
Night sweating heavily. The reason for excessive sweating in women after giving birth, the age of 50-60 years. Treatment of folk remedies

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Heavy sweating in women is caused by various reasons, excessive sweating faces about 2% of the world's population, and women in this indicator is more than half. The majority of people usually suffer from seasonal gipegidroza, which is activated in the spring or summer, that is, with an increase in air temperature.

Thus sweat glands perform its primary role - the body thermoregulation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is sweating, his functions and standards
  • 2 Causes of heavy sweating in women older than 50 years after birth
  • 3 Species, stage and grade of heavy sweating in women older than 50 years after birth
  • 4 Diagnosis of severe sweating in women
  • 5 When to see a doctor
  • 6 Prevention of heavy sweating in women
  • 7 Methods of treatment of heavy sweating in women after 50 years and after childbirth
    • 7.1 Medications
    • 7.2 Traditional methods
    • 7.3 Other methods
  • 8 possible complications
  • 9 Video of the strong perspiration

What is sweating, his functions and standards

Pot - an aqueous solution containing salts, ammonia and other elements. When the output of the sweat gland ducts, it is characterized by transparency, odorless, only after accession bacteria on the skin, it acquires odor. The human body is strewn over 2 Mill. the glands that produce sweat.

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Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
What is sweating

Normally, a person sweats always, since the sweat glands in a partially redundant systems and lymph fluid. At a temperature comfortable air person allocates then to about 800 ml of fluid per day and during physical activity or increasing the temperature, this figure can be up to 2 liters per day. It is also considered normal.

Classification of sweat glands:

  1. Ekrinovye sweat glands include its chemical composition of acid and salt, sweat secreted by them, has a transparent color and is odorless. Due to its chemical composition, it is able to protect the skin from inflammation. Their greatest concentration is observed on the forehead, torso (chest and back) and lower limbs.
  2. Apokrinnovye gland mainly located in the armpits, the crotch and groin area. They produce a turbid liquid with a characteristic smell of sweat. It contains elements of cholesterol, fatty acids and other biological compounds. It favors an increase in the bacterial colonies, and also reduces the friction in its allocation field. Ucheny proved that secret apocrine glands are pheromones, which can give signals to the opposite sex.

Sweating function:

  1. Protecting body from overheating due to the evaporation of moisture from the skin.
  2. Protecting the skin from bacteria due to the increased acidity of sweat excreted eccrine glands.
  3. Reduced friction in the areas of localization of apocrine glands, excreting through sweat fatty acids.
  4. Transmit information about themselves opposite sex.

Causes of heavy sweating in women older than 50 years after birth

Women whose bodies are actually completed or the nearest period of time to finish their reproductive function, are often faced with the problem of excessive sweating.

Menopause and sweating often accompany each other. The cause of hyperhidrosis in early menopause may be a lack of the hormone estrogen, which affects the hypothalamus, sends information to the brain about the overheating of the body and the need to reduce it to a specific framework temperature.

During these periods, which are called the tides, women may experience heart palpitations, vasodilation, lightheadedness. The first symptoms of hyperhidrosis may begin predklimaksny period. Symptomatology is characterized by its gradual increase.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
Causes of heavy sweating in women

Nibolee tides often plague women menostaza second phase when the body is adapted to the new working conditions without the female hormone. The second phase menostaza occur during the first 1.5 years after the last menstrual period.

patients can usually feel the hot flushes several times a day, the attacks may start suddenly and just as suddenly go, nevertheless similar jumps in women significantly reduce the quality of her life, causing often take a shower, and locking her in her own home, limiting contact with others. Profuse sweating can persist in the postmenopausal period.

However, the frequency of attacks can and should gradually decrease, and already after 24 months. after the last menstrual period is normal they should not be. After 40 years, the woman should take it a rule to visit the gynecologist 1 every six months, which will allow time to identify the doctor beginning menostaza and prolong the functional ovaries work.

Female body with pregnancy and birth of a child is experiencing a tremendous strain on all the organs, because of this change work in the literal sense of the whole organism.

Profuse sweating can cause inconvenience to the woman during the day, at night and during breast-feeding (breast feeding). A young mother with no apparent reason may be excessive sweating armpits, the area under the chest area and neck, skin folds in the crook of the feet and hands, forehead and other parts of the face and body.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
transferred stress

Heavy sweating in women (causes are listed below) due to changes in the body due to birth:

  1. Transferred stress. Undoubtedly, every woman experiences severe stress after delivery and after them, especially if the child first. The process of delivery is accompanied by pain, agony usually protracted delivery process, psychological stress, fear and insecurity. Taken together the above mentioned factors and individually may cause profuse sweating. In addition, after suffering a stress in the body reduces the production of the hormone progesterone, to which the brain responds immediately copious heat and sweat.
  2. The increased volume of fluid in the body. The increase in blood volume in the body during pregnancy by an average of 40% load urinary system are the factors increasing and fluid retention in the body of the woman in child bearing. After birth, a woman's body bounces back, getting rid of excess fluid through sweat.
  3. Postpartum depression. Status of women after childbirth, when observed apathy, depression, feelings called postpartum depression. Typically, postpartum depression is the result of myocardial stress during labor, which in turn causes excessive sweating.
  4. Prolonged reaction to stressors. When child-bearing female organism slowly adapts to changes within it that causes hyperhidrosis seizures during pregnancy. This condition can go and the postpartum period.
  5. Overweight. During pregnancy, the woman is gaining quite a number of extra kilos. Naturally, after the birth of the child part of them goes, the rest in the form of fat and excess fluid leaves the body gradually. Particularly intense this mono process observed in women, welcoming breastfeeding babies.
  6. The sharp release of the hormone prolactin observed in mothers of children who are breastfed. When a baby crying or feeding time approaching women celebrate a special intensity of the milk and fever.

If a woman suffers greatly from excessive sweating, your doctor may prescribe her medication against sweating body. However, it should be understood that the rash can not be considered a separate disease, but is a manifestation of other disorders of the body, not just hormonal.

If medication fails after six months of therapy to cope with excessive sweating and symptoms is not clear, it is likely that the doctor will suggest a comprehensive diagnosis of the organism to identify the true cause hyperhidrosis.

Species, stage and grade of heavy sweating in women older than 50 years after birth

Based on the extensiveness of the affected surface was isolated:

  • Generalized hyperhidrosis type covers all of the patient's body;
  • Local hyperhidrosis is characteristic of certain parts of the body - underarms, forehead, temples, inguinal folds, hands, feet.
    Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
    Species, stage and grade of heavy sweating

Heavy sweating in women (the causes can be accurately determined only after the diagnostic) may provoke the following types of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Psychogenic type of hyperhidrosis is a consequence of stress, bright emotions. With stress and anxiety levels of the hormone adrenaline in the blood increases. It activates certain parts of the nervous system, responsible for the work of the glands. As a result, they begin to work more intensively.
  2. Hyperhidrosis primary type is mainly seen in young children and school age, and to 40 years in sweating intensity decreases. Primary hyperhidrosis can occur even in the absence of physical activity, stress, normal temperatures. It is characterized by constancy and has a local character. At what areas are most exposed hyperhidrosis (face, legs, underarms), not just slightly moistened, but covered with sweat drops.
  3. Endocrine hyperhidrosis type is usually accompanied by diseases of endocrine glands. For this type of hyperhidrosis is characterized by a generalization, since hormone levels directly affects the sweat glands.

According sweat emitted from the scope of the doctor allocate 3 degrees hyperhidrosis:

  1. Mild has no significant effect on the patient's life. The problem can be easily camouflaged using deodorants and gels.
  2. The average degree of sweating is characterized by an increased release of moisture during the test of strong emotions, over-voltage or excitement. In this case, the disease involves not only the armpits, but also areas on the face - can appear perspiration on the forehead or temples.
  3. Severe manifests itself in all seasons, regardless of the temperature in the room or on the street. In this case, not only sweat armpits, but also the limbs, the chest, abdomen and head. When hyperhidrosis symptoms reach the third stage, it becomes a real problem to find the woman in the society. The problem can not be solved only with the help of only cosmetic means. The unpleasant smell of sweat and unkempt as a whole can reduce a person's self-esteem to a minimum and cause considerable discomfort.

In advanced stages of hyperhidrosis women tend to irritability, nervousness, rejection of new acquaintances and unwillingness to maintain old relationships.

Diagnosis of severe sweating in women

Heavy sweating in women (the reasons need to be identified, which is why in this matter is important integrated approach) transforms an ordinary person into a vicious hermit. To begin, the doctor makes examination of the patient, his skin and clothing to determine what areas of the body most prone to hyperhidrosis.

Then, hold the patient's poll, where the main issues are:

  • a history of chronic diseases;
  • the time of occurrence of hyperhidrosis, its seasonality;
  • the presence of relatives of the problem of excessive sweating;
  • support hyperhidrosis other symptoms;
    Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
    Diagnosis heavy sweating

Once the questionnaire is usually the doctor offers to pass a series of tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • a blood test for hepatitis B, C and HIV;
  • X-rays of light;
  • a blood test for syphilis - Wasserman;
  • a blood test to determine the glucose level;
  • a blood test for thyroid hormones (cost about 2,500 rubles.);
  • general urine analysis.

Depending on the results obtained by analysis, will be offered a CT scan (to rule out brain abnormalities) or donate blood for tumor markers for suspected cancer. The average cost of a brain CT is 2,000 rubles., A blood test for tumor markers range from 800 to 2400 rubles.

The above mentioned tests can be taken in laboratories at an urban clinic. In addition to tests, the doctor may propose Minor's test to determine the areas of the body most affected by hyperhidrosis. It is a starch-iodine test, when the test area is lubricated 2% iodine solution, and after drying the sprinkled with starch.

Sweating most places will be painted in the color purple. This technique is used in step doctor treatment with botulotoksinovyh injection.

When to see a doctor

To the doctor should contact immediately if the severity of hyperhidrosis increased, preventive methods and masking agents do not have the desired effect. The most common cause of hyperhidrosis are disorders of the endocrine system, so in the initial stage it is recommended to visit the endocrinologist.

Geniralizirovanny hyperhidrosis may be due to serious diseases such as the immune system and in endocrine.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment

Causes of generalized hyperhidrosis:

  1. Diabetes. For the disease characterized by changes in the autonomic nervous system as well as the destruction of myelin - a substance that protects nerve roots and fibers, which affects the work of the sweat glands. At what sweating suffers from the upper part of the body, while in the vicinity of the bottom of the notes excessive dryness. In addition hyperhidrosis during diabetes patient feels constant thirst, dry mouth, muscle weakness, decreased immunity and long healing wounds.
  2. giperterioz - thyroid disease by which it increased the number of heart contractions, metabolism and blood flow rate. As a result of these changes occurs fever and enhanced operation of sweat glands is the mechanism of natural thermoregulation. The consequence may be giperterioza dramatic weight loss, crying, irritability, fever, increased appetite, protrusion of the eyeballs.
  3. Obesity. Accumulated fat traps heat inside the body, what stimulates the intensity of the sweat glands, which tend to reduce the heat level.
  4. Acromegaly - a benign tumor of the pituitary gland, which reduces the production of sex hormones. Due to hormonal imbalance in the body sweat glands begin to work in emergency mode. In this disease thickens the skin, begins to gather in folds, increasing the bone, especially the face (eyebrows, the lower jaw, cheekbones), aching joints, skull increases.
  5. menopause accompanied by a reduction of estrogen levels, the lack of which delivers the signal to the brain overheat organism causing seizures tides and hyperhidrosis.
  6. pheochromocytoma - tumors of the nervous system, which synthesizes adrenaline and noradrenaline, stimulating the nervous system, increasing the number of pulses coming to the sweat glands. A characteristic symptom is high blood pressure, panic, chills, cardiac pain, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain. After an attack, the patient begins to sweat, urine, a large amount - up to 5 liters.
  7. pubescence accompanied by instability of the gonads. Constant fluctuations in hormones affect the nervous system, in particular its sympathetic division. Such a state can last 1 - 2 years, and may be accompanied by a person for life.
  8. Tuberculosis - is characterized by sweating at night, when most of the external stimuli is absent. By Associated symptoms include prolonged fever, cough, weight loss, general weakness.
  9. infectious diseasesWhen sweat is allocated in response to a rise in body temperature.

Heavy sweating in women requires accurate diagnosis and identify the causes of hyperhidrosis, conducted a comprehensive diagnosis of the patient's body. According to the analysis a person goes to doctors profiling - endocrinologist, mammolog, gynecologist, oncologist, tuberculosis and others.

Prevention of heavy sweating in women

The problem of heavy sweating postpartum pass on their own without any treatment after 2 - 3 months after the baby is born. If the problem is delayed in time or the woman feels some discomfort, then at the first sign of hyperhidrosis doctors recommend to do its prevention.

Such a complex can also come and the fairer sex, who are already in the pre-menopausal phase and nearing the time of menopause. In both categories of women are advised to change their lifestyle, diet and add exercise.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment

In general, it is necessary to make the maximum number of steps in the direction of reduce the influence of the factors in life that provoke profuse sweating:

  1. Sports. This does not necessarily recorded in the gym, enough to be an easy set of aerobic exercise in the fresh air. In addition, you can do yoga and pilates, slow exercises combined with breathing exercises will help to put in order psycho-emotional background, and reduce stress.
  2. Changing diets. It is necessary to give up foods that one way or another can cause excessive sweating, such as coffee, spicy and fried foods, alcohol, salty foods and smoked foods. All of them are nervous system irritant foods irritate the nervous system, delay fluid in the body and cause a feeling of heaviness. Preference should be given to raw vegetables and fruits, steamed dishes, cooked vegetables and meat products containing slow carbohydrates (cereals, dried fruit, nuts). In addition, such products contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, particularly calcium, which are so necessary nursing mothers and women aged.
  3. Compliance with the water-salt balance. Many people mistakenly believe that the amount of water you drink is directly proportional effect on the amount of sweat, but it is not. Increasing the daily consumption of pure water is able to breathe new life into the body and make a kind of a system restart. Pot consists of approximately 98% water and 2% of salts. By increasing the amount of water a person regulates water and salt balance and does not leach out the salts from the body, but the toxins and decomposition products are water soluble and excreted much more intense. The scientists noted that people who consume sufficient amounts of clean drinking water a day (about 2 liters or more) had a less pungent odor of sweat than those who consumed little liquid.
  4. Reducing excess weight. Extra weight increases the strain on the whole body, respectively, more people It affects the energy it needs to produce more heat to maintain body temperature. A combination of proper diet and exercise can help to resolve this issue.
  5. Wearing cut free from natural fabrics. Such clothing does not restrict movement, promotes free lymph current, does not violate the body thermoregulation. The same rules apply to the lower and underwear, which is especially important during the breastfeeding period.
  6. Maintaining an optimum temperature and humidity in the room. The most comfortable temperature during wakefulness considered + 20 - 21 degrees Celsius, at night it must be lowered to 19 degrees Celsius. Humidity needs to be maintained at 40 - 60%.
  7. The use of vitamins. Vitamin complexes are very diverse in their selection is necessary to rely on the characteristics of the patient. For example, vitamins for nursing mothers is hardly suitable for women who are on the verge of menopause.
  8. Complete rest. Even if a woman has a great number of the backlog of cases at home, you need to give yourself a break. For example, if a woman is bad enough sleep at night, she needs to rest during the day and for women after childbirth, especially nursing mothers, for complete rest is recommended to observe the regime of their child.
  9. Avoiding stress. Mood swings in the postmenstrual and postnatal period fraught with serious consequences for both categories of the fair sex. Constant stress and lack of rest can slow down the production of the hormone prolactin and, therefore, reduce the milk supply and a hungry child can and does cause mothers panic. As for older women, that psychologists advise them to direct their energies in a positive manner - the lessons needlework, reading, visiting groups of interest.
  10. Giving up smoking and alcohol. The effect of nicotine is bad for blood vessels, reduces their elasticity, is the cause of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Methods of treatment of heavy sweating in women after 50 years and after childbirth

Treatment of excessive sweating lends itself to many methods, but this condition can only be a symptom of the processes occurring in the human body, therefore, subject to the elimination of its causes.


Medications for the treatment gipergidroznogo state usually operate directionally and reduce the impact of factors influence defining problem of excessive sweating. These include:

Medications aimed at inhibition of the nerve impulse and systems:

  1. Vegetable sedatives (alcoholate valerian and Leonurus, Sedavit, medicinal herbs charges with a calming effect that contain bromine) used 3 r. / D. for 9 - 10 weeks. If the positive effect will not be achieved, are appointed by other, more powerful drugs;
  2. The action of antidepressants can reduce stimulation of the nervous system potovyvodyaschih glands: mianserin - 10 - 30 mg / g.; fluoxetine, Prozac (the price of 75 rubles.) - 20 mg / d. Positive efficiency with antidepressants is reached after 3 weeks of treatment, the rate is 6 - 8 weeks;
  3. Neuroleptic drugs such as sonapaks (From 700 rubles.) - 80 - 150 mg / d. Correction of dosage as its increase, because with a decrease occurs gradually;
  4. Tranquilizers are appointed as profuse sweating is associated with a disorder of the autonomic system. Inderal (the price of 38 rubles.), Clonazepam (the price of 102 rubles.) - 10 -. 80 mg / d, the treatment period of 4 weeks. Medicament method is effective in 90% of cases, subject to the dosage and duration of reception.
  5. Holinoliticheskie funds transferred cropped excitement to sweat and other glands:
  • anticholinergics natural origin - Bellataminalum, Bellaspon (the price of 136 rubles.) - 1 tab. 3 r. / G .;
  • anticholinergics artificial origin - atropine (the price of 13 rubles. / S) -. 1 mg 2 r. / G.; Despres forte (From 240 rubles.) - 1 capsule 1 - 2 r. / D.
Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
Herbal sedatives

Also help medical antiperspirants. Composition antiperspirant varied, it includes, chemical compounds, narrowing or bridging potovyvodyaschie ducts. They block the egress of fluid through them. Validity of a fairly long and up to 3 weeks.

In addition, these drugs are distinguished by their content of antibacterial substances, stopping the growth of bacteria. Antiperspirant is applied to the washed, dry skin on the instructions to the drug. Efficiency of the method is from 60 to 80%, disadvantages is that antiperspirants eliminate sweating itself, but not the cause. The average price per bottle - 560 rubles.

Injections of botulinum toxin (Botox, Ispen, Xeomin, Dysport) docked nerve activity associated with glands are responsible for sweating. The most common areas of administration - limbs, armpits, face.

body area most prone to hyperhidrosis, cut away using an insulin syringe with botulinum toxin. Efficiency of the method is 95% Bole. The disadvantages include the short-term effect of up to 7 months, the appearance of muscle weakness in the area of ​​administration, the high cost of the procedure -. 11 thousand. rub.

Traditional methods

Folk medical methods are not possible will take only after ascertaining the causes of hyperhidrosis and the complete diagnosis of the organism. The decision on the feasibility and safety of using folk methods takes the physician.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
Hygienic welcome bath with chamomile and oak bark

The most effective recipe in this area are:

  1. Hygienic welcome bath with chamomile and oak bark. The flowers of camomile drug have excellent antiseptic effect and kill germs and bacteria, and oak bark containing tannins, which reduce the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands. The bathroom is recommended to take daily for 20 - 30 minutes. before bedtime. To prepare the bath it is necessary to take 2 tablespoons. l. dry raw sugar and 1 liter of boiling water, let stand 30 minutes. Strain resulting broth and pour into bath filled with a rate of 1 liter of broth in 20 liters of water. If you can not take a bath, you can make a lotion to the problem areas.
  2. Soothing herbal tea fit and lactating mothers. In the preparation of tea you want to use 1 tbsp. l. dry raw lime flowers, and lemon balm mint, filled with 500 ml of hot water and infused for half an hour. Tea is taken during the day, but it's better at night, he has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relaxes.
  3. Herbal infusion with sage and clover It is an effective tool in the treatment of excessive sweating at menostaze, but its reception is contraindicated Nursing women during the postnatal period as sage able to reduce the quantity of milk produced. To prepare the herbal tincture must be filled with 200 ml of boiling water for 1 hour. l. dry raw material, leave 1 hr. Take infusion to ½ before dinner at Art. 2 times. The infusion has a bracing effect, it contains substances by their chemical composition resembling estrogen reduces visible symptoms of menopause.
  4. Using soda solutions. Lotions soda solution at the rate of 1 h. l. 1 Art. warm water is made on problem areas or simply wiped problem area.
  5. Finished herbal for older women and for women in the postpartum period, in which the teas contain herbs in addition to having a sedative effect, and the components can facilitate carminative in infants.

Profuse sweating is usually well treated folk methods. Their only disadvantage is the condition for a long and regular intake, as in homeopathic remedies. To achieve the effect of herbal medicine continues for a month.

Other methods

In addition to folk remedies and medical treatment of excessive sweating, doctors may resort to extreme methods, when all other methods tested, for example, laser removal of sweat glands, surgical intervention, or simpaktektomii Iontophoresis.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment
Other methods

Detailed indications for treatment, the effectiveness and the method of described in the table below:

Indication Efficiency disadvantages execution method
Treatment of localized hyperhidrosis on the extremities 65% Short-term effect (a few days), a small area of ​​treatment. Capacity is filled with liquid (water) and is connected to a iontophoresis. By means of low-frequency current reduction is carried reflex ducts of the sweat glands. The procedure is done in a day, for a week.
Treatment of localized hyperhidrosis in underarm area and upper limbs 95% High risk of injury, moloeffektiven in the treatment of generalized form of the disease, which is typical for endocrine form. The cells of the subcutaneous adipose tissue is removed in some areas of the body by curettage. At the same time injure the nerve fibers responsible for transmitting impulses from the brain to the sweat glands. After the selection procedures sweat ceases altogether or reduced significantly.
Treatment of localized hyperhidrosis in underarm area and upper limbs 93% High traumatic, because the procedure affects the spinal cord. May develop compensatory type of hyperhidrosis, sweating is expressed in the body. After surgery, may be left scars and bruises. Surgery is performed under general anesthetic on the spinal cord. At the same time cut the nerves that are responsible for the transmission of signals from the brain to the sweat glands.
Treatment of all types of hyperhidrosis 90% The high price of procedures, lack of specialist qualifications Produced local anesthesia the most active areas of sweating. Under the skin, the needle is injected insulin, which is an optical fiber, sweat gland destroyed with a laser. Due to the fact that a certain amount of sweat glands continue to operate, with the help of this method can avoid compensatory sweating type.
Treatment of psychogenic hyperhidrosis 70% The treatment time, which is necessary to take several months, requires a person to discipline and strict compliance with Council of Psychologists A patient with a psychologist analyze situations that can cause excessive sweating. Learn to properly respond to them and to control emotions.
Treatment of psychogenic hyperhidrosis 75% The effect of the procedure is temporary, lasting up to 40 days Electrotherapy sedative method is able to restore the balance processes in the brain. The most popular - Bathrooms with coniferous and brine, electric, for the use of galvanic collar Shcherbakov.

possible complications

Paramount excessive sweating causes social problems, when a person avoids contact or meeting new people. The specific aroma of sweat spoils the private life of a person, as well as to influence the choice of his profession. People with similar problems specifically avoided speaking in public, aware of his problem, lead a secluded life.

Heavy sweating women in a dream at night, after childbirth, age 50-60 years. Causes and Treatment

Hyperhidrosis can be provocateur various diseases. For example, sweating feet, namely, constant humidity, can become an incubator of fungal diseases on the feet. Hidradenitis - a disease that is localized in the armpits and groin area folds characteristic of inflammation of the sweat glands and purulent lesion surrounding tissues.

In addition, the excessively moistened integuments often arise intertrigo (sudamen), and pustular rash with papules.

Heavy sweating in women during menopause and women post-partum period, as a rule, does not have a serious reason. Control hyperhidrosis, in both cases it makes sense through preventive methods or folk remedies in combination with a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, vitamin use.

Video of the strong perspiration

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