Childhood Diseases

Hemangioma in newborns. Causes of what it is, a photo on the back, century, head, treatment of syndrome Kazabah-Merritt. Tips Komarovsky

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The number of newborns c hemangioma grows annually. Almost every 10 unborn child has any small tumor. Doctors can not tell the exact cause of its occurrence, as the disease is caused by many factors.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a hemangioma in newborns
  • 2 The mechanism of tumor development
  • 3 types of hemangiomas
  • 4 simple hemangioma
  • 5 cavernoma
  • 6 combined
  • 7 mixed
  • 8 What does the tumor location: on the back, head and other places
  • 9 Causes of
  • 10 evidence
  • 11 Diagnostics
  • 12 hemangioma treatment
  • 13 medication
  • 14 surgical methods
  • 15 cryolysis
  • 16 laser therapy
  • 17 Treatment of folk remedies
  • 18 Dangers and Consequences
  • 19 Hemangioma and vaccinations
  • 20 The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky
  • 21 Video of hemangiomas in infants

What is a hemangioma in newborns

In England, a tumor refer to as "strawberry birthmark" because of its bright red color. Hemangioma in newborns, the cause of which establishes a dermatologist is a skin tumor on the body of the baby and having benign. It contains endothelial cells, which can independently develop and spread.

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Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt

These tumors are more common in the:

  • head;
  • back;
  • face;
  • breast;
  • neck;
  • lips;
  • ears;
  • hands;
  • stomach;
  • nose;
  • forehead.

Skopje disease is detected on the body of small vessels in the skin and has a color ranging from red to slightly bluish spots, which can be either flat or convex. This formation of the top coating has a skin, and thereby its structure fineness in this place, well rayed vessels.

Usually congenital hemangioma is or becomes visible in the first month after birth of a baby. The increased growth of the tumor is in the first year of life of the newborn. In the future, the growth of hemangiomas is being phased out, and after a while and disappears.

The tumor often occurs sporadically on the baby's skin. But sometimes they are formed and few.

There are tumors that are formed inside the body. These include, for example, hepatic hemangioma.

The mechanism of tumor development

Approximately 80% of diseases hemangioma infants, the disease progresses and ends with no complications and without pererostaniya a malignant form. After 5 years, or earlier, they disappear. This applies particularly to small and superficial education or otherwise - of capillary hemangioma. This accumulation of abnormally overgrown capillaries or small blood vessels on the skin.

Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
Capillary hemangiomas in infants goes away over time.

In more detail, it will look like a jumble of red dots similar to needle punctures. If it is located close to important organs and begins to interfere with breathing system, view or even starts to grow rapidly, this could have negative consequences for child.

types of hemangiomas

Hemangioma in infants, the causes of which the external differences are in the features of the construction of its vascular system is of several types.

They are as follows:

  • cavernous. The surface is soft at palpation and a slightly bluish color. If the child is coughing or crying - the tumor increases in diameter. But when pressed on her finger - disappears. The skin thus becomes a pale shade. There are both single and located on several pieces of education in various sizes. It can be placed on the skin surface, under the skin and internal organs - the liver, kidney, brain.
  • capillary. It has clearly defined borders red or bluish tint. It is flat or slightly uneven in appearance. When pressing it first turns pale, and then re-acquire their original color. This is the most favorable and common form of hemangioma. At first, she is a bright reddish color. Being in a state of growth, can become darker and have a height above the surface of the skin.
  • combined. This tumor combines both parts at once: cavernous and capillary, so at the same time and is on top of the skin and tissue under the skin. Externally, the new formation will look like, so that there will be more - from capillary or cavernous tumor.
  • mixed. Here connection, lymphoid, or neural tissue may be combined with a vascular tumor. Appearance neoplasms and its features will depend on their relations.
  • bone. Expanding, it causes bone pain due to nerve compression and vascular endings.

simple hemangioma

Such hemangiomas are located only on the skin. The color range is from bright red to bluish-purple color. Expanding, hemangioma extends laterally and has a clearly defined outlines.

Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt

Tumors often smooth, but sometimes there are rough or uneven surface. This type of tumor is considered benign, it does not cause any trouble and is not dangerous for the child.


Cavernoma is formed due to a traumatic impact on the simple hemangioma. It represents a swollen clusters touch with elasticity and softness and is located in the subcutaneous fat layer. The skin over a tumor may be present in an unmodified form or seen her redness.Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt

Under most Cavernomas appears buried in the epidermis sealing tissue, which will then form the next new vessels points. When the remark such manifestations in the tumors, this suggests that the tumor is growing and needs to be removed surgically. The contents of such a tumor takes, basically, blood cavity.


This combined hemangioma arises from a combination of the cavernous tumor with its simple form. Here, the tumor has been more serious form, because it touches the tissue as being on the surface of the skin and under it. On how further education will manifest itself, it is of great importance which its shape is stronger - cavernous or simple.


This tumor is not limited to vascular tissue, but also to many others:

  • connectors;
  • nerve;
  • fat;
  • lymphoid.
Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt

By their appearance resembles a simple superficial tumor, but is able to penetrate deep into the skin.

What does the tumor location: on the back, head and other places

If the tumor is located in the area of ​​the lips, ears or eyes, this can lead to violations of their functions. Therefore, finding the child hemangioma should immediately consult a dermatologist.

The tumor in the liver is hard to notice, as any signs of complications and it does not matter. Most unexpectedly it is detected during ultrasound to abdomen. To further define what and how to treat the pathology must undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Renal hemangioma - a rare congenital disease. Together with the growth of the child begins to grow and the tumor itself. treatment is required, because the growing tumor will increasingly compress adjacent organs. Vertebral hemangioma reminds osteochondrosis and only when examining spine MRI revealed a tumor. Almost does not occur in children.

Neoplasms on the child's head also need special attention, because it can create pressure on the tissues of the eye, ear, trachea.

Tumors were located on the internal organs, are dangerous because they may cause internal bleeding and bring the child to hemorrhagic shock.

These tumors can occur in:

  • the adrenal glands;
  • liver;
  • spleen;
  • kidneys;
  • the brain;
  • lungs.

Causes of

"Culprit" may be viral or infectious diseases who underwent woman being pregnant. They are more prone to such risk or premature babies born with low birth weight. Girls get sick several times more often than boys.

Also hemangioma can occur if:

  • pregnancy was a multiple;
  • the low level of local ecology, where the baby's mother;
  • If the expectant mother during pregnancy has taken alcohol, medicinal drugs, smoking;
    Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
  • intrauterine anoxia child;
  • disease are not allowed to be born baby at term;
  • any pathology, e.g., preeclampsia;
  • A woman who has more than 35 years;
  • being pregnant, the woman had a disease of the endocrine system or its aggravation;
  • transmission of heredity;
  • hormonal disruptions in pregnant women;
  • ill with viral diseases, especially in the first or second trimester of pregnancy.

Hemangioma can occur not only in young children, but also teenagers. The disease is manifested due to failures in the hormonal system of a growing organism. May provoke disease pathology in the liver. For whatever reason, she did not appear, the bloodstream of the body is broken.


The manifestation of the disease has several stages:

  1. It is developing the disease during the first weeks of life of the newborn baby. Initially only you can notice a slight reddish stain which has a slight height above the skin surface. But already in the first 3 months of the tumor significantly increases in size.
  2. The hallmark of hemangiomas - by pressing lightly with your finger on the tumor it must first pale, because that there was a flow of blood, and then again take its original red color.
  3. If a baby cries or coughs, neoplasm becomes voluminous and brighter due to the intensified blood pressure.
  4. There may be a slight difference in temperature between the skin and the tumor itself. It will be hot to the touch.

Symptoms of renal hemangiomas may be as follows:

  • fever;
    Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
  • blood present in the urine;
  • colic in the kidneys;
  • high blood pressure;
  • smack in the groin back pain.

The cause of spinal tumors can be continuous back pain that is difficult to remove any painkillers or drugs reduce inflammation, or by means of massage. It requires a study on MRI.


The reasons for the occurrence of hemangiomas in infants will be able to set the doctors:

  • Pediatrician.
  • Surgeon.
  • Dermatologist.

Then, the following examinations necessary to pass:

  1. Investigation neoplasms - dermatoscopy.
  2. Perform roentgen patient places - angiography, where the contrast using additives highlighting occurs near vessels.
  3. Ultrasound of the tumor itself.
    Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
  4. Perhaps more will have to undergo a CT scan at the affected vertebral region, sockets and other organs.

hemangioma treatment

Hemangioma in newborns, the cause of it with precision can only diagnose the doctor, with the passage of time alone. But if the tumor grows, hinders or interferes with breathing to the child normally see - need help pediatrician, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, or even surgery.

Which tumors should be treated:

  1. If the tumor begins to grow rapidly and increase in size.
  2. Growing up on the neck, eyelids, on the genitals, head, on the forehead or in the oral cavity of a roadblock in essential life processes.
  3. Bleed.
  4. The tumor is injured or there was an ulcer.

If the hemangioma is small, nothing prevents cutaneous and has a location, it is not necessary to treat. By 5 or 6 years it will disappear again and is no longer displayed.


Apply the treatment with beta-blockers:

  • Timolol.
  • Inderal.
  • Propranolol.
Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt

Treatment is carried out in a hospital. Beta-blockers are treated as an extensive tumors of internal organs, so the body and face. But should consult a pediatrician, cardiologist and surgeon about the contraindications and possible side effects. And in the future to treat them only under strict supervision.

It is also being treated with hormonal agents. For example, steroid preparations based on hormones, can significantly slow tumor growth.

The treatment is often used prednisolone. When it is used in the vascular wall and the connective tissue is increased collagen formation. As a result, blood vessels are compressed and atrophied.

surgical methods

If the child has a heavy state of health or it is a newborn baby, the surgery is not performed.

Removal hemangiomas in surgery using the following methods:

  • apply laser coagulation of blood vessels;
  • carry moxibustion point - ditermoelektrokoagulyatsiyu;
  • in places that are difficult or inconvenient to get used radiotherapy;
  • tumor frozen with liquid nitrogen - cryodestruction;
  • administered sclerosing substance - sklerodestruktsiyu;
  • surgical removal.

After treatment, the doctor can be assigned a course of antibiotics, both in the form of injections or pellets. The former site of the tumor daily treated with antiseptics.


If the tumor is small and has a surface location, it can be cured cryodestruction or cold. On hemangioma affect the low temperature of liquid nitrogen of -180 ° C.

This leads to the destruction of tumor cells and its instantaneous freezing. Such treatment does not cause bleeding or pain. Cryotherapy can be done even babies and not stantsionarom, but just in the clinic without anesthesia.

Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt

If the child turned a year or more, such treatment is performed using general anesthesia. This is to ensure that it is because of fear of doctors or instruments are not scared and threw a tantrum that would complicate the operation. Prior to this, parents need to get help from the pediatrician that the baby is not contraindicated anesthesia.

Duration of operation lasts no longer than 10 minutes. After a few days at the former location of hemangioma appears crust. It must handle every day margantsovochnym solution of 5% strength, without affecting nearby healthy tissue spared them from burning.

It is necessary to avoid injury to the crust, because it builds new tissue beneath. She would go on their own without leaving a trace.

laser therapy

Laser treatment is one of the most efficient and safe methods for neoplastic therapy, thanks to the efficiency and high precision. Operation is allowed for children older than 3 years.

Used to treat large cavernomas method puncture degradation. Physician performed a puncture of the skin and through it is carried to the tumor laser beam. He instantly heats the selected portion to a desired high temperature. After that, instead of tumor cells begins to form healthy tissue.

Treatment of folk remedies

Hemangioma in infants, the causes of which are discussed above, is treated by a variety of traditional medicine recipes.

But they all require consultation doctor - a pediatrician or dermatologist:

  1. Grate medium onion. From a small segment of folded wad of bandage. On it lay a little onion mash, and attach to the hemangioma. It is necessary to ensure that the onion juice unable zatech child's eyes, ears or nose. Top compress covered with a thick cloth or cotton wool, plastic wrap. So repeated 10 days.
    Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
  2. Grind fresh grass celandine. Dial 1 tbsp. l. Raw pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. Infuse 45 - 50 min. In ostyvshem infusion moisten fleece piece and applied to the affected area three or four times a day for 30 minutes. You can replace the infusion of fresh juice of celandine. They need to be lubricated hemangioma 2 weeks.
  3. Carefully separated from the tea fungus small piece and attach to the new formation. Top lay bandage or a swab of cotton wool and attach adhesive. 1 to establish a compress once a day, the course - 3 weeks.
  4. Rip in milk ripeness walnuts. Choose one core and squeeze the juice. Moisten a folded several times a piece of bandage in the resulting juice. Top overlay cellophane tape, and then a piece of cotton fabric. Secure the wrap with a bandage or plaster. Hold 4 h. So do 2 times a day for 30 days.

Treatment requires a large and rapidly growing hemangioma. The rest will be on their own.

Dangers and Consequences

Hemangioma is a danger in 20% of all cases. This applies to large tumors. Growing, it compresses the tissues and organs nearby.

Increases the risk if:

  1. There even a minor injury hemangioma. This can cause bleeding and ulcers, through which you can add to the body the infection.Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
  2. Tumor large diameter and stored in the liver or other internal organs. It is, without delay, to be examined with computed tomography, sonography or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). After all internal tumors grow slowly and imperceptibly, than external. It is better not to bring up, when it will grow to a large size. If the tumor is located in the liver, there is a risk of its rupture, and extensive internal bleeding.
    Hemangioma in newborns. Causes, treatment on his back, century, head-in syndrome Kazabah Merritt
  3. It appears on the arteries or veins. Education is dangerous because expanding, it disrupts the normal flow of blood through the vessels, blocking or narrowing of the vascular lumen.

Large tumors can create great inconvenience. Hemangioma will interfere with the normal look and open eyes, if the child has grown in the century. Appearing on the lip or in the mouth, it will stop to eat, but if the neck - can cause difficulty in breathing and swallowing problems. Located on the pinna, it can significantly reduce the child's ear.

Another of the dangers arising hemangioma is when the blood clot is broken.

Children's body begins to perceive tumor vessel as its damage, and then there is an active platelet production. All this can cause such disease as thrombocytopenia, when there is a decrease in platelets in the blood, which ultimately lead to reduced blood clotting.

Hemangioma and vaccinations

If the tumor is not growing, then the doctors are allowed to carry out vaccination. After the entered hemangioma vaccination may begin to grow. In order not to be exposed to unnecessary risk, should go consult a surgeon. The doctor will assess the individual case and decide the issue of vaccination.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komorowski believes that parents should not rush into a panic if their toddler found a hemangioma. It is necessary to closely monitor changes in the nature of a neoplasm. It is better to photograph the tumors every 14 - 15 days to objectively assess its rate of growth.

If the child is under the supervision of a dermatologist, a tumor located in a safe place, not growing, it's best to leave him alone and no cure. By the age of 5-7, it will pass without leaving a trace.

In any case it is necessary to visit a dermatologist to hemangioma examination in newborns. Only a doctor will be able to indicate the reasons for its occurrence, and determine what to take next: carefully observe the development or removed immediately.

Author of the article: Nika

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of hemangiomas in infants

School doctors Komarovksogo - hemangioma:

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