Childhood Diseases

Measles. Symptoms in children, rash photo, the initial stage of treatment, the effects of

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Measles is a severe viral nature of the disease. It causes severe complications, therefore, included in the list of the most dangerous diseases. The most susceptible to the effects of its children older than one year. For timely treatment of disease need to know the basic signs and symptoms of measles in children.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is measles?
  • 2 The causes of disease
  • 3 The need for vaccination against measles
  • 4 incubation period
  • 5 Symptoms of measles in children at different developmental stages
    • 5.1 initial stage
    • 5.2 The period of eruption
    • 5.3 stage involution
  • 6 Symptoms of atypical measles in children
  • 7 How is measles in patients with immune deficiency?
  • 8 Diagnostics
  • 9 measles treatment
    • 9.1 antivirals
    • 9.2 Topical preparations
  • 10 adherence
  • 11 Traditional methods of treatment
  • 12 Diet and nutrition
  • 13 complications of the disease
  • 14 When you want to stay in the hospital?
  • 15 May be infected with measles vaccinated child?
  • 16 Helpful videos about the symptoms and methods of treatment of measles in children
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What is measles?

Measles (symptoms in children are very specific) - a dangerous infectious disease.

The patient appears:

  • intoxication;
  • cough;
  • throat pain;
  • rashes on the body;
  • the body temperature exceeds 39 ° C.

The disease provokes the virus enters the body through the eyes, nose, mouth.

Sick with measles only 1 time, relapse does not happen. After recovery, the body tightly protected from its effects. The disease is almost always transmitted through airborne droplets from the measles patient. There are cases when the organism penetrates the infection through the vent hole (from the neighbors who live on the lower floors).

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

Some do not attach special significance of measles. However, it has dangerous consequences. In the world dies every hour up to 15 people. Up to 80-ies of XX century there was 20 times more deaths. According to statistics, the highest number of deaths observed in African and Asian countries.

Almost 20% of deaths are happening right measles. In Russia, the mass spread of the disease is suspended due to the introduction of compulsory vaccination. People who put such a vaccine, get sick less often. And if they become infected, the disease is easier.

Worst of all pathology carry children who do not have enough vitamin A. In the treatment, doctors recommend taking the medicine a few days. Up to 6 months of age, the baby is protected from measles. But only if the mother before pregnancy had been ill with the disease. Then, innate immunity is lost.

Interesting information about measles:

  • the disease progresses in all countries of the world;
  • November-May represents the greatest risk to infection;
  • disease outbreaks occur every 10 years, aided by the modern tendency not to vaccinate children;
  • measles in adults does not appear so often, but the disease is carried heavier (complications occur in 30% of patients);
  • most infected are children under the age of 10 years, which is the source of infection is the school or kindergarten.

The causes of disease

The virus causing the disease, usually attributed to the family of paramyxoviruses. They die quickly, so that infection is possible during contact with those suffering people. Harmful microorganisms live in the mucus or saliva.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

On toys, clothes, utensils such viruses quickly become lifeless. Because of this, measles is practically not transmitted through casual contact and. Measles virus can reach long distances. With airflow dust able to penetrate in the next room, the entrance corridor.

People who do not have immunizations or without a history of measles, lifetime maintain an increased level of sensitivity to the virus. They at any age can become infected after a brief communication with the patient. Ingress of bacteria into the air takes place in a couple of days before the end of the incubation period, and develops up to 4 days after the first appearance of the rash.

The need for vaccination against measles

The only and obligatory way to deal with a measles vaccination. Vaccination outbreak decreased by 95%. Vaccination is not harmful to the child's health. To put it requires the consent of the mother or father. In the case of non-immunization parents need to write a statement on his behalf.

Vaccination is contraindicated for such children:

  • having a primary or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • unable to tolerate protein or any component of the formulation;
  • with malignancy;
  • having serious complications of last vaccine.

If a child is sick with the flu, SARS or other infectious diseases, also need to transfer the date of vaccination due to a weakened immune system. Immunization may be carried out at the well-being of the child at any time of the year.

incubation period

Latent period of the disease (incubation period) begins after the virus enters the human body. He continues 7-19 days. This deadline affects the human immune system. The incubation period lasts 10 days of the child. According to statistics, if the person is in contact with the sick one day, the risk of infection is 40%.

In the three-day contact rises to 80%.

The incubation period the patient does not manifest symptoms of measles, but from it can already be infected. In medical practice there were cases when the disease occurs without any symptoms. The virus is found in the body randomly.

Symptoms of measles in children at different developmental stages

The disease often occurs in a child in an acute form. The temperature can reach 40 ° C and poorly stray. the patient's deteriorating health. Added fatigue, weakness, always sleepy.

initial stage

Measles (symptoms in children are common to other viral infections) begins with a cough, fever, profuse cold. It may be suspected of instant outbreak and a sharp rise in temperature.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences
The figure lists the symptoms of measles in children.

After some time, added such symptoms:

  • barking cough becomes, the child feels uncomfortable;
  • mucus in the nose becomes hazy shade during drying appear brown, sneezing;
  • It appears redness of the eyelids, swelling, watery eyes;
  • hoarseness;
  • 2 days later on the surface of buccal mucosa appear bright pink spot with white dot in the center (such formation appear solely at rashes Belsky-Filatov-Kaplika);
  • oral cavity mucosa becomes loose, dry lips sometimes cracks;
  • enanthema inherent measles, appears on firm and soft palate in the form of not bumpy spots reddish hue.

Symptoms accumulate and become most pronounced at the beginning of the first eruption.

The period of eruption

Pigmentation during illness noticeable already at 3-4 days. The rash spreads over the skin for about 5 days. In the initial stage of lesions body temperature reaches high levels. Formed spots on the mucous membrane and skin.

On the first day of bright red rash appears on the neck, face and head. The next day the spots hit back, arms and the baby's chest. 3 day passes pigmentation over the whole body, feet and legs. But on his head and face rash becomes bright.

stage involution

After 4 days of rash baby is gradually returning to normal. However, it is not recommended to contact with the other children during this period. The body is depleted, and the virus will cause any complications. Bright spots become bluish color. After that, the skin becomes brown, flaking appears.

The spots can be distributed approximately 10 days. They eventually disappear. First with the neck face and hand, then with the legs and torso. In the future, traces rashes on the skin is not observed. Properly prescribed treatment fully displays the virus from the body, which appears 100% protective reaction.

Symptoms of atypical measles in children

In atypical measles body temperature sometimes rises to 40.5 ° C. Red rashes are often combined into one large stain across the skin. Such infectious measles even after brief contact with the patient. Symptoms joins sore throat, rhinitis, and some other respiratory diseases.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

Symptoms of various forms of atypical measles have some differences:

forms of the disease evidence
Rudimentary (abortive) Starting this form of atypical measles nonspecifically: Body temperature rises at most to 38 ° C. Intoxication is practically not observed. The rash may be confused with rubella. They affect only the torso and face. The majority of patients due to the rudimentary measles begins properly selected MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) or contraindications to its administration.
Mitigirovannaya (weakened) The disease extends in a lightweight form. Precipitations and temperatures almost absent or mild. Often observed in patients treated with different blood products, immunoglobulin serum.
erased Measles symptoms almost never observed. They can easily be mistaken for the common cold, which prevents the correct diagnosis. Treatment with steroids is often a precursor to the emergence of the erased form of the disease.
asymptomatic It is characterized by the absence of acute onset. The reason for the formation of asymptomatic measles is not fully proven. Physicians are repelled from the information obtained in a medical examination by questioning the patient.

More than 50% of children with atypical measles previously taken antibiotics.

How is measles in patients with immune deficiency?

Measles occurs very difficult in patients with severe immunodeficiency - AIDS (a person with cancer diseases, HIV-infected people and patients taking systemic cytotoxic drugs after organ transplant). In patients with immunodeficiency measles rash appears barely noticeable.

Serious complications can have a live vaccine against measles, set by people with such illnesses:

  • leukemia;
  • oncological diseases;
  • leukemia.

In cancer patients and HIV-infected individuals the disease is specific. Fatality occurs in 70% of cases of cancer in men and 40% of HIV-infected. Patients who delivered measles vaccine to HIV infection do not die so often from measles.

Although the disease occurs and hard, in 30% of cases there is no skin blemishes, and in 60% of lesions are atypical. on airway arrival of the virus triggers bronchitis, acute inflammation of the larynx process respiratory channels disease or viral-bacterial pneumonia.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

Equally important is the layered re bacterial microflora. However, some types of pneumonia caused by a virus. In patients with immune deficiency may develop giant cell interstitial pneumonia. It can be called for extremely severe. Shortness of breath, pulmonary infiltrates are formed, and in the sputum - giant cells (multinucleated).


At the beginning of the disease shall blood from a vein for determination of immunoglobulin M (IgM, early antibodies) to measles virus. The presence of such antibodies indicates initial measles step, i.e., the process starts with the body fight disease. Infection by measles IgM characteristic accompanied by an increase to the virus more than 4 times.

You can take a blood test and a few weeks after the discovery of the clinical symptoms.

During diagnosis is required later detection of antibodies to measles virus (immunoglobulin G, IgG). They are formed after the administration of the vaccine, and after recovery.

Immunoglobulin G group, after 1-2 months after undergoing measles. Its discovery suggests that a person previously had measles (in the absence of vaccination). If the body is present IgG, immunoglobulin that this is a guarantee of a second measles infection.

measles treatment

Measles is not a mild prohibited treated at home with strict observance of GP prescriptions. But if at the time of disease in the child appeared complications, it is subject to immediate hospitalization. The prescribed treatment should be aimed at improving immunity and elimination of causes and symptoms of the disease.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

During measles children prescribed these types of drugs:

  • antihistamines;
  • relieving fever and fever;
  • cough;
  • eye drops;
  • preparations improving sputum;
  • injections of immunoglobulin;
  • vasoconstrictor nasal drops;
  • antivirals;
  • integrated means comprising a high percentage of ascorbic acid and vitamin A.


Doctors are currently discussing support the use of antiviral drugs. Most experts believe that these pharmaceutical drugs have medicinal properties, and their effectiveness is self-suggestion. But if you begin receiving Interferon Arbidol or after the detection of the first symptoms of measles, greatly reduces the risk of formation of complications.

Measles (symptoms in children depends on the stage of the disease) should not be treated with antibiotics, because these drugs do not improve the patient's condition. However, many doctors prescribe them reinsured and not to add bacterial infections.

Topical preparations

The positive effect of such manipulation are not excluding drug therapy:

  • mouthwash weak soda solution (1 teaspoon per 200 ml water) or tincture of calendula, chamomile;
  • obrabatyvaniya nasal mucosa paraffin oil deposited on the flagella of wool;
  • lukewarm rinsing water;
  • constant moisturizing lip special facilities (children's cream, vaseline or fats of animal origin).


Great importance on the road to recovery plays competent care for the child suffering from measles.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

Particular attention should be paid to the mode of the day:

  • Young patients need bed rest during elevated temperature. It is best to provide them with a separate bedroom. The room should be cleaned floors at least 2 times a day and as often as possible ventilate the housing.
  • Draw the curtains when the sunlight brings discomfort. In the evening, instead of lamps include table lamp.
  • Daily change bedding and underwear baby to the rash did not appear again.
  • If the baby refuses to lie in bed, you can read him a story or play a quiet game together. Ensure that to present naps.
  • To try to put down the child for the night at the same time.

Traditional methods of treatment

Home treatment includes the following recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Raspberry Tea: 1 tablespoon dried raspberry pour 200 ml hot water and brew for about 30 minutes. Take 2-3 times daily with 150 ml of honey. Broth increases immunity and combats high body temperature.
  • Tea viburnum. In the cup of boiling water pour 1 tbsp dried berries. Let stand for 5 hours. To drink from fresh berries need to knead 2 tbsp viburnum and pour 1 tbsp. hot water. Drink three times a day for 4 tbsp Tea reduces inflammation and improves the patient's condition.
  • Lime tea. In a water bath for 10 min. warm 1 tbsp. of boiling water and 1 tbsp dry linden flowers. Take half a cup before meals 2 times a day. Broth temperature reduces, eliminates cough, combats intoxication.
  • Broth Viola tricolor. 2 tablespoons dried violets pour 2 tbsp. boiling water, put in a warm place or wrap a blanket. Infuse about 1.5 hours. Tea passed through a cheesecloth. Take on an empty stomach throughout the day in small sips. Violet inhibits the formation of new lesions, removes the virus from the blood, removes abdominal discomfort, combats fever.
  • The infusion of the roots of garden parsley. 1 tablespoon chopped parsley root and filled into 200 ml of boiling water. Broth put in a warm place, letting it brew for about 4 hours. Before a meal consumed 100 ml 4 times a day. Infusion does not stain to spread through the body and removes toxins from the body.

Diet and nutrition

During his illness should eat only light meals. At the same time, preference is given to high-calorie food, so that the body had the strength to fight the disease. The diet include vitamins A and C. They bring recovery. Children with digestive problems recommended diet №2. After improving the functioning of the intestines - a diet №15.

Tips that are worth paying attention to the treatment of measles:

  • Drink plenty of fluid. Babies give 100-150 ml / kg per day. Heavy drinking helps cleanse the body from harmful microorganisms effectively combat complications. Child should drink purified water, stewed fruit, fresh juices, tea.
  • Accept pharmaceutical solutions for dehydration (e.g., Regidron). Such updating means supplies the fluid and minerals in the body. You can make a solution to: 1 tablespoon Stir sugar in 1 liter of boiling water, add 1 tsp salt and 0.5 tsp soda.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables (raw, boiled or steamed). To focus on vegetable soup any grains on the light meat broth (chicken, rabbit, veal).
  • Food should be warm, because warm dishes irritate the mucous membrane of the throat. It is recommended to feed the baby semi-liquid or whipped to a blender dishes (milk porridge, soup).
  • Steam cutlets, souffle, paste contain a high percentage of protein, which boosts the immune system. Well suited omelet or curd pudding with berries.
  • In between meals to offer the child a home yogurt or kefir.
Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

The period of treatment to give up these products:

  • fatty, tough meat with veins;
  • condiments: mustard, horseradish, sharp black and red pepper;
  • fried foods;
  • animal fat.

complications of the disease

Measles (symptoms in children manifest in the same) among vaccinated children usually does not cause complications. However, a child who has not delivered measles vaccine, the disease is rarely suffers no consequences.

Possible complications include:

  • bacterial or viral pneumonia, intestinal disease, bronchitis;
  • chronic tonsillitis, otitis media;
  • inflammation of the brain (meningitis, encephalitis);
  • polyneuritis;
  • stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the bladder or kidney;
  • damage to the central nervous system;
  • festering sores that have property does not heal for a long time;
  • glossitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck;
  • blindness;
  • failures in the small and large intestine.

Baby with complications are best treated under the supervision of a pediatrician sensible. Well, when the doctor examines a baby at least once in 3 days.

When you want to stay in the hospital?

Send to the infectious department can, if:

  • there were serious complications;
  • there is a strong intoxication;
  • there is no way to isolate the patient from the rest of the children (the children's home or at camp).

Usually in the hospital measles passes for 7-10 days, after which the child can write.

May be infected with measles vaccinated child?

The vaccination against measles include the inactive microbes. At the time of entering into the bloodstream, they produce antibodies to the virus, which serve as protection against disease. the risk of infection in vaccinated children still there. However, treatment of these patients almost does not cause complications.

Measles in children. Symptoms initial stage, photo rashes, treatment and consequences

Causes of measles infection after vaccination are:

  • holding only one vaccination (body has not had time to develop a defense against the disease);
  • after instilling a lot of time has passed.

The risk of contracting after measles vaccination in infants with low protective reaction reaches 7%.

Measles is most difficult to pass in children who do not put the appropriate vaccination. The final result depends on proper therapy and child care practices. The first symptoms of the disease will help to detect the disease in time, as well as to avoid adverse consequences.

Author: Catherine Pisarenko

Helpful videos about the symptoms and methods of treatment of measles in children

Dr. Komarovsky of measles:

Prevention and treatment of measles:

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