
Epley maneuver from vertigo. Video in Russian, exercises, reviews

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Vertigo - a condition in which there is the body, or vice versa turns all around a person in motion. This problem is more common in women than in men. The most common cause of this condition is considered otolith deposition in the channel of the inner ear.

It should make an easy turn of the head, there comes a short bout of vertigo. To solve this problem today, get rid of the vertigo, the Epley maneuver can.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The essence and basic principles
  • 2 Indications for the application of the top
  • 3 Contraindications
  • 4 Useful advice for patients
  • 5 The main complex
  • 6 Securing result
  • 7 When to expect the effect
  • 8 Video on the implementation of the Epley maneuver

The essence and basic principles

Epley maneuver or exercise - is a special maneuver that is used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (DPPG).

Often, this procedure is performed in the physiotherapy room, but also in the home, you can, after an expert will show you all the basics techniques. This maneuver is designed by Dr. John Epley, after whom is named. The first time was told about it back in the 80's of last century.

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Epley maneuver - it is a series of exercises that help relieve symptoms for dizziness. Numerous studies have shown that this technique is the simple, safe and effective in treating dizziness caused by the deposition of calcium salts in the inner ear canal.

All these exercises will not eliminate the presence of otoliths, and only change their location. Such manipulations cause them to move to other areas of the inner ear, which do not cause the appearance of vertigo.

The technique is to put your head at an angle, at which gravity helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Head tilt helps to remove the crystals of the semi-circular ear canals. This means that they are no longer displace the liquid, namely, it causes a person a feeling of nausea and dizzinessEpley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews

The result is that this maneuver removes all the symptoms, but do need a set of exercises several times. The thing is that the first time crystals may move a slight distance.

It is worth remembering that the Epley maneuver requires a person to a particular concentration, all actions must be accurate, no sudden movements.

There are a number of rules that must be followed:

  • sessions should be held in a well-lit room;
  • next to the patient should not be any objects with sharp edges, carpet paths, as well as items that could provoke the fall of man;
  • The exercise is better on a soft surface, suitable for this couch, a yoga mat, a carpet with a thick pile;
  • clothes for man to be free, do not hold down movements, so that it can easily and move freely;
  • shoes on your feet should be without heels;
  • during exercise next to a man must someone present, it is unknown how his body responds to exercise, you need someone to insure;
  • If a person feels unwell, he has seen the symptoms of other diseases, the therapy is delayed until such time as the person will feel better;
  • Even after a successful Epley maneuver when the outcomes that are sought are obtained, even a few times will need to visit a doctor in order to prevent relapse.

Specialists recommend their patients to the Epley maneuver with such symptoms as dizziness, note that after the first application set of exercises, there are major changes. Symptoms disappear, but only in the event that a few days after they comply with all the prescribed recommendations.

Indications for the application of the top

Epley maneuver is assigned a doctor only after the inspection, survey and accurate diagnosis. It is also worth remembering that recommend these exercises can only with a stable non-progressive illness.

Among these pathologies:

  • period after stroke;
  • benign paroxysmal positional vertigo;
  • incoordination;
  • low back pain;Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews
  • the recovery period after a spinal injury or brain;
  • ear infections;
  • infectious diseases.

Exercising does not affect the function of the muscles. Its main objective - is to teach a person to control attention, so regular application does not cause any undesirable manifestations.


Epley maneuver from vertigo - it is a safe therapeutic procedure, but all and it has a number of contraindications.

It is forbidden to carry out manipulations, if the patient:

  • when the active manifestations of symptoms: confusion, disorientation;
  • compromised respiratory function, if there are problems with the heart and blood vessels, respiratory organs;
  • deterioration after the exercise.

In other cases, the maneuver can be done, but do it better in the care of a specialist.

Useful advice for patients

There are some recommendations that will help to undergo the procedure successfully with the maximum result and without any inconvenience:

  1. Before you begin the exercise, the expert recommends that the patient take the drug vestibulolitichesky. It will help to reduce the severity of symptoms. Take dimenhydrinate in a dosage of 100 mg per half hour before the procedure.
    Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews
    Take two tablets Dramina 30 minutes before the maneuver Eppley dizzy
  2. All exercises should be done quickly, but without any sudden movements.
  3. Performing the maneuver, the neck must be possible to straighten, making it possible to protect against re-entering the calcium salts in the semicircular canal.
  4. The patient may need to perform the maneuver several times for 1 session.

The main complex

Back in the early 80-ies of the last century has been developed a set of exercises, which today is called the Epley maneuver.

Its application allows calcium carbonate crystals by gravity out of the semicircular canals. At the time of this maneuver is often the patient has been increasing autonomic symptoms, which can be explained by the fact that the fragments of the otoliths are forced to move.

To perform for the first time a maneuver is better only in the presence of a specialist. Its main feature - it's a clear path, a slow movement from one position to another, without any sudden movements.

Epley maneuver from vertigo requires strictly observe all the exercise equipment:

  1. The patient sits up straight on the couch, his head turns toward the ear (at 45˚), which found accumulation of otoliths.
  2. Without turning his head, you need to lie on the couch, his head thrown back a little. This position must be at least 1 minute.Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews
  3. The head is turned towards the healthy ear to 90˚, delayed by 30 seconds.Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews
  4. Body and head in a fixed position, rotate in the same direction even at 90˚. The patient's face at this moment should be directed downwards. Again, stop for 30 seconds.
  5. Again, a man returns to its original position, sitting on the couch.

Performing a maneuver, a person has to feel a little dizzy. If such symptoms appear, then all he does is correct. All of the above exercises should be performed several times, for 10 minutes. Only in this way we can achieve the full effect.Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews

Epley maneuver from vertigo does not accept any sudden movements, all manipulations should be smooth. After the exercises be sure to rest. Regular exercises help to gradually dissolve all the salt and forget about dizziness.

If it is possible to use a modified procedure of the house, in this case after the first session of the Epley maneuver, there are no results or the patient has frequent relapses. Subject to all rules of the exercises, the symptoms disappear after a few days.

Epley maneuver can also be used as a diagnostic for people who fail to accurately diagnose DPPG, but there are suggestions that it was he. But spend it only if the tests are negative Hallpike.

Securing result

After exercise you need to sit for 10 minutes. This is to ensure that all the contents of the inner ear is left in place and not slip. The only way to protect themselves from the repeated attacks of vertigo. Until the end of the day on the neck should wear a soft pillow. You can use it to limit the movements of the head and fix the result of the Epley maneuver for a long time.

In the following days after the exercise you need to sleep with straightened his shoulders and head. Better sleep in a position where the head is rotated 45˚. During the day, after the Epley maneuver, the head should be kept upright. It is not necessary at this time to visit the hairdresser or dentist, who will be asked to throw back his head.Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews

It is not necessary to perform exercises that require sudden movements and tilting of the head.

After the Epley maneuver is necessary to wait a week, and not to provoke in this period dizzy spells. Check whether there are symptoms, if we take the position that has previously caused them. Ate no recurrence of symptoms, the procedure is carried out successfully.

When to expect the effect

After the first session, after 3 days, and then a month later, the patient is recommended to visit a specialist. If the symptoms do not go away, you may need to repeat the maneuver or the need to search for other causes and means of getting rid of vertigo.

Recurrences occur in 20 of 100 patients.

Epley maneuver can not give the desired results if:

  • extension of the neck is insufficient, whereby the calcium salt returned to his seat;
  • patient blockage conglomerate posterior semicircular canal;
  • incorrectly diagnosed and the patient is not kanalolitiaz posterior semicircular canal, and kupulolitiaz, whereby after the maneuver pressure goes in the opposite direction;
  • transformation back channel DPPG into DPPG in front.

The table below shows the vestibular other maneuvers which can be used if a sudden maneuver Eppley not given the desired result. But use them only on the doctor's recommendation.

The name of the maneuver Features
Semont Its implementation takes place only under the supervision of medical personnel. Often during his patients there is a pronounced vegetative reactions, manifested as nausea, vomiting and cardiac arrhythmias. Spend it: sitting on the couch, his legs hang over, the patient turns his head toward the healthy ear. The head in this position necessarily fixed by hand. The patient in this position moves to the position of the patient lying on the side of the ear. Stay for a few minutes and relax. After the patient is quickly sits down again, his head remains fixed, flips to the other side. The head directed downward again soak for 2 minutes, and then return to its original position.
Lempert This maneuver of his technique is very similar to the Epley maneuver. The difference is that after turning the patient's torso to one side, a healthy ear down, rotate the torso continues. The patient lies on her stomach, face down, and then on a sick eye of the ear down. At the end of a complex returns to the sitting position. His actions strongly reminiscent of rotation around its axis. After performing this maneuver should be avoided for several days torso only sleep on an elevated headboard or on a hard pillow.
Epley maneuver from vertigo. How to do the exercises, video, reviews

In rare cases, relapses may occur or be repeated complex, but after a conversation with the patient turns out that he did not adhere to the recommendations. Maneuver - it really is a great opportunity to bring the otoliths of the inner ear, because it they cause an unpleasant symptom, but a favorable result is guaranteed only with the observance of all rules.

Epley maneuver - it is an effective complex that helps a person without any harm to health to get rid of vertigo.

Through this procedure fails to normalize the vestibular system if the problems associated with the deposition of calcium salts in the inner ear. But that's just hold it follows the doctor's recommendation, any self-medication and the first time it is better to do in the presence of a specialist.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video on the implementation of the Epley maneuver

The methodology of the Epley maneuver:

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