
Burst and peel the skin on the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms of the child, adult. Causes and Treatment

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Bursts and starts oblazit skin on the fingers in the presence of dermatological, endocrine, allergic diseases violating metabolic processes in epithelial tissue of the upper extremities. Pathology can hit people of all age groups. In most cases, it is recurrent in nature.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why burst and peel the skin on the fingers
  • 2 Types of diseases in which the skin is broken, and peeling off the fingers
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 prevention
  • 6 therapies
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
      • 6.2.1 Trays of series
      • 6.2.2 Ointment on the basis of aloe, honey and mutton fat
      • 6.2.3 Tincture of calendula
      • 6.2.4 A decoction of onion peel
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Helpful videos about the causes and treatments of skin peeling fingers

Why burst and peel the skin on the fingers

Burst and peel the skin on the surface of the fingers in the event that a person who is faced with this problem is the concomitant diseases of internal organs, or is in contact with aggressive daily substances.

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Allocate the following reasons, the presence of which burst and peel the skin on the hands:

  • violation of the water balance in epithelial tissues of the upper extremities, which is caused by dehydration;
  • daily work in an open ground in the garden without the use of gloves;
  • dish washing and cleaning the house using a detergent containing acids which provoke overdrying epidermis its chronic intoxication and accumulation of allergens;
  • a negative reaction to the creams and other cosmetics for the care of your hands;
  • a genetic predisposition to excessive dryness of the epidermis of the upper extremities (especially if such symptoms present in blood relatives paternal or maternal);
  • the use of sports nutrition which contains anabolic steroids and oral contraceptives based on hormones;
  • hard physical labor, providing prolonged skin contact with rough surfaces;
  • malnutrition, lack in the diet of sufficient quantities of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, abuse diets.
Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment
The article describes the common reasons why breaks and peeling off the skin of the fingers.

Signs of peeling and cracks on the surface of the fingers may also be associated withcomorbidities dermatological, endocrine and nervous systems. Treatment of the underlying disease gets rid of the pathological state of the epidermis.

Types of diseases in which the skin is broken, and peeling off the fingers

Burst and peel the skin on the fingers in those cases, when the human body there is a systemic dysfunction of one of the internal organs or the whole system. The table below lists the types of disease, one symptom of which is the disease state of the epidermis on the fingers of the upper limbs.

name of disease Clinical manifestations
Psoriasis A chronic disease of the skin surface, which is able to cover all parts of the human body. In the event of the psoriatic plaque on the surface of the upper limb occurs actinic upper epithelial layer. The fingers appear white scales, there is rapid loss of moisture. The skin begins to crack, covered with a layer of dead cells and then oblazit. Joins excessive flaking and itching. sukrovichnaya fluid may be released from the formed cracks. In the case of a bacterial infection is not ruled out joining the development of serious complications and acute inflammation.
Avitaminosis Developed for several reasons. In the first case, the deficiency disease is possible if a person is abusing diet and his diet is not different enough variety of products. The second version of beriberi is possible if a person eats good, but the disease has gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, which exclude a complete assimilation and the preservation of nutrients in body. Lack of sufficient amounts of vitamins C, P, group B, and minerals - zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, leads to poor health of the epithelial tissues. The surface layer thinner epithelium hand, shelled, cracks and oblazit. Restores missing kinds of vitamins and minerals deficiency can restore metabolic processes in cells of the epidermis and prevent further damage.
Fungus Chronic dermatological disease of the skin, which are fungal pathogen microorganisms. Their colonies spread quickly on the surface of epithelial tissue, which results in their extinction, the skin dries up, gets an unpleasant smell and peeling off. Lack of complete drug therapy leads to total defeat disease of the epidermis with the transition on the nail plate. The disease is very contagious and recurrent. At advanced stages difficult amenable to therapy.
Allergy Negative reaction to one or several pathological stimuli, which act on the inside, or are in the same environmental conditions. Allergy, which leads to peeling, cracking and peeling of the fingers causes daily contact with detergents, chemicals of all kinds, the use of cosmetics, the use of potentially allergenic food, clothing and wearing gloves or substandard materials synthetics. Determining the source of allergic reaction is a basic condition and guarantee a future recovery.
hormonal imbalance Thyroid dysfunction, ovarian, reception of pharmaceuticals based on steroids leads to a decrease or increase of hormones that affect the health of the epithelial surface of the fingers.
Disgidroticheskaya eczema Heavy dermatologic disease which is expressed in the formation of small bubbles with a transparent red liquid inside. After their increase, they are destroyed, and the place of their education there are sites with over-dry skin. In the future, it is shelled and oblazit. In the affected area are phalanx, and beams with external and internal side of the fingers and the palm to the wrists. Patient skin thickens, changes its skin tone to pink, and sometimes even purple color. Nature is the origin of the disease has not been studied until the end. It is believed that its occurrence can be caused by allergies, autoimmune response of the body, a genetic predisposition.
Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

In medical practice, there are clinical cases, when the skin of the fingers begin to climb round after the experienced stress, prolonged psycho-emotional strain. The lack of a full-fledged therapy leads to the progression of the disease and the deterioration of the health of the epidermis.


Burst and peel the skin on the fingers of men and women of all ages. To prevent the further development of the pathological process and restore normal operation epithelial tissues of the fingers, it should pass a comprehensive examination of the body and determine the cause disease.

The patient is prescribed the following diagnostic types:

  • Deposit of venous blood for biochemical analysis, determining the level of hormones in the body of the possible presence of infectious microorganisms;
  • smear from the skin at the sites of fractures and sukrovichnyh precipitates (performed in order to isolate the fungus species and strains of other parasitic forms of life, if any, are present);
  • Deposit morning urine to get information about the general state of health of the patient;
  • inspection of deeper layers of the skin using a Dermatoscope system (performed specialized professionals in the doctor's office);
  • selection of the epidermis of the patient samples with further histological examination to exclude malignant nature of the origin of the pathology and timely prevent oncologic process;
  • Deposit of capillary blood from the beams of the ring finger for the clinical analysis.
Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

Diagnosis of dermatological diseases is carried out in stationary conditions or outpatient department.

Examination of the body is held in a private clinic, where the average cost of medical services ranging from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles., Or in a public hospital. The institution of the latter type diagnosis is free of charge.

When to see a doctor

Burst and peel the skin on the fingers in those cases, when the underlying disease or internal organ systems of the body, is in an active phase of development. Therefore I appeal to the dermatologist to be held in the first 1-3 days after, as soon as symptoms are detected cracking, peeling or flaking of the skin on the fingers.

Delaying or ignoring dermatological problem can lead to a transition of pathology at the nail plate or the further spread of the disease to other areas of the body. The average duration of inspections at specialized professionals - from 15 to 40 minutes. depending on the severity of the pathological process.


To prevent the emergence of signs of cracking and peeling of the skin of fingers of the upper extremities, should be perform simple daily rules of prevention.

Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

they are as following:

  • lead a healthy lifestyle, abandoning the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs;
  • when working in the field or performing other work duties always use protective gloves;
  • Hand avoid direct skin contact with corrosive chemicals, detergents;
  • fully fed that has always been present in the diet of meat, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, sea and ocean fish, milk products, not to abuse diet;
  • in case of a tendency to the appearance of allergic reactions to external stimuli and internal take antihistamines;
  • avoid stressful situations, psycho-emotional surge, and in case of anxiety and nervousness increased - to take medication with sedative properties;
  • personal hygiene of hands, wash them with warm water and a hypoallergenic soap;
  • not to visit public baths, swimming pools, showers, saunas, or else touch his hands to the floor, general hygiene products;
  • every 12 months. take vitamin and mineral supplements.

It is important that your hands were always in the winter months in the warmthNot expose to the wind and are not subjected to prolonged exposure to low temperatures. Gloves and outer clothing must be made of natural materials, without the addition of synthetic fibers.


Therapy dermatological problems of this type is based on the treatment of the underlying disease, which caused the formation of cracks and skin peeling. pharmaceutical medicines or folk remedies physiotherapeutic techniques may be used.


Conservative treatment of dermatological diseases of the upper limb is the most efficient and rapid.

Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

In order not to burst and not to climb round the skin on the fingers we recommend the following medications:

  • ekzoderil - cream with anti-fungal properties, is applied to the skin surface of the finger, as well as neighboring areas epidermis 1 time a day for 4 weeks, but at the same time (the value of the tube is 120 rub.);
  • naftifine - a spray that is sprayed onto the epithelial tissue with signs of disease - 1 times a day with the duration of therapy up to 8 weeks is indicated for use in the case of a fungal skin lesions, and eczema (value medicament - 150 rub.);
  • Salicylic-zinc paste - used for the treatment of fractures of different depth and severity, accelerates wound healing, prevent bacterial contamination, dries portions dermis of which is allocated sanies (applied to the skin 2 times per day until complete restoration of epithelial integrity, and preparation cost is 240 rub. 25 g per jar);
  • suprastin - an antihistamine drug used in the treatment of dermatological diseases of the fingers, if the cause of associated with an allergic reaction (taken 3-4 tablets a day until complete disappearance of the symptoms, and the price of drugs - 210 rubles. Table 20).;
  • Ekzik - solution of 1% concentration, which is applied on a sterile cotton gauze, or bandage, and then wiping is performed patients fingers, the skin should be previously purified and dried (using a preparation carried out one time a day for 4 weeks, and the cost is 390 medicament rub. a bottle with capacity 20 ml).

The appointment of these agents should be carried out solely by the attending physician, dermatologist or other specialized professionals, depending on the type of disease, because of which the fingers were cracked and began to climb round leather.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies therapy is not as effective as pharmaceutical drugs, but they require a prolonged treatment with a daily application of solutions, infusions, tinctures, and ointments home. The following recipes can be used.

Trays of series

It needs to take 20 grams of dried plants, pour it into a thermos, and then add the 1 liter of boiling water. The future of medicine is tightly closed with a lid and left for 2 hours to draw.

Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

At the expiration of the total amount of broth is added to the specified time in a small plastic bowl, into which the patient should be immersed fingers and steam them for 15 minutes. Medical procedure is done 2 times a day for 2 months. The therapeutic effect may be achieved in a shorter period of time.

Ointment on the basis of aloe, honey and mutton fat

For the preparation of folk remedy need 50 g of pure mutton fat, aloe leaf 2 and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Flower carefully milled to obtain a homogeneous slurry. Then it is added to and mixed with honey fat.

The obtained mass is used as a normal ointment with which the processing is performed to peel and cracking of the skin. Apply 2 times a day for 1 month. Is contraindicated in individuals who are prone to allergic reaction to bee products.

Tincture of calendula

This folk remedy is effective for the treatment of dermatological pathology of this type, the development of which is not due to excessive dryness of the epidermis, as the tincture is prepared on the basis of alcohol. It needs to take 1 tbsp. l. dried marigold flowers, pour 200 ml of vodka or brew, and then put in a dark and cool room for infusion during the next 5 days.

Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

After that home medicine is used to wipe the sick areas of epithelial tissues. Tincture is applied to the sterile cotton wool, and then on the fingers. Therapeutic manipulation is done 2 times a day.

A decoction of onion peel

For the preparation of this folk remedy is necessary to collect 20 g of onion skin, pour it into a metal container and then pour 1 liter of running water. Domestic medicine is simmered for 15 minutes. After cooling of the resulting broth hover patients fingers. Medical procedure is performed 2 times a day for 25 days.

Self therapy using public money must be carried out only after the cause of the disease, a complex examination of the body, as well as consultation with a dermatologist.

Other methods

In combination with the use of medication and folk recipes can be used physiotherapeutic methods, namely:

  • applying to the diseased skin areas therapeutic mud, containing an increased concentration of minerals;
  • immersion bath in the upper extremities with water, enriched with hydrogen sulphide, radon;
  • irradiation of diseased skin with ultraviolet rays;
  • laser removal of keratinized epidermis particles.

All of the above procedures aimed at restoring the skin of the fingers, are provided in private clinics, health centers and dispensaries. The average cost of the therapeutic course ranges from 7,000 to 10,000 rubles. These therapies can be used as prevention of disease recurrence after primary treatment medication therapy.

possible complications

Burst and peel the skin on the fingers of men and women who have concomitant disease of the epidermis, or internal organs.

Bursting and peeling off the skin of the fingers, the tips, the balls, the palms. Causes and Treatment

Lack of quality and timely organized treatment of dermatological disease can lead to the development of the following complications:

  • Distribution of the pathological process to the surface of the nail plate from the perspective of their structure or even complete damage loss (such consequences may develop when the skin of the fingers and bursting due to fungal oblazit invasions);
  • formation of deep cracks and wounds that do not heal oozing, cause severe pain;
  • a bacterial infection that penetrates the epithelial tissue through the damaged areas of the epidermis;
  • partial disability caused by a large number of wound surfaces or inflammation;
  • change the color tone of the skin of the fingers, which have undergone a pathological process;
  • transition of the inflammatory process in the bone and connective tissue of the upper extremity with the development of related diseases, such as arthritis, rheumatism, polyarthrosis joints;
  • aesthetic defect and unsatisfactory appearance of the affected fingers, causing the development of psychological complexes, insecurity, neurosis.

Burst and peel the skin on the surface of the fingers in people who have a genetic predisposition to dermatological diseasesOr the infection occurred epidermis fungal microorganisms.

This is not dangerous but disturbing symptom, indicating the need for passing an integrated body examination and prompt initiation of treatment. In this case, the prediction for the reconstitution of epithelial tissues is favorable.

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