
Conjunctivitis in adult allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. As transmitted, symptoms, signs, photos. Treatment than rinsing. Drops, drugs, folk remedies

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Conjunctivitis, according to experts, is the most common eye disease. The pathology is manifested by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the body, and is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in an adult will only be effective if it is informed by the varieties of the disease, or therapy would be not only useless, but also can significantly worsen situation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is conjunctivitis eye
  • 2 Classification
  • 3 Causes
  • 4 How is viral conjunctivitis
  • 5 possible complications
  • 6 Terms of Use eye drops
  • 7 bacterial species
  • 8 acute conjunctivitis
  • 9 Chlamydia species
  • 10 The viral nature of the disease
  • 11 adenoviral
  • 12 herpetic
  • 13 Allergic disease
  • 14 Chronic disease type
  • 15 purulent conjunctivitis
  • 16 catarrhal conjunctivitis
  • 17 follicular conjunctivitis
  • 18 Treatment of folk remedies
  • 19 Video of conjunctivitis, its varieties, symptoms and treatments

What is conjunctivitis eye

Conjunctiva - a thin protective film, which carpets the organ of vision inside and partially outside.

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It is thanks to its elasticity as the eye can move freely in all directions. In addition, it serves as a barrier that prevents penetration of pathogens into the body and harmful substances.

But if its protective function is weakened, it is developing conjunctivitis, redness of the sclera that is expressed and conjunctiva, souring eyes, unpleasant itching, photophobia. According to the characteristic symptoms to diagnose the disease is a snap.

But the most difficult thing is to determine the root cause of the pathological process. Since, only removing it, you can get rid of the inflammation. Conjunctivitis in adults, the treatment of which has been carried out correctly, will pass without a trace, without any complications.


There are several basic classifications of conjunctivitis, and the division by types shall be based on the main criteria of the pathological process.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Varieties of the disease, based on the causes of:

name conjunctivitis the causative agent Characteristics
Bacterial Opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria (pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci, diphtheria bacillus, gonococcus) The species is characterized by redness and swelling of the eye lids. Subsequently appear purulent discharge, the second eye is affected. Often there is an inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck and face. This type of conjunctivitis is developing rapidly
Viral Herpes, adenovirus The disease is characterized by rashes on the edge of the eye, a feeling of a foreign object, burning, clear discharge, swelling of the eyelids. The conjunctiva becomes tinged with red. Ignoring symptoms may cause the cornea and partial loss of visual acuity
Fungal Pathogenic fungi, systemic infection (candidiasis, actinomycosis, aspergillosis, spirotrihillez) The disease in the initial stage is characterized by typical signs, and subsequently the conjunctiva and adjacent centuries there are small lumps of yellow, white, red, depending on the type of infection. They are prone to sprawl and mergers. Later in place hillocks formed sores
Chlamydia chlamydia Intrigue type is asymptomatic development at an early stage, with the result that a person is experiencing discomfort for a long time. Chlamydial conjunctivitis is not subject to antibiotic therapy
Allergic different allergens The pathology is characterized by a burning sensation, a feeling of "sand" in the eye, tearing, redness of the conjunctiva. Often, allergic conjunctivitis developed in conjunction with bouts of asthma, hay fever or eczema
Dystrophic Harmful external factors (dust, dirt, paints, petrol fumes, gas) This species develops on the background of unfavorable working conditions, leading to a decrease in tear fluid and thinning of the protective film. The characteristic symptoms are permanent redness of the conjunctiva, a feeling of "sand" and increased dryness in the eye

Depending on the development of conjunctivitis, the disease may be two main types:

  1. Acute. The pathological process is developing rapidly and already during the first 2 hours of the sclera becomes tinged with red, petechial hemorrhages appear, there is an unpleasant burning sensation, eyelid edema is observed, and there are discharges from eye. The patient has weakness, slight fever, photophobia. Acute conjunctivitis initially appears in one eye, and under favorable conditions affects the other.
  2. Chronic. This type is characterized by a slow process of development of pathology. In this case, the clinical symptoms appear gradually and are not as pronounced as in the acute form. Often this process takes place against the background of other chronic diseases and lasts a long time.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Experts also highlight types of conjunctivitis, based on changes in morphology:

  • catarrhal - the conjunctiva formed copious mucus transparent;
  • papillary - on the edge of the century, there are seals resembling grain;
  • purulent - a disease characterized by purulent discharge;
  • follicular - on the edge of the lid are formed follicles;
  • filmy - conjunctiva is covered with a film of white color;
  • hemorrhagic - on the sclera appear petechial hemorrhages.


Provoke conjunctivitis are both external and internal factors. For effective treatment it is very important to identify the root cause of the pathological process.

Precipitating factors:

  • poor personal hygiene;
  • the use of poor-quality cosmetics;
  • swimming in dirty waters;
  • chronic disease lacrimal system;
  • avitaminosis;
  • increased susceptibility to bacteria and viruses on the background of reduced immunity;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • hypothermia;
  • the use of foreign household items and hygiene;
  • allergen exposure;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • uncontrolled taking medication;
  • ignoring the rules of use of the lens;
  • impaired metabolism;
  • related infectious diseases.

How is viral conjunctivitis

This species is considered the most dangerous, because in the absence of precautions, it is able to be transferred without any difficulty. Therefore, experts insist on isolating the sick person from others, as well as viral conjunctivitis can be epidemiological in nature.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

The main methods of transmission:

  • communication with the sick person or being with him in the same room;
  • a handshake;
  • using a common household items.

possible complications

Conjunctivitis is an adult, which treatment was carried out or exclude late main causative agent of the disease can lead to complications.

  • Keratitis. Pathology characterized by inflammation of the cornea, with subsequent clouding. In the absence of adequate therapy in the eye there is a thorn, which significantly reduces the visual acuity.
  • Corneal scarring. This complication may occur against the background of dolechennogo chlamydial species, which subsequently leads to scarring of the cornea. The most dangerous consequence of a cataract, which appears on the site of injury.
  • Entropion. When this disease occurs volvulus century in the eyeball, leading to friction of eyelashes on the cornea. It subsequently disrupts the tear glands and leads to the development of the inflammatory process.
  • Blepharitis. This infectious disease is characterized by inflammation of the eyelids, which leads to their swelling, lacrimation, eye bonding edges and the formation of scabs. Disease treatment requires a long process.
  • Hypopyon. In this complication of purulent exudate accumulates in the lower eyelid. In the absence of adequate therapies are formed soldering, which threatens deformation and narrowing of the pupil.

Terms of Use eye drops

Conjunctivitis is an adult, which treatment must be carried out at the first sign of inflammation, can be treated with eyedrops. However, the therapeutic effect was maximal, spa treatments should be carried out correctly.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Key recommendations:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly.
  2. Take a bottle, drip the medicine in his right hand.
  3. With his left hand to push the lower eyelid.
  4. During instillation need to sit or lie down at the same time to look up and gently tilt the head back.
  5. Enter the drug volume 1-2 drops, do not touch the eyelashes and centuries.
  6. Smoknut surplus arising on the cheek with a cotton swab.
  7. Push the finger bottom corner of the eye to the drug delayed, otherwise it can get through the nasolacrimal duct into the nose and nasal passages.

If your doctor has prescribed for the treatment of conjunctivitis are several types of eye drops, the landfill should be carried out at intervals of 30 min.

bacterial species

This type of pathology in addition to the common symptoms of conjunctivitis is characterized by the presence of secretions that are initially watery. But for 12-24 h becoming purulent mucous. In the morning, eyelashes stick together, making it difficult to open your eyes. This occurs as a result of accumulation of purulent exudate per night.

Tarsal conjunctiva becomes part of a bright red color, and on the inside of the century, there are small papillae. Initially, one eye is affected, but within 2-5 days the pathological process manifests itself in the second.

Inflammation of mild to moderate form of bacterial conjunctivitis is observed for 7-10 days. But if the pathogen is Chlamydia or gonococci, the pathological process lasts 4 weeks with clear periods of remission and relapse.

One of the treatments for this type of conjunctivitis are eye drops. It is recommended to use at the first sign of a pathological process. Bury means should be 3-4 times a day 1-2 drops in each eye. The most effective means:

Norsulfazol (10%):

  • The drug is recommended for use if the disease provoked streptococci, gonococci, staphylococci, pneumococci.
  • Regular use of funds at the initial stage allows you to quickly arrest the symptoms and stop the further spread of the bacteria.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Sulfacetamide (30%):

  • Antibacterial drug belongs to the group of sulphonamides.
  • With regular use, you can quickly eliminate the swelling of the eyelids, and redness of the conjunctiva.

Chloramphenicol (0.25%):

  • An antibiotic possessing bacteriostatic action. Its effect is based on inhibition of protein synthesis pathogens.
  • It is appointed, if the inflammation was provoked by gram + and gram microorganisms.

Gentamicin (0.25%):

  • Antibiotic natural origin, belongs to the group aminoglycosides. Its principle of operation is similar to chloramphenicol.
  • The duration of therapy with this drug sets on the basis of the doctor pathogen.

It is also effectively used in the treatment of this type of conjunctivitis special eye ointment. Basically, they should be used at night, laying the drug in the form of a strip of width 1.2 cm below the lower eyelid. In the acute phase of inflammation is permissible to use the means 3-4 times throughout the day.

The most effective ointment:

  • Tetracycline (1%): the most popular means for treating bacterial conjunctivitis, because of the low level of absorption, it is completely safe.
  • Eritromitsinovaya (10 thousand. U / g).: antibiotic with broad application and belongs to the group of macrolides.
  • Eubetal: the drug effectively used if the causative agent of inflammation are mycoplasma, chlamydia and amoeba. The drug should not be allowed to use for people suffering from increased intracranial pressure.
  • Tobrex: an antibiotic that is effective against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The drug enters the aminoglycoside group.
  • kolbiotsin: Combined application of broad-spectrum antibiotic. Effectively use it, if the disease is provoked amoeba, Chlamydia, Rickettsia, Mycoplasma.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis bacterial species may also be administered preparations for oral administration in the form of tablets or intramuscular injection. Particularly relevant this method of treatment, if the inflammation provoked gonococcus or chlamydia.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies
The figure shows how to apply an ointment for the treatment of conjunctivitis.

In this case, the optician assigns double pills Ciprofloxacin (500 mg) for 5 days or daily disposable intramuscular Ceftriaxone (1 g).

acute conjunctivitis

The inflammatory process in the acute form of the disease develops rapidly and swiftly.

After only a few hours after infection, there are characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  • unpleasant burning sensation;
  • headache;
  • a feeling of "sand";
  • pain;
  • excessive tearing;
  • the formation of follicles and papillae on the edge of the eyelids;
  • hyperemia;
  • the formation of purulent discharge;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • general malaise.

Treatment of acute conjunctivitis in adults carried drugs, allowing quick to stop unpleasant symptoms.

Antiseptic solutions (Furatsilinom, Boric Acid)

  • These funds are used for regular eye wash.
  • For this purpose cotton pad to be wetted with the solution, and then used for its intended purpose.
  • Irrigate each eye should be taken separately.
  • Therapy every 3 hours.

Eye drops (Chloramphenicol, neomycin, ofloxacin, lincomycin)

  • Dosage tools - 1-2 drops.
  • In the first day of the drug should be instilled 3-4 times, and in the days - 2 times.

Ophthalmic ointment (tetracycline, erythromycin)

  • Medicaments must lay 1.25 cm strip of the lower eyelid.
  • Regular application is 3 times per day.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

In the acute form of pathological process can not bandage the affected eye, as this will complicate the evacuation of pus and can cause infection of the cornea.

Chlamydia species

This type of disease is characterized by a gradual increase in clinical symptoms within 5-10 days after infection. The acute phase of chlamydial conjunctivitis can last 14 to 90 days, depending on the pathology severity.

Pathological process may pass without symptoms or be accompanied by blurred signs:

  • moderate photophobia;
  • slight swelling of eyelids;
  • a slight reddening of the conjunctiva;
  • swollen lymph nodes, located in front of the ear.

The most dangerous development of events with chlamydial conjunctivitis and trachoma can be. In this case, the inflammation affects the cornea, which leads to its turbidity and partial loss of visual acuity. For the treatment of this type of pathology of the following types of drugs used.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Antibacterial and antiinflammatory ophthalmic solutions (Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin, Indomethacin, Dexamethasone)

  • The means used for instillation of 1-2 drops.
  • Procedure provoditsya3-4 times a day at intervals of 3-4 hours.

Ophthalmic ointment (kolbiotsin, Eubetal, Tetracycline):

  • Means is laid over the lower eyelid uniform layer height of 1.2 cm.
  • Therapy is used regularly at least 4 times a day.

In addition to this, a course of treatment with antibiotics related to macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones. The dosing regimen for oral administration and duration of therapy is strictly a doctor. Any self can lead to the opposite effect of treatment.

The viral nature of the disease

The incubation period of this variety of the disease is 4-12 days. During this time, there are characteristic signs of inflammation.

The main symptoms are:

  • mucous discharge;
  • pain in the lymph nodes in front of the ears;
  • photophobia;
  • a feeling of "sand" in the eye;
  • the presence of follicles in the mucous;
  • hyperemia;
  • blepharospasm.

Therapy of viral disease include the following formulations.

Eye drops (Laferon Diclofenac, Interferon, Terbofen, Floksal):

  • The first 2-3 days of acute drug should be instilled 6-8 times a day 1-2 drops in volume.
  • After removal of the acute symptoms of it should be used 3-4 times a day with saving the dosage.

Ointment for the eyes (bonafton, florenal, Tebrofenovaya, Zovirax, Viroleks):

  • For relief of discomfort agent is applied as a strip for the lower eyelid to 4 times per day.
  • Subsequently the preparation is used one time in the evening before bedtime.


This species is a subspecies of viral conjunctivitis, the incubation period is 5-8 days. Development of inflammation due to penetration into the body of the adenoviruses. Pathology initially affects only one eye, and then appears on the second for 2-3 days.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Characteristic signs:

  • fever;
  • headache;
  • eyelid edema;
  • Meager discharge of pus;
  • uncontrolled tearing;
  • photophobia;
  • hyperemia;
  • the formation of follicles in the mucous membrane.

the following types of drugs are used to eliminate inflammation.

Ophthalmic ointment (Tebrofenovaya, bonafton, florenal):

  • The therapy is conducted by means of laying under the lower eyelid in the form of a strip (1.2 cm).
  • Periodicity primeneniyav day - 6 times.

Antiviral drops (Poludan, Aktipol, Gludantan, Floksal):

  • Agent is administered on 1-2 of potassium in each eye.
  • In the early days acceptable drugs use to 6 times at intervals of 2 hours.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

After the relief of acute symptoms of the drug is used 3-4 times during the day to eliminate the inflammation.


This kind of disease is also a subspecies of viral conjunctivitis. When this inflammation, as opposed to the adenovirus type, occurs only in one eye.

The characteristic symptoms are:

  • herpetic eruptions on the edge of the eyelid;
  • burning;
  • compulsive itch;
  • scant mucous discharge;
  • follicles in the mucous membrane.

Herpetic conjunctivitis therapy is the use of the following drugs:

  • antiviral drops (Oftalmoferon). Medicine is injected into the affected eye 4-5 times a day. Dosage - 2 drops.
  • ointments (Zovirax, Acyclovir, Viroleks). The medicine is put under the lower eyelid uniform stripe whose width -1,2 cm. Regular use - 3-4 times a day.
  • Drugs that enhance tissue regeneration (Korneregel, Solcoseryl). The drug is administered 2 drops. The procedure is done in a day - 3-5 times.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Conjunctivitis in adults whose treatment was performed incorrectly, may lead to the development of herpetic keratitis.

Allergic disease

This type of disease develops as a result of external stimuli. Inflammation is often seasonal nature of the appearance of the allergen in the form of pollen, odors, dust.

The characteristic symptoms of this type are:

  • annoying itching;
  • excessive filling of blood vessels of the sclera;
  • eyelid edema after a night's sleep;
  • viscous watery;
  • hyperemia;
  • lacrimation.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

For relief of symptoms appointed antihistamines, local action:

  • Eye drops (Allergodil, kromogeksal, Opatanol). The principle of action of these drugs is blocking H1 histamine receptors. All drugs have a prolonged effect, so they must not use more than 2 times per day. Dosage amounts - 1 drop in one eye.
  • ointments (Maksideks, Dexa-Gentamicin, Tobradeks, Florinef). These drugs combine corticosteroids, antihistamines and antibiotics components. Their use must be approved by your doctor. The medicament is laid under the lower eyelid 1-1.5 cm wide strip. The frequency of procedures - 1-2 times a day.

Chronic disease type

This type of disease is characterized by a slow process of inflammation with the clinical picture-oiled. Chronic conjunctivitis can last for years, with well-defined periods of remission and exacerbation.

Typical symptoms of the disease:

  • burning;
  • the severity of age;
  • a feeling of "sand" in the eyes;
  • scant mucous or mucopurulent discharge;
  • weakly expressed hyperemia;
  • slight roughness of the mucosa;
  • deterioration of visual capacity in artificial light.

The effectiveness of the treatment of chronic conjunctivitis depends on whether the cause of its development has been installed correctly. Otherwise relapse will continue.

Therapy in acute conducted to eliminate unpleasant feelings with the help of topical medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory eyedrops (Floksal, sulfacetamide, Tobrex). At day drug is administered 4 times 1-2 drops. Therapy is conducted to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies
  • antibacterial ointment (Erythromycin, tetracycline). Means is applied as a strip thickness of 1-1.2 cm below the lower eyelid. Ointment must be 1 time in the evening.

purulent conjunctivitis

This kind of disease is of bacterial origin. In some cases, the inflammation can be triggered by several types of pathogens. Often, the development purulent conjunctivitis occurs against the background of reduced immunity.


  • copious purulent discharge brown or gray shade;
  • eyelid edema;
  • photophobia;
  • uncontrolled tearing;
  • unpleasant sensation of "sand" in the eye;
  • red color of the sclera.

For the treatment of purulent diseases form similar medicines used as in bacterial conjunctivitis.

  • Eye drops (Sulfacetamide, chloramphenicol, gentamicin). The action of these funds is directed at blocking the synthesis of pathogens that allows you to quickly arrest the symptoms. Bury the eyes in any of these drugs should be 1-2 drops 3-4 times during the day.
  • ointments (Tetracycline, kolbiotsin, Tobrex). These drugs can achieve sustainable results of therapy. It is recommended to alternate with drops. The ointment is applied to a strip of 1.2 cm. The procedure should be carried out in the evening before bedtime.

catarrhal conjunctivitis

The development of this type of disease most often occurs as a result of hypothermia or exposure to the virus. Most often, catarrhal conjunctivitis is a symptom of underlying disease.

Characteristic differences of this kind of inflammation:

  • thick transparent allocation;
  • the sensation of pain in the eye;
  • unpleasant itching;
  • sensitivity to light;
  • Spike century;
  • swelling of the mucosa and the surrounding skin areas;
  • appearance of small ulcers on the cornea.
Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies

Therapy of this type of disease is the use of drugs local destination. This eliminates the unpleasant symptoms and prevent further spread of pathogens.

Main drugs for the treatment of:

  • ointments (Tetracycline, Bonaftonova). The drug is applied under the lower eyelid uniform stripe width of 1-1,2 cm 2 times per day.
  • Drops (Sulfatsil sodium, chloramphenicol, diclofenac). In the acute form of the disease the drug must be used 6-8 times a day 1-2 drops. After relief of symptoms use frequency is 3-4 times per day.

follicular conjunctivitis

This kind of disease can be caused by a virus, and bacteria. Inflammation occurs first 3 weeks, and for the next 7 days, the pathological process is extinguished.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • follicles gray-pink color of the mucous membrane;
  • bright red color of the sclera;
  • itching;
  • eye pain;
  • blepharospasm;
  • general malaise.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms of follicular conjunctivitis kind used complex therapy that combines anti-bacterial and anti-viral drugs.

Conjunctivitis in adults: allergic, viral, purulent, chronic. How is the symptoms. Treatment than rinsing. Drugs folk remedies
  • Antiseptics eyewash (Boric acid Furatsilinom). The formulations used in the form of solutions. To carry out a therapeutic procedure used a cotton pad, which is wetted in the preparation. Wiping should be done separately for each eye. The procedure is used 3 times a day until complete recovery.
  • Drops (Diclofenac, Loferon, sulfacetamide, chloramphenicol). Drugs are administered 5-6 times a day 1-2 drops in the affected eye.
  • ointments (Florenal, Tobrex, tetracycline). The funds are used twice a day. Their need for laying the lower eyelid strip thickness of 1-1.5 cm.

Treatment of folk remedies

Apart from medications, you can get rid of conjunctivitis, and traditional medicines. They are best used in the early stages of inflammation. Basically, people are used to wash the eye that helps to not only remove the unpleasant symptoms, but also greatly speed up recovery.

The most effective means:

  • 30 g of camomile drug collection pour 250 ml boiling water, stand means 30 min. At the end of the infusion time clean of impurities. Flush eyes with medication 6-8 times a day, using a cotton pad.
  • Cut 1 backsheet kalanchoe. Grind it to the consistency of gruel, and then squeeze the juice. Connect it with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Use the tool in the form of lotions to sore eyes. Carry out the procedure 6 times a day.
  • 50 g of rosehips pour into a thermos. Pour boiling water berries 1 liter. Sustain means 12 h in a closed container. Taking medication into 200 ml 3 times per day. This medicinal drink will help improve the body's resistance to the effects of pathogens.
  • 30 g of black tea brewing Pour 200 mL of boiling water. Sustain means 1 hr. Use a regular drink for eyewash. 8 carry out the procedure once a day until complete relief of unpleasant symptoms.

Traditionally, national or treatment of conjunctivitis in adults should be carried out taking into account the reasons for its occurrence. Failure to do so may lead to negative health effects. Therefore, if the drug over 3-4 days of therapy does not bring relief, you should consult your doctor for the appointment of another drug.

Video of conjunctivitis, its varieties, symptoms and treatments

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" for conjunctivitis:

The causes of conjunctivitis:

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