Diseases Of The Digestive System

Esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet, doctors' recommendations

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oesophageal hernia appears to result from an offset body into the chest cavity through the aperture. Most often this phenomenon occurs with the stomach. With age, a person weakened muscle and connective tissue aperture that leads to expansion of the hole and the displacement bodies into the abdominal cavity.

There are also numerous precipitating factors (constipation, overeating, coughing). Current treatments can eliminate hiatal hernia without surgery. It is crucial to go to the hospital and get tested.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of esophageal hernia, its symptoms and treatments

types of diseases

In medicine distinguish 3 main types of esophageal hernia:

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Title Description
Sliding (axial) herniation In most cases, accompanied by reflux esophagitis. Esophageal sphincter is located above the diaphragm. Pathological processes disrupt the functioning of the cardia, namely the reflex activity.
paraesophageal Changing the position of the cardia is absent. Against the background of reflux esophagitis there is a great curvature of the stomach, esophagus bottom out. Pathology diagnosed in 5% of cases.
short esophagus The phenomenon often accompanied by sliding (axial) esophageal hernia. It occurs because of spasms and inflammation in the walls of the trachea. A rare form of the disease characterized by abnormal development of the esophagus.

There is also a mixed type of hernia. The combination of sliding and paraesophageal forms of the disease.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Depending on the degree of displacement of certain portions (volume level), is isolated such types oesophageal hernia:

Title Description
cardiac Through aperture cardiac sphincter of the esophagus extends, which separates the esophagus and stomach. In 95% of cases is cardiac esophageal hernia diagnosed by doctors.
Kardiofundalnaya Condition where the upper stomach of a freely moved.
subtotal Above the diaphragm is partially or completely stomach.

oesophageal hernia (surgery without treatment is carried out under strict control gastroenterologist) requires thorough medical diagnosis, to determine the type of the disease and to choose effective therapy.

Stage and grade

Given the degree of pathological changes, physicians are the following step of esophageal hernia:

Title Description
stage I Through the esophageal opening in the area above the diaphragm leaves only the abdominal part of the esophagus. Cardiac department is on the same level with it. Stomach adjacent to the diaphragm, but is slightly higher.
stage II Above the diaphragm is the abdominal segment of the esophagus and sphincter. The stomach is located as close to the opening.
stage III Through the opening extends part of the stomach with the abdominal portion and the sphincter.

For the duration of percolation isolated temporary, transient and permanent oesophageal hernia. At each stage of the disease there are characteristic symptoms requiring careful diagnosis and accurate diagnosis.


Hernia small esophagus occurs without clinical signs.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Increase it leads to the appearance of the characteristic symptoms:

Title Description
Pain syndrome In most cases, non-coronary false angina (chest pain) resembles the clinical picture as myocardial infarction or angina pectoris. Unpleasant sensations occur more often after eating or physical activity, with a strong swelling of the abdomen, in the supine position, during coughing. Pain syndrome disappears or decreases after eructation, vomiting, deep inhalation. The same thing happens if the change of body position or drink water. Enhanced pain when the person leans forward.
Dysphagia Pathognomonic disease, which is characterized by impaired passing food bolus. It occurs during the reception of a liquid food, cold or hot water. Dysphagia also develops when people eat quickly, or on the background of stressful factors.
belching air In some situations, the only sign indicating esophageal hernia. It appears after 15-20 min after administration of any food. The severity of regurgitation air is so strong that it causes discomfort to man. After she has a sore throat and voice disappears.
Acid reflux Acidic stomach contents into the esophagus. It causes inflammation, which causes bleeding and tearing of blood vessels. It decreases the level of red blood cells and increases the likelihood of developing anemia.
Heartburn It occurs after a meal, or a change in body position. Against the backdrop of increased vagal tone, heartburn disturbs man often at night.

Concomitant symptoms of oesophageal hernia are also discomfort after meals, sour taste in the mouth, pant. In some situations, there is a hiccup, vomiting, shortness of breath and severe nausea.

Causes of

oesophageal hernia (surgery without treatment is carried out after a complete medical diagnosis under the control of the doctor) is a consequence of the high pressure in the abdominal cavity. This happens when a strong abdominal distension, constipation, vomiting, sharp inclination or because of the strong obesity.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

The same goes for ascites, blunt abdominal trauma.

Among the negative factors that contribute to the development of the disease, and include the following reasons:

  • underdeveloped iris (the first symptoms in humans appear in infancy);
  • penetrating injuries of the chest or stomach;
  • frequent delivery, multiple pregnancy;
  • dry cough.

Chronic diseases of the digestive organs (stomach ulcers, esophagitis, pancreatitis) also increase the risk of esophageal hernia. Pathological processes develop against violation of innervation of the diaphragm. In the elderly (over 60 years) there are changes due to the weakened diaphragm tone.


Determine independently the pathological processes is not possible, because the disease is accompanied by numerous signs similar to those of other disorders in the digestive system. Diagnostics will establish an accurate diagnosis.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Apply the following studies:

Title Description
Roentgen contrast with barium sulfate The results show the high position esophageal sphincter, cardia presence above the diaphragm. No subdiaphragmatic esophagus, expanded diameter of its aperture. A diagnostic method for determining the size of the hernia, its mobility, the availability of short esophagus.
esophagoscopy Endoscopic examination of the esophagus. It allows to determine the state of the mucosa.
Computed tomography (CT) Maximally informative survey method, which is used in severe situations. It helps confirm or deny volvulus paraesophageal hernia. The method is also used for the diagnosis of recurrent relapses of the disease.
Biopsy Histological studies of a small portion of the esophageal mucosa. Material taken during esophagoscopy.
endoscopy The study shows the displacement of esophageal-gastric line above the diaphragm, erosion, ulcers.
esophageal motility study diagnostic method for determining the state of esophageal motility, the location of the diaphragm legs and lower sphincter.

oesophageal hernia (surgery without treatment is carried out if the disease is detected at an early stage) in Some situations are diagnosed by chance during radiological examination bodies chest.

Additionally also conducted daily pH-metry (Measured acidity in the lumen of the esophagus and stomach). It is important to differentiate the disease, to choose the most effective treatment and prevent serious complications.

When to see a doctor

Visit a gastroenterologist should be as soon as the first symptoms of esophageal hernia. risk of emergency state is increased without the timely assistance. Blockade or impairment of esophageal hernia leads to disruption of blood flow in the stomach.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Patients have severe nausea, vomiting, disturbed gas separation and emptying process. Pain in the chest may indicate not only on esophageal hernia. These symptoms are accompanied by numerous diseases (heart, peptic ulcer), which it is crucial to determine.


Prevent the development of esophageal hernia is difficult, but there are useful tips and advice gastroenterologist, which will help reduce the risk of pathological changes:

  1. Control your weight, get rid of the extra kilos.
  2. Alone will not lift too heavy loads.
  3. Moderate exercise, which will involve the abdominal muscles.
  4. It is not necessary to strain during bowel movements.
  5. Do not tighten the straps tight.
esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

It is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles in a timely manner to treat constipation, right and rational to eat, to get rid of bad habits. If a patient has been diagnosed with the disease, we recommend medical check-up.


oesophageal hernia (surgery without treatment carried complex) It requires the assistance of a gastroenterologist. Properly chosen therapy helps restore the motility of the stomach to reduce the negative effects of hernia and to facilitate the patient's condition. Conservative therapy involves strict adherence to the diet, the use of medications, physical therapy and folk remedies.


Medicines selects the physician gastroenterologist after a complete medical diagnostics, and taking into account the results of the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
drug Group Title application
antacids "Fosfalyugel", "Maalox" Medications reduce acidity and prevent the development of gastritis hyperacid and eliminate inflammation. Patients prescribed to 16-40 g 2-3 p. per day, given the extent and severity of the disease.
Histamine receptor blockers "Ranitidine", "famotidine" Drugs reduce gastric acid secretion. The daily dosage is 0.3 g Reception can be divided into 2 p. The course of treatment lasts from 4 to 8 weeks.
prokinetics "Domrid" "Motilium" Medications restore motor function of the stomach. The drug is taken 15-20 minutes before a meal. Recommended dosage is 10-20 mg 3. per day.
bile acids "Urohol" "Ursofalk" Reduce the negative effect of acid that enters the esophagus from the stomach. Take medication for 10-20 cap. 3 r. a day before meals for 20 minutes. Therapy lasts from 5 days to 1 month, taking into account the degree of development of pathology.
Proton pump inhibitors "Omeprazole", "Kontrolok" Reduce acid production. Drugs blockers compared to provoke fewer side effects. Accept it recommended in the morning on 20 mg of 1 p. a day for 4-8 weeks.

The drug should be taken strictly on prescription, since many drugs provoke the appearance of side effects. Self-treatment is not recommended to prevent the development of serious complications.

Traditional methods

Combined therapy of esophageal hernia involves the use of prescription medicine men and healers, unless there are serious contraindications. Treatment is recommended to discuss with your doctor, since many of the components of traditional medicine can trigger complications.

Title Recipe application
herbal Mix flax seeds, mother-and-stepmother, leaves, yarrow and mint. Pour ingredients with hot water, put on a small fire. Boil for 5 min. Cool and strain. The drug take 3 p. per day of 0.5 v. Means of reducing pain and discomfort.
Broth shoe Pour 1 tsp herb with boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The resulting mixture was filter and take a medicinal purposes. For a taste, you can add a small amount of honey. When esophageal hernia is recommended to drink ΒΌ Art. 2-3 p. per day.
Infusion gooseberry Leaves of the plant pre-dried and milled. Pour 1 tbsp hot water (500 ml) and leave for 2 hours. The finished drug taking by 120 ml of 4 p. per day.
fitosbor Mix camomile flowers (150 g), gooseberries leaves (50 g), cumin seeds (50 g), peppermint (100 g). Pour 1 tsp grass collection boiling water (180 ml). Real drugs for 5 minutes, strain and drink in small sips. The medicine can be drunk at any time up to 5 p. per day.
esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

Eliminate severe heartburn help potato, pumpkin and carrot juice, and orange peel. Honey and aloe allow cope with belching. bloating reduces the broth with the addition of yarrow, fennel fruit, and St. John's wort.

Other methods

esophageal hernia is recommended to treat complex methods. Get rid of disorders without surgery is possible at an early stage if a timely consult a doctor. Gastroenterologist recommends to give up bad habits. Gazoestrofagealny cigarettes relax the sphincter and surrounding muscles, which leads to the displacement of bodies. The same applies to alcoholic beverages and coffee.

Patients also contraindicated physical work. Do not wear tight belts, bandages, they increase intra-abdominal pressure. recommended to sleep with a man raised his head. Proper nutrition (5-6 p. per day) will reduce the unpleasant symptoms of esophageal hernia and to prevent its aggravation.

There are products that increase gastric acid secretion and increase the risk of developing the disease.

prohibited products Featured products
  • chocolate products;
  • citrus;
  • fried, spicy, fatty food;
  • alcoholic and soft drinks;
  • onion garlic;
  • mint;
  • milk, ice cream;
  • butter, vegetable oils, sauces;
  • coffee.
  • meat and fish low-fat varieties;
  • baked and stews;
  • dairy products with a low fat diet (low-fat yoghurt);
  • vegetable broth;
  • grated cheese, pudding;
  • bananas, apples;
  • boiled and mashed vegetables.

Before cooking the meat, it is recommended to completely remove fat. During the meal, the food consumed slowly, carefully chewing. Do not forget about drinking regime, every day should drink 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water.

esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet
The article deals with effective treatments for esophageal hernia without surgery.

Physiotherapy contribute to the overall recovery of the whole organism. Treatment recommended when pathologies associated with oesophageal hernia.

Patients prescribed the following procedure:

Title application
iontophoresis Used antispasmodic drugs.
paraffin It eliminates spasms and improves metabolic processes.
therapeutic baths Soothe and eliminate toxins from the body.
ultrasound therapy It increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors. It accelerates the regeneration of damaged tissue in the stomach and esophagus.

Physiotherapy heals, eliminates inflammation and pain, relaxes the muscle tissue.

possible complications

In the absence of timely and correct treatment, esophageal hernia entail serious consequences:

Title Description
Cardiovascular diseases Coronary pain during hiatal hernia occur in the background stimulation of the vagus nerve. Subsequently, there is a spasm of the coronary vessels of the heart. Pathological changes lead to the development of cardiovascular disease, up to myocardial infarction.
inhalation pneumonia One of the symptoms of herniation is belching gastric content or air. A large number of regurgitate content, particularly at night, leading to the development of aspiration pneumonia. The pathological process occurs by esophageal contractions.
esophagus infringement Dangerous complication of hernia, which is accompanied by a sharp pain in the chest area. Also violated the swallowing process.
gastric perforation Appear through the holes in the walls of the stomach or duodenum. Its contents flows into the peritoneal cavity.
peptic stricture Movement cicatricial constriction at which damaged mucosa of the esophagus from the negative influence of hydrochloric acid and bile.
Reflux esophagitis Chronic pathology that occurs in the background and periodically appearing unexpected casting of gastric contents into the lower esophagus. Developing the inflammatory process in the mucosa.
esophageal hernia. Treatment without surgery folk remedies, diet

The most serious complication is esophageal ulcer or hernia cicatricial narrowing (stricture). Long-term pathological processes provoke malignant transformation of cells and the development of cancer. High probability as internal bleeding, life-threatening.

esophageal hernia at an early stage of development does not require serious medical intervention. Treatment is carried out without surgery, drugs and doctors' recommendations make it easy to restore the mobility of the diaphragm. Advanced forms of the disease require a complete diagnosis and therapy, selected by a gastroenterologist.

Video of esophageal hernia, its symptoms and treatments

Dr. Myasnikov of esophageal hernia:

Exercises in esophageal hernia:

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