Endocrine Diseases

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, what it means, causes and treatment

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Echogenicity - a special system of signs to help properly install uzist anatomical conformity of internal organs to a level of reflection and absorption of high-frequency waves. For liquid fabric that make up the pancreas, characterized by the median, elevated levels indicates a serious inflammation.

With the help of ultrasound can determine how organs are susceptible to waves high frequency, as well as receive other equally important factors:

  • the size;
  • shape;
  • structure;
  • circuit.

Determining the volume of the pancreas, head calculated length of the organ of the body and its tail. Normally these parameters should not exceed 30, 24 and 25 mm. Large dimensions - is a sign of pancreatitis or tumors.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
  • 9 Medications
    • 9.1 Traditional methods
    • 9.2 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Video of the pancreas

types of diseases

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. Anxiety can cause: tumors, the deposition of calcium stones, cysts, fibrosis. These inclusions are the consequences of inaction when the first symptoms of pancreatitis.

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Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment

Determine acute pancreatitis can form on such criteria:

  • an increase in body size;
  • the presence of large echogenic areas;
  • heterogeneous structure;
  • increased width gland duct;
  • broken clarity authority boundaries.

Advanced forms of pancreatitis changes the density and the loop close to the iron bodies. Often pseudocysts are formed.

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas and fuzzy contours may indicate lipomatosis. And if the body size smaller than normal, and high echogenicity, then maybe there is a development of fibrosis.

To confirm that these diseases develop in the human body, one ultrasound examination is not enough, need to undergo further and CT, MRI, biopsy and laparoscopy. The high rate of echogenicity can also talk about the development of such diseases as diabetes or pancreatic.

Hyperechogenicity may be temporary, and the cause of such changes can become such diseases:

  • inflammation of the lung;
  • ARI;
  • SARS;
  • meningitis;
  • flu;
  • various kinds of infections.

Any change in the body of the monitor ultrasound device requires an urgent comprehensive survey. Only time will enable the diagnosis to avoid complications.

Stage and grade

Pancreatitis can be of two forms: acute and chronic. The main difference lies in the different pathological processes. The chronic form is manifested after the acute phase and inflammatory process is accompanied by a constant, which eventually leads to malfunction of the organ.

Chronic pancreatitis is also:

  • primary - inflammation develops directly in the gland;
  • secondary - it appears on the background of other ailments that have affected the organs of the digestive system.
    Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment
    Increased echogenicity pancreas manifested in pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is also divided into several types, differing in the cause of:

toxic It is seen against the background of alcohol abuse, smoking, exposure to certain drugs
autoimmune It is rare and affects not only the pancreas, of the other internal organs, and this happens due to the increased work of immunity
hereditary It appears in the background of some gene mutations

Chronic pancreatitis is also divided into several clinical groups:

  • obstructive;
  • calcifying;
  • parenchymal;
  • psevdomutorozny.

Each of these types has its own individual symptoms and time course of disease.

By the nature of the flow is a chronic form of three stages: mild, moderate, severe. In mild acute stage there are not more than 2 times a year, and this happens when power failure. Average escalates up to 4 times a year and is accompanied by severe pain. Heavy characterized by long periods of exacerbation.

Malignant pancreatic tumors are 4 steps. With increasing more affected body tissue and spread metastases.

Lipomatosis is classified according to the degree of inflammation spread:

  • first - abnormal cells struck about 30% of the body;
  • second - 60% iron;
  • third - more than 60%.

Also lipomatosis can be of two forms: focal and diffuse.Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment

Pancreatic fibrosis may be several stages:

  • local - this is where the connective tissue has replaced only a small portion of the body;
  • diffuse - almost all of the breast tissue loses its glandular structure and replaced by fibrous connective tissue.

At any stage of a disease it is important to consult with your doctor to choose the preventive or therapeutic measures to help prevent the rapid progression of the disease and complications.


If the patient has an acute form of pancreatitis, the blood pressure in the ducts of the pancreas above normal, non-uniform structure. As a result, the body is injured badly, and enzymes, aimed at helping to digest food better, can get into the surrounding tissue. As a result, begin actively digesting tissue toxicity of the whole organism.

Determine the highest level of echogenicity may be on such symptoms:

  • nausea, retching;Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment
  • the pressure drops below normal;
  • Heart rate quickens;
  • in the upper quadrant on the left side there is a strong pain.

If pancreatitis has already passed in the chronic form, the body strongly swells, its size increases, the contours are blurred, to form hemorrhage.

The enzymes required for digestion, are produced in small quantity, whereby appetite disappears, there are problems with bowel movement, there is a feeling that the stomach is full, even when there is no food in it.

Causes of

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas is often an indication of pancreatitis, the presence of tumors or calcium stones. The density of the body can be changed and because of swelling, a high level of gases, portal hypertension.

Echogenicity may vary if the man abruptly changed his normal life:

  • He changed his diet;
  • changed regularity of bowel movements;
  • increased or decreased appetite vice versa;
  • taking certain drugs;
  • excessive use of alcohol-containing beverages;
  • disorders of the liver and gall;
  • emotional overload;
  • the changing seasons.

Often signs of violations observed during the examination on the ultrasound machine should only disappear on their own to return to normal life, to undergo treatment related diseases and improve general, forgetting about stress and lack of sleep.


Initially, the doctor at the first complaints of the patient examines, collects history.Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment

At the time of diagnosis of diseases of the pancreas is important to not only the ultrasound, but also hold a series of laboratory blood and urine tests. Only a comprehensive approach will provide more accurate data on the state of health of the patient and make an accurate diagnosis.

At a blood analysis (analysis can be taken at any clinic, it's free) important indicator of the activity of alpha-amylase. Compared clearance amylase, and creatinine clearance, if the patient develops pancreatitis, the level of the first parameter is 5 times higher than the second. The high level of amylase in the urine also indicates pancreatitis.

In carrying out ultrasound expert analyzes of the body structure, ducts and vessels.

If changes are detected, this may indicate a variety of diseases:

  1. If the duct high pressure, it speaks of acute pancreatitis form tissues are destroyed, there is intoxication. These processes are accompanied by severe pain.
  2. At the initial stage of the chronic form of pancreatitis is observed swelling body is further reduced in size, it is sclerotization.
  3. Fibrosis, some of the iron is replaced by connective tissue.
  4. If some parts are replaced by fatty tissue, then it is an irreversible process. If a process is active, the parenchyma is compressed.
  5. In diabetes and pancreatitis ultrasound shows various signs of parenchymal changes, the individual fate with hyperechogenicity observed.
  6. There is the presence of tumors.
  7. Adipose degeneration indicates partial cell death.

Ultrasound of the pancreas is carried out only after the preparation. To conduct the study should only be on an empty stomach, the last meal should be 12 hours before the test. In just a few days before the US excluded from the diet foods that trigger excessive gas formation.

On the day of the survey is forbidden to drink alcohol and drugs, smoking.

The survey takes about 20 minutes and does not cause discomfort to the patient. A man lies on his back on the couch during the study uzist may ask to roll to one side, and then on the second, they allow better body condition, seeing it from different angles.

On the abdomen is put a special gel. If the patient has a tendency to flatulence, before the survey was offered to take the sorbent. After receiving all the data, the expert assesses the information received and to make a diagnosis or recommended additional tests.

Additional studies may be required in some cases:

  1. MR. This method helps in the early stages to identify the volume of education. With it you can get a three-dimensional image of the prostate and to assess its condition. Cost Survey from 2500 rubles.Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment
  2. CT. This is another additional research, allowing more accurately determine the status, structure, shape and the presence of foreign bodies in the pancreas. Survey cost from 500 rubles.

When to see a doctor

Any even slight symptoms should cause a person to seek the advice of a specialist. Often, tumors in the early stages, as well as many diseases are asymptomatic.

Make people think about their health should these symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • discomfort in the upper quadrant on the left side;
  • nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • low pressure;
  • difficulty having a bowel movement;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling that the stomach is full, but it did not get any pieces of food.

If there are at least 1-2 symptoms be sure to visit a therapist. He will appoint a survey and visit a gastroenterologist.


In order to prevent another escalation and increased echogenicity, must comply with these preventive measures:

  • completely eliminate smoking and drinking alcohol beverages;Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment
  • eat correctly and on time;
  • eat at least 4 times a day, small portions;
  • reduce to a minimum the use of canned, greasy, spicy and smoked food;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • sports, swimming is best.


Only after full examination and diagnosis can select the appropriate medication or folk therapy. Treatment must pass under the strict supervision of the gastroenterologist, who will coordinate, regulate the dosage and rate of medication.

Most of these types of pathologies are treated by these methods:

  1. Acute pancreatitis involves the administration of drugs that lower acid production and the active production of pancreatic enzymes.
  2. Lipomatosis therapy requires adhere to strict diets, providing for the use of products with high animal fat.
  3. The presence of calcifications require diet, in difficult cases without surgery can not do.
  4. Reactive pancreatitis treated with appropriate medications and dieting.
  5. , Prescribed painkillers to eliminate pain.

In the treatment of all the pathologies described above, be sure to stop taking alcohol, smoking. One week after initiation of therapy, the patient is required to recommend a repeat ultrasound to follow the dynamics.


Medical treatment for increased echogenicity is chosen depending on the type of pathology. If found in the pancreas malignancy, the patient in the hospital performed surgery and chemotherapy.

To stop the development of correct nutrition lipomatosis enough adding a dietary dishes. And during exacerbation pancreatitis diet to further treatment selected drugs.

In order to overcome the disease and prevent complications are recommended drugs, enriched with enzymes that help to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach and means to reduce the activity of fermentation authority.

The best effect is given these drugs:

  1. Rutatsid. This drug is presented in a tablet form, it helps to reduce the level of acidity in the stomach.Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment Its main component acts hydrotalcite. If the patient has problems with the pancreas and liver, this drug is prescribed to reduce the amount of acid that falls from the stomach to other organs. You must take the medicine 4 times daily 2 tablets. Admission to conduct better after eating, the gap must be at least 1 hour. Tablets should necessarily good chew and after drink water. Duration of treatment an average of 1 month. It is impossible to prescribe this drug to children under 12 years of age, sensitivity to the drug in patients with renal insufficiency. If you exceed the dose and rate, it can be observed such phenomena as belching, diarrhea, allergy. Freely sold, the average price of 220 rubles.
  2. Nexium. Contains the drug in tablet form, the structure includes ekzomeprazol. It is this substance reduces gastric acid suppressing excessive secretion production. Take 1 times a day for 1-2 tablets duration depends on the severity of the disease, the standard rate is 4 weeks. Before taking a tablet can be dissolved in water to make it easier to drink. Do not prescribe medication to children, women during gestation and lactation, a special sensitivity to the constituents.
  3. Aprotinin. This injection of the same active substance, helps to suppress excessive fermentation. Prescribed to patients with acute pancreatitis, when it began necrosis. The preparation is administered per day on 5 ml every hour, during the first day, and then to 3 times a day, treatment duration is 3-5 days. Do not advise drug in poor blood clotting, acute reaction to the components, the first trimester of pregnancy. Among adverse events more common allergic reaction. Price of Russian pharmacies from 500 rubles.

To stop the pain, you can take no-silos, Diclofenac, Drotaverinum.

Traditional methods

Increased echogenicity of the pancreas and is treated using traditional medicine.

Good results give these recipes, they can be used to normalize body functions:

  1. Tincture pink gramophone. Before each meal, half an hour, drink a 1/2 hour. l. The course is at least a month.Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment
  2. Iris and wormwood. Taken in equal amounts both ingredients, pour 500 ml of water is prepared decoction. Insisted a couple of hours. Take 1/2 Art. before eating.
  3. Propolis tincture. 1 tbsp. l. liqueurs pour 2 tbsp. vodka, insist 2-3 weeks. Take 1 time a day 50 drops by adding them to the milk or broth chamomile.
  4. Potato juice. 1/2 Art. fresh juice drink 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. After making a 10-day break and repeat the course.
  5. Herbal. In equal amounts of fennel seeds to take St. John's wort, coriander, mint, root elecampane, cudweed. Mix 1 tbsp away. l., pour 250 ml of boiling water to brew. Take 1/2 Art. 5 times a day.

Other methods

To give a quick treatment effect, it is important to adhere to the diet.

Meals have to be boiled or steamed. There it is necessary only in the form of heat. No sausages, greasy, spicy, salty. You can not eat mushrooms, food with spices. It is strictly forbidden alcohol.

The diet should prevail:

  • lean meats and fish;
  • stewed vegetables or boiled;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • fruit jelly.Increased echogenicity of the pancreas. What it is, causes and treatment

You need to eat 4-5 times a day in small portions.

possible complications

When idle, the acute and chronic forms can cause cysts and pseudocysts, which have been treated surgically.

Malignancies without proper treatment rapidly reach the final stage, which ultimately threatens lethal to humans.

Incorrect operation of the gland leads to the fact that glucose is ingested, do not split the full amount, which ultimately leads to its release into the blood, and as a result develop diabetes.

Pancreas - is the most important organ of the digestive system, whose work must be coordinated. Anyone, even a slight increase in echogenicity, talks about the development of the disease, which necessarily need to be treated, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous for the whole organism.

Increased echogenicity - a serious indicator, indicating the malfunction of the pancreas. Sometimes it can be a temporary phenomenon, but more often is a sign of the onset of the disease process. It is better to find out the reason for such indicators and remove it.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the pancreas

About the pancreas in the television show "On the most important":

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