Hormones And Biochemistry

How to increase the level of dopamine excretion?

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Depressive state is quite common in the life of modern man. And often the fall and depression of the psychoemotional state do not have external apparent causes, but arise by themselves and bear the names of endogenous ones. In the vast majority of cases, a constant low, depressed mood is caused by a violation of the production of neurotransmitters of serotonin and noradrenaline, as well as a decrease in the production of dopamine, which is both a neurotransmitter produced by the brain and a hormone responsible for the production of the adrenal medulla. These substances, obtained as a result of biosynthesis, carried out by the body itself, are often called "happiness hormones".At the same time, the level of dopamine can be regulated using various diets, pharmacological preparations, folk medicine and abandoning bad habits and harmful inclinations.

Manifestations of a reduced level of the hormone of happiness

Human organism

Dopamine not only has an effect on the psychoemotional state of the individual, but, as an adrenergic hormone, it supports the functioning of the brain and central nervous system, the heart, and exercises control function for the weight of a person and his capacity for work. Deficiency of dopamine in the body causes an endogenous depressive state and leads to weight gain.

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Chronic deficiency of this hormone causes problems in the metabolic system of the body, which leads to obesity. It is possible not only an oppressed psycho-emotional state. It can be accompanied by causeless irritability or inadequate aggressiveness. Subjects that have a constantly decreased level of dopamine in the body are prone to such diseases:

  • type II diabetes,
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • dyskinesia,
  • decrease in potency,
  • psychoemotional brain dysfunction.

Patients have dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, they are susceptible to chronic fatigue and may suffer from hallucinations.


In this case, changes caused by a lack of hormones, bring discomfort not only to the patient himself, but also worsen his social adaptation, causing occasionally unprovoked conflict situations with others. Therefore, when diagnosing a hormonal disorder, the patient should immediately consult a doctor who will recommend how to increase the level of dopamine.

Increase of dopamine in the body

As recent studies of endocrinologists, nutritionists and immunologists have shown, a deficiency of dopamine in the body can be easily eliminated without resorting to complex drug therapy and the use of specific pharmacological drugs. Today, along with medical medicines are widely used methods of traditional medicine and proper nutrition. Moreover, the increase in the level of the hormone is promoted not only by its organization, but also by the correctly formulated daily diet.

The diet should include foods rich in tyrosine, which is the precursor of the biogenic substance DOPA.Dopamine is directly synthesized from it. Such products include: some types of vegetables and fruits, seafood, hard cheeses, green tea, chicken eggs. The tyrosine contained in these products begins to double most rapidly in the body.

By including these products in your diet, a person provides his body with the necessary amount of tyrosine, which, after passing the appropriate chain of biosynthetic reactions, relieves him of the problem of how to increase the level of dopamine. In addition to compensating for hormone deficiency, many of these products also have concomitant effects:

  • beets and bananas have antidepressant properties,
  • seafood, rich in omega-3 fatty acids prevent the development of allergic reactions,
  • folic acid, contained in apples and cabbage, is necessary for the body to develop immuneand the circulatory system,
  • contained in green tea and apples catechins are a powerful natural antioxidant.

Green tea

Recently, biologically active taste and nutritional supplements have been produced, based on natural medicinal plants, which intensify the release of the hormone in the brain and adrenal glands.

Folk remedies for increasing the level of dopamine

Many medicinal plants and special herbal collections composed of them, contribute to the normalization of the production of dopamine hormone. In this case, the use of medicinal plants is often more effective than optimizing the diet. In many plant species, dopamine is found in pure form, and ginkgo biloba( Ginkgo biloba) can be called a natural fossil of this hormone.

Plants such as Panax ginseng, dandelion medicinal( Taraxacum officinale), nettles( Urtica dioica) are sufficiently effective to restore the required level in the body and in particular in the brain tissues. Ginseng can be used in the form of alcoholic tincture, and from dandelion and nettles prepare decoctions, infusions, herbal tea or add to salads.

The role of physical activity

It is good enough to eliminate the hormone deficiency and maintain its level at a physiologically sufficient level influenced by regular physical exercises. Daily morning exercises not only contribute to the normalization of its content in the body, but also improves well-being and mood. This, in turn, contributes to the intensification of the production of not only dopamine, but also serotonin, called the "hormone of good mood."Therefore, morning jogging, cycling, evening walks are good prevention against stress and depressive conditions.

Physical exercise

Active sexual( not necessarily diverse) life is equally beneficial for the normalization of the hormonal background. And such emotions as love and affection, also positively influence the development of dopamine. Usually, love is accompanied by a feeling of complete self-satisfaction, joy and happiness.

Influence of bad habits

Narcotic substances, alcoholic beverages and tobacco have an extremely negative effect on the state of the whole orgasm, with the greatest harm to the neurons of the brain. Even if narcotic withdrawal and hangover syndrome can be overcome, the psychological addiction caused by the production of an increased amount of dopamine remains for many years. At the same time, psychostimulants entering into drugs and alcohol are replaced in metabolic processors, produced by the body neurotransmitters and reduce the natural level of reproduction of serotonin and dopamine.

No less harmful is the abuse of strong coffee beverages and tea. The caffeine contained in them lowers the production of hormones, which leads to premature fatigue, decreased emotional state and poor health.

Medication recovery of hormone production

Low content of happiness hormones can be increased by using various biologically active additives and medications that contain either the hormone dopamine or catalysts that intensify its production by the body. All medicines and supplements containing phenylalanine-aromatic alpha-amino acid accelerate the conversion of tyrosine to dopamine.

In severe cases of psychiatric disorders, accompanied by a decrease in the hormonal background, psychotherapists prescribe antidepressants to patients. However, this is an extreme case and treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It is much easier not to allow abnormally low production of happiness hormones, using a balanced diet for tyrosine, refusing bad habits and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Dopamine( Dophaminunt)


On the shelves of municipal drugstores, you can see the drug "Dophaminunt", the action of which is based on the stimulation of dopomene receptors. Of course, self-"appoint" and do injections of the drug is strictly contraindicated. It has a sufficiently high concentration and has a rather specific effect on organs that are not responsible for the synthesis of "hormones of happiness".Usually, doctors prescribe intravenous injections, when there are serious, weighty clinical indications, and, as a rule, the course of treatment is carried out in a hospital.

In this patient patients with a violation of the psychoemotional state caused by a lack of dopamine, having read the recommendations on medical websites and online forums believe that "Dophaminunt" is intended to treat their ailment. This is a deep delusion that any qualified medic can dispel.

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