Cardiovascular Diseases

Sinus heart bradiaritmia the child 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11 years. What is it in children, adolescents, exercise

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Common heart abnormality in the child, which is accompanied by arrhythmia - sinus bradyarrhythmia. It is characterized by a decrease in the frequency of contractions, entails problems with the blood supply to organs and systems. Prevent dangerous complications makes timely diagnosis and properly chosen therapy.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in children?
    • 1.1 moderate
    • 1.2 pronounced
  • 2 Why the disease develops in children and adolescents?
  • 3 Symptoms of the disease
    • 3.1 physiological
    • 3.2 organic
    • 3.3 neurogenic
    • 3.4 dosage
    • 3.5 toxic
  • 4 Is it normal for a child involved in sports development of the disease?
  • 5 How dangerous disease?
  • 6 Do I need treatment?
  • 7 diagnostic measures
  • 8 Methods of treating bradyarrhythmias
    • 8.1 drug therapy
    • 8.2 operative intervention
    • 8.3 Recipes folk remedies
  • 9 Video of the sinus barikardii

What is sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in children?

Sinus bradyarrhythmia - congenital or acquired heart disease in which the impact frequency is reduced to a critical parameter. As a result, the patient's blood circulation slows down, the internal organs and systems get less oxygen and nutrients are affected by hypoxia. Pathology may occur at any age, but the most dangerous effects observed in children.

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Sinus cardiac bradyarrhythmia a child is diagnosed when the number of beats per minute is less than 60 times. disease development is not always accompanied by visible symptoms and disorders.

It is more common in premature babies, some forms of cerebral palsy. The reason lies in the sinus node dysfunction, more commonly known as the pacemaker. Allocate moderate to severe form of the disease.


Mild bradyarrhythmia in rare cases is a congenital abnormality of the body. Sometimes a feature appears in children, is actively involved in sports. But any form of health risk, can disrupt the formation of organs, brain development. Unpleasant symptoms often manifest in the air exhaled from the lungs.

Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise
Sinus heart bradiaritmia the child is when the number of beats per minute less than the norm

Often a mild form of the disease appears at a constant supercooling and is formed as a defensive reaction to low temperatures. Inspiratory pulse is restored to normal levels, so the diagnosis is difficult, requires a combination of different techniques.


When the heart rate falls below 40-45 beats per minute are diagnosed with severe bradyarrhythmia.

It indicates the following features:

  • frequent burning sensation in the heart;
  • child looks weak, sickly, drowsy;
  • toddler gets tired easily when light loads.

Dangerous form of the disease by sudden attacks with loss of consciousness and memory. They worsen the overall health of children, school performance, limited communication with peers.

Why the disease develops in children and adolescents?

In newborn babies heart beats at a frequency of 120-140 beats per minute. With the growth and maturation pulse drops to a stable figure of 65-75 times. When falling below 60 beats need examination to exclude hazardous pathologies. They develop as a result of inflammatory or congenital abnormalities of the sinus node, increased vagal tone.

Among the causes of sinus bradyarrhythmias in the preschool age:

  • complications after suffering pneumonia, tonsillitis, otitis media;
  • constant subcooling;
  • intracranial pressure;Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise
  • predisposition to cardiovascular disease;
  • metabolic disease and thyroid dysfunction;
  • oncology.

In adolescents, the cause of sinus bradyarrhythmias often associated with malformation of the hormonal levels. In rare cases, a child's body reacts to the intake of energy drinks, illicit drugs or an unhealthy diet with restrictions (bulimia or anorexia among girls 13-15 years old).

Symptoms of the disease

Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart of the child sometimes asymptomatic, detected by chance during complex diagnosis of other diseases. Main features are dependent on age, especially child development, stage of the disease. Depending on the cause, the problem may be physiological, organic, neurogenic, drug or toxic.

The child has the following symptoms may be present:

  • excessive sweating at rest;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • loss or dizziness;
  • chest tightness;
  • poor appetite;
  • low concentration, deteriorating school performance;
  • selection on the face of nasolabial triangle.

Tingling or burning sensation in the heart when bradyarrhythmias always occurs on exhalation. If hold his breath for a few seconds, unpleasant sensations vanish.


When natural causes slowing of the heart rate observed during a night's sleep or nap after waking up. At rest, the pulse of the state falls to 65-60 beats, baby change hardly felt. When exertion or active playing figure rises to a normal and comfortable level.Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise

Among the causes dangerous physiological disease - the appearance of benign or malignant tumors in the heart, in muscle infarction. The child complains of shortness of breath, and tingling in the chest, has pale skin, may lag in development of their peers on weight and height.


Bradyarrhythmia can be formed at the wrong development of the sinus node of the heart. The number of beats per minute is reduced to 45-50 units starts deformation and myocardial necrosis.

The problem occurs on a background of serious diseases:

  • vascular ischemia;
  • cardio;
  • cardiomyopathy.

A child younger sinus bradyarrhythmia organic type develops when inflammation of the pericardium of the heart. This is a dangerous complication of tonsillitis or otitis media, in which there are characteristic symptoms: constant low-grade fever, muscle weakness, low activity in the game and learning, pain in the joints.


Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart a child can become a consequence of pathologies of the nervous system: intracranial pressure, children's neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia.

In addition to pain in the heart, the little patients feel:

  • dizziness;Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise
  • low blood pressure;
  • panic attacks or irritability.

The problem requires a comprehensive approach to the treatment, care, endocrinologist, cardiologist and a neurologist.


In childhood, bradyarrhythmia of this type is extremely rare. It occurs in children with asthma, renal disease or severe lung disease who regularly take powerful drugs to sustain life. Damage to the pacemaker can occur as a side effect after a course of chemotherapy in oncology.


Increasingly, doctors are watching kids who have sinus bradyarrhythmia appeared after toxic poisoning. The reason is connected with living in disadvantaged areas, constant contact with toxic substances in the home, kindergarten, school. Heart disease department give pathogenic bacteria and viruses in typhoid fever, hepatitis A or B.

Is it normal for a child involved in sports development of the disease?

At the initial stage of child bradyarrhythmias active lifestyle. But excessive athletic exercises in the preschool years may provoke a disturbance in the development of some parts of the heart. This becomes a cause of disease symptoms during the transition period.Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise

With regular sports activities for children in 90% of cases are diagnosed physiological type of illness.

At constant load the heart gets used to work at a higher pace for several hours a day, therefore in a position to resting heart rate drops to 60 beats per minute: so the body "makes" the muscles to rest between heavy attack training. This condition does not cause fears of doctors does not involve dangerous complications, diagnosed in 50% of professional athletes, football players, cyclists.

How dangerous disease?

More severe complications occur in severe form of the disease. The child's body is constantly lacking oxygen, deteriorating blood circulation of soft tissue, slowing down the excretion of toxins and waste products. This leads to the death of heart tissue, nerve fibers associated developing kidney, liver, thyroid gland.

Among the dangerous complications:

  • fainting;
  • cerebral hypoxia;
  • heart failure;
  • thrombosis;
  • increased risk of ischemic stroke;
  • tachycardia.

If left untreated or ignored the recommendations of doctors, the child develops cardiomyopathy or angina requiring surgical intervention.

Do I need treatment?

Sinus bradycardia heart of the child in the moderate form does not always require medical treatment. After the diagnosis and determine the cause of the majority of children continue to play sports, attend school and clubs without restrictions. Doctors recommend spending ultrasonography annually to monitor the state of the myocardium and the sinus node.

When expressly require treatment with special medicine, physical therapy, vitamin complexes. The task of physicians - prevent complications that can lead to disability. If they grow older situation deteriorates, the correcting operation is performed or set pacemaker.

diagnostic measures

Detect heart rhythm disturbances helps the daily measurement of heart rate. If there is a decrease of more than 7-10 days, it is best to contact your pediatrician or cardiologist for advice.

diagnostic methods are recommended for the comprehensive examination:

  • Medical history, a survey of parents (of doctors interested in the presence of a genetic predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system).
  • Circadian rhythm and monitoring blood pressure via special device (Holter technique).Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Ultrasound of the heart or echocardiogram.
  • MRI of the chest with the severe form of the disease.
  • Analysis of thyroid hormones.
  • Doppler arteries and vessels in the brain neurogenic form.

CBC helps to identify hidden inflammation, shows anemia and other disorders. Diagnosis is made without admission of the child to the hospital.

Methods of treating bradyarrhythmias

Only after a comprehensive survey of the doctor selects the method of treatment. At a moderate form of the disease in children and adolescents is recommended a special diet, a correction mode of the day. Vitamin complex with magnesium, potassium and amino acid Omega-3 strengthens the heart muscle and the immune system, helps the child cope with stress at school and section.

When the heart rate of 40-50 beats recommended therapeutic course in a hospital. Child are special preparations, eliminates hormonal failure or infectious inflammation of pericarditis. When an organic or toxic form requires treatment of the underlying cause.

drug therapy

During slow heart rhythm are entered preparations normalizing heartbeat.

This special holinoprotektory stimulating job infarction without sharp jumps in blood pressure:

  • Metacin. Accepted intravenously or subcutaneously 2-3 times daily for 0.5-1 mg. For a child daily dose should not exceed 6 mg.Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise
  • Atropine. By reducing the heart rate of 20-25 beats, the drug is administered at 300 mg every 6 hours. When fit bradyarrhythmias odnorazovo used dosage 10 g per 1 kg baby weight.
  • Amiodarone. Improves coronary blood flow, is used in the form of tablets or injection. For children, the dose is 10 mg per day. Course duration - up to 2 months.

For stimulation signal conduction of the sinus node recommended intake of beta-agonists:

  • Ephedrine (norepinephrine, epinephrine);
  • izadrina;
  • Alupenta (aminophylline).

Neurological problems, provoking bouts of bradyarrhythmias, doctors selected sedative drugs. When treating children preferred herbal remedies with minimal risk of complications: Glycine, Pantogam, Citral.

operative intervention

If drug therapy does not help to stabilize the heart rhythm, performed surgery. Common method - radiofrequency ablation or RFA heart.

With it, a heart surgeon cauterizes muscle portion which causes deceleration signal or removes the overgrowth of tissue on the wall of the sinus node. As a result, incorrect path is interrupted pulses whose frequency is included in the normal range of 65-75 beats.

Before the surgery, the baby in the hospital passed a comprehensive examination at the time of bleeding, hepatitis, receives consultation otolaryngologist.

cauterization procedure is as follows:

  • The femoral artery is injected an anesthetic and sedative drugs for anesthesia.
  • Through a vein doctor conducts a thin probe with sensors directly to the inflamed areas of the heart.
  • With the visual sensor intravascular surgeon determines the point of exposure.
  • After cauterization within 10-15 minutes there is a change in heart rate, and then removed the probe, the patient is sent for rehabilitation.

Operation differs minimal complications: no painful cuts, decreases the healing and recovery. Already on the first day of a baby can get up to move and eat. 3-5 day it written out for home treatment.

More traumatic way - to the establishment of a pacemaker. Miniature device becomes artificial pacemaker, replacing the function of the lost heart. The child device is implanted on a constant basis, adjusted individually.

Methods of installing a pacemaker is performed by experienced surgeons and includes the following steps:

  • Through a puncture in the vein of the electrodes are introduced into the device. They will be held on the large vessels directly to the device.Sinus bradyarrhythmia heart in a child, adolescent. What is it, exercise
  • In the armpit formed not larger than 5 cm subcutaneous pocket into which the pacemaker.
  • Connection is via the lateral arm vein.
  • The electrodes are attached in addition to the endocardium with reliable hooks.
  • Additionally, the device is held with fixing test results in the computer program.

Operation for setting the pacemaker lasts for at least 3 hours. Within 3-5 days the child receives antibiotics to prevent rejection of the implanted device. Full rehabilitation takes no more than 10 days.

Recipes folk remedies

In the initial stage of the disease can be combined pharmacotherapy and popular techniques. Some plants contain nutrients that stimulate the heart muscle, the tissue is saturated with mineral compounds and volatile production. Most recipes are available in the home:

Broth of hawthorn In a clean bowl is necessary to brew 2 tbsp. l. grass, its bay 0.5 liters of boiling water. This tea soothes the baby after the attack, restores sleep.
Tea made from marigold Dried flowers milled brewed rate of 250 ml of hot water and 2 hours. l. plants. Means you should drink 2 times a day, the course of 10-14 days.
Honey with dried fruit With a clean container grind of 200 g of dried apricots, prunes and walnuts, mixed with 0.5 liters of natural honey. Ingredients give the baby 3 times a day after eating a spoonful. Vitamin mixture saturates magnesium, potassium, amino acids, supporting the heart.

An integrated approach of sinus bradyarrhythmia treatable. Many children "outgrow" the disease to 16-18 years, get rid of breathlessness and muscle weakness. Modern methods make it possible to completely get rid of the child from the consequences of the disease, by 90% to reduce the risk of dangerous complications, disability or death.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the sinus barikardii

About sinus barikardii tell cardiologist:

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