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DHT in women, men increased. The norm is lower, causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

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Dihydrotestosterone is a biologically-active form of testosterone - the main hormone, causes the development of an organism of male type. The substance plays a role in a woman's body - in particular DHT is essential for maintaining sexual desire, muscle tone and stress. Signs of excess hormone talk about serious violations and require diagnosis and correction.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The role of DHT in the body
  • 2 Norma hormone in men and women
  • 3 Why there is an excess of the hormone
  • 4 Symptoms of increased DHT in women
  • 5 Symptoms of increased DHT in men
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 Preparation for delivery of analysis
  • 8 How to take the test for DHT
  • 9 medical therapies
  • 10 Folk remedies
  • 11 Useful video of DHT and its normal values ​​in men and women

The role of DHT in the body

Testosterone is the leader in bioactivity among other members of the group of androgens (male steroid hormones). Like a number of hormones, testosterone has its target organs - in them most of the hormone is restored (with the participation of 5-alpha-reductase) in a more active form - dihydrotestosterone.

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This conversion process is called and is to add two hydrogen atoms, which is reflected in the prefix "di" (two) + "hydro" (water). The raw material for the synthesis of testosterone, DHT and therefore, is cholesterol. In men, testosterone is produced in the testes and adrenal cortex.

Then, in the tissues of the prostate, external genitalia, and skin, it is converted to DHT and has the following functions:

  • during embryonic development - the emergence of the fetus masculine characteristics - external genital organs, prostate gland and its ducts, as well as the lowering of the testes;
  • during puberty - the growth of reproductive organs and prostate to genetically inherent size and development secondary features - voice changes, rough skin, hair growth along the linea alba, pubic hair, chin and breast;
  • construction of masculine type of face and figure, this also applies to the features of the structure of the pelvis, allowing it to perform the function of support while driving;
  • thickening of the bones and increasing their ability to retain calcium - these changes are also visible after the end of puberty;
  • development of muscle mass (up to 50% compared with women) and strength, decreased body fat;
  • change in the proportion of blood "bad" and "good" cholesterol - what is the reason a higher risk of atherosclerosis in men;
  • generating seminal fluid regulation and mechanisms of erection;
  • psycho-sexual arousal centers of the central nervous system, responsible for the "male" sexual behavior.
Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

DHT also has a number of functions that are common for both the male and for the female body:

  • during puberty - the appearance of hair in the armpits, hard work sebaceous and sweat glands (often provoking youthful acne);
  • maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance, blood formation;
  • stimulating anabolic processes - increasing protein synthesis (transportation and construction) and slowing their degradation;
  • maintenance of the skeleton and skeletal muscles;
  • relief exercise tolerance and stress;
  • formation of sexual desire.

DHT in women (or rather its prohormone, testosterone) produced in the ovaries and the adrenal cortex. The main "female" target organs are the vulva, the scalp.

Norma hormone in men and women

Testosterone and its restoration to DHT begins at 17 weeks fetal life and continues until the 10-week-old baby. Then, before puberty hormone virtually synthesized. After the onset of puberty DHT concentration rises quickly.

Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs
On the norm and deviations dihydrotestosterone women described in detail in the article.

DHT standards for men and women of different ages are shown in the table below:

Age Men pg / ml Women pg / ml
Up to 10 years 5–50 5–25
10 - 12 years 5–50 24–450
13 - 18 years 250–700 24–450
18 - 50 years 250–990 24–450
Over 50 years 250–700 10–181

Despite the fact that after 50 years of "official" rate does not change the actual production of the hormone decreases. DHT is dependent on the concentration of testosterone, which in men 60-80 years of age is 25-50% of normal.

DHT in women also gradually decreases with extinction of sexual function, the values ​​are close to such figures:

  • 24-368 - premenopausal women (50-52 years);
  • 10-180 - postmenopausal (after 60 years).

Why there is an excess of the hormone

Violations hormone concentrations can occur in healthy men while taking anabolic-androgenic steroids. Use of these drugs can lead not only to an excess of DHT, but also to subsequent hormonal jumps.

Among the diseases that are accompanied by elevated DHT in men and women:

  • Cushing's disease - excess production of androgens by the adrenal cortex. The men are diagnosed less frequently;
Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • tumors of the adrenal glands or the testes (in men) actively producing androgens - it can be cancerous tumor or benign adenoma;
  • hypergonadism - a syndrome characterized by precocious puberty with impaired physical or mental development. At the same time the boys sexual characteristics according to gender and development in girls is male pattern;
  • neoplastic changes pituitary and hypothalamus;
  • congenital adrenal hyperplasia with excessive production of androgens, testosterone toxicosis - may accompany Cushing's syndrome;
  • metabolic syndrome - insensitivity to insulin, causing obesity and hypertension.

DHT can be increased in women with:

  • hirsutism - complex tackle, the main feature of which is active in hair growth women male pattern except idiopathic hirsutism, when hormone imbalance absent;
  • polycystic ovaries and tumorsCapable of producing the hormone androstenedione, which is converted to DHT;
  • luteinizing hormone imbalance - in this case testosterone and DHT increased during phase 2 cycles;
  • hypothyroidism - a violation of thyroid function provokes a rise in free testosterone levels in the blood, and hence DHT.

A rare cause of increased DHT in men may be a Morris syndrome - a disease where cells of the target organs are not sensitive to male hormones.

Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

This causes the male body initially acquire female sexual characteristics. testosterone in this normal or increased. Digidrosteron women can rise for physiological reasons - during puberty, during gestation and lactation, at the beginning and end of menopause - such phenomenon correction is require.

Symptoms of increased DHT in women

Slight jump DHT during puberty can cause teenage girl 10-13 years volatility menstrual cycle and acne - a variant of the norm and often comes down to "no" for 1-2 years (DHT then suppressed estrogen).

Severe and prolonged above normal during puberty triggers:

  • the formation of the figure with narrow hips and broad shoulders;
  • change in voice tone on the lower;
  • behaviors - irritability, aggressiveness;
  • the absence of menstruation for several cycles.

If DHT is increased in a mature woman, the signs may include:

  • changing the appearance of genitalia (clitoral enlargement), which gives them similar to men's;
  • partial atrophy of the uterus, ovaries, breast reduction;
  • violation of cyclicality or absence of menstruation - DHT inhibits the female hormones that are responsible for the monthly preparation of the body for conception;
  • vaginal dryness, until pain during sexual intercourse;
  • hair growth on the face, chest;
  • increased production of sebum - oily skin and hair, acne on the face or back;
  • abdominal obesity or, conversely, decreased total fat thickness;
  • change in behavior - increased libido and sleep disturbances.

Hirsutism, acne and oily seborrhea in women are often combined under the single term "hyperandrogenism dermopathy." One of the specific complaints with excess DHT in postmenopausal women is a combination of balding head with hair growth on the face or body. Long-term androgen excess - the most common cause of hormonal infertility in women of reproductive age (75% of cases).

Symptoms of increased DHT in men

Since the content of DHT in the male body is large is normal, it does not give an excess of "unnatural" symptoms (unlike females). Boys diagnosed premature (under 9 years) puberty.

Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

In this case, the child:

  • develop secondary characteristics;
  • It increases the amount of testes and prostate;
  • body hair appears.

In mature men note such symptoms and disorders:

  • hair loss, sudden hair loss;
  • acne;
  • high excitability, libido and aggression;
  • testicular hypotrophy - decrease in size until testicular atrophy, leading to infertility;
  • thickening of blood cholesterol level increase (for laboratory analysis);
  • enlargement of the prostate;
  • malignant prostate tissue changes (especially in the elderly).

A significant increase in DHT can lead to a breach of the social life of man, the propensity to unlawful acts.


In the presence of elevated DHT signs or precipitating factors (treatment with androgens, hypothyroidism, hereditary predisposition) should refer to the endocrinologist.

The initial diagnostic measures will be:

  • examination of the patient in accordance with complaints, assessment of the thyroid (especially by women), skin and hair;
  • collection of these hereditary diseases;
  • if necessary - assignment assays for evaluation of androgenic functions - testosterone (total and free) and DHT.

Parallel may be required:

  • consult a urologist or gynecologist - with the inspection of external genitalia and prostate;
  • Ultrasonography of the reproductive system - in order to assess their condition and diagnosis of tumors;
  • CT scan of the brain or adrenal - to detect changes in the tissues (underdevelopment, tumors);
  • urinalysis adrenal hormones - the presence of tumors.

Preparation for delivery of analysis

Eliminate the influence on the results of the analysis of external factors on the DHT will help timely preparatory measures.

Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

The patient should:

  1. Tell your doctor about consumed (planned or ongoing) medicines. Some of them will have to cancel for 3-14 days prior to blood sampling (antibiotics, hormones and contraceptives for oral administration).
  2. During the days prior to the analysis to avoid overeating, fatty and smoked foods, spices, alcohol, caffeine and energy drinks.
  3. On the eve of a visit to give up baths and saunas, as well as to minimize the physical and emotional stress, heavy exercise.
  4. Within an hour before delivery it is desirable not to smoke.

How to take the test for DHT

Material for research is blood serum. The fence is made from the cubital vein in the morning - to 11-14 hours.

In addition to the training should take into account such nuances:

  • blood is taken on an empty stomach, with the last meal time should pass 8 hours or more;
  • morning allowed to drink water without gas;
  • for half an hour before delivery, it is desirable to relax, take a comfortable position, sitting or lying down;
  • in the morning, prior to blood sampling should not be performed ultrasound, MRI, X-ray and x-ray study, sessions of physiotherapy or massage.

Women need to donate blood for 4-6 day cycle. If necessary, an accurate assessment of hormonal status analysis is performed several times on different days of the cycle - in this case it is important to ensure that identical conditions of surrender.

medical therapies

treatment strategy depends on the cause of the growth hormone concentration and the individual characteristics of the patient (sex, age, pregnancy planned).

Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

Common embodiments of medical treatment provided in excess DHT table:

Main disorders and symptoms Destination therapy
High activity of 5-alpha-reductase in men with enlarged prostate Drugs that lower the activity of the enzyme - Finasteride, Avodart (Dutasteride)
Premature sexual development in boys Progesterone or medications that suppress the pituitary hormones. Ketoconazole is also used - an antifungal agent that suppresses androgens.
Premature sexual development in girls Drugs that suppress the pituitary hormone
Hyperandrogenism in men and women, accompanied by tumors of the adrenal glands or the gonads Antiandrogenic agents - steroid (spironolactone, Cyproterone) and nonsteroidal (flutamide, Androksan, Casodex).
Obesity and the metabolic syndrome Metformin (Glucophage), Siofor - not only interfere with the synthesis of DHT, but also normalize carbohydrate metabolism
Hyperandrogenism in women, including in the presence of tumors Oral contraceptives suppress androgens - Yarina, Janine, Chloe, three-Mercy.

It can also be symptomatic therapy using drugs designed to:

  • eliminating inflammation, pain and infection in prostate hyperplasia in men;
  • restore reproductive function or elimination of the threat of miscarriage in women.

Availability adrenal tumors or ovarian producing hormones require surgery or radiation therapy, followed by hormone replacement therapy.

Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs

A special role is played by the diet - should reduce the content of the menu:

  • animal fats (for the prevention of atherosclerosis in men and women);
  • salts, spices, sauces and gravies;
  • alcohol.

Without limitation, may be administered in the diet of vegetables and fruits in juices. Total calories should not exceed 2000 per day.

Women will help to reduce DHT consumption of foods rich in phytoestrogens - plant counterparts of female hormones:

  • dairy products;
  • wheat germ, oil and flax seeds;
  • legumes, particularly soy;
  • nuts;
  • coffee (in reasonable quantities);
  • tea from the leaves of lemon balm, mint, chamomile.

Strengthen the body and normalize metabolism will contribute to regular walks in the fresh air and moderate exercise - jogging, aerobic workouts, swimming pool.

Folk remedies

Recipes of traditional medicine are appropriate for the prevention or for functional abnormalities DHT - do not expect them to result in tumors or congenital disorders. At the same time, the safety of simultaneous treatment with medicines and herbs should be discussed with the endocrinologist.

Popular recipes elevated levels of DHT:

  • mixed in equal proportions fresh juices carrots and celery - should drink 200 ml a day before meals at a time, it is better in the morning. You can also alternate the juice through the day. Course -14 days;
  • infusion of nettle - you can buy the dried leaves in a pharmacy, in the form of filter bags. Brewed in accordance with the instructions on the packaging, drink 3-4 times a day for 1 st. l;
Dihydrotestosterone. Norma, why is elevated in women, men. Causes, symptoms, tests for hormone treatment of folk remedies, drugs
  • infusion of peppermint. You must pour 1 tbsp. l. of dry leaves with 200 ml of hot water and infuse 20 minutes. Consume more than 400 ml per day is not desirable;
  • infusion of flax seeds. You need to pour 1 tbsp. l. seed 100 ml of boiling water and insist 5-6 hours. Drink infusion to 1 tbsp. l. per day, on an empty stomach;
  • upland uterus. The plant contains phytoestrogens has antibacterial properties, effectively infertility. To prepare the alcoholic infusion should be 100 g of dry raw pour 0.5 liters vodka and infuse 14 days. Accepted need for part-time hours. l. 3 times a day. You can cook the drug in the water: 2 tbsp. l. grass pour 200 ml of boiling water and infuse 60 minutes. The resulting infusion should be divided into small portions and drink for 1 day. The course of infertility - 1 month.

An excess of DHT - the most active androgen - can lead to an increase, and prostate cancer in men and the serious disruptions in women, including infertility and metabolic disorders. With timely diagnosis of hormones can be corrected by means of individualized therapy.

Useful video of DHT and its normal values ​​in men and women

DHT as one of the causes of hair loss:

For more information about testosterone rates in women:

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