Diseases Of The Nervous System

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medication, medications, massage at home. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo

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Neuritis of the facial nerve is accompanied by facial asymmetry. Comorbidities symptoms determine the treatment of a disease in ambulatory and home.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Description of neuritis of the facial nerve
  • 2 pathology Causes
  • 3 primary neuritis
  • 4 secondary neuritis
  • 5 Hunt syndrome
  • 6 Neuritis of the facial nerve in pig
  • 7 Neuritis with otitis
  • 8 Pathology at borreliosis
  • 9 Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome
  • 10 Diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve
  • 11 Methods of treating a disease
  • 12 Medications for the treatment of neuritis
  • 13 Physical therapy procedures
  • 14 Acupuncture
  • 15 Surgical intervention
  • 16 Gymnastics for facial neuritis
  • 17 Massage at home
  • 18 Folk remedies for the treatment of neuritis
  • 19 The consequences of the disease and prognosis
  • 20 Video of neuritis of the facial nerve

Description of neuritis of the facial nerve

Neuritis of the facial nerve inflammation called peripheral cranial nerve responsible for facial muscles.

Symptoms of neuritis of the facial nerve:

  • pain behind the ears and near the temple;
  • insta story viewer
  • hearing loss;
  • fever with chills;
  • dizziness and nausea;
  • paralysis of facial tissues;
  • wry face;
  • busy smooth forehead, cheek catalepsy bags sagging mouth;
  • unclosed eyes;
  • runny nose;
  • numbness of the skin, drooling, difficulty swallowing;
  • reduction of taste, with the pronunciation problem.

pathology Causes

Neuritis of the facial nerve, symptoms and treatments which have no common opinion of experts, is the impetus for swelling and clamped in the narrow channel of nerve fibers and, consequently, immobility or stiffness facial nerve.

Causes of paralysis:

  • Injury.
  • Hypertension and atherosclerosis.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Flu, sinusitis, sore throat.
  • Benign tumors.
  • Cancer.
  • Diabetes.
  • Stroke.
    Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
    Neuritis of the facial nerve can be caused by stroke. Symptoms will show the true cause, according to which it is possible to start and treatment.
  • Infection in the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • Abscess.
  • HIV infection.
  • herpes virus.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Complication of mumps, otitis.
  • Complications in cosmetology and dentistry.
  • Autoimmune pathologies.
  • Dosage chemotherapy.
  • Heredity.

primary neuritis

Neuritis of the facial nerve, the symptoms are diagnosed as the primary form, is subject to rapid and simple treatment. The pathology occurs due to colds. Often the culprit disease is contact with the conditioned air drafts.

Typical visual symptoms of neuritis:

  • it is impossible to close your eyes;
  • brow not wrinkled;
  • sagging lower lip;
  • herpes rash in the ear.

secondary neuritis

Neuritis of the facial nerve, symptoms and treatment are classified as secondary, symptomatic, develops as a complication of infection, getting a head injury, intoxication.

Facial asymmetry is visible a few days after the first pain signals.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo

All signs appear bright: distortion of facial expressions, you can not whistle, smiling, kissing, sneezing or blinking. Secondary neuritis - a huge problem, delivering more trouble than the primary form of neuritis.

Hunt syndrome

The form of neuritis, known as Hunt syndrome - is herpes and shingles. Ear pain gradually cover the entire head. Upon the occurrence of immobility and stiffness of facial tissue, the patient does not feel the taste, hearing loss begins, patients suffering from dizziness and trembling of eyeballs, a rash of herpes in the external ear, throat, on the tongue and tonsils.

Neuritis of the facial nerve in pig

Main manifestations neuritis in mumps (pig)

  • swelling of the salivary glands;
  • Protruding earlobe;
  • pain and tinnitus, especially at night;
  • pain during chewing;
  • increase in body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • tenderness mandible.

Neuritis with otitis

For neuritis with otitis characteristic manifestations of unilateral inaction facial muscles. Specialists noted that the twisted faces are not visible in a state of calm, but expressed in the pronunciation of speech articulation.

Pathology at borreliosis

Lyme borreliosis is caused by spirochete Borrelia. It is an infectious disease transmitted via tick bite. Borreliosis signs: fever to fever, headaches, nausea to vomiting, skin mottling, aches throughout the body.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo

In half of cases of patients as a complication develops neuritis of the facial nerve. Paresis face restored for a long time, the recovery is incomplete.

Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome

The causes of this syndrome is not understood. It is believed that the primary cause is angioneurosis syndrome appearing due to allergic reactions.

Distinguish the following symptoms of the disease:

  • swelling of the face, with the deformation of the upper lip, which increases greatly in volume.
  • the stillness of the facial nerve.

Diagnosis of neuritis of the facial nerve

To determine the root cause of neuritis prescribe MRI. Place inflammatory focus is determined electroneuromyography.

Carried out tests to determine the neuritis of the facial nerve:

  • alternately closing and squinting eyes;
  • raised eyebrows;
  • pull forward the lips;
    Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
  • smile and show their teeth.

Pathological symptoms are considered confirmed if the test steps in a patient can not be obtained and the apparent disparity is noticeable person.

Methods of treating a disease

Neuritis of the facial nerve, symptoms and treatment of which depends on what kind of nerve segment affected, resulting in damage to or loss of functional activity of the nerve fibers.

Full treatment comprises:

  • Drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • traditional medicines;
  • operation.

Medications for the treatment of neuritis

List of drugs:

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
drug group drug name Act
diuretics Trifas,





Removing fluid from the tissues, preventing the development of pathologies.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Nurofen, MIG-400, Nimesil,



Removing the inflammation of nerve endings and pain.
glucocorticosteroids Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone,


Lock swelling, pain and inflammation, muscle relaxation.
anticholinesterase group Neostigmine, galantamine Improvement of nerve conduction, the formation of

hypertonicity and the relationship of facial muscles.

antispasmodics No-spa, Spazmalgon Stroking muscle relaxation, promotes expansion of arteries.
neurotropic drugs Carbamazepine, Finlepsin, Neyralgin. Muscle relaxation, removal of nervous tic.




Dilates blood vessels, reduces edema.
sedative drugs Valerian,



Sedaksen, Phenobarbital.

Recovery sleep, reduced emotional stress.
antibiotics group amoxicillin,






Treatment of infectious diseases.
painkillers Paracetamol,


pain relief
Vitamins of group B Neyrobion, Neurobeks, Neyromultivit,




Increase nervous stability.
Biostimulyators Lidaza,



Metabolic Stimulation.

Physical therapy procedures

Physiotherapy - a necessary component of the healing process:

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
Name A course of treatment Act
UVR (ultraviolet irradiation). 5-6 treatments (1-3 days). Dry heat gives momentum exchange processes, stimulates the regeneration of tissues. Antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effects of exposure.

(Infrared lamp sollux, reflector Minin).

20-25 procedures (daily or every other day). Infrared rays dilate blood vessels, stimulates blood circulation, reduce pain, swelling subsides.
UHF (ultra-high-frequency therapy). 8 procedures

(Daily or every other day).

The electromagnetic field can reduce inflammation.
Laser therapy is non-invasive. 8 procedures

in one day.

Laser therapy affects the cell membrane and regenerates nerve cells.
Paraffin-ozokerite applications. 8-12 procedures

(Daily or every other day).

Applications restore tone to facial tissues and improve blood flow.
Fonofarez 6 treatments

(2 days).

Ultrasonic treatment restores facial muscles.

(Using a half-mask Bergonie).

6 treatments

(2 days).

With the use of potassium iodide, neostigmine, aminophylline improves lymph enhances cell conductivity.

There are contraindications to the use of:

  • Development of flexion deformation of tissues.
  • Abnormal involuntary movements in the paralyzed area.
  • Excessive irritability of nerves.
  • Bleeding.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • Hypertension.
  • Implants inside the body (if magnetic therapy).


Neuritis of the facial nerve, the symptoms and treatment need to be studied and the use of various medical fields, cured thanks to an effective proven methods. Very helpful in the recovery phase the use of acupuncture.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo

Observance of the rules will ensure the effectiveness of the procedure:

  • begin after acupuncture treatment of pain and swelling, typically after 7-10 days of the onset of the disease;
  • not combine in one day different physiotherapy;
  • used with caution painkillers;
  • not to carry out acupuncture fasting.

The essence of the procedure is that the medical needle and the diameter of different size are introduced into acupuncture points. Soreness poorly expressed, it felt a slight tingling and warmth at the injection site. Apply the procedures on both sides of the face. Acupuncture treatment consists of 10-15 sessions, experts recommend to repeat the procedure every month.

The procedure gives positive results: the facial muscles are relaxed, their skewed decreases swelling subside.

Surgical intervention

If there is no effectiveness of the drug treatment, then comes the turn of the surgery. Most experts agree that if within 3-4 months of treatment are not making progress, then surgery is needed.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo

The later period of the operation, the lower the percentage of the number of successful. Surgery solves the problem of compression of a nerve in the narrow channel of the bone. The essence of the operation in the transplantation of the nerve from the leg and plastic two branches of the facial nerve.

Gymnastics for facial neuritis

Physiotherapy has established for all patients, as an effective method of restoring facial mobility.

A few rules of gymnastics for facial neuritis:

  • Monitor the implementation of the exercises in the mirror.
  • Relax the muscles before each exercise.
  • Conduct exercises on the two halves of the face at the same time.
  • Exercise exercise symmetrically, helping the affected side of the hand.
  • Do exercises 2 times a day.

All exercises are performed from 5 to 10 times.

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
Type of exercise Description of implementation
Eye muscles 1. Tightly closed eyelids, send through lowered lashes for 25 seconds.

2. Stare for 25 seconds.

3. Wink one eye, then the other, alternately 8 times.

4. Follow gaze, not looking up, with the outstretched arm, which lead from the nose and take from the person to repeat 8 times slowly.

5. Often move the eyebrows, frowning intensely them - to make friendly eye, alternate.

6. Actively move his eyes from right to left, then round.

7. Easy upper eyelid depression, 6 times.

8. Covering the eyes, thus providing resistance to the muscles.

For the lips 1. Utter, watching the movement of the lips, the sound and I.

2. Teeth bared.

3. To pronounce the sound "prrrr".

4. Droop.

5. Spit.

For linguistic muscles 1. Roll in his mouth a small round vegetable or fruit.

2. To lift up and down the language, the language of pat sky.

3. Massage the cheek from the inside.

4. Licking their lips.

5. Blowing between teeth.

6. The emphasis in the language of the teeth and cheeks in turn.

7. Tongue licking ice cream from his upper lip.

8. Show how the kitten eats sour cream.

9. Say "bl" sounds 6-7 times.

10. Utter sounds that mimic the machine gun fire, "etc., etc.-DAT".

Massage at home

Massage used for medical purposes for removing facial stiffness. Massage can be done independently. Course begin no earlier than 2 weeks from diagnosis of the disease.

Experts recommend the following rules of:

  • Exercises to do lightly: pat, shifting of tissues and stretching in different directions, a slight compression and squeezing muscles vibrating pat.
  • On the effects of touch sparing hand, does not injure the skin without causing redness.
  • Massaging the skin with both hands symmetrically on both sides of the face.
  • Duration of massage - 15 minutes, the course -. 18 procedures.
  • Repeat massage after the break.

Step by Step instructions independent performance massage:

  1. Massage optic portion. Massage the skin from the inner corner of the eye to the outside; then to the parotid area. During the massage, looking down with her eyes closed.
    Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
  2. Massage in the nose area: Massage from the nose to the base of the ear.
  3. Massage around the mouth area: Massage of the labial folds close to the cheeks.
  4. Massage chin portion: Massage from the collecting area to the articular process of the mandible.
  5. Massage the neck part: Massage delicately on the front of the neck.
  6. I turn my head to diversify.
  7. Turns head circular (Contraindicated in elderly patients).

Folk remedies for the treatment of neuritis

Table 1 - compresses:

Name Description Terms of application Precautionary measures
Lotions of leafs. Make an infusion of 7 sheets of laurel and 0.5 cups of boiling water, warm compresses impose on the face portion of the patient, wrap.

Night use.

5 procedures Beware of burns of the skin.
Poultice of protein and turpentine. Funds from 1 raw egg protein, and 1st. l. turpentine impose on the treatment site. Compress hold for 10 min. 6 treatments
Poultice made from wormwood 25gr. wormwood boiled with milk

10 min., Filter.

Hot grass lay on the fabric with polyethylene. Lie on her sick cheek.

4-5 procedures
Leaves of fresh tarragon Mashed fresh leaves of wormwood attach to the sore spot

50 min.

14 days before going to bed
Cottage cheese and honey Stir 4 tbsp. l. cheese and

1st.l. linden honey.

The mass applied to the affected area for 1 hr.

After removing the compress be warm for at least 2 hours.

14 days,

Day 2 compress

Honey-Onion Make compress for 40-60 min. of onion juice, egg white and 1st.l. honey. 14 days
Lime Take 5CT. l. linden flowers, pour over 500ml boiling water. The temperature effect of the affected area is provided. Duration of treatment was 30 minutes. The procedure was carried out 3 r. per day. 3 weeks
Berries black elderberry Take crushed fresh elderberries,

applied to the affected area for 1 hour. Do 2 times a day.

3 weeks

Table 2 - heating:

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
Name Description treatment time Precautionary measures
Salt Warmed 0.5 kg of salt put in a bag made of natural tissue to attach to the therapy area. Leave to cool. Warming up is repeated 3 times a day. 20 days Avoid burns.

Protect from cold and drafts.

Dog's fur Make wool pad and attach it to the desired location. 20 days Are allergic to dog hair.

Table 3 - grinding:

Name Description fix a date Precautionary measures
Fir oil Rub, pat in the face skin 10 drops of fir oil. Do morning and evening, using a slicing method. 14 days Observe the number of procedures.
mummy Shilajit (over the counter) to rub lightly temple area. 14-15


kidney lilac 1st.l. raw grind into a powder and mixed with lard in a ratio of 1: 4. Composition keep a cool place. Knead the sore spot with warm drug on a daily basis, using the coracoid reception. 20 days
Horseradish with olive oil 2 tbsp. l. horseradish juice and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil blend. Rub method hatch. 25 days

Table 4 - teas for improving the functioning of the nervous system:

Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
Name Description Terms of application Precautionary measures
Tea made from rose petals 2 hours. l. crushed red rose petals infuse a cup of boiling water. Take tea instead of a few cups a day. 3 weeks Observe the number of ingredients used and to observe the dosage.

With care to use for people with allergic reactions to honey.

Milkshake Shilajit (a few drops) and 1 tsp honey dissolve in a glass of milk.

The course of 20 days through 10 days.

20 days
Tea leaves mother and stepmother 1st.l. Mother coltsfoot and 1 cup of water bring to the boil. Take 1st. l. 4-6 receptions. 2 weeks
The root of elecampane 4 tsp elecampane root in 1 liter of water to boil for 5 minutes. After cooling down, take 1 glass 1-4 times a day. 2 weeks
Herbal 1 tbsp. l. collection of equal parts of mint leaves, elder flowers, chamomile, linden, brew 500 ml of boiling water, let stand for 1 hr. Drink as a tea, 3 times a day. 20 days

The consequences of the disease and prognosis

Timing recovery and rehabilitation after illness range from 3 months to a year. Some patients notice an improvement in the condition at the beginning of therapy, do not complete the treatment started.

If the disease is left untreated or not recovered, there will be dangerous to health complications:

  • Muscles become inelastic, there is no passing tenderness, expressed the apparent immobility and distorted faces.
  • Mimicry is stationary, as muscles atrophy due to lack of food and sleep.
  • Tick ​​eyelid.
    Neuritis of the facial nerve. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, medications, massage. Causes, terms of recovery, effects, photo
  • Eye diseases appear because of the inability to close the eye.
  • There is a disorder of the nerve endings, which occurs as a result of an involuntary and uncontrolled impulses transmission, e.g., salivation occurs simultaneously with tearing.

Neuritis, symptoms and treatment which can identify only a specialist, is a disease with dangerous pathological disorders. Adequate comprehensive treatment of the facial nerve, which includes medication, physiotherapy and massage allows you to completely cure the disease and prevent complications.

Author of the article: Alla Linchuk

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of neuritis of the facial nerve

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