Childhood Diseases

Scarlet fever in children. Symptoms and Treatment, photo, looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, incubation period, complications, consequences

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Scarlet Fever - a dangerous disease that can have serious consequences for the organism, both in children and adults. In addition to general manifestations, it has specific symptoms that define the treatment program and activities for the prevention of mass infection.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is scarlet fever?
  • 2 As it passed?
  • 3 From whom do you get?
  • 4 incubation period
  • 5 How many days a child is contagious
  • 6 Can a child be infected by an adult?
  • 7 symptoms
  • 8 It looks like a rash in the throat, on the tongue?
  • 9 How much the temperature is kept
  • 10 The severity of the disease
  • 11 atypical scarlet fever
  • 12 How many times do get sick?
  • 13 Treatment
  • 14 Mode
  • 15 medication
  • 16 Can I bathe the baby
  • 17 complications
  • 18 Effects
  • 19 prevention
    • 19.1 General strengthening body
  • 20 Prevention in kindergarten
  • 21 home quarantine
  • 22 Video of scarlet fever

What is scarlet fever?

Scarlet fever - a disease that bears infectious character. It is caused by streptococcus bacteria group A.

As a result, it stands eritrotoksin of life - a toxic substance, has the following effects on the body:

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  • toxic, consisting in general poisoning of the body, which is manifested in the form of headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting.
  • septic, which manifests itself in the development of a sore throat;
  • allergic, leading to the formation of multiple lesions of red color.

Streptococcal bacteria are located in the following locations:

  • nasopharynx;
  • intestines;
  • vagina;
  • leather.
    Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
    Reminder of scarlet fever in children. The symptoms, the treatment and prevention

In the normal condition of the body streptococci are a natural part of the microflora. But under the influence of adverse factors they begin to actively proliferate, which leads to the accumulation of toxins in the circulatory system, tissues and organs.

By provoking conditions include:

  • hypothermia;
  • nervous stress, and chronic stress;
  • weakened immunity due to this illness.

As it passed?

Scarlet fever in children, symptoms and treatments which are well known, is transmitted in several ways:

  • The aerosol route It is the most common way of infection. Tiny particles of saliva and mucus, which contain bacteria in the air circulated through sneezing, coughing, talk process. Infected drops accumulate in the air are deposited on various surfaces, mucous membranes.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  • bacteria can be transmitted through tactile contact with an infected person through a handshake, a hug, a kiss.
  • the way home the spread of scarlet fever is closely related to the nature of aerosol spread of the disease. Children and adults can touch the furniture, toys, personal care products and dishes of the sick person.
  • food poisoning streptococcal bacteria occurs in the process of eating contaminated food. Numerous cases of infection in this way are rare, as are the result of disturbances in the production, storage and preparation of food.

Very rarely, the infection occurs babies through breast milk from diseased mother and through the birth canal during fetal development.

From whom do you get?

Scarlet fever contact and spreads by droplet infection, the body of which is a streptococcal bacterium.

The source of infection may be a person:

  • ill with scarlet fever, especially in the acute phase of the disease.
  • ill with angina or pharyngitis, frolic in the result of the activity of group A streptococci
  • ill with a streptococcal infection, but that remains a source of bacteria is still 20-25 days.
  • Healthy people who are carriers of streptococci, which are part of the natural microflora ⅙ of the population.

incubation period

From the moment of infection until the first signs of scarlet fever in children can take from 12 hours to 12 days.

The duration of the incubation period, in each case depends on the following factors:

  • the immune system of the child;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

And activate the trigger flow of scarlet fever in the acute phase following pathologies:

  • chronic disease of the nasopharynx;
  • disorders of the immune system, including AIDS;
  • diabetes;Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • reduction in body weight.

The duration of the incubation phase, and age of the patient are not of human interactions.

How many days a child is contagious

Sick child becomes a source of infection for 24 hours. before the first symptoms of scarlet fever. Relatively safe for the person becomes after a course of antibiotic treatment, which lasts from 7 to 10 days.

In some cases, the recovered person can be a source of streptococci still 10-14 days. Therefore, the ban on visits to public places, children's groups in the case of infection with scarlet fever lasts for 21 days.

Can a child be infected by an adult?

Scarlet fever is most commonly diagnosed in children. But the symptoms of the disease can occur in adults.

This occurs in the following cases:

  • Decreased immunity.
  • If a child is not a person ill with a staph infection, he has not developed antibodies to this type of bacteria, and possible contamination of scarlet fever in adulthood.
  • Prolonged contact with the patient when poor personal hygiene.

Treatment of scarlet fever in adults is caused by a number of features:

  • more severe symptoms;
  • an increased risk of complications;
  • presence of severe forms of toxic and septic scarlet fever.

Adults who in most cases are being treated in a hospital.


Scarlet fever in children, symptoms and treatments which are well known, has a primary and secondary (specific) expression. The primary symptoms of scarlet fever, common to all infectious diseases of bacterial origin.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of

These include:

  • The sharp rise in body temperature to 39-40 ° C.
  • Headaches and muscular pain.
  • Irregularities in the digestive system, manifested in the pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
  • Disorders of the nervous system (drowsiness, lethargy, weakness, irritability).
  • Angina, often follicular (purulent), which is accompanied by the formation of dense tonsillar whitish films and increasing cervical lymph nodes.

Specific symptoms that distinguish scarlet fever from other streptococcal infections are:

  • Changes in color language. The first 3-5 days tongue is covered with white bloom with a brown tint. Then, starting from the tips, it begins to change color to bright red. Clearly designated enlarged nipples. Lip Color repeats color language.
  • The rash formed in 2-3 days after the appearance of the first signs of scarlet fever. In severe disease rash covering the whole body.
  • Peeling rash appears replaced after 10-14 days. A characteristic feature of this process is the skin peeling on the palms and feet with long layers.
  • Pale nasolabial triangle, sharply contrasting with the affected eczema skin. This phenomenon is called Filatov's syndrome.
  • The appearance of dark red lines, consisting of a multitude of red dots in places fold limbs and skin folds.
  • The reaction of "white hand", which is the appearance after pressing the temporary white imprint on the skin of the affected exanthema.

Depending on the combination and extent of expression of the primary and secondary symptoms distinguish typical and atypical scarlet fever.

It looks like a rash in the throat, on the tongue?

A characteristic feature is scarlet fever rash - rash that develops as the immune response to effect exotoxin. It is expressed in the extension of small blood vessels located in the upper layers of the skin and mucous membranes.

This leads to the appearance of a rash, which is a small point size of 1-2 mm. Their color can vary from pink to red saturated shade.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of

Localized lesions in the following locations:

  • person (other than nasolabial triangle);
  • neck;
  • elbow and knee bends;
  • Inguinal area;
  • the lateral surface of the body.

The rash of scarlet fever in children can be accompanied by itching of varying severity. At strongly expressed manifestations of this symptom on delicate baby skin may cause raschosov that cause additional infection with streptococcal bacteria and scarring.

The rash disappears in 6-7 days. It replaces peeling. On the body, face, skin folds is small. With hands and feet skin is coming off a long, thin layers. Cleansing and skin regeneration lasts 1-2 weeks. Rashes that appear during a scarlet fever does not leave scars and age spots.

How much the temperature is kept

Scarlet fever in children and treatment of symptoms which depend on the severity of the disease begins with a sharp rise in body temperature. The emergence of high temperature indicates the presence of the body's immune system response to the presence of bacteria in it.

Temperatures above 38 ° C helps combat bacteria and leads to their destruction. Specific indicators and duration of the symptoms depends on the severity of the infection. It is believed that adults scarlet fever is accompanied by a higher fever than children.

The severity of the disease

Based on the severity of the primary symptoms and specific symptoms, there are three typical shapes of scarlet fever.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of

The form symptoms Features possible complications
  • fervescence to 38-38,5 ° C;
  • the absence or the severity of manifestations moderate toxicity (lethargy, headache, nausea);
  • neobilnye small rash of pale pink, localized in the skin folds;
  • inflammation of the throat is catarrhal character and is not accompanied by a touch;
  • cervical lymph nodes are not enlarged.
All the symptoms are stopped after 6-10 days
  • nephritis;
  • otitis;
  • lymphadenitis.
  • Body temperature of 39-40 ° C;
  • damage to the nervous system (brain fog, hallucinations, delusions);
  • signs of severe toxicity (pain in the head and muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, plural);
  • small rash of bright red color, which merges into large spots covering the entire body;
  • heart palpitations;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • dyspnea.
  1. In some cases, by decision of the pediatrician sick child placed for treatment in a hospital.
  2. Severe skin peeling after the disappearance of the rash.
  • myocarditis;
  • articular rheumatism;
  • kidney inflammation.
severe Toxic form:
  • the sudden rise in body temperature to 40-41 ° C;
  • malfunction of the nervous system in the form of excited or depression, delirium, blurred consciousness, convulsions;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • catarrhal angina;
  • abundant precipitation bright colors;
  • increase in heart rate to 160 beats. / min against the lowered blood pressure.
  • a complete loss of consciousness;
  • bluish color appearance of skin;
  • limb temperature decrease
  • pneumonia;
  • septic myocarditis;
  • recurrent angina;
  • relapse of scarlet fever.
Septic Form:
  • necrotic angina;
  • acute inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • raising the temperature to 41 ° C;
  • impairment of consciousness;
  • sharp pain during swallowing;
  • heart palpitations.
  • mild symptoms of intoxication;
  • in the first 2-4 days it occurs as a disease of moderate severity;
  • pus formation process moves quickly into the nasopharynx.
  • periadenit;
  • adenoflegnoma;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • pyosepticemia.
Septic-toxic form is characterized by the presence of symptoms and toxic, and septicemic disease form. The first 2-3 days of scarlet fever occurs on the toxic type, and for 4-5 hours are marked symptoms of septic form. Possible occurrence of complications inherent in both forms of severe course of the disease.

atypical scarlet fever

Apart from the typical species in scarlet fever, there are several atypical forms. These include:

  1. Sturt form characterized by the absence or short-term expression of the major symptoms (sore throat, rash, fever, signs of intoxication). This form develops mainly in children from 12 years and adults.
  2. Ekstrabukkalnaya shape appears upon penetration through streptococci damage in the skin (wounds, burns, post-surgical sutures). It is accompanied by all the symptoms that are characteristic of a typical shape, except for a sore throat.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  3. hypertoxic form is expressed in the fast rise and the flow of the symptoms of toxic poisoning, which in childhood is accompanied by coma. Diagnosis of this type of disease is difficult because of the widespread bluish color of mucous membranes and skin. Because of delayed diagnosis child may die within the first few hours or days.
  4. hemorrhagic scarlet fever - a rare form of bacterial infection, in which the symptoms of severe toxic form accompanied by bleeding, appear on the skin and mucous membranes. Lethal outcome observed in 99% of reported cases of this form of the disease.

How many times do get sick?

Scarlet fever is considered a childhood disease, which affects children 2 to 12 years. In most cases after the disease produced stable immunity that prevents reinfection. But in some cases it is transient in nature, so that probably repeated, sometimes multiple infection.

Re you can get sick with scarlet fever in the following cases:

  1. Premature initiation of treatment inhibits formation of antibodies in an amount sufficient to produce sustained immunity. The appearance of an immune response notifies fever. To ensure the formation of a sufficient amount of antibodies reception antibiotics should begin 2-3 hours after the onset of the high reading on the thermometer.
  2. Infection of scarlet fever in the background of the strong weakening of the immune system leads to the development of medium and severe forms of the disease. But the heavy load on the immune system antibodies are not produced in an amount necessary to memorize the body of pathogenic bacteria.
  3. Co-infection with the two diseases in which the immune system can not remember all kinds of pathogen in the future quickly enough to neutralize them.


Scarlet fever in children, symptoms and treatment which determines the pediatrician, in most cases easily docked in the home.

The treatment program includes:

  • isolation of sick child in a separate room;
  • compliance with bed rest;
  • drug therapy aimed at combating pathogen and maintenance of the body;
  • drinking regime and a strict diet.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of

Immediate hospitalization is necessary in the following cases:

  • for any heavy form of the disease;
  • infection orphanage or boarding school;
  • the presence in the house of children under 12 years are not ill with scarlet fever earlier;
  • presence in the house of people whose professional activity is associated with teaching, medicine, commerce and other professions that require contact and a lot of people;
  • inability to care for the child in isolation.


The need for bed rest for the following reasons:

  1. Fatigue, lethargy and drowsiness - Symptoms of any form of scarlet fever, which are difficult to carry over the child's body, so the first 7-8 days of illness the child is better to stay in bed.
  2. Accumulation of forces needed for recovery to occur in a state of quiet wakefulness or sleep.
  3. Scarlet fever - a highly contagious disease that requires isolation of the infected child from healthy households. This is a requirement for successful treatment is easier to perform in compliance with bed rest.


scarlet fever Treatment involves integrated use of drugs, aimed at eliminating the causes of disease, relief of symptoms and prevention of complications. The use of any drug is happening with the purpose and under the supervision of a physician.

Independent reception drugs can have adverse effects on the health of the child and complicate the disease. The following table presents the main groups of drugs used in the treatment of scarlet fever.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of

of the group Properties and effects Title
  • the destruction of the infectious agent;
  • reducing the risk of complications;
  • relief forms of the disease;
  • reduction in the degree of infectiousness of the ill person.
Penitsilinovy ​​number:
  • augmentin;
  • amoxicillin;
  • Flemoksin Soljutab.

Cephalosporin series:

  • Tsefuroksin;
  • Cefazolin.


  • clarithromycin;
  • Azithromycin.
  • normalizing temperature;
  • removal of pain in the head and muscles.
  • Paracetamol;
  • Nurofen;
  • Ibuklin.
  • reducing the number of lesions;
  • reducing the intensity of itch, the affected skin.
  • fenistil;
  • suprastin;
  • tavegil;
  • Zyrtec;
  • Claritin.
Topical antiseptics
  • reduction of pain in the throat;
  • facilitating the process of swallowing.
  • furatsilin;
  • Hlorfilipt;
  • Geksoral;
  • Lizobakt;
  • Tantum Verde.
sosudoukreplyayuschie vitamins
  • restoration of blood vessels;
  • acceleration output toxins.
  • askorutin;
  • galaskorbin;
  • Vitamin C.

Can I bathe the baby

Should not be interrupted during the time of scarlet fever daily hygiene.

It is necessary to follow some simple guidelines:

  1. The water temperature for the aqueous procedure should not exceed 38 ° C.
  2. Not use while bathing baby soap. Soaping process should be carried out with his hands, without using sponges, sponges and other means, so as not to damage the skin.
  3. To remove soap can not use the shower because the water pressure is a negative effect on the skin.
  4. The body can not be rubbed. It should promakivat soft towel or flannel diapers.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  5. Bathing child smoking at body temperature higher than 38 ° C.


Pediatricians and infectious disease specialists have noted that the risk of various complications increases with the degree of severity of scarlet fever. The negative effects of practically observed with mild form of the disease. Possibility of comorbidity with scarlet fever srednetyazholyh kinds expressed in a negative reaction to toxins released by streptococcus.

The complications of scarlet fever is divided into early and late effects. Early complications develop during the acute phase of the disease and in the first days after the relief of symptoms of the disease. They are mostly accompanied by septic and toxic-septic mean severe forms of the disease.

These include:

  1. Purulent inflammation of the ear (otitis), which may develop in the first week of the disease.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  2. Inflammation of the sinuses, which manifests itself due to the propagation of Streptococcus up the nasopharynx.
  3. "Scarlet Fever Heart" - damage eritrotoksinom heart, in which on the background of low blood pressure and slow the heart muscle increases its volume. It is accompanied by pain in the chest and shortness of breath, wearing reversible.
  4. Increased vascular fragility, resulting in internal bleeding. The greatest danger is the brain and gastric bleeding.
  5. Pneumonia - an inflammation of the lung tissue due to hit in the lower parts of the respiratory system causative bacteria.
  6. Ulcerative stomatitis, resulting from septic lesions tongue and oral mucosa.

The development of late complications is independent of the severity of this illness. A great impact on their appearance has the age of the sick person. Infectious disease specialists note that late complications appear more frequently in children of preschool age. With increasing age of patients the risk of late complications is reduced.

By the late complications of scarlet fever include the following diseases:

  1. Inflammation of kidneys in the form of acute glomerulonephritis, which may occur after 20-30 days after onset. It starts with a fever, the appearance of swelling of the face and extremities. Treatment is carried out in a hospital environment.
  2. Articular rheumatism develops within 14-20 days after the onset of the disease and is characterized by pain in the large and small joints of limbs, accompanied by an increase in temperature of the skin over the affected joint. With timely diagnosis and treatment of disease does not leave consequences in the child's body.Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  3. Under the influence of a toxin released by streptococcus, disrupted heart valves, heart failure symptoms appear. Restoration of normal functioning of the heart muscle is possible only surgically.
  4. Recurrence of scarlet fever can occur after 21-28 days after the onset of the disease. This is due to the weakening of the immune system. As a rule, the disease is repeated in a more complex form.

The development of both early and late complications is independent of the sex of the child. But boys are more common inflammation of the kidneys.


With timely diagnosis and proper treatment for children scarlet fever goes without consequences. The assertion that moved to the childhood scarlet fever have a negative impact on male potency as an adult, has no scientific confirmation.

For girls, the danger is the appearance of complications in the form of kidney inflammation. This is due to the close mutual influence and leading out of the reproductive system in the female body. In rare cases, the girls in the future may have problems with conception and child-bearing child.

Cosmetic effects may have a rash and removes its peeling. It is therefore necessary prevent scratching baby skin, and in the case of wounds should be treated with their antiseptic (Miramistin, Hlorgeksidil).


All preventive measures to prevent scarlet fever infections are divided into 3 groups:

  1. General strengthening of the body.
  2. Quarantine measures for children's educational institutions.
  3. Home preventive measures.

General strengthening body

Measures to strengthen the immune system and body as a whole are as follows:

  • in ensuring full and useful food with a high content of vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals;Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  • in carrying out a regular wet cleaning with disinfectants;
  • instilling in the child interest in active life and hardening;
  • timely and effective treatment of any disease, especially associated with inflammatory processes.

Prevention in kindergarten

In the case of registration of scarlet fever in the kindergarten, the administration of the institution is obliged to perform the following quarantine measures:

  1. Required morning sightseeing children paramedic, in which special attention is paid to the measurement of body temperature, sanitation and inspection cavity growth of skin.
  2. 3-4 times a day, wet cleaning with disinfectants and kvartsevanie premises.
  3. Group of rooms and bedrooms clean carpets and soft toys. At this time, the children can not bring home their own toys.

Duration of quarantine for scarlet fever in preschool is 21 days from the date of the last detection of a sick child. Children who do not have contact with the patient pupil in the group not receiving.

home quarantine

In the case of a child in the family, the patient with scarlet fever, you must follow the simple recommendations to prevent contamination of households who do not have immunity to this infection.

These include:

  • the sick child should be isolated in a separate room;
  • to care for him should be a family member ill with scarlet fever, wearing disposable clothing and a protective mask;
  • after each contact with an infected person is necessary to wash hands thoroughly;Symptoms and treatment of scarlet fever in children, it looks like the throat, tongue, rash. Stage, prevention, the incubation period, the effects of
  • daily wet cleaning is carried out several times a day, ventilate the room;
  • every day, change clothes and bedding sick child, erasing them in boiling mode.

Scarlet fever in children is now a rare disease, the symptoms of which occur in the form of light. Timely access to a pediatrician and proper treatment can help prevent complications and adverse effects that may adversely affect the health of the child in the future.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of scarlet fever

Dr. Komarovsky talk about scarlet fever in children:

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