Hormones And Biochemistry

Explanation of thyroid tests

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To date, diseases associated with the thyroid gland are quite common. An example is autoimmune thyroiditis, which is observed in many people around the world. Almost half of the population has changes in the thyroid gland. Almost always, they do not cause a malfunction in the hormonal background. But there are cases when such changes lead to serious illnesses. To determine the content of hormones in the blood, a special blood test is performed.

When is the analysis performed?

Blood test

Such an analysis can be carried out not only in the direction of the doctor, but also at the request of the patient. Usually it is conducted in the presence of specific complaints or any signs of violation. Most often, the procedure is performed when an inflammation of the thyroid gland is detected, as well as by probing the nodes. If symptoms are added, the endocrinologist is obliged to prescribe a referral for a blood test or ultrasound.

Passage of such a procedure is necessary with clearly expressed signs of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

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The first is characterized by a rapid heart rate, sweating, trembling, and the second - a decrease in heart rate and rapid weight gain. People who have already experienced such disorders, periodically check the level of hormones to select the necessary medications.

It is recommended that children with clear signs of mental or physical retardation be tested. Such pathologies lead to serious diseases. Sometimes the disease of the gland manifests itself not by a multitude of symptoms, but by some individual. For example, hyperthyroidism may occur due to disruption of the cardiovascular system. It happens that hair loss indicates a problem with the thyroid gland. And there are a lot of such reasons. If there is any suspicion, the doctor prescribes the direction for the analysis. So do not be surprised that the procedure will be attended by doctors working in other directions.

Preparation for

Before starting the procedure, do not take drugs that affect the state of the endocrine system. If, however, such drugs were used, then the analysis should be done one month after stopping their intake.

Many people take vitamins, which include iodine. From these funds, too, will have to refuse for 5 days before the survey. The normal functioning of the gland may depend on the content of iodine molecules. If the content of this component exceeds the norm, then hormones begin to be created. When they become significant, a signal is sent to the brain, and it suppresses the gland's activity. It is also worth noting an X-ray examination, in which it is necessary to introduce additional substances, since they will appear in the blood, and it will be difficult to decipher the analysis.

In addition to drug-related contraindications, on the day of the test, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and fatty foods should be discarded. In addition, the blood test is performed on an empty stomach.

How to decipher the results of the analysis of


Pituitary study is a very complicated process. In order to correctly decipher the analyzes, it is necessary to understand how this organ works.

The results of the study show such indicators as T3, T4, TTG, AT.What do they mean?

T3 or triiodothyronine is a hormone that is produced by the gland cells and plays a big role in metabolism. Another function is the management of oxidation-reduction processes.

T4 or thyroxine is also a hormone that performs the same functions as T3, with the exception of one factor. He takes part in protein metabolism. In addition, thyroxine manifests itself as a more active hormone than triiodothyronine. They play a big role in creating and maintaining hormonal balance.

When there is an increase in function, these two hormones manifest themselves in excess. All this leads to the first signs of such a disease as hyperthyroidism, which is accompanied by increased heart rate and accelerated metabolism. Such symptoms are manifested in toxic goiter or gland tumors.

If the thyroid gland is broken, then the number of hormones T4 and T3 leads to hypothyroidism. Its symptoms are:

  • reduced body temperature;
  • slowed heart rate;
  • drowsiness;
  • slowed down metabolism.

The disease can occur with a low content of iodine in the body or with a large number of thyroiditis. Why do we need all the other indicators?

An important factor in decoding the analyzes is the indicator like AT.It is of two types:

  • AT to TPO;
  • AT-TG.

The first view shows the number of autoantibodies generated by the enzyme. The pituitary gland itself is the producer of this enzyme, which plays an important role in the formation of hormones T3 and T4.When an autoimmune disease occurs, human immunity is impaired. Negatively affecting the tissues of the body, antibodies to thyroid peroxidase start to appear.

The second type shows the number of antibodies produced by thyroglobulin , which promote the appearance of T4 and T3.A high level of these antibodies testifies to violations in autoimmune processes. As a rule, such quantity speaks about diffuse toxic craw.

Blood test

Another indicator is TTG. A thyroid-stimulating hormone, which is produced not in the gland, but in the brain. To maintain hormonal balance, a sufficient amount of this hormone is needed. If he was absent, the thyroid gland would continuously produce hormones without going into rest, and TTG not only prompts for work, but also ensures its stable state.

Active activity leads to small indices of the thyroid-stimulating hormone, and vice versa, when the work is weak, large amounts of TSH appear that affect the development of T3 and T4.This can occur as a result of any deviations from the work of the brain. There are norms of these indicators. Their increase or decrease leads to serious diseases.

What are the norms of these indicators?

Indicators Permissible indicator
TTG 0,4-4,0 mU / l
T3 5.7 pmol / l.
T4 22.0 pmol / l.
AT-TG 18 U / ml
AT-TPO less than 5.6 U / ml.

It happens that when tested in different laboratories, the results of the analyzes are not the same. Therefore, in order not to make wrong conclusions, to decipher the form it is better to consult a doctor.

Diagnosis of

A person who does not understand medicine can not diagnose if all information is available. It is not enough to know the values ​​and permissible norms, it is also necessary to link them together, and only then can a preliminary diagnosis be made.

The name of the disease The results of the analysis The results of the analysis The processes in the body
Hyperthyroidism Elevated level of T3 and T4

The reduced index of TTG of AT-TG and AT-TPO is the norm

Because of the disturbed processes in the gland, other types of hormones begin to appear. The pituitary gland reacts to it, it slows down the TTG
Hypoterosis primary Decreased level of T3 and T4

Increased index of TTG At-TG and AT-TPO - norm

The activity of the pituitary gland decreases, so the level of hormones also falls. Together with this, the level of TSH rises.
Hypotherytic secondary AT-TG and AT-TPO - norm

All other indicators are lowered

Endocrine disruption results in a decrease in the TSH norm. After that, the pituitary gland reduces its activity, and thus does not give normal development of hormones T3 and T4.
Autoimmune thyroiditis AT-TG and AT-TPO - increased indices

All the others can have different values ​​

With the help of immunity antibodies are produced. The body responds to these actions by reducing or increasing certain norms.

With the help of the information provided, you can put a preliminary diagnosis and understand what is happening to you. To obtain more detailed information about the disease and the methods of treatment, it is necessary to contact the endocrinologist.

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