
Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the chest, legs, hands, face, adults, children. Treatment

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Rash or skin rashes represent the body's response to changes occurring within the body. Photos of the most common skin lesions and their descriptions are shown below.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of skin rash
  • 2 Types of diseases in which there are skin rashes
  • 3 Diagnosis of skin rash
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 Prevention of skin rash
  • 6 Methods of treating skin lesions
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Videos about the causes and treatments of skin rash

Causes of skin rash

The appearance of the rash appearing sometimes visible at once, it becomes a bright color, an unusual structure, and sometimes barely visible and experienced eye doctor. The rash has a local character and covers most of the area of ​​the body. Its diverse forms, from small, almost imperceptible blisters to large, painful formations.

Some types of lesions disappear on their own, but many skin changes are a response to systemic diseases, infectious, allergic, which require treatment.

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The reasons for which there are rashes:

  1. Contact dermatitis. One of the reasons for which skin contact with chemicals, cosmetic preparations, poisonous plants, inflamed.
  2. Medications. Prolonged drug reception causes many side reactions such as redness, rashes. Antibiotics increase the sensitivity of the skin, which is a reaction rash.
  3. Infection. Rashes appear in this group in the case of: a bacterial skin infection, fungal infections, parasitic diseases, viral infections.
  4. Autoimmune diseases. Abnormalities in the immune system lead to the defeat of the healthy tissue, which is manifested in the form of rashes, redness, thickening.
  5. Pigmentation disorders. When the disease affects both large and small areas of the skin.
  6. Benign and malignant tumors.
  7. Psoriasis and dermatitis.
  8. Hyperhidrosis.
Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment

Skin rashes (photo and description can be seen below) appear not only in adults, especially young children exposed to the rash.

Common disease, the symptoms of which can be seen on the skin:

  • Chickenpox.
  • Measles.
  • Scarlet fever.
  • Kawasaki syndrome.
  • Impetigo.

Types of diseases in which there are skin rashes

For the rash appears there are many reasons. Some caused by external factors, other - the presence of disturbances in the internal organs. Insect bites are left in the human body substances that cause a rash. The nature of it and the following symptoms are often dependent on the individual response.

Rashes come in the form of small dots of red, often accompanied by swelling, redness, pain. The skin becomes chapped, there are often pockets of secondary infection after scratching.

Skin rashes (photo and description can be seen by each type) caused by viruses:

  1. Impetigo. Infection bacterial nature, is more common in children of primary school age. The disease has an independent nature, or as a complication of another disease. A characteristic feature - constantly itchy red spots. Impetigo develops in two forms: nebulloznoy when the spots appear in the mouth, nose, bullosa - large blisters appear on the trunk, arms, legs. The second form is typical for children up to 2 years.
  2. Shingles. The disease is a viral form, the causative agent of the family of herpes viruses. It is based on the individual nerve infection, characteristic feature - a rash similar to chicken pox but is located along the infected nerve. Increasing the red blisters form a continuous strip, cause painful reactions.
  3. Scabies. Contagious disorder caused by subcutaneous mite. Rash visible in the wrists, elbows, waist, armpits, for 4-6 weeks after infection. The main symptom is a strong night itching characteristic white stripes running along the body.
  4. Mononucleosis or glandular fever. Disease is expressed pink rash may be present fever, headache, swollen neck glands. The symptoms do not last more than 2 weeks, and then gradually disappear.
  5. Measles. The disease is caused by a virus rubeola. In the course of the disease appear reddish-brown spots that spread from the face down the body. Rash accompanied by a cough, sore throat, fever.
  6. Lyme disease. It occurs due to infections transmitted by ticks. Body develops a rash, which is in the initial stages of soft and warm to the touch. In the future, the redness becomes an apple shape and not necessarily his appearance on the site of the original bite.
Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment

The rash may be autoimmune and hereditary causes:

  1. Lupus. Disease in which the immune system attacks healthy tissue. The rash takes bizarre forms, in the form of a butterfly in red, appears near the nose. Mucous patches appear on the neck, arms.
  2. HIV infection. At the initial stage, when the immune system is not struggling with the disease on the body rash appears as flat little spots, elevated above the skin.
  3. Ichthyosis vulgaris. Hereditary skin disease develops in childhood. It is characterized by thick, dry skin, often appearing with small scales. Locations subject to shock - the elbows, face, lower leg, scalp.
  4. Porphyria. An inherited disorder of pigment metabolism in the skin. Under the influence of the sun appears on the skin erosion, deep cracks, bubbles.

Diverse rash appears as one of the symptoms of internal diseases:

  1. Heliotrope rash. The disease is caused by inflammation in the muscles. Characterized by red spots appearing on a raised, bumpy skin.
  2. Uric rash. At higher levels of uric acid that is characteristic of gout may receive point rash. It is accompanied by redness, swelling, pain in the joints.
  3. Acute adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms include rash, fever, chills.
  4. Kawasaki syndrome. inflame arteries throughout the body wall provoke the appearance of erythema in her arms, in the groin. The skin starts to peel is formed around the lips dryness.

Skin rashes (photo and description of dermatitis and dermatosis below), characteristic of 80% of the population.


  • Atopic. Appears in early childhood, similar to an allergy, expressed itchy rash on the face and body.
  • Allergic. Reaction to foods, plants, expressed in the appearance of spots, blisters, red spots. Often accompanied by itching, edema.
  • Seborrheic. Excess sebum causes the reproduction of parasitic fungus that appear on the skin flakes, irritation, red spots.


  • Eczema. Rash accompanied by a burning sensation, inflammation. The disease is associated with abnormalities in the immune system.
  • Neurodermatitis. The combination of allergies and disorders in the autonomic nervous system leads to the emergence of neurodermatitis. The characteristic symptom - severe itching on the affected areas of the skin rash.
Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment

Psoriasis. Chronic skin disease that occurs frequently on the back of strong stress. In the course of the disease appear on the skin plaque with scales that bleed, causing pain.

Diagnosis of skin rash

Dermatologist will conduct a physical examination, ask to answer questions related to diet, internal and hereditary diseases.

In the future, you may need:

  • allergy tests;
  • complete blood count;
  • skin biopsy;
  • highly specialized medical examination (the presence of internal disease).

allergy tests are presented with a large number, for different substances and natural ingredients. The price for a basic set of delivery, consisting of the 26 allergens - from 2 thousand. rub. The analysis for each individual allergen is 300-400 rubles. Skin biopsy - from 1 thousand. 500 rubles. Vitropression - from 1 thousand. rub.

When to see a doctor

Skin rashes (photo and description can be found in the medical encyclopedia), which appeared on the face and body, They may be accompanied by additional symptoms:

  • the appearance of pus;
  • sore throat;
  • itchy rashes in places;
  • red stripes or spots around rash;
  • joint pain.

There are signs must be an occasion to visit a dermatologist or a doctor on call in case of acute symptoms.

Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment
The article contains a photo and a description of various skin rashes.

And also a cause for concern, and visit clinics are pronounced symptoms:

  • increasing pain at the site redness;
  • heat;
  • rapidly changing coloration of the skin;
  • conduct disorder;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling of the face and extremities;
  • heat;
  • labored breathing;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • pain in the neck and head.

The rash is a general term that refers to a rash on the face, body.

The physician operates the following concepts:

  1. lesion type: spots, papules, blisters.
  2. The form of rashes.
  3. Places rash.
  4. Color.
  5. Other features: fireplace, edema, flakes.

Only on the basis of a complete picture of the correct diagnosis and prescribed treatment will be delivered.

Prevention of skin rash

Most contact rashes successfully eliminated, the remaining treatment depends on the underlying cause.

Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment

Recommendations to help eliminate discomfort, accelerate the healing of skin:

  1. When washing your hands, use a soft body gentle cleansers that do not have as part of aggressive stimuli.
  2. Cold water wash better than hot.
  3. When the itch to try not to comb redness places, and stroke.
  4. Do not cover the rash clothing. The skin needs to breathe, it promotes rapid healing.
  5. Pay attention to the composition of cosmetics, shampoos, detergents, with their purchase.
  6. Areas the affected with eczema, wet moisturizing lotion is odorless.
  7. Good help taking a bath with the addition of oatmeal. It is able to soothe the itching caused by psoriasis and eczema.
  8. Dandruff use special medicated shampoos should not cause skin irritation.

Methods of treating skin lesions

Methods of treatment of skin diseases depends on the underlying cause, but the principles are the same: systemic and local therapy. The system is to assign preparations, injections, capable to eliminate inflammatory, allergic reactions, normalize all body systems. Local therapy involves elimination of symptoms characteristic for each specific disease.


Skin rashes are treated with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. Photos and descriptions of products listed in the article. Hormonal ointments and creams made on the basis of glucocorticosteroids, that rapidly eliminate inflammation and affect the immune response.

drug Name Mode of application Price
sinaflana Applicable for a large group of diseases ointment is applied 2-4 times a day to the affected areas, the duration of treatment depends on the disease. 14 rubles.
Akriderm Antiallergic, antibacterial agent is applied 1 to 3 times a day. 77 rubles.
Kortef tablets dosing regimen prescribed by the physician. 378 rubles.
Latikort Contraindicated in fungal infections. It is effective in psoriasis, dermatitis, applied topically is not more than 3 times a day. 80 rubles.
pimafukort On the basis of neomycin is contraindicated in viral infections, is effective in dermatoses, fungal infection.

450 rubles.

Afloderm Effective with dermatoses, psoriasis, eczema, all kinds of dermatitis. Apply a thin layer of at least 2 times a day.

200 rubles.

triderm Combined tool has antibacterial and glucocorticoid action. Effective for dermatitis, ringworm. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day, at least 3-4 weeks.

From 600 to 800 rubles. depending on the amount and form of issue

Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment

Of non-hormonal drugs are used:

Name Mode of application Price
Tsinokap Active substance: zinc pyrithione. Treatment is carried out 2 times per day 280 rubles.
Skin-Cap Non-hormonal agent, a wide range of activities. The dosage and duration of treatment depend on the disease. 450 rubles.
Elidel It possesses high activity in skin inflammations, applied to the skin at least 2 times per day. 800 rubles.
Dayvoneks It is effective in psoriasis, prescribed for the treatment of not more than 6-8 weeks

1300 rub.

Traditional methods

The rash does not represent a symptom complex disease can be treated with home remedies:

  1. Bath of oatmeal. The warm water was added 200 g. oatmeal soaking. The resulting slurry can be added to a warm bath and take it for 20-30 minutes. or apply a paste of cereals to the affected places. Oat possesses strong anti-inflammatory action.
  2. Aloe vera. This herb is known soothing effect on the skin. Pure aloe vera solution is applied to the skin to reduce inflammation and itching.
  3. Neem leaves. Good help with scabies, eczema. Handful leaves in water is heated for 20 min. The cooled solution using a cotton swab applied to inflamed skin.
  4. Coconut or olive oil. Good soothe delicate baby skin in case of rashes or burns.
  5. Comfrey. Herb, fresh or dry form, is soaked in water and using the resulting solution to make lotions lesion site.

Other methods

In addition to medicinal techniques are used:

  1. Cryotherapy. cold treatment of acute and chronic skin diseases. During the procedure, a patient kozhdy affect the low-temperature liquid nitrogen. Cryomassage held at which dilates blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the affected area.
  2. Phytotherapy. Phyto widely used for topical application. Creams, skin benefit include herbs: sage, striped, licorice root, wild rosemary marsh.
  3. Treatment with powders and "boltushek". They are prescribed for acute dermal inflammation, no skin soak.
  4. Cold lotions, wet dressings. In the appointment of external funds doctors adhere to principle. "Wet on wet apply a lotion for dry eruptions - fat means" On rash, accompanied by weeping, applied wet, cold lotions. For dry inflamed skin applied cream or gel.
  5. EHF-therapy. Treatment of exposure to electromagnetic radiation of millimeter waves. Reaction to the wave increases the skin's barrier function.
  6. Treatment with laser. The treatment increases the anti-inflammatory effect, increases blood flow, which promotes tissue regeneration.

possible complications

Dangerous effects of eczema, rash, redness in the fact that they are potential flashpoints for future infection. Scratching, scratching the affected areas create scars, and it's like an open door to infections.

Skin rashes. Photos and descriptions on the body, the face in adults and children. Treatment

The attached secondary infections is always more difficult to treat than the primary disease. If the rash has appeared as a symptom of an infectious disease, then people carrier it is not only putting themselves at risk, but also the health of others.

In many cases, skin rashes have a custom look and independently determine the nature of the rash is difficult. Photos and descriptions contained in encyclopedias and on the pages of internet issues, do not always help to find out the result of a disease it is. Therefore, for the diagnosis and treatment should be referred to a specialist.

Author: Anna Belyaeva

Videos about the causes and treatments of skin rash

Fragment of the program "Live healthy" on atopic dermatitis:

Causes and treatment of impetigo:

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