbal tea is recommended at otseohondroze it consists of 2 hours. l. oregano, yarrow, linden blossom. All the components are filled with boiling water and infuse for an hour. Consumed before meals with pains in the spine.

A mixture of 1.5 for compresses cup radish juice 1 cup of honey and 0.5 cups alcohol with the addition of salt is applied to the site of pain concentration and left for a few hours.

manual therapy

This type of therapy is used to restore the health of the spine as a whole. The goal - to minimize the load on the discs and vertebrae are set to the normal position.

Manual'nye procedures must be physicians who have passed special training and possess all kinds of manual exposure on the spine. Massage techniques with pressure and stretching of the subcutaneous tissue manipulation in the form of jolts can damage in unskilled hands.

Treatments are assigned only during the initial stage of the disease, after the examination by X-ray or MRI. If osteochondrosis burdened by the formation of vertebral hernia, this type of therapy should be carried out with great care.

The use of manual techniques has some limitations:

  • oncology;
  • pregnancy;thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics
  • congenital pathology of the spine;
  • polyarthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • general inflammation of the body;
  • worsening of hernia;
  • hypertension.

For patients undergoing this procedure for the first time, the techniques used doctor can be quite painful in the beginning. Course duration determined by a doctor, depending on the degree of destruction of the vertebrae.

As a rule, it is from 5 to 15 visits. Self session lasts about 30 minutes. During the first visit to the specialist develops an individual treatment plan, based on research data.


Acupuncture comes from China. Explained scientifically as an injection into the skin in a pre-fixed position affects the body in any way unrelated to this site is not possible.

It is believed that based on the current theory of biological currents in the body. From the brain to the spinal biotoki transmitted further by the smallest nerve endings throughout the body. Human cells in 95% water, magnificent conductor.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

They read through the nerves destined for their information and respond to it. According to the data transfer is complete, the flow of electricity becomes no longer necessary, and requires removal. The needle is mounted at a certain point, it acts as a regulator of energy flowing throughout the body.

Acupuncture, made specialist, gives a great result.
They can easily relieve pain and muscle spasm, so this type of therapy is used in the exacerbation of degenerative disc disease.

Like any acupuncture therapy has some limitations:

  • pregnancy;
  • skin diseases;
  • age (over 70 years);
  • headache;
  • stroke;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • chronic disease.

Undesirable effects after treatment may manifest as dizziness, nausea, chills. Treatment is prescribed a course for 10-15 days. session time duration determined by a specialist individually. The size and depth of penetration of the needle is selected depending on the patient's weight and height.

The correct position of the back during sleep

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine (the symptoms and treatment of the disease in each individual patient) in any case, lends itself only to the complex therapy.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

Since the disease causes severe chest pain and organs located in this zone should adhere to simple rules. For a restful sleep the patient is required to sleep on a mattress moderate hardness, but also pick up a pillow with similar characteristics.

The correct position during sleep suggests pose on his side, because the position on the back leads to compression of internal organs and thoracic spine compression, which contributes to the pain. To stay in the right position, the ribs enclose a pillow that does not allow to move backwards.

How to sit in osteochondrosis

For patients with a sedentary lifestyle is preferable to take care of a comfortable workplace. Do not forget that it is necessary to follow the correct position of the back sitting. Doctors do not recommend to sit on upholstered furniture too. Tough Furniture evenly distributes the body weight between the ischial tuberosity.

The height of the chair should be flush with the lower legs. Feet are flat on the floor. Chair or chair should not be deep. The back is tight to the back of the chair. If necessary, at waist level, it is a small roller for better contact with the back surface of the back of the chair.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

The head should not be tilted too much, as the cervical spine muscles are overstrained. Be sure to carry out exercises in between prolonged sedentary activity. Posture when watching television programs or movies need to be changed as often as possible.

Motorists recommend to adjust seat position, for preventing osteoarthritis in the long motion, vibration and road irregularities.

Nutrition in breast osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, symptoms and treatments associated with them have been studied quite well today. Regenerative therapy in this disease must be accompanied by proper diet with plenty calcium and minerals.

The diet of patients is desirable presence of dairy products of all kinds of vegetables, fruits and protein foods. A lot of the important role played by diet aimed at weight loss, as the latter has a significant effect on your posture.

Norms micronutrient intake per day for patients with oteohondrozom:

Element Quantity in mg
Calcium 800-1500
Magnesium 400
Iron 18
Zinc 15
Iodine 0,15

The first quarter of the life of our body concentrates in bone mass. If you eat right and exercise regularly, the bone tissue accumulated enough. Up to 35 years it is preserved the balance between destruction and formation of tissue.thoracic spine osteochondrosis. Symptoms and treatment, drugs, gymnastics

Closer to the older process shifts toward destruction. Therefore, power supply for maintaining bone mass must be balanced in the direction of increasing the calcium intake, vitamin D, C, K. Especially a lot of the necessary materials for bone contain herbs and citrus. Consumption of more than four cups of coffee a day increases the risk of fractures.

Prognosis and complications

For conservative treatment of degenerative disc disease applied the full arsenal of therapies. Sometimes patients may experience shortness of breath and unstable cardiac activity. Diseases diagnosed in time, have a fairly high recovery rate and do not affect the patient's quality of life.

If conservative treatment does not bring positive results, resorting to surgery. Degenerated disc is removed, it is implanted in the spine fusion. Not all patients after surgery can gain the ability to work, so much more important to prevent the disease.

thoracic spine osteochondrosis symptomatic may not be connected to other organs located nearby. But it happens that they are involved in the inflammatory process. for the latter treatment is given only after the confirmation of the primary diagnosis.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about breast osteochondrosis

Symptoms and treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis:

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