Childhood Diseases

Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, symptoms

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Atopic dermatitis - is an inflammatory disease of the epidermis, having a chronic form with periods of relapse. It appears in infancy due to individual sensitivity to the contact, and food allergens. Recognize atopic dermatitis in children can be on the photos and typical symptoms: the bright spots on the body, intense itching, erosion, peeling epidermis.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Characteristics of the disease
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 characteristic symptoms
  • 4 Stage of atopic dermatitis
  • 5 Classification
  • 6 methods of diagnosis
  • 7 medication
  • 8 Other therapies
  • 9 Power atopic dermatitis
  • 10 complications
  • 11 Measures of prevention of exacerbations
  • 12 Video of atopic dermatitis in children

Characteristics of the disease

In children, atopic dermatitis manifests itself between the ages of 2 months, consulting the photo, parents may suspect pathology. The important role played by heredity, disease often passed from parents to children.

Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

Atopy - an excessive susceptibility of the organism to various provoking factors such as dust, lactose, dander, pollen and others. The disease is accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which depend on the age of the child.

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Initial symptoms mostly occur in children with atypical body structure. Pathology affects infants paratrofiey, reduced skin elasticity, vascular reactions or overt addition of unstability in the mass. In infants, there is redness of the cheeks, peeling and swelling. Redness buttocks, associated with the expansion of small vessels.

After the initial phase of exacerbation of symptoms occurs. skin condition worsens, there are crusts, erosion and scales on moist sites of inflammation. The following remission phase in which attenuates symptoms and clinical manifestations gradually disappear. Completes the disease stage clinical cure: the symptoms are absent for 3-7 years.Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

Duration of disease depends upon the quality of treatment, the form of disease and characteristics of the child. With proper therapy, the symptoms disappear in 2 weeks, less tightened to 40 days. Disease can not be cured completely, but can achieve a long remission. Under the influence of negative factors dermatitis at any time aggravated and again require treatment.

Pathology persists lifelong and recurrent under the influence of negative factors. The disease is not transmitted to other people, as occurs due to inadequate immune response to a stimulus.

Causes of

The main reason for the occurrence of atopic dermatitis in a child - a genetic predisposition. Infant often suffers from an allergy to the negative factors: wool, plants, dirt. Eczema can cause the formation of any factor, because of which is difficult to identify the exact cause.

Main reasons:

  1. Allergic reaction to food. Skin inflammation appears in the feeding period, and after the failure of new product baby's condition improves.
  2. Transferred disease mother during gestation. When you see any abnormalities the woman should be treated immediately to reduce the impact of disease on the unborn child.
  3. immune response on detergent powder for washing, the fabric appearance.
  4. Stressful situations. Children rashes appear after a nervous shock and a sharp change in lifestyle.
  5. Infectious diseases. Viruses and bacteria degrade the protective function in the body and lead to eczema on skin.
  6. Artificial feeding. Abandonment of breastfeeding leads to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the transition to the milk mixture dermatitis symptoms appear.
  7. Medications. Admission of drugs such as antibiotics, leads to a decrease in beneficial bacteria in the gut and immune system deterioration. Factors predispose to the appearance of eczema on the skin.
  8. Parasites in the body. Rash cause worm infestation, which are in the body of the baby.
  9. Hypoxia. Oxygen deprivation in utero or during birth contributes to skin abnormalities.
Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

In the future aggravation of atopic dermatitis type is emotional stress, the time change of the year, the deterioration of the immune system. Also provoking factors may make passive smoking and environmental worsening in the city. Relapse occurs at any time, often it is not possible to prevent the occurrence.

characteristic symptoms

Atopic dermatitis in children, as seen in the photo, shown by numerous manifestations of irritation on the skin, which leads to itching and considerable discomfort.

The intensity of the symptoms depends on the stage and type of the individual characteristics of the patient. For mild form of the disease characterized by mild symptoms. When a bright child's predisposition to allergies there is a strong immune system response.

During an exacerbation there are the following features:

  1. Spots on the skin red. When light form pathology rash covers small areas of the body, mainly affects the hands, back, and stomach. Epithelium becomes hot to the touch, felt seal.
  2. Intense itching. Does not depend on the time of day, slightly reduced at night. Children comb the affected skin, which is why introduction of infection. Admission antiallergic agents reduces the intensity of itching.
  3. Dry skin. A characteristic feature for atopic dermatitis, which increases as the disease progresses. Epithelium becomes thin and withered to the touch, in the period of remission quality of the skin is restored.
  4. General malaise. The child is restless, crying and refuses a meal. In adolescence, the patient shows aggression, does not sleep.
Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

After the acute phase, there is remission. The duration can not be determined, it depends on various factors. Exacerbations may not be available for several years with a favorable disease course.

Signs of remission:

  1. Much dry skin with scaling. Symptom characteristic of the early days of exacerbation abatement. On the head and upper extremities occur flakes disappearing after taking a bath or when touched.
  2. Skin change. Present portions sealingly and thinned zone. It explains the phenomenon of the change in the structure of the epithelium as a result of disease.
  3. Change of skin pattern. After a prolonged inflammatory hyperpigmentation occurs.

Can not be present all of the symptoms, as the number of characteristics depends on the form of the disease. When light form fewer negative symptoms. In severe degree child condition deteriorates significantly due to numerous symptoms.

Stage of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis in children has different symptoms characteristic of a particular stage of the disease. Stand 3 form pathology. For each age interval of its characteristic features due to the child's age.

Infant view comes from birth to 3 years, mainly it appears in the 3 months before rarely. It affects the face, hands and feet of the surface. Present area of ​​redness and oozing objects. Intense itching is absent.Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

The danger of mold that can appear an infection due to scratching the affected areas. Exacerbations often occur during a short remission. The disease is associated with the appearance of the teeth, with a cold or a violation of the intestine.

Children form comes with a 3-under 12 on the skin there are different structures:

  • bubbles;
  • peel;
  • scales.

On the skin thickening present, affects the elbow and popliteal fossa, and limbs.

Itching is mild to moderate intensity. In pathology undulating course, exacerbations are due to external factors provoking. Often an allergic reaction to pollen, sometimes the immune system response to stimuli associated with food.

When adolescent form (from 12 to 18 years) there is a relapse of atypical dermatitis, the epithelium in the affected areas thickened, inflamed areas of bleeding. Pathology spreads to the arms and legs, neck and face. There is intense itching, leading to an alarming sleep and insomnia.


The disease is classified depending on the prevalence of the disease process and provoking factor. In the diagnosis of the doctor determines the type of atopic dermatitis for the selection of the right treatment option.

By the degree of prevalence of the following types:

  1. Limited. Hit no more than 5% of the entire body. Eczema are located in only one area, such as the face.
  2. Common. Defeat comes to 15%. Allergic pimples affect more than two parts of the body.
  3. Diffuse. The most severe kind, because the plague affects the entire skin surface.

Crafted following clinical and etiological options:

  1. Food. The appearance of the disease is caused by eating food to which the child has an increased individual sensitivity.
  2. Tick. It occurs due to mites, which are found in house dust.
  3. Fungal. Due to the occurrence of a fungal infection in the body.
  4. Pollen. It appears at flowering plants, to which the minor allergy.
  5. Epidermal. Due to contact with animals, both domestic and stray.
Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

Atopic dermatitis in children are classified according to the shape of the flow, which is determined by the prevalence of pathologic process, the quantities of lymph nodes, and the rarity of relapses time remission. Easy for dim characterized by itching, peeling of the skin, erythema. Exacerbations occur no more than 2 times a year, remission is observed up to 8 months.

When there is a significant moderate body damage with obvious exudation. Itching intense exacerbations occur up to 4 times a year. Remission lasts up to 3 months.

In severe there are large pockets of lesions with obvious cracks and sores. Child disturbs severe itching, has a pulsating character. Exacerbations occur up to 5 times a year, with remission lasts an average of up to 1 month. Even with the improvement of the symptoms completely disappear state.

methods of diagnosis

In the pathology diagnosis included physical examination and clinical analyzes. At the reception Medical Officer discovers information about the disease: time of appearance of the first symptoms, possible causes, the presence of disease in relatives. The patient or his parents talk about the symptoms of the disease, on the basis of which the physician makes preliminary conclusions.

Conducted a visual inspection, the doctor interested not only in the affected areas, but the whole skin. Most of the rash and eczema are placed under the knees, on the elbow cavity, between the folds. An expert evaluates the amount of rash, its color and character.

In the diagnosis of the following factors:

  1. Itching. Advocates mandatory indication of atopic dermatitis.
  2. Rash. It depends on the patient's age and the duration of the disease. In infants, struck cheeks, and upper body. In adolescents, there is a violation of pigmentation, isolated papules and thickening of the skin.
  3. High drynessWhich is accompanied by desquamation and form flakes.
  4. Course of the disease. In atopic dermatitis pathology occurs in waves, has periods of remission and acute phases.
  5. Hereditary factor. The doctor takes into account the presence of the disease in seven members, especially interested in the brothers and sisters.
  6. The presence of other atopic diseases. Medical Specialist determines whether allergic rhinitis or asthma are available.

Symptoms common to most patients, while there are additional symptoms. The patient is often marked by pallor or redness of the face, dark circles on the eyes, conjunctivitis. Often present allergies to medicines, perleches and permanent skin infections.

Clinical tests confirm the presumptive diagnosis. Skin test performed with allergens for detecting inadequate immune response. It carried out a general analysis of blood and urine tests to assess the severity of the disease.

Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

Determined level IgE - blood protein, provoking a pathological reaction of the organism to a stimulus. According to the results diagnostic disease is distinguished from similar disorders and prescribed therapeutic regimen.


In order to prevent progression of the disease requires complex treatment. Therapy is aimed at relief of symptoms, to support the body and to eliminate the root causes. For example, if a child says a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, then it is treated with dermatitis.

Basic principles of therapy:

  1. In the acute phase are assigned antihistamines. Among them are popular and Suprastin Tavegil. Prescribed corticosteroids such as hydrocortisone and methylprednisolone.
  2. Appointed by immunomodulators such as interferon and immunoglobulin. In some cases, treatment is supplemented Membrane during remission of the disease. Among them are prescribed Ketotifen and Nalkorm.
    Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms
  3. In remission requires specific immunotherapy performed by cyclosporine A.
  4. Patients observe a strict diet. Eliminates all foods that cause an allergic reaction.
  5. During remission pathology prescribed supporting material: sorbents and vitamins.

Topical treatment of atopic dermatitis in children eliminates itch and the inflammatory process, also recovers barrier and water-lipid layer. In infectious exacerbation prescribe anti-fungal agents and antibiotics. In severe local level prescribed glucocorticoids.

Treatment supplement reflexology and phototherapy, sometimes prescribed climatotherapy. The physician directs the conscious age children to a psychologist to maintain a normal emotional state.

Other therapies

Folk remedies complement the main treatment. Children encouraged to take baths with the addition of starch, they have a positive impact on the skin. In 1 liter of warm water is added 1 large spoon starch.

The procedure lasts 15 to 20 minutes, then the affected area gets wet flannel diaper. Herbs for baths are not recommended, they are able to enhance stimulation.

For the preparation of a moisturizing ointment use cow milk, glycerol, and starch from rice. The ingredients are taken in equal proportions, then mixed in a glass container until a homogeneous mass. It means stored in the refrigerator overnight, after which the ointment is applied to the affected areas 1 time per day.

Atopic dermatitis in children effectively treats potatoes. To prepare the means to clean vegetables, cleaned and rubbed on a grater. Slurry was put in a gauze, and then applied to the problem area. Folk remedy shortens the period of exacerbation, but the use of funds should be approached with caution, because it is an allergen.

Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

Homeopathic remedies are recommended as during an exacerbation, and in periods of remission:

  1. Belladonna is assigned when the first symptoms of the pathology.
  2. Petroleum prescribed when papules on the epithelium.
  3. Aconite is effective for red spots, accompanied by itching obvious.
  4. Alumina is used for dry skin and cracks.
  5. Kalkareja karbonika used on dry crusts on the skin encountered when combing.

Folk remedies and homeopathy accelerate patient recovery. Independently appoint aids are prohibited, obligatory consultation of a doctor.

Power atopic dermatitis

Hypoallergenic diet - the key to successful and rapid treatment. Patients excluded during exacerbation products having significant allergenic activity. These include strawberries, nuts, eggs, honey. Prohibited red fish, sausage and chocolate.

The menu included fruits and berries light shade, cereals, lean meat (beef, rabbit and turkey). Allowed vegetable oil and melted butter. Instead of sugar, use fructose.

Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

All dishes are steamed, stewed and baked. When using a vegetable potato soaked in water for 8 hours to eliminate the excess starch. Soups are allowed to cook on the second broth using low-fat meat. Diet is observed up to 2 months, and then gradually extend the diet.

Parents are obliged to see to it that there are no allergies to new foods. When the immune response to a specific ingredient, it need to be excluded from the diet.


Complications arise mainly due to the regular combing skin. Violated her integrity, and reduces the protective properties. Connection of fungal or bacterial infection.

A common complication - pyoderma, in which the formed pustules on the skin. Fever, and general well-being deteriorated. When dry pustules appear brown.

In viral infections of the skin with the liquid bubbles appear on the epidermis. The causative agent of herpes virus acts. Pathology affects the skin of the lips, ears, eyelids and cheeks. Vesicles may also be formed in the mouth, throat and genital.

As complications are the fungal infection, because that afflict the mouth. The disease is called thrush, it can appear in adults and in children. Often, bacterial and fungal infections appear together.

Measures of prevention of exacerbations

Every parent must comply with preventive measures to prolong the period of remission. Be sure to consult with an allergist to see genetics as needed. The diet only includes foods that do not lead to an inadequate immune response.

If there are other precipitating factors, such as pollen, you do not need to visit a greenhouse and avoid places where acute allergies.

The house, doctors recommend to remove carpets as they hoard dust and contain mites. Feather pillows need to be changed to silicone. Children's clothes should be washed separately from adults, you will need to use a special powder for babies.

It is important to prevent dry skin, for that bathing apply moisturizing foam, the skin is smeared with cream and butter to children. Indoor important to maintain the humidity level and the temperature in the vicinity of 22 degrees.

Atopic dermatitis in children. Photo treatment on the face, legs, arms. Folk remedies, ointments and creams. Causes, Symptoms

Atopic dermatitis in children will be able to mute subject to medical recommendations. If a rash appears, as in the photographs above, showing the stage of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately, to eliminate the causes. Completely cure the disease will not be possible, but subject to preventive measures can extend the remission phase.

Author of the article: Bobrakova Natalia E.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of atopic dermatitis in children

Tips Komarovsky for the Suppression of atopic dermatitis:

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