Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, pills

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The ankle is often injured as withstand heavy load. A doctor can diagnose osteoarthritis ankle on the basis of symptoms and prescribe treatment. The disease does not depend on age and sex, tissues become thin and break down, which can lead to disability.

Osteoarthritis subject to 12% of the population, and the disease often overtakes women's retirement age.

As mentioned, the ankle withstands enormous strain. He keeps the body upright, it allows a person to move around. His breaking change your lifestyle.

Osteoarthritis ankle (symptoms and treatment can vary) - is a chronic disease in which occur in cartilage irreversible processes.

The disease occurs gradually. In a healthy person the articular surface is flat. When excessive load it promotes easy sliding during physical activity.

In arthrosis tissue nutrition and metabolism deteriorate. The outer surface of the joint varies, becomes rough, cartilage touch, inflammation appears. When a person lifts heavy objects, burden placed on the bone, it involves degenerative disorders.

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If you do not start treatment develop severe disease. In the later stages of cartilage and tissue affected, the synovium is irritated, the joint becomes unstable. At the same time suffers support function, movement difficult.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Kinds
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about arthrosis


There are several types of osteoarthritis, depending on different criteria:

  • causes (primary, secondary);Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  • arthrosis stages;
  • localization of pathology;
  • localization forms (generalized and local);
  • course of the disease (acute and chronic).
classification criteria types of arthrosis
manifestations of knee, wrist, ankle, elbow, shoulder and cervical arthrosis.
occurrence of the reason
  • Primary - to develop on its own, without any preconditions;
  • secondary - joint disease occurs due to the development of infectious disease, mechanical injury, trauma, hypothermia, and other factors.
  • Local damage - symptoms cover a small portion of the joint or individual tissues;
  • generalized - affected several joints or one with full coverage of all tissues.
course of the disease
  • acute form - increased intensity of symptoms and their severity, severe pain, morphological changes occur more rapidly;
  • chronic form - for sustained disease manifests separate features during exacerbations.

Osteoarthritis is divided into primary ankle (healthy cartilage begin degenerative processes due to excessive physical activity) and secondary (diagnosed fracture appear in degenerative cartilage changes).

Stage and grade

Osteoarthritis ankle (symptoms and treatment depend directly on the patient's age) can take place in various ways. At one with the onset of symptoms until a critical stage is held for many years, in others the disease progresses rapidly.

It depends on the age and co-morbidities when initiating therapy. With the progression of the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the ankle are expressed more strongly.

Allocate 4 stage disease.

  1. The first stage is often left unattended. Main symptoms: stiffness, arising in the morning, typical crunch while walking. Pathogenic changes are not detected in the image, the destructive process has already begun.Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  2. Morning stiffness lasts longer. For the development of the legs will need 20-30 minutes. In some patients there is lameness. On the X-ray you can see the 2 pathology stage of the growth of bone tissue and bone displacement.
  3. In step 3 symptoms appear brighter. Pain appears at rest, the patient can not do without painkillers. Lameness becomes noticeable, sometimes you need crutches. The joint swells, changes, muscle thinned, reduced in volume. Joint space narrowing, as seen in the X-ray image formed osteophytes.
  4. The last stage develops in the absence of treatment. Cartilages are destroyed, the surface of the fused joints. The patient can not walk.

There are several degrees of osteoarthritis:

  1. first degree - X-rays did not show any change and joints. There is a small morning stiffness. On this level it is necessary to begin treatment.
  2. In second-degree Activity difficult, heard the crunch when walking, swelling observed. On X-ray visible reduction interarticular gap. A man lame, morning stiffness lasts longer.Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  3. When the third degree pronounced kruzartroz, deformation of joints. Muscle atrophy even more, movements are limited. It requires permanent peace. Pain persists even in this state.
  4. At the last degree joint space is almost no activity is practically impossible. X-rays to diagnose a large number of osteophytes. Assigned only to surgery.

Ankle arthritis appears gradually, so treatment should begin when the first symptoms to prevent the deterioration and the occurrence of complications.


Ankle Osteoarthritis is characterized by multiple symptoms (they affect the method of treatment):

  • painful initially moderate and only occur during physical activity. Over time, the pain becomes stronger and worries at rest;
  • for faults and dislocations appear edema and inflammatory manifestations, in damage to elevated temperature;
  • "Dry" click, accompanied by pain;
  • dislocation, as cartilage thins and degrades, the joint becomes unstable. The bones are displaced, drop out of the joint capsule;
  • joint stiffness;
    Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
    What is arthrosis of the ankle joint
  • when walking people walking easily tired;
  • the latter stages of the joint is deformed.

In the event of at least one feature you must immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of

Osteoarthritis of the ankle (the symptoms and treatment often caused by age-related changes) affects the older generation. In recent years, the pathology observed among young people.

Aggravating factors are:

  • injuries, sprains and bruises;
  • age-related disorders of the joints and ligaments;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • overweight;Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  • metabolic disorders;
  • congenital foot deformity and flat, which arose during his lifetime;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • excessive exercise;
  • the use of uncomfortable shoes;
  • endocrine disease;
  • osteochondrosis.

Synovial fluid is produced less because of what cartilage is worse fed. Joint space narrowing, which can lead to bone healing well. Krutartroz arises that can not be reversed. Despite this, treatment should be administered immediately to prevent the progression of the disease.


Diagnosis of osteoarthritis is to examine the existing symptoms and the data obtained through research. Since there is no test that can accurately identify pathology laboratory methods doctors recognize ineffective.

During remission indicators are normal, with recurrent blood test shows elevated levels of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein. This means that the pathology has already begun.

instrumental methods are used to confirm the diagnosis:

1. simple radiography It is the most reliable method. Muscles are not the same perception of X-rays: soft they miss, and hard to absorb. The study reveals the disease itself and its consequences.

In the picture can analyze the state of bones in the joint surfaces, shape, size and location of the structures relative to each other, the state of the tissue and the size of the joint space. With these data we can determine the extent of disease.Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises

In lesions ankle diagnosis is performed on the side, rear and moved to the rear foot inside projections. If there are relevant symptoms (joint space narrowing, osteophytes, and other symptoms) are diagnosed with arthritis.

2. Nuclear magnetic resonance determines malfunction of hydrogen molecules under the influence of a strong magnetic field. It gives the opportunity to explore areas of the body where there is water.

Darker shade in the picture presented of bone, as the water content in them is much smaller, and the muscles, nerves and disks appear lighter. Diagnostics detects even minor disturbances in bone and joint. The procedure is shown in front of the joint prosthesis. The only negative - the high cost of diagnosis.

3. Magnetic resonance imaging very accurately explores joint ligamentous structure, muscles and cartilage tissue. Thanks to the research expert can assess the condition of the lower leg joints that reveals pathology at the very beginning of its development. painless procedure lasts about 30 minutes.

During the procedure, radio waves and a strong magnetic radiation affect human. It must be remembered that the magnetic field is dangerous to the physiological state. MRI is prohibited under neuro-psychiatric disorders, child-bearing, and the presence of metal objects in the body.

4. ultrasound It allows you to make an accurate diagnosis. The device produces waves reflected from the tissue and registers on the screen. The doctor examines the images and make a diagnosis. For definition image using a gel which removes air and ensures easy movement over the surface.

Advantages of this procedure is considered safe for health, reasonable price and high precision.

5. Sitntsigrafiya bones - research by allowing isotopes to determine the pathological lesions in the bones. In the patient is administered a special substance, which contains the labeled atoms. Pathological area divided into cold and hot.Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises

At first no isotopes them worse enters the blood, they are not detected during scanning. These include places where there malignancies. In hot areas isotopes collected more actively, clearly defined at the time of scanning. These sites are symptoms of inflammation.

This study allows us to separate from those of arthritis diseases similar on clinical grounds, based on the results of the doctor makes a prognosis and prescribe treatment.

The main contraindications to the study are childbearing, breast-feeding and administration of drugs containing barium.

6. arthrocentesis It is a procedure where the doctor inserts a needle into the joint cavity to take the analysis of synovial fluid.

This biomaterial in the future continue to explore, based on the results of the expert defines the characteristics of the disease and at what stage of development it is found. In arthrosis ankle puncture made in the front portion between the outer ankle and tendon extensor digitorum longus.

When to see a doctor

If time does not begin treatment of osteoarthritis, there is a disability, and sometimes disability. Some patients are not in a hurry to help, because they do not know to what exactly the doctor should be recorded. When the first symptoms to visit a rheumatologist who diagnosed degenerative and inflammatory changes in the joint.

To this should be handled if:

  • It felt discomfort and pain in the joints after the excessive load at the end of the working day;
  • difficult to find a comfortable position for the legs at night;
  • swollen joints, skin reddens;
  • there is a sharp pain, hard to move;
  • appear crunch and clicks;
  • deformed joints.

With the help of modern methods of diagnosis and treatment can avoid surgery and preserve the functioning of the joint.


Osteoarthritis of the ankle (the symptoms and treatment can be discussed with a doctor) can be prevented.

In order to prevent osteoarthritis, experts recommend to follow certain rules:

  • wear comfortable shoes in size and without a heel;
  • observe proper diet, drink plenty of clean water;
  • choose the right vitamin and mineral complex;
  • do sport;Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  • often I walk in the fresh air;
  • avoid excessive burden on the legs;
  • to prevent hypothermia;
  • regularly observed by doctors;
  • abandon bad habits;
  • do a set of exercises to warm up the ankle joint.

It is particularly important to adjust the power. Nutritionists agreed menu that allows you to prevent the exacerbation of the disease, and saturate the body with the necessary nutrients.

  1. You need to eat often and in small portions.
  2. Drinking at least 2 liters of pure water.
  3. Avoid sugary and salty foods.
  4. Do not eat foods for 4 hours before bedtime.
  5. Products steamed, baked, boiled.

Fasting is strictly prohibited and a strict diet with osteoarthritis to prevent the leaching of calcium, necessary for the repair of bone and cartilage.


After confirmation of the diagnosis is necessary to begin treatment immediately. Completely get rid of osteoarthritis is not possible, the main thing - to slow down the destructive processes and to increase the period of remission. For this purpose, a variety of techniques.


For the treatment of osteoarthritis using various drugs:

  1. anti-inflammatory eliminate inflammation and pain center and relieve pain. Used tablets (paracetamol, ibuprofen) and ointments (Voltaren). The earlier taken anti-inflammatory drugs, the more likely to save the joint.Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  2. glucocorticoids (Hydrocortisone) are used if the above formulations do not bring the desired results. They are produced in solution form for injections and are introduced into the joint.
  3. chondroprotectors (Don) necessary for deceleration of the cartilage destruction process.

Dosage regimens and formulations of the doctor on the basis of symptoms, concomitant disease and other factors. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate in order not to aggravate the situation.

Traditional methods

Relatively folk treatments for osteoarthritis doctors recognize their beneficial properties and a positive influence. Folk medicine used and as a disease prevention.

The basic recipe for the treatment of osteoarthritis ankle recognizes the following:

  1. Leaves of burdock washed thoroughly and apply on the skin with a soft side. The plant is fixed with a bandage or plastic wrap and leave overnight.
  2. Sea salt (buckwheat, sand) in a frying pan to heat, poured into a linen fabric, applied to the affected area. Hold until the salt does not become cold. This is an effective way to relieve pain.
  3. Lilac pour eau de cologne, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks, rubbing the affected area twice a day.
  4. Eggshells crushed into powder, taking 0.5 hours. l. before meals.Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises

The use of folk methods of treatment should be agreed with your doctor. This is not the only measure, and the addition to the primary therapy.

Other methods

When conservative therapy does not bring positive effects to resort to drastic measures - surgery.

As a rule, the indications for surgery are:

  • repeated and primary arthrosis grade 3-4;
  • complications;
  • strong and long-lasting pain radiates to the knee;
  • overt lameness;
  • paralysis of the lower leg muscles;
  • deterioration flexor-extensor properties of the joint and the foot support ability.

With osteoarthritis of the foot, the following surgical procedures:

  1. arthrodesis - operation of joint immobilization. Its mission -vosstanovit oporosposobnosti lost limbs. The main drawback - the probability of fusion of the bones to each other, which leads to immobility, so used very rarely.
  2. Arthroscopy - minimally invasive procedure in which a doctor cuts the joint and inserts an arthroscope. Surgeon performs a visual inspection, and gives an estimate of intra-articular structures, if necessary, remove the damaged part of the joint or blood clots from the synovial fluid. In this operation, the risk of relapse is too great.
  3. Endoprosthesis held under the most severe cases. It makes it possible to replace the damaged joint in a certain part or in full. Dentures are used with the upgraded mechanics, which serve up to 20 years.

The main contraindications to surgery are considered to be under the age of 12 years, in a joint fistulas, diabetes, disorders of the heart, and infectious disease.

possible complications

When untimely treatment or lack of following complications can occur:

  • disability;
  • deformation, which can not be recovered;Osteoarthritis of the ankle joint. Symptoms and treatment tools, exercises
  • stiffness and immobility of the joint;
  • decline in the quality and standard of living.

In addition to these complications chronic illness accompanied by pain, discomfort, inability to maintain an active lifestyle.

To gymnastics, medical and national treatment were more effective, it is recommended to use special orthopedic appliances that reduce the load on the joint. These include fixing brace and bandage.

Orthosis repeats the contours of the ankle, increases range of motion, reduces swelling and pain. fixing bandage has the same effect as that of the orthosis. It is made of soft elastic fabric, which allows to fix the joint well. The bandage is applied only during periods of remission, when exacerbation passes.

Osteoarthritis of the ankle - a serious disease that in the absence of treatment leads to serious consequences and joint immobility. Diagnosis at an early stage, attention to symptoms and competent therapy eliminates the need for surgical intervention.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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