Childhood Diseases

Thrush in the mouth of the child. The treated at home, smear, symptoms in newborn medicine and folk remedies treatment of soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey

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To grow healthy children, parents should be aware of the most common illnesses, their symptoms and first aid. One of them is thrush in the child's mouth. Than to treat it, and, most importantly, how to recognize the symptoms?

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a baby thrush, pathogen
  • 2 Factors which cause the disease development
  • 3 disease symptoms
    • 3.1 How does the disease in infants
  • 4 Methods for the relief of symptoms
  • 5 Four stages, acute and chronic forms
  • 6 possible complications
  • 7 Effective treatments
  • 8 Stages of treatment of children's thrush
  • 9 Treating thrush in the mouth of infants
  • 10 Drug treatment of thrush in the mouth in children from 6 months to a year
  • 11 Drug treatment of older children
  • 12 Treatment of fungal disease folk remedies
  • 13 Especially the treatment of thrush in the mouth after taking antibiotics
  • 14 Diet during treatment
  • 15 Video of the thrush in the mouth in children: Symptoms and treatment of the disease

What is a baby thrush, pathogen

The medical name of the disease - candidiasis or thrush - is derived from the name calling it a fungus (Candida albicans), which in one way or another have in the body of most people, but appears only in certain favorable to himself, conditions. For example, a person with low immunity.

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Anxiety must call detected whitish plaque in the oral cavity of the child. If at the start of the thrush does not cause him any special reaction, over time, in the absence of appropriate measures, it will be very distressing, because it is usually difficult runs.

Factors which cause the disease development

There are several reasons that lead to the disease:

  • lowered immune defenses, including - inborn;
  • all sorts of infections;
  • receiving antibiotics and hormonal preparations;
  • substandard food, often - too sweet, with a mixture;
  • Frequent regurgitation, because harmful fungi in the acidic environment multiply rapidly;
  • ignoring basic hygiene rules: breast processing before feeding, sterilizing bottles and teats.
Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the
Thrush in the mouth of a child is characterized by a number of well-defined symptoms. The article describes how the various medications to treat this disease.

Transmitted infection such as a normal household, and by airborne droplets. And even in the womb, if one has been diagnosed untreated urogenital thrush.

disease symptoms

Oral thrush child recognize on such criteria:

  • swelling and redness of the inner surface of the cheeks, tongue, tonsils, palate, gum (at later form of bleeding);
  • the appearance of white or yellowish plaque on the tongue first, and later on the gums, mucous membrane of the cheeks, lips, and throat;
  • violation of appetite and sleep;
  • tearfulness and irritability;
  • temperature rise.

How does the disease in infants

Before embarking on the treatment of infants, it is necessary to know the basic symptoms of the disease:

  • patches resembling curds (hence the name), in the mouth area of ​​the mucous membrane around them are often inflamed;
  • while feeding the baby often sharply throws chest starts to cry or not eat at all;
  • spots overgrowth in the mouth to big films or cheesy plaque throughout the mucosa. Under it, if you try to remove the red inflamed areas will be clearly marked.

More often than others prone to thrush infection and premature babies are bottle-fed, since no protection by maternal milk containing substances that prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

Methods for the relief of symptoms

As long as the child is not examined by a doctor and does not prescribe the right medicine, based usually Nystatin, can alleviate his condition:

  • gently wiping it with a mouth swab from a sterile bandage moistened with a freshly prepared solution of soda. What you need to carefully dissolve one teaspoon of ordinary baking soda in a glass of boiled water at room temperature. The day such a procedure should be repeated 4-5 times. Often the crumb with the naughty and does not want to open your mouth. You can gently press your thumb on his chin and hold until the treatment is completed. Before and after breast-feeding in the same solution should be wiped nipples. It also can be used for disinfection of bottles, nipples and toys;
  • walks in the open air. It is necessary to ventilate the room baby systematically as dry air, as well as lack of fluid consumption, leads to drying out the oral mucosa and reduction in the amount of saliva having protective properties, and that promotes pathology;
  • I care about kids with special diligence, eliminating even the slightest irritation on their part.
Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the

Some mothers for controlling use thrush and honey means (1 hr. l. honey was dissolved in 2 h. l. cooled boiled water). Rub them the baby's mouth to five times a day. Honey excellent antiseptic preventing proliferation of harmful bacteria and fungi. However, to use this method with caution, as a firm belief in the absence of allergies in the child for this product.

And in all cases, you must call the pediatrician, who will prescribe the necessary medicines, especially local action on the basis of Nystatin.

Four stages, acute and chronic forms

  1. primaryWhen there are whitish specks on the tongue. They can be easily removed with a cotton swab. The child's disease is almost not feel.
  2. lightCharacterized by a slight reddening of the mucosal surface, in rare cases - the appearance of cheesy plaque attempt to remove which can cause bleeding and pain at the kid. However, in most cases, this stage of children's thrush quite easily treatable.
  3. Central - cheesy plaque completely covers the mouth, beneath it formed small ulcers, often bleeding. The corners of his mouth cracks occur. It is clear that the child is sensitive to all of these things, especially when feeding, so often refuses to eat.
  4. severe. Ulcers bleed heavily. Bloom covered the entire oral cavity and pharynx, it gradually passes, and in the corners of the mouth, where there are sores. The disease is accompanied by the growth of the submandibular lymph nodes. The kid is very sick, he was worried, crying, his fever.

Severe or acute form of thrush in the child's mouth, if time does not worry how and what to treat, can become chronic when the lymph nodes are still more thickening, plaque Brown. Pain and swelling increase. At this stage, can pass the disease to other organs.

possible complications

When thrush becomes chronic, there are complications:

  • disease can capture the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital organs. Girls, for example, often when it is diagnosed vulvovaginal - a form of yeast infection, accompanied by reddening of the genitals, which leads to inflammation and impairs their development;
  • respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis) and ENT (otitis media, rhinitis);
Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the
  • sepsis, in the case of infection in the blood or lymphatic system;
  • dehydration and exhaustion of the child. If he can not take food and water, you need hospital treatment.

Effective treatments

Judging by the signs, there is no doubt that it is thrush in the child's mouth. The cure can be determined only by the doctor.

Methods generally into two categories:

  • medications;
  • Traditional or vernacular.

Drug therapy is usually in acute forms of yeast, and, rarely infants up to six months of age. The traditional or folk, methods of recourse when the disease is in its initial stage, and especially the baby is not worried.

Stages of treatment of children's thrush

The sequence of treatment largely determines its success:

  1. Purification of the oral cavity. For purification inflamed oral child is better to use a sterile cotton ball moistened its poor aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, a one percent solution of hydrogen peroxide, one or two percent aqueous solution of tannin or 0.25 percent of borax.

Do not try to remove all the plaque, as possible injury to them under the inflamed areas can bring pain to the child. Preferably an intensely moisten.

Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the
  1. Processing antiseptic solutions. Opened after purification oral mucosa inflamed areas should be lubricated 1-2% nym gidrorastvorom aniline dye sold state pharmacies that have their own laboratory. For example, gentian violet, aqueous Lugol in proportions of 1/3 or 0.25 percent solution of nitric acid silver. Treatment should be carried out every day every 2-3 hours, not more than five times.
  2. Application antifungal agents. In the affected areas of the oral cavity can be deposited slurry nystatin, which rastortuyu one tablet was dissolved in slightly warm water. Use and fenistil - antihistamine gel, smearing it around the mouth, avoiding contact with the eyes and mouth of the child.

Treating thrush in the mouth of infants

According to many pediatricians, light degree of thrush in infants does not require treatment. Enough measures to facilitate the state. Contain baby clean room, not to forget to ventilate, to make sure that the temperature did not exceed 19-20 °, and humidity - 60%.

Timely clean the baby's nose to prevent drying of the mucous membrane that is prone to this at a time that to avoid the appearance of cracks - a favorable environment for the development of the fungus, they will cease to grow and thrush stop.

If there is a child running thrush in the mouth than cure is no doubt: will require drug therapy. It is possible to use, for example, flucytosine - powder slurry. The average daily dose - 100 mg / kg. Duration of treatment - about 7 days.

But it must be clearly aware that the drug can only appoint a qualified person, as a number of drugs newborn just is contraindicated. In addition, many pediatricians are generally considered unacceptable use of medications in the treatment of yeast infection in a baby under six months of age.

And offer these steps:

  • at the initial stage of the disease clean mouth newborn soda gidrorastvorom (teaspoon boiled water glass) or warm broths camomile, sage, thyme (such broths useful and bathing grudnichka);
  • before feeding process chest weak solution of soda or, if the child is already more than three months, - honey;
  • at the end of feeding Popo baby water to remove milk residues from the tongue.

Typically, such a gentle treatment is carried out for at least 2 weeks. Stop it before should not be, even if there are clear signs of improvement, as the disease can easily go back.

Drug treatment of thrush in the mouth in children from 6 months to a year

In severe thrush in the baby mouth than cure exclusively determines the physician, the recommendations of which have to comply strictly with, or can be relapses. Typically, in such cases is used antifungal and iron supplements.

Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the

Often doctors recommend the following:

  • Nystatin ointment or tablets. First affected areas treated mucosa at least 2 times per day. Both substances are not usually addictive, highly effective. However, it can cause an allergic reaction in a child, so you need to be on guard.
  • A solution or ointment miramistinom having no taste and no irritating the oral mucous membranes, so their children well transferred. Such means are often prescribed along with antibiotics to increase the effect of the latter.
  • Fast antiinflammatory gel (two minutes after application) Holisal used to anesthetize the affected areas of the mouth. Used to facilitate the feeding process.
  • A solution for the treatment of Candida-infected portions.
  • Specialized antifungal drugs fluconazole, Futsis DT, Mikosist. The doctor determines the dose individually, taking into account the child's weight.

Drug treatment of older children

If a child can independently mouth rinse, the solution need to 10 ml of saline, 1 nystatin tablet rastortaya 1 ampoule and vitamin B12. With 3 years of age are suitable antiseptic sprays Maxicold ENT or Geksoral.

Also use:

  • Kanestena solution with a pronounced antifungal activity - less than 3 times a day;
  • preparations containing iron, for example, Ferrum Lek, and calcium;
  • B vitamins

In acute forms of the disease:

  • Diflucan;
  • pimafutsin;
  • Nizoral;
  • Candide;
  • Fluconazole.

drug dose and duration of treatment (typically at least 2 weeks) is determined exclusively by the doctor. In addition, some experts believe that drugs such as Diflucan, Flucostat suited only to adults, as contain in their composition of matter harmful to the child.

Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the

When treating a baby with antibiotics is unacceptable to stop his own, to fulfill all recommendations of experts. Otherwise there is the risk of exacerbation of the disease and its consequences more severe.

Treatment of fungal disease folk remedies

"Grandma" ways to deal with thrush in the child's mouth are typically effective when the disease is not running and the problem than to cure is not worth badly.

Among them:

  • decoction of herbs: St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile, oak bark, sage (each tablespoon of boiled water, allowed to cool) excellent fighting fungal bloom in the oral cavity. However, the treatment can be used as the minimal amount thereof, since ingestion can cause an allergic reaction in a child;
  • aloe juice. Bitter and therefore surely perceive its baby hostility, but the method of purifying mucosa with it very effective;
  • mixture of honey and raspberry juice. To prepare it, you need to take them in equal amounts, and boil three times. The cooled mix is ​​applied to the affected areas of the oral cavity. However, the ratio of physicians to this method is ambiguous, many reject, although it is quite widespread. Motivated by the fact that in the raspberry juice and honey contains substances capable under certain conditions worsen the clinical picture. Honey also suffer, not all children;
  • already known solution baking sodaThat lubricates inflamed sites every 2-3 hours.

Especially the treatment of thrush in the mouth after taking antibiotics

In order to prevent a yeast infection of the disease, we must first attend to the strengthening of the immune system. It is much more difficult when there is a need for reception of antibiotics and the body loses its natural protection and and a lot of useful microorganisms. In this case, the thrush treatment should be approached very carefully.

It is usually combined:

  • mandatory preprocessing the affected oral cavity by the same soda solution or potassium permanganate. Immediately after the spraying procedure the inner surface of the cheeks, gums and tongue miramistinom as a spray;
  • reception nystatin tablets (often in conjunction with antibiotics, but it is possible ones). The dose and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, guided by the severity of the disease and the age of the young patient;
  • after eating (not more than four daily times) applying to the diseased areas of mucous gel Holisal that not only allow them to disinfect, but also numb, because anesthetic drug has action.

Often, in order to quickly restore the microflora, the doctor prescribed special preparations, such as, for example, how Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Trilakt.

Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the
  1. Linex - probiotics in the form of capsules containing live bacteria. For babies up to two years, the contents of the capsule are divided into 3 stages and dissolved in water. Three years of age and older can be given 1 capsule per day as a whole.
  2. Bifidumbacterin also saturated with live bacteria, manufactured in various forms: powder, a substance in ampoules or capsules. What is preferred in a particular case will advise pediatrician. Most parents use liquid concentrate, without dissolving it, and no pre-breeding. Kids give 1 ml to a year-on-year to three - 2 ml, older - 2-3 ml.
  3. Trilakt in the form of an emulsion is administered orally, and, it can give children over 1.5 years. On the appointment of his younger kid decided by the doctor only. Dose in ordinary cases for yearlings - 1.5 ml; 3-7 years - 2.5 ml, 1 time always before breakfast.

Diet during treatment

Nursing mother should be at this time to forget about the use of the following products:

  • acute, salty and sour
  • sweets;
  • milk products;
  • mushrooms;
  • grapes;
  • smoked, spice;
  • pastries, especially with dough;
  • soft drinks, coffee, black tea.

Preference is to give boiled low-fat meat and products with a predominance of fiber. And be sure not to stop breastfeeding the baby.

Thrush in the mouth of the child: Symptoms and Treatment medicines and folk remedies: soda, Candide, brilliant green, honey. when is the

If a baby is older and his diet is extended, the period of the disease in its food should prevail:

  • thoroughly cooked lean meat and fish;
  • boiled eggs and potatoes;
  • baked apples;
  • chamomile tea;
  • semi porridge;
  • clean drinking water.

In conclusion, we emphasize that the first thing to do when in the mouth of a child found a thrush and a question, than to treat - not to panic and seek children's doctor.

Only he can responsibly and correctly prescribe treatment, to determine its duration and dosage of the required medicine. Under these requirements thrush quite easily treated and usually, does not involve dangerous relapse.

Video of the thrush in the mouth in children: Symptoms and treatment of the disease

How to treat a yeast infection in the mouth in infants:

Symptoms of thrush in the mouth and methods of treatment:

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