Childhood Diseases

Viral rash in children. Signs, photos, Symptoms and Treatment

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Viral rash is a sign of the defeat of the body by a virus. In children diseases accompanied exanthema, occur with varying degrees of severity and accompanied by other signs of infection in the body.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a viral rash in children
  • 2 Causes of viral exanthema in children
  • 3 Effect of the disease on the body
  • 4 Symptoms of viral exanthema in children
  • 5 Diagnosis of viral exanthema in children
  • 6 Prevention of viral exanthema in children
  • 7 Methods of treating a viral exanthema in children
    • 7.1 Medications
    • 7.2 Traditional methods
    • 7.3 Other methods
  • 8 complications
  • 9 Video of viral ekzamnteme

What is a viral rash in children

Rash refers to any rashes that appear on the skin.

The name implies a rash, have different morphologies:

  • stains;
  • bubbles;
  • blisters.

Exanthema uniform classification of infectious origin has not been developed to date. The most convenient is to divide the syndrome of generalized exanthema and local.

Experts distinguish between different degrees of severity of the disease:

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Power Description
easy The general condition of the patient is satisfactory. Body temperature can rise to 37.5 degrees. Elements of the rash on the body a little bit.
Central Most of the body surface covered rashes. The temperature rises to 38. It is easy to go astray antipyretics.
Weight His condition was grave. The temperature rises to 40 degrees. rash elements cover the whole body, have a red coloration and does not whiten under pressure. Hospitalization.

Causes of viral exanthema in children

The causes exanthema swelling of collagen fibers is as a result of a turbulent system reaktsiiimmunnoy penetration of the virus in the body.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

The prevailing species morphological elements rash thus depends on which of the layers of the skin are concentrated greatest number of infectious agents. And this, in turn, depends on the species of the virus.

Effect of the disease on the body

Such an acute reaction due to the high activity of the immune system in childhood. This also explains the fact that in adolescence and in later age when the immune system responds to infectious agents less rapidly.

Once in the body and are carried by it to the tissues through the bloodstream, the virus interacts with the immune cells. As a result of this process, there is an inflammatory reaction, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues.

Symptoms of viral exanthema in children

Symptomatology of the disease depends on the pathogen specificity. However, apart from specific symptoms to diagnose a particular infection, allocated and general symptoms common to all viral infections, accompanied by rash.

Viral rash in children, symptoms of which depends on the virus, the disease provoked, accompanied by the following common symptoms:

  • increase in body temperature (amount of increase depends on the reactivity of the infection and the immune system);Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • runny nose, in some cases - cough;
  • increasing the size of lymph nodes in the neck;
  • general signs of intoxication:
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • weakness;
  • impairment or loss of appetite;
  • disorder of the digestive functions.

A kind of skin rash depends on the particular pathogen and can be as follows:

morphological elements Description
Spot (macula, roseola) The elements may have different shades of red or pink and different shapes. Do not extend above the surface of the skin and are not accompanied by a seal. Major elements tend to merge.
Papule (bundle) Such an element rises above the surface of the epidermis and is denser than the surrounding tissues, consistency. Papula has no cavity and separated. Palpation daddy can be painful or painless.
Vesicle (vial) This morphological element having a cavity filled with fluid. Located in the upper layers of the epidermis.

Besides the general symptoms, rash accompanied by specific features characteristic of a particular infection.

Children depend on the specifics of the pathogen viral exanthema following symptoms:

  • timing of eruptions;Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  • localized exanthema;
  • prevalence of certain morphological elements;
  • "Behavior" exanthema:
  • tendency to merge elements;
  • Evolution of the Elements;
  • tendency to self regression of lesions or the need for local treatment;
  • the presence or absence of sensations that accompany exanthema (pruritus, burning).

Maculopapular rash characteristic of the following diseases:

  1. Rubella. The rash at this disease is dominated by papular elements dim staining. Among themselves they do not merge. Their appearance occurs shortly after the increase in body temperature to subfebrile (37.5 - 37.9). A characteristic feature for rubella is pronounced phasing appearance of exanthema: first, the rash appears on the forehead and cheeks, and then "move" from the top down. With the spread rash down elements often appeared earlier time to blanch. The general state of the patient with rubella remains satisfactory.
  2. Measles. In this disease, the rash becomes visible 4-5 days after the onset of prodromal period. Rash fine, maculopapular. Prodrome with high fever accompanied figures. Characterized by the development and availability of conjunctivitis enantemy - lesions on the mucous membrane of the mouth and cheeks, that is diagnostically important feature with measles.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  3. Parvovirus infection. Spots papules and in this case the combination with the low temperature and soreness in the joints. Characterized by itchy skin. The most common localization of lesions - the buccal region. In this regard, such a state is called "syndrome nashlopannyh cheeks." Rashes appear elements and on the extremities, including the skin of the feet and hands, as well as the torso. Persistence exanthema to 3 weeks. The most dangerous for the infection of children with aplastic anemia, because it has the property to cause aplastic crisis. It is undesirable to a disease for pregnant women as there is the risk of polyhydramnios.
  4. viral rashProvoked by herpes infection. HHV-6. A typical manifestation of this infection are roseola. These elements appear from 3 to 5 days the disease; and their appearance is combined with the drop in temperature and the cessation of the fever. Onset of the disease is characterized by increasing the temperature above 39 degrees. The duration of fever from 1 to 8 days. The rash appears on the face, neck and torso during the day after the temperature drop. Itching is not typical for the disease. Rashes bright enough; the duration of their existence - 2-4 days. After this period, the morphological elements disappear on their own without any treatment. Due to the sudden appearance of morphological elements due to lower temperature, the disease is called "sudden exanthema". During the disease in children highlighted some enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, eyelid edema; possible large bulging fontanelle. The disease is accompanied by headache and phenomena typical of respiratory infections. Possible diarrhea. The appearance of skin rash with herpes infection is a sign of the end of the disease, rather than superinfection. This time the physician should convey to parents of a sick child as rash in the background lowering the temperature can cause them the impression of a new disease or reaction to incorrect treatment.
  5. Kawasaki disease - acute arteritis, often leading to the emergence of an aneurysm.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

In addition to polymorph exanthema, this disease is characterized by:

  1. fever, reaching to the numbers of 39 degrees for 5 days;
  2. inflammation of the sclera;
  3. sudden reddening of the language ( "strawberry tongue");
  4. hyperemia and swelling of the feet and hands, followed by peeling them at 3 week of disease;
  5. cervical lymphadenitis with enlarged lymph nodes greater than 1.5 cm.

fixing at least four of the above characteristics required for diagnosis.

Viral rash in children, symptoms of which are limited to a vesicular rash, diagnosed with the following diseases:

1. Chicken pox. Characteristic of the disease is high fever and the appearance of its characteristic rash background in the form of bubbles. At the same time, in the development of morfologicheskihelementov in the first 2-4 days of disease clearly traces the evolution:

  • bubbles;
  • pustules;
  • brown.

Characterized by itching of the morphological elements of the rash.

2. Viral pemphigus of the mouth and extremities. This syndrome was among clinicians called "syndrome of the mouth-brush-stop." The causative agent of disease is the Coxsackie virus and Enterovirus 71 type.

Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
Coxsackie virus is always accompanied by the external manifestation of the children - a viral exanthema

Most often this disease occurs in children under 10 years. A characteristic feature of this viral infection is seasonal: the largest number of cases occurs in the autumn and summer. The incubation period after infection lasts 3-4 days. Prodromal period characterized by febrile phenomena, fatigue and pain in the throat, nose and throat.

Later appear vesicular rash on the mucous membranes of the cheeks, tongue, palate, gums and lips. On hands and feet prevail papular rash nature, which subsequently are transformed into smaller bubbles having a diameter of 3 to 7 mm.

The vesicles burst with the formation of erosions, which are characterized by a small soreness. In total, the disease lasts for about a week. However, the feces virus continues to stand out a few weeks after recovery.

3. Shingles. The disease is a reaction to varicella zoster virus. Children under 10 years are most commonly affected thoracic segment. With age, more common in the affected segment are higher, up to the scalp. rashes period lasts up to 5 days.

It is preceded by prodromal phenomena in the form of fever, headache and fatigue. For the disease is characterized by pain in the area of ​​localization of lesions syndrome, as well as a pronounced itching. The clinical picture is so characteristic that laboratory verification of diagnosis, as a rule, is not required.

Viral rash in children, manifestations of which are varied, manifested in certain diseases of the skin appearance in just 3 kinds of lesions, such as enterovirus infection.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

Typical is a disorder of the digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract. Of the common symptoms are present respiratory phenomena. The other symptoms of the disease may be absent.

Diagnosis of viral exanthema in children

Basic research methods to confirm the diagnosis of viral exanthema:

  1. General blood analysis. Investigation reveals reducing the number of leukocytes in blood and increase the number of lymphocytes among them (relative lymphocytosis). This is - a non-specific analysis; this blood pattern is typical for an acute viral infection. It does not contribute to the definition of a specific accessory of the pathogen.
  2. Serological tests. These studies aimed at the identification of immunoglobulins in the blood are specific to a particular disease. The presence in the class M immunoglobulin blood speaks of acute viral disease.
  3. Some diseases require highly specialized methods of research, such as Kawasaki disease Diagnosis is confirmed by detection of aneurysms of the coronary arteries using angiography.

In a number of disease diagnosis is based on clinical features of the disease. Thus, for example, it occurs when a typical course of shingles when the symptoms in combination with local tenderness so characteristic that the laboratory test is not required.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

Viral rash in children, symptoms of which are similar to the symptoms of allergies, need differential diagnosis with rashes of allergic nature. The key diagnostic feature that allows to differentiate viral exanthema rash from other varieties, is to localize it to the surfaces of soles and palms.

Parvovirus infection requires a differentiation of acute urticaria. Differential-diagnostic feature in this case is the low efficiency when antihistamines parvovirus exanthema, or its complete absence.

Differential diagnosis of exanthema, provoked by the rubella virus, will contribute to a particular feature of the disease - an increase in neck lymph nodes.

Prevention of viral exanthema in children

Prevent the spread of viral diseases transmitted by airborne droplets help quarantine measures taken in groups. Furthermore, persons who are in contact with the diseased, introduced immune sera containing specific immunoglobulins - antibodies against a particular pathogen.

This technique is called passive immunoprophylaxis. After contact with the body of such diseases human pathogen once it is attacked by antibodies. As a result, people either do not become ill or disease develops it in an easy manner.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

In order to prevent the incidence of infectious diseases and vaccination is used. The organism is introduced attenuated pathogen or disease biological material. In response to such interference body produces specific immune proteins.

Their function - to fight the virus upon subsequent infection. Vaccine prophylaxis - the only way to deal with some of infections caused by viral exanthema. In this disease, e.g., a measles.

Methods of treating a viral exanthema in children

Typical therapeutic scheme used for the treatment of viral diseases, accompanied by skin rash, as follows:

  1. Protective regime. intoxication syndrome, characteristic for viral infections is very weakens the body and makes it very vulnerable to any impacts. Under these conditions, ill require bed rest for the entire febrile period. When a viral infection that attacks the gastrointestinal tract, should be the appointment of a sparing diet as much as possible.
  2. To avoid dehydrationNecessary replenishing fluid lost by the body. The most important is the case of intestinal infections, as the fluid is lost, not only due to the body temperature drops, but also as a result of vomiting and diarrhea. For this purpose, used drugs and Regidron Regidron Bio.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  3. Antiviral therapy. Against certain pathogens specific antivirals are used, in particular, Acyclovir (effective in the treatment of herpetic stomatitis, as well as a generalized herpetic rash provoked by herpes simplex virus), Valacyclovir (for the treatment of herpes zoster zoster). Such treatment reduces the duration of viral shedding and accelerates the recovery of the patient.
  4. Symptomatic treatment.

As part of symptomatic therapy are applied:

  1. antipyretics (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or a combination thereof); In addition to reducing body temperature, the preparations of this group possess some anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  2. Local anesthetics. The use of such topical agents, for example, herpetic stomatitis, when acute pain morphological elements rash inhibit food intake and water. Anesthesia painful foci can be used lidocaine or preparations based on it.
  3. Topical antiseptics. Such formulations prevent secondary infection elements rash, dried and accelerate healing.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment
  4. Antihistamines. Their application is necessary when accompanied by intense itching rash (cetirizine, loratadine, Suprastinum; or in a local form: fenistil, psilobalzam).


In the treatment of viral diseases associated exanthema, these drugs are used:

drug Name Act scheme application Contraindications
acyclovir antiviral Inside, 200 mg for children older than 3 years. Multiplicity of reception - 5 times per day
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Age up to 3 years;
  • lactose intolerance
valacyclovir antiviral Inside, 500 mg 2 times a day with water. Course duration 3 to 5 days.
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Age up to 12 years.
Paracetamol Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory
  • C 3 months to 6 years - 10 mg / kg body weight;
  • 6-12 years - 125-250 mg.Multiplicity of application - to 4 times per day.It is used in the form of tablets or liquid dosage forms - syrups, and suspensions.
  • Anemia;
  • expressed dysfunction liver and kidney;
  • hypersensitivity
ibuprofen Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory The daily dose is 30-40 mg / kg body weight in divided doses (3-4).
  • hypersensitivity;
  • ulcerative lesion of the digestive tract;
  • asthma provoked by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • violations of blood;
  • disorder of color perception;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • up to 6 years.
Ibuklin Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory The drug is taken by 1 dispersible tablet. It may be diluted in 5 ml of water.

The daily dose at the age of 3-6 years of age is 3 tablets. For children 6-12 years of age - up to 6 tablets.

  • hypersensitivity;
  • ulcerative lesion of the digestive tract;
  • asthma provoked by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • violations of blood;
  • disorder of color perception;
  • any bleeding;
  • disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of the optic nerve;
  • age up to 3 years.
Kalgel local anesthetic Gel is recommended to lubricate the places where elements of the rash for a few minutes before a meal.
  • Increased sensitivity to lidocaine;
  • heart failure;
  • slow heart beat;
  • low blood pressure.
Mestamidin local antiseptic With infectious stomatitis is applied in the form of applications that should attach to the center of 30-40 seconds. Increased sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.

Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and TreatmentThe duration of application of means for the symptomatic therapy is determined by the severity of symptoms and their dynamics recourse under the action of therapeutic agents.

Traditional methods

To reduce pruritus in children with exanthema virus can be used baths containing decoctions of herbs.

An example of such means:

  1. Prepare a decoction of fir, chamomile and celandine.
  2. Add to bath baby bathing.

Such composition soothes inflammatory reaction in the skin, improves the nutrition of the epidermis, thus promoting rapid healing.

Furthermore, in order to improve the local skin immunity can be applied:

  • infusions currant leaves;
  • infusion of mint leaves;
  • decoction viburnum;
  • broth hips.

Other methods

To effectively combat disease pathogens applied immunotherapy - the introduction, usually intramuscular, into the body of immunoglobulins fighting infectious agents.Viral rash in children. Signs, Symptoms, Picture and Treatment

In order to prevent complications such as secondary infections elements rash recommend their process solutions aniline dyes.


The most common complication of viral exanthema accompanied by pruritus and burning sensation in the localization of lesions, the secondary infection is a result of scratching elements. However, some diseases can result without treatment and to more serious complications (secondary encephalitis virus infection with measles).

The most likely to develop complications during viral exanthema in individuals with weakened immune status. For example, stomatitis and generalized rash, provoked by the herpes simplex virus, can be complicated by development of bacteremia, followed by purulent arthritis or osteomyelitis endocarditis.

Symptoms of viral exanthema in children may appear against many viral diseases. In order to avoid complications in the first sign of disease of the child should see a specialist for proper diagnosis and selection of appropriate therapy.

Author: nina K

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of viral ekzamnteme

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