
Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get men, children, women. Folk remedies, medications

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Papilloma under the arms - a common problem among patients of different sex and age. Often, the disease affects adolescents, sometimes children. Its causes and treatment are closely linked, as after the elimination of predisposing factors can get rid of the growths.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is papillomavirus
  • 2 Types of warts armpits
  • 3 Stage and grade of papillomas armpits
  • 4 Symptoms of warts armpits
  • 5 Causes of warts armpits
  • 6 Diagnosis papillomas armpits
  • 7 When to see a doctor
  • 8 Prevention papillomas armpits
  • 9 Methods of treatment of papillomas underarm
    • 9.1 Medications
    • 9.2 Traditional methods
    • 9.3 Other methods
  • 10 possible complications
  • 11 Useful video about how to remove papillomas armpits

What is papillomavirus

Papillomas are benign tumors that appear on the skin and provoke unpleasant symptoms. They may be of different shapes and sizes, are rarely solitary, usually affect a certain area of ​​the skin. The regular appearance of growths in large quantities in medicine is called papillomatosis.

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Types of warts armpits

Papilloma armpits, causes and treatment differ depending on the species, were separated on multiple classifications. Given the characteristics of neoplasm growth and isolated endophytic exophytic growths. The first sprout inside the skin to form on the skin only a slight elevation.

Second sprout above the surface of the skin, have a different shape, size, greatly complicate human life. Doctors also are several types of growths depending on the form.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

The most common are:

  1. flat typically have a rounded shape, slightly raised above the skin, rarely bring discomfort to the patient. The patient sees them only with the appearance of symptoms.
  2. Pointed are common, have a small size, a base attached to the skin, narrowing towards the tip at least growth. Neoplasms do not occur singly, often appear in groups of several pieces.
  3. digital resemble spiky appearance, but do not have one, but two or three wedge. Appear in the same way as the previous build-up, causing severe discomfort.
  4. Simple or vulgar papilloma - the most common type. Their appearance resembles a mole, they are rounded and slightly raised above the level of the skin.
  5. threadlike Education appear in the armpits often. They are very thin, attached to the skin by a thin stalk. Such growths easily damage or even wreck by careless driving or rubbing of clothing.

In addition, experts distinguish nodules, prone to malignancy, and those that never turn into malignancy. Classification conventional view is detected in the diagnosis.

Stage and grade of papillomas armpits

Papilloma armpits, causes and treatment which are similar in any type of disease, the experts are not officially divided into stages or degrees. However, doctors conventionally isolated by initial, advanced stage and progressive papillomatosis. Flat education grow slowly, do not manifest themselves at an early stage.

As the progression of the state of the patient feels discomfort, notes outgrowth. At an advanced stage tumor provoking pain may bleed, next to it are formed other papilloma smaller. The same principle is progressing vulgar papillomavirus.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

Genital papillomavirus appear in several places armpits. First, the patient feels no pain. Further, the number of nodules increases. At the advanced stage of the size and number of entities is growing rapidly, the patient of their damages, associated infection.

Fingerlike growths develop along the same lines as the spiky, but grow slowly, rarely injured.

Infection joins in rare cases. Filamentous papilloma often provoke complications. At the initial stage, there is one or two buildup. Further, their number increases. At the advanced stage of most of the skin under the arms covered with tumors, they cause pain, itching, damaged clothing, hygiene while taking a shower.

Symptoms of warts armpits

In most cases papillomatosis not provoke symptoms persist in the initial stage and progressive. The incubation period can last from several months to several years.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

The main features in advanced cases will be as follows:

  • formation of a small buildup of various shapes and sizes;
  • appearance beside him like growths;
  • slight dry skin in the area of ​​papillomavirus;
  • bleeding when damaged buildup;
  • pain by rubbing papillomas clothing;
  • inflammation of the skin around the formations;
  • appearance of sores or cracks.

In severe cases associated infection provoked by the penetration of bacteria in the small wounds, formed during the build-up damage.

Causes of warts armpits

Papilloma armpits, causes and treatment which is almost always the same, arise as a result of penetration into the body of HPV. Today it is known to those skilled approximately 600 strains. More than 70% of the world population is infected with the virus, but it is activated under certain circumstances.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

The main predisposing factors are the following:

  • weakened immunity due to a long illness;
  • regular fatigue, intense physical activity;
  • poor diet, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • chronic vitamin deficiency;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;
  • the passage of chemotherapy.

Either of the factors can trigger activation of the virus, the appearance of tumors. HPV is sexually transmitted, using common objects hygiene. Children can become infected by parents.

Diagnosis papillomas armpits

Patients with symptoms of papillomatosis is recommended to consult a specialist for diagnostic evaluation. The first method of inspection will check the skin at the site of the formation of nodules. The doctor examines the affected area, assesses the state of papillomas and the likelihood of their degeneration into malignant tumors.

Another method is a common blood test. The patient takes a blood sample from a vein or a finger in the laboratory experts are studying it. According to the analysis the doctor determines the patient's general condition. Such diagnosis is done in any educational institution and typically does for free.

Papilloma armpits can be diagnosed in different ways. Method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is one of the major and most effective. It can detect HPV in a patient's blood sample, to identify the exact cause and appropriate treatment.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

The analysis is done in clinics of Moscow, St. Petersburg and other large cities. In some provincial hospitals also carry out PCR studies. Cost of diagnostics ranges 900-2000 rubles. Digene-test -skriningovy test to identify the different HPV strains quickly, has a high degree of accuracy.

To investigate the patient's blood is taken and then examined in special laboratories with the reagents and equipment. To date, the method is considered to be the most effective and popular, carried out in all countries of the world, often in large hospitals. its price starts from 6500 rubles, sometimes as high as 8,000 rubles.

When to see a doctor

Papilloma in the armpits often do not bring tangible discomfort, but violate appearance, therefore, require removal. A specialist should apply in the case where the patient's psycho-emotional state is broken and there are complexes.

One should visit a doctor in case of damage to the build-up and bleeding, severe pain, signs of inflammation of the skin around the tumors. It does not matter type of papillomavirus, size and shape.

Showed visit to a specialist in detecting HPV during the polymerase chain reaction or screening studies. Problems papillomatosis involved dermatologists and dermatovenereologists. Typically, the patient is sent to a specialized department. If there are signs of malignancy, is a consulting oncologist.

Prevention papillomas armpits

The patient is not able to completely eliminate the possibility of human papilloma virus infection, but it can greatly reduce if the following recommendations:

  1. Normalization of the regime of work and rest will eliminate fatigue and decreased immunity as a result. Should be paid to proper rest and plenty of time to try to not unduly burden the body.
  2. Better nutrition helps reduce the likelihood of developing beriberi and weakening the body's defenses.
  3. Exclusion of promiscuity, a permanent partner also helps reduce the risk of HPV infection.
  4. The use of barrier methods of contraception during sexual contact.
  5. Renunciation of the use of foreign funds for personal hygiene. HPV is quite persistent in washcloths, towels and other personal things.
Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

Each method reduces the risk of HPV infection to a minimum, but does not eliminate it. Today, there is no absolute way to prevent the entry of virus into the body.

Methods of treatment of papillomas underarm

Papilloma armpits, causes and treatment which in most cases are attached successfully eliminated by drugs. In addition, specialists refer patients for treatments to remove growths. Sometimes the patient is allowed to use non-traditional medicine recipes.


For treatment papillomatosis appointed antiviral agents, vitamin complexes, gels or ointments for external application.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications
Name Action and effectiveness Scheme and course of treatment Price
Isoprinosine (500 mg) Immunostimulatory and antiviral drug. It has an effect due to the content of inosine pranobex. It destroys HPV stimulates the body's defenses. Very effective in any form and stage of the disease The course of treatment lasts for 10 to 14 days depending on the severity of the condition. Should take 2 tablets three times a day. It is better to do it after eating the food The cost of drugs is different in different cities, but varies between 1300-1500 rubles per pack of 50 tablets
Viferon (ointment and suppositories) An antiviral agent, increases the body's defenses. It has an effect due to the content of the human interferon. Most often, candles and ointment are used together to enhance the action. The drug is effective at any stage of the disease The course of treatment does not exceed 10 days. Suppositories are administered into the rectum on 1 piece twice a day. The ointment is applied for the treatment of warts 3-4 times a day. A small amount is applied to the affected area, and gently rubbed candles cost of 900-1100 rubles per 10 pieces. Price ointment - from 200 rubles per 12 g tube
Acyclovir (200 mg tablet, ointment, or cream) The antiviral agent having high efficiency. Quickly suppresses the activity of HPV, speeds up the process of getting rid of warts. Typically prescribed tablets in combination with external mold The course of treatment is 5-10 days. Tablets should not take 5 times a day in an amount of 1 pieces before or after a meal. The ointment or cream is applied to the affected areas to 5 times per day Price pills ranges from 300-500 rubles per pack of 35 pieces, ointments - from 35 rubles per tube 5g
Groprinosin (500 mg) Immunostimulatory and antiviral medication works quickly, effectively, even at an advanced stage and severe skin lesions The course of treatment - 10-14 days. You must take 2 tablets three times a day, preferably after a meal The cost of medication starts with 1200 rubles per 50 tablets
Complivit Multivitamin complex, containing vitamins and minerals. Effective with weakened immunity, it helps the body fight HPV Duration of 30 days. Daily rate - 1 tablet, take stands during meals 30 tablets price starts from 200 rubles
Panavir (rectal) An effective antiviral drug with high efficiency. It helps for a number of uses to suppress the activity of HPV, and to prevent the appearance of new growths The course consists of only three applications at intervals of 48 hours. The candle is inserted into the rectum at bedtime. If this is not sufficient, the next week is administered 2 candles with a time interval of 72 hours Packaging of 5 candles on average costs about 1,800 rubles

Any of the drugs should be prescribed only after a physician survey and determine the degree of severity of papillomatosis.

Traditional methods

Several recipes of traditional medicine are highly effective in removing small tumors.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications

The most popular are the following:

  1. juice of celandine It is considered the most effective in controlling the build-up. It is necessary to grind the fresh grass, squeeze the juice. With a cotton swab to apply it only to a papilloma, avoiding contact with healthy skin. Repeat the procedure in the morning and evening. A few days later outgrowth turn black, and then disappear. The length of treatment for each individual.
  2. Juice of garlic and baby cream - mixture to remove the growths. It is necessary to squeeze the juice of a few cloves of garlic and mix with the cream in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting mass is stored in the refrigerator. Daily pointwise applied composition on a papilloma, an adhesive tape to seal and leave at 3 hour. To eliminate small education will need 7 to 14 days.
  3. Natural apple cider vinegar It helps to remove build-up under the arms. It should be 3 to 5 times a day, grease formation of the product, avoiding its contact with healthy cover. Typically, only 10 days to solve the problem on their own papilloma disappear. The effectiveness of the method is high.

Either method will help eliminate small papillomas of various shapes. Large tumors are not removed. Never use means when the signs of inflammation of the surrounding tissue or the buildup.

Other methods

Some hardware techniques help to remove even large growths in 1-3 treatments. The most popular way is considered to be a laser burn. Using a special laser beam specialist works on papilloma, fabric dying and there is no build-up in a few days.

Scope of pre-cut away to reduce the sensitivity of novocaine. If necessary, a second procedure is required if the papilloma had high resolution.

Papilloma armpits. Causes and treatment, how to get. Folk remedies, medications
Cryodestruction - effective method of removal of papillomas armpits.

Cryodestruction - removal warts with liquid nitrogen extremely low temperature (-170-2000).

Specialist handles the build-up, fabric dying, the tumor disappears. Manipulation provokes discomfort, therefore, requires anesthesia. Typically, a second procedure is not required, only one visit. Such methods are highly effective and reduce the risk of re-occurrence of skin growths minimized.

possible complications

Untreated papillomavirus in armpits permanently damaged, the wounds are formed, areas of inflammation of the skin. The danger of infection is followed by joining blood poisoning. The most common and serious complication - the transition of benign growths into malignant.

That's why you should definitely treat papillomatosis. Papilloma armpits - a dangerous and unpleasant disease that causes psychological and physical discomfort. The cause of the build-up is HPV and treatment should be directed to its suppression, as well as strengthening the immune system.

Useful video about how to remove papillomas armpits

Causes of warts in the armpit:

Removal of papillomas in the home:

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